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Parthian Empire, 1911

Started by Kaiser Kirk, December 31, 2018, 04:46:47 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

There is a number of things occurring in this turn.

First, an IC is finished in the Kingdom of Kandy
Work commences on ICs in other places, this is a role play thing to show that there's activity and intent, even if there's not much progress yet.

Second, Jefgte's musings on refitting his ships made me take a real hard look at the same. Then a look at my build schedule.
The result is the need to stop research on some easily refitted techs, and start research on new guns to be fitted to old barbettes.

Folks will also see that there's redundant gun mounts. Something I decided the Parthians would do - they trial extra designs and go with the best.
In the case of the AAA mount- it's a new concept, they need something that can hold an anti-Zeppelin gun, or track and down a maneuverable scout plane.

Naval Summary
Refits for 1910 fire control are happening to the Enki class dreadnaughts, the old Tortoise class battleships, and the two 1900 Protected Cruisers.
There are already 6 Armored Cruisers with this technology, with the Asbar class completing with it and the Spabara class refitting to it. These have been working with the new fixtures at the Royal Gunnery School. 

The 4 Tiamats dreadnaughts continue construction, but are slowed slightly. Construction of the first two is slated for the end of 1912, and the second two (laid down later) the end of 1913.
The Zephyr and Saka classes of long range cruisers are laid down.  Since internal debate over hitting power vs rate of fire is still not won, two vessels of each class are laid down, but one of each is armed with 180mm and the other with 165mm QF.

The Royal Road Dispatch cruisers did not make the cut, getting bumped back to HY2, and may wind up in H1,1912. 

A further two electric drive double hulled Minesweepers are built, 8 destroyers laid down, 8 MTBs built, and work continues on the 9th and 10th Fleet Support Vessels- these also being electric drive.
This reflects a general goal of constant production of support vessels. In this case 4 MSW, 8 DD, 16MTBs / Year, and a pair of FSV every 4 years.
The MSWs will ramp down as I get to "enough" and turn to gunboats and submarines.

I have a massive army with tremendous power projection ability. I'm not building more right now.

While aircraft are almost worthwhile, at this time the Parthians are introducing an air service of Zeppelins. These will be long range scouts. Capable of higher altitudes and longer flights than
aircraft, they will be more use in the mountains of Anatolia , over the Red Sea, or over the Pontiac Steppe.

As always, if I botched something, let me know.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

In HY 1,  I erred on my technology sheet.

I initiated an entire new series of guns and mountings, but to 'pay' for them, I ceased research into Mines / TT/ Destroyer TT - I put them on hold. 

But there's a little rule hidden that says the minimum expenditure for those is $0.1... not allowed to drop to $0.

So to make things line up, I have decided to defer many of the new mountings for the new guns.
New guns take 4 HYs and new twin mounts only 2 HYs, ... so I can wait 2 HY to start turret research and still finish on time.

Total research cost is still $7 as it should be.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

BTW all,
this was the HY 1 Parthian Claims map, which is now the actual state of Parthia's claims :

Also shows what I'm calling various areas, how many troops are where, etc.
Parthia has split their colonization efforts into two commands the "Atlantic Expeditionary Force" and "Pacific Expeditionary Force"
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

QuoteOLD, revised  7/21/19

The Parthian Empire, having taking a great big leap forward last turn,
is pausing to digest and well is not expanding further this turn....though they COULD....
Which means I don't need to wait for Snip before posting HY2 1911

The investments into the basic infrastructure of the Kingdom of Kandy allow interior goods to now be exported (i.e. 1 IC comes online).
The 8 newest MTBs and 2 newest Electric-motor minesweepers finish trials.

With several capital ships fitted with 1910 fire control, tests have proven satisfactory. Wholesale fitting to the fleet is deferred on the promise of a new 'computing table' that researchers are finalizing.  Researchers are close to not only improvements in fire control, but also in barrel & lining construction and in general capital ship main battery design.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

This should work for an update HY2 1911 OOB.   The Parthian fleet is fairly scattered.
Large forces cover the African->American routes as the Byzantines are present.
A powerful squadron is in Brunei, supporting the land war.
Light forces are scattered across the Pacific. A resupply vessel and battleship at Hawaii serves as a reserve force, while the sailing frigates can patrol their respective areas and show the flag.

1911 HY2 Order of Battle

Note : The Torpedo Boat Carriers are currently loaded with 1904 TBs.

Persian Gulf Fleet : Homeport Bushehr
3 x 1906 DN
2x 1902 PC
16 x 1899 DD
48 x 1894 TB
24x 1899 TB
2x 1902 MSW

Sea Trials Squadron
2 x 1910 MSW-E
8 x MTB-A

Straits Squadron : Homeport : Abbas and Khasab
2 x 1897 BB
8 x 1899 DD
48 x 1906 MTB-A
4 x 1902 MSW
1 x 1900 SS1902

Khasab is draft limited
4 x 1894 CBB at Khasab
24x 1899 TB at Khasab
2 x 1910 MSW-E

Parthian Sea Fleet : Homeport : Tis near Chabahar
2 x 1894 ACR
8x 1908 DD
8 x 1899 DD
24x 1899 TB
3x 1902 MSW

Naval Gunnery School
2x 1907 DN
4x 1908 Adbar ACR
2x 1905 ACR

Omani Fleet : Homeport Salalah and Muscat
2 x 1894 TBC (with 16 x 1904 TB)
2 x 1904 PC
8x 1904 DD
4 x 1907 SS1905
48 x 1908 MTB-A
2x 1899 ML
3x 1902 MSW

48x 1894 TB

Babylonian Squadron : Homeport of Abadan,
6x 1894 RGB River Gunboats

Caspian Squadron : Homeport of Nosharhr
3 x 1894 RGB River Gunboats (mainly operated on the Volga)

Aral Squadron :Homeport of Moynaq
1 x 1894 RGB River Gunboats

Atlantic Expeditionary Force
2x 1904 BB
2 x 1894 ACR
2 x 1906 PC
2 x 1899 SC
1x 1894 NSF (51,000 support)

Zanzibar Squadron
2x 1910 DDL
2 x 1910 MSW-E
8 x 1910 DD
8 x 1904 DD
2 x 1896 PG Patrol Gunboat / Cruiser 3rd Class
2 x 1894 TBC (w/ 16 1904 TB)
16 x 1910 MTB-A

Cape Karoo
1x 1894 NSF (51,000 support)
1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

Atlantic Islands (Cape Verde)
1 x 1894 NSF (51,000 support)
1 x 1894 TBC (w/ 8 1904 TB)
8 x MTB-A
1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

Ria De Janerio
2 x 1896 PG Patrol Gunboat / Cruiser 3rd Class
1 x 1894 TBC (w/ 8 1904 TB)
1x 1897 NSF (51,000 support)

White Bay
1x 1899 ACR
1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

1x 1899 ACR
1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

Pacific Expeditionary Force :
1 x 1900 BB
1 x 1894 SC
1 x 1897 NSF (51,000 support)

Kingdom of Kandy Squadron
4 x 1896 PG Patrol Gunboat / Cruiser 3rd Class
1x 1894 NSF (51,000 support)

Sultanate of Aceh and Brunei
1 x 1906 DN
2 x 1900 PC   
4 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates
1 x 1897 NSF (51,000 support)

1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

Kingdom of Hawaii
1 x 1900 BB
1 x 1897 NSF (153,000 support)
1 x 1894  FFA  Armored Frigates

1 x 1894 SC
1 x 1902 SC
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

I actually posted my HY2 1911 turn quite some time ago.
I've looked it over and made slight changes.

The Tech sheet was off, since I had everything completing in 4 turns but wasn't paying that much. I corrected it to show they will complete in 6 turns. Basically a cosmetic change but it did change my opinion on the urgency of refitting the fire control on the capital ships. In HY1 several vessels were done, in HY2, the remaining dreadnaughts will be done, and in 1912, the Predreads will be called in from the colonies for refits. So same CDBB refits, but  I expanded the FC refits to include the Gilgamesh class and payed for that by slowing the construction of two of the Tiamat class.

The Kingdom of Kandy is now benefiting from the infrastructure improvements, and efforts are being plowed into Zanzibar for the same.
A second squadron of Zeppelins is being constructed, as the Gulf of Aden needs patrolling.

Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on May 25, 2019, 03:20:42 PM
The Parthian Empire, having taking a great big leap forward last turn,
is pausing to digest and well is not expanding further this turn....though they COULD....
Which means I don't need to wait for Snip before posting HY2 1911

The investments into the basic infrastructure of the Kingdom of Kandy allow interior goods to now be exported (i.e. 1 IC comes online).
The 8 newest MTBs and 2 newest Electric-motor minesweepers finish trials.

With several capital ships fitted with 1910 fire control, tests have proven satisfactory. Wholesale fitting to the fleet is deferred on the promise of a new 'computing table' that researchers are finalizing.  Researchers are close to not only improvements in fire control, but also in barrel & lining construction and in general capital ship main battery design.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest