The State of the German Soul in N-verse

Started by Borys, April 15, 2007, 02:39:54 PM

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QuoteThe formation of a united Italian kingdom inspired German nationalists in Prussia to attempt a similar feat. Beginning with a brief and successful war with the Hapsburgs, the Prussians then extorted some territory from Denmark. But the pivotal point in the process was to be a glorious victory against France. Here the Prussians were surprised at the resilience of the French, who continued to fight after the fall of Paris. As regiment after regiment poured into France from the colonies, the tables turned, and Prussia found itself on the defensive.
The Franco-German wars ended in disaster for Prussia - its political elite exiled to its far off colonies in the Pacific, its western territories annexed by France, even its gains from the war with the Hapburgs were lost, the price paid to keep that empire from actively taking sides with France. German nationalism was dead, with the largest state outside Prussia - Bavaria - reduced to little more than a French puppet.

Following the First Franco-Prussian War, the Danes were concerned that the defeated Germans might take out their frustrations on their weaker northern neighbor. The Danish Empire therefore approached the Swedish Empire with an offer of alliance, and in 1874 a mutual defense agreement was signed.

In 1879, both Empires realised they were facing a pair of clear and present dangers: a France victorious over all comers, and a Greater Germany that had just sent its Kaiser packing. When added to long-term Swedish nemesis Russia, which some feared might seek to capalitise on France's sucess, a simple alliance was no longer considered to be sufficent defence, and after long and often heated negiotations, in 1880 the Scandanavian League was founded. The Swedish and Danish Empires would continue to manage their internal affairs, however all foreign relations, as well as defense, would be conducted by central government of the League.

By 1885, the Prussians had come to realise that they had simply traded one set of problems for another; however both French pressure and their own pride prevented asking the Kaiser to return. After another round of sometimes acrimonious diplomacy, the Prussian Republic agreed to join the Scandanavian League, which would now be a constitutional monarchy with the king of Sweden as its figurehead (analogous to OTL Britian). Several of the other Germanic states, of the norddeutscher bund, also opted for membership, and the League was renamed as the Baltic Confederation...

Prussia maintains that its old Imperial colonies - now independent as the Deutsches Kaiserreich Brandenburg - still belong to it, however the Confederation as a whole has so far declined to pursue this claim.

During the 1860s, the Kingdom of Prussia began expansion into an empire. Territories in the Middle East, east Africa, and New Guinea were acquired. Meanwhile, Otto von Bismarck pursued German unification.

In 1870, however, the armies of Prussia went down to defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. In the aftermath, the French annexed many of the Western German states.

In 1876, the Germans attempted to redress their grievances from the earlier loss - and in the Second Franco-Prussian War lost yet again. Now the southeastern German states became the Kingdom of Bavaria, a French vassal state.

In 1877, spurred by the disasterous defeats, a workers' uprising became a full-blown revolution in Prussia. To end the insurrection, Kaiser Wilhelm I abicated, and the new Prussian government applied for membership in the Baltic Confederation.

Some complied quotes from the Old Board.

I am trying the piece together the events:
- sometime between 1848 and 1868 - there is a Prussian-Habsburg War, leading to  Prussian hegemony AND Habsurg territorial loss; would it be the N-Verse equivalent of the German-German war of 1866, but with Prussian landgrabbing being even worse than in OTL?
-  again sometime in that period, the latest being 1869, Prussia fights Denmark;
- 1870 Prussia (all non Habsburg Germany?) marches against France; gets butt kicked
- 1874 - Denmark wary of Prussia venting frustration after 1st Franco- Prussian War on it, and turns to Sweden for defensive treaty 
- 1876 Prussia (all non Habsburg Germany?) marches against France; gets butt kicked;

The outcome of these two wars is:
- Bavaria (resurected?) ends up with Thuringian Principalities (Prussian after German-German War?), Kingdom of Saxony (Prussian after German-German War?), Hessen Duchies (Prussian after German-German War?), Kingdom of Wurtemberg (Prussian after German-German War?), Silesia - but what was the pre-1870 situation, and between the 1st and 2nd Franco-Prussian War?

- France gains Baden, South Rheinland, Pfalz (all Prussian after German-German War?) - after 1st or 2nd Franco-Prussian War?

- Habsburgs regain territory lost to Prussia sometime in the last 30 years - after 1st or 2nd Franco-Prussian War?

1877 - Prussian Revolution!
1880 - mysterious "Greater Germany" which "had just sent the Kaiser packing" is part of external threat making Denmark and Sweden form "Scandanavian League"
1885 - Prussian Republic joins Scandinavian League; some mysterious North German states, of some Norddeutscher Bund, also join (resurrected Kingdom of Hannover? Mecklemburg Duchies? ???).

Anything I missed? Any of the "founding fathers" can fill out the gaps? Or can I have free reign with German events, more or less following the framework above, filling out empty spaces as I fancy?
I'm asking as I want to write a Bavarian backgrund, and am discussing certain German related issue with Khymerion.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!