Den Haag conferentie Hague Conference

Started by maddox, April 13, 2007, 12:37:02 AM

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OOC According to China: "it matters not what piece of paper you carry, when you attack a merchant vessel with the purpose to seize it and/or its goods you are a pirate and thus subject to punishment." hence the Spanish warship was a pirate as there was no conflict between both nations and it had no reason to stop a Swiss Merchant so far away from Spanish waters.

The rustbucket only fired after it was fired upon and changed colors when it was in dire straits.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


OOC, and my last remark on that

An armed merchant, refusing to stop for a warship, how would you call that if you can't read minds.

Also, if it was logical, the MK torpedoboats would have fired torpedo's on the New Swiss ship, as it is war between New Swiss and the MK. But Phoenix opted for a story....