Other Costs

Started by Blooded, July 03, 2011, 02:39:57 PM

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1.  I am for reducing Spread Sheet Load if possible...

Lets look at this from a logistical stand point some of our battles resulted in hundred of Destroyers firing 4 or more torpedoes each.....  In some cases it was 1000's of aircraft all dropping 1 torp....

The Reason we used to track Mines was because laying a mine field required 1000's of the stupid things and since the sink, break their changes and generally make a nuicance of themselves if you wanted to maintain the Minefield for more then a few months you had to replace the mines as they self destructed, sank, or drifted off in the strong current you accidently set them in.  ???

The Only reason to keep track of Torpedoes is as a way of keeping people from trying to launch a few thousand of them in a month.   Sort of dozens of long range low percentage shots run back to port reload come back the next night and do it over and over and over again.   Just to try to get that 1% or 2% Golden BB hit on someone elses capital ship.

I think we can find another less paper work intensive way to keep this from happening.
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