
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Walter - appology for robbing you of the Magadan basin, but P3D and I had problems in getting through to Ithekro about it :), and I missed it in my previous map change.

pats Walter on the back - it is empty tundra, and a bit of taiga only, you still get the sushi ...

Putting things into perspective - you probably have 5,000 people on Chukotka, a whooping 8,000 on Kamchatka, 200,000 in Primorsk. Sakhalin has 35,000, of which 22,000 are convicts.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


22,000 convicts?!? Thanks a lot guys!!
Quoteit is empty tundra, and a bit of taiga only
Maybe so, but it makes dividing the lands into those five sectors a bit more difficult... Removing that bit removes pretty much all the territory of the North sector and I now have to relocate a certain feature...


Convicts sounds awful, does it? Murdurers! Or maybe even worse!
Well, to end up on Sakhalin it was enough to commit such blood curdling acts like teaching Polish children to read and write in Polish. In Russia it was common to sentence "political criminals" to so and so many years in Siberia (including Sakhalin).

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Hmm.... Why on Earth am I suddely thinking of the Running Man?  :D


On the map there are a number of area's in white.  For example parts of India, Madagascar, parts of Western Africa and it looks like Ireland.  What if anything is the deal with these bits of land.  Claimed, other, civlized, savage, radioactive wastelands...



They are 'reserves' as colonies for future players.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Just to clear something up, looking at the Map, it appears that the Brazilian Province of Acre is Iberian.

Now Borys said its not part of Brazil when he sent me my background.  Could its status be cleared up.  Also what is the country where Peru would be called and whats there attitude toward Brazil / Iberia?



Not sure what it is there this time.  I think it was suppose to be part of Bolivia, but there doesn't seem to be a Bolivia.  I think the thin neck between Rodania and Arce is what was shown on the map due to correcting for statements that Columbia had Amazonas and Roraima.  Also I think the original map was based on modern borders.

Clarification from those who were playing in Brazil?  Or does Iberia get Pando of Bolivia as well to connect the states?


Acre should belong to the "Mountain State".
I will correct map.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


And now for something completely different...

Yellow area is claimed by Brandenburg as Neue Schwabia.  :)

...and beware of the penguins.


... so in a sense, the Claim I have in the Wesworld you 'stole' from me in order to use it in Navalism.
... because the Wesworld Japanese found something of great interest in that sector and no doubt you want to get your greedy hands on it in the Navalism universe.


Actually I was thinking 'the maximum that can be seen on a clear day from the top of the mountains on the islands in the Ross Sea'. The...'little extras' never even crossed my mind. But now that you mention them...


I would think that you will see quite a lot on top of mount Erebus, especially when it erupts. :)


Swampy, Im pretty sure you cannot see all of that... ;)
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Cleaned up a little.

Anyone have a designation for the tiny self governing country near Anchorage?  I have it right now as the "Kingdom of the East" as a place holder.