Historical Deviations

Started by Kaiser Kirk, July 12, 2014, 02:37:33 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Italian history is much the same as historic.
but there are some changes:

November 3, 1895 : The Lateran Accords (originally 1929) are signed, and appended to the Statuto Albertino. the Excommunication of Savoy is lifted.

Effect : Nominal, moves the creation of the Vatican state up 34 years, and removes a source of internal friction. Oh, and the financial aspects of the agreement are thus resolved 5 years before "start".

1894-1897 Scrapping of older vessels in fleet, followed by reconstruction/rearming other vessels in 1898-1899.

October 25, 1896 : Marriage of Crown Prince Victor Emmanuel III and Princess Maria of Greece and Denmark in Vatican City.

Effect : Merely formalizes the relationship between Vatican and Monarch. Moves birth of Maria's children up 4 years, Victor's can come on schedule.

May 24, 1898 : Bernedetto Brin does not die at 55, but lives to push his naval program forward.

July 29, 1899 : Assasination of Umbert I by Anarchists, a year early. Accession of Victor Emmanuel III, age 29, to the Throne a year early.

October 1, 1899 King Victor Emmanuel III presents a "peace budget" to the Chamber of Deputies, declaring "The long race to arm our nation sufficiently to repel aggressors has born fruit, but the rest of the garden has been neglected. For too long our poor countrymen have been forced to travel abroad for employment, now it is time to invest in the Italian people, to build our nation and claim what is needed for our future.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest