UNK H1/1907

Started by Earl822, April 26, 2007, 09:00:08 AM

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UNK 1907/1

   Population   IC   BP   Revenue
British Isles   25   65   10   90
North America   15   29   5   44
Azores   4   5   2.5   9
Liberia   4   5   0   9
Bahamas   4   5   0   9
Total   52   109   17.5   161

Revenue: $161, 17.5BP plus 2.2BP and $0.8 scrap revenue and $4 transferred from NS

Tech trade with NS Advanced PC Architecture for Cutting Edge BB/AC Architecture.

Army Upkeep

20x Regular Baseline corps
Cost $160*0.125 = $20
10x Reserve Baseline corps
Cost $80*0.025 (reserves) = $2

Total army upkeep $22

Type 1 Airship #3 (Buzzard) under construction, 20000m3=$0.2. $0.2 added, completed
Type 1 Airship #4 (Hawk) under construction, 20000m3=$0.2. $0.2 added, completed
Upkeep $0.05

Total $0.45

Navy upkeep
War Readyness: 57.814kT*$0.05 = $2.89
Active Navy: 174.164kT*$0.025 = $4.82
Total cost:..
Upkeep: $7.34
Total upkeep: $22
Total Cost :- $30.27

Research: $5.5
Intergrating new Tech ($0.5)
Advanced Torpedo's (3rd 6months)
Advanced Infantry (3rd 6months)
Cutting Edge IC engines (3rd 6months)
Advanced Submarines (3rd 6months)
Advanced Infantry (3rd 6months)

Navy construction
Type 2 Slip #1:- idle
Type 2 Slip #2:-idle
Type 2 Dock #1:-idle
Type 2 Dock #2:-idle
Type 1 Dock #1:-idle

BB Saint Vincent building, 3BP added, 6BP needed to complete. Free floating

Type 2 Slip #1:-idle
Type 2 Dock #1:-idle
Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- SS A7 laid down, $0.1 authorised, 0.2BP added, 0.2BP needed, Launched & Completed.

Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- SS A8 laid down, $0.1 authorised, 0.2BP added, 0.2BP needed, Launched & Completed.
Type 1 Dock #2:- SS A9 laid down, $0.1 authorised, 0.2BP added, 0.2BP needed, Launched & Completed.

Type 2 Slip #1:-idle
Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #2:- idle

BB Orion building, 3BP added, 6BP needed to complete. Free floating

Type 2 Dock#1:- idle
Type 1 Slip#1:- idle
Type 1 Dock#1:- SS A10 laid down, $0.1 authorised, 0.2BP added, 0.2BP needed, Launched & Completed.
Type 1 Dock#2:- idle

New York
Type 2 Slip #1:- Cressy Class AC, Cressy Laid down, $11.66 authorised, 5.2BP added, 12.2BP needed.
Type 2 Dock #1:- idle
Type 2 Dock #2:- idle
Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- idle

Type 2 Dock #1:- idle
Type 2 Dock #2:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #2:- idle

Type 2 Slip #1:- Cressy Class AC, Houge Laid down, $11.66 authorised, 5.2BP added, 12.2BP needed.
Type 2 Dock #1:- idle
Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- idle

Type 2 Dock #1:- idle
Type 1 Slip #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #2:- idle
Type 0 Slip #1:- idle

Type 2 Dock #1:- idle
Type 1 Dock #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #1:- idle
Type 0 Slip #2:- idle

Navy construction budget:$15.0


Ex ACM BB Azores scrapping, 1.5BP and $1 available in H1/1908

Naval Infrastructure

Portsmouth Royal Naval Dockyard expanding to type 3, $15 and 1BP required, $5 and 1BP added

Economic development $101.31

IC110 building $25 allocated, $25 needed.
Half BP building (up to 18) $75 allocated, $75 needed. Completed
$1.31 transferred to Great Canal


Royal Navy Deployments for H1.1907

War Ready:-

HMS Cumberland-Home Fleet 7765t
HMS Monmouth-Azores Fleet 7765t
HMS Majestic-Atlantic Fleet 10050t

HMS Dido-Home Fleet 2404t
HMS Argonaut-Home Fleet 2404t
HMS Euryalus-Atlantic Fleet 2404t
HMS Cleopatra-Atlantic Fleet 2404t
HMS Cherokee-Azores Fleet 2397t
HMS Sioux-Azores Fleet 2397t
HMS Cheyenne-African Fleet 2397t
HMS Kaska-African Fleet 2397t

F Class (10 ships)-Home Fleet 5800t
T Class (10 ships)-Other fleets 7230t

total:- 57814t for total of $2.89


HMS Dreadnought-Home Fleet 18000t
HMS King Harold-Home Fleet 12246t
HMS King Charles-Home Fleet IV 12246t
HMS King Michael-Atlantic Fleet 12246t
HMS King Harold VI-Atlantic Fleet 12246t
HMS Glory-Azores Fleet 9457t
HMS Goliath-Azores Fleet 9457t
HMS Ocean-Home Fleet 9457t
HMS Vengence-Home Fleet 9457t

HMS Norfolk-Home Fleet 7765t
HMS Suffolk-Atlantic Fleet 7765t


HMS Edgar-Home Fleet 2445t
HMS Endymion-Home Fleet 2445t
HMS Grafton-Home Fleet 2445t
HMS Hawke-Home Fleet 2445t
HMS Royal Arthur-Azores Fleet 2445t
HMS St George-Bahamas Fleet 2445t
HMS Theseus-Bahamas Fleet 2445t
HMS Hermes-Atlantic Fleet 2200t
HMS Highflyer-Atlantic Fleet 2200t
HMS Hyacinth-Azores Fleet 2200t
HMS Encounter-Azores Fleet 2200t

L Class (8 ships)-Home Fleet 3000t
A Class (10 ships)-Home Fleet 7510t
C & D Class (17 ships)-Atlantic Fleet & Bahamas Fleet 14365t
Q Class (8 ships)-Azores Fleet 3968t
R Class (8 ships)-African Fleet 3984t

A Class (6 ship)-Home Fleet 1200t

Generoso Class (2 Ships)-Home Fleet & Atlantic Fleet 12222t
HMS Exmouth-Home Fleet 329t
HMS Falmouth-Home Fleet 329t

total:-193164t for upkeep total of $4.82



HMS Albion-Home Fleet 9457t
HMS Canopus-Home Fleet 9457t

total:-18914t for upkeep total of $0.11