What do you do with an old wrestler?

Started by The Rock Doctor, December 26, 2009, 07:56:43 PM

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The Rock Doctor

The armored cruiser Luchador was the Colombian's first effort at a modern "battlecruiser":


Less than a decade after her construction, she's looking rather dated.  Modern BCs are several knots faster, with heavier guns and more extensive protection.  With the Arqueros and Avenger now in service, 1919/20 will be an opportunity to take Luchador and inflict a modernization program upon her - if one is worth the time and cost.

With a refurbishment, and the next engine tech completed by then, the ship could get a speed boost from 24.03 to 26.33 knots, all-oil-fired machinery, and deck armor from 50 to 75 mm.  This would probably cost me several dollars, and around 3.5 BP.  It's likely I would re-use the machinery in fleet auxiliaries of some kind, saving costs down the road.

This is not a bad price, but does it get me a good end-result?  The armor belt is still narrow, and she's still slow-ish and lightly armed for a battlecruiser.

What say ye?  Should I tinker, or should I look at options to replace her?


I'd say it's worth it, but then again I'm in the same boat. 2 24kt 12" BC (S&G) and 3 28kt 11" BCs. At least the Moltke's are still relatively fast.

What would it take to plate over the casemates and rebuild the superstructure so there is room for an all twin m&h 2nd batt of 12-14cm guns? Proly 6-8 (3-4 m&h) per side? Without the casemates you could loose the upper belt and use weight saved to install a new main belt that's deeper. I know this is probably getting cost prohibitive by now.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


I'm not the person to talk to about cost-effectiveness of reconstructions.

My next major 'project' once Cross Mirage and her sister are in the water will be rebuilding the Bardiches into... well, something very similar.

"This is my grandfather's axe. My father replaced the handle; I replaced the head. Is it not my grandfather's axe?"

When the mother ship's cannon cracked the signal to return
The clouds were building bastions in the swirling up above
Poseidon the King and the Wind his jester
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair
Dancing with the Lightning Lady Fair


Im in alot the same boat with Rohans early BCs, atleast with them I have the advantage of them already being 25 knot boats...  I also already have the 1920 engine tech I just cant figure out what I want to do with them...
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


I'd say replace machinery and secondaries, but keep roughly the same or slower speed. Use the balance on enhanced protection, especially horizontal and a futuristic new secondary battery arrangement. As such, she could become the prototype in a way for a new Colombian battleline. That is if the Colombians are ever going to build battleships again.

Or the airship mad colombians might remove the after turrets and install airship facilities instead.


Sell her to New Switzerland... I alread have to slow undergunned battlecruisers that I need to upgrade.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Nah, you're asking for trouble if you are going to sell it to the Swiss. Japan is the proper place to send it to. :D


Obviously, Romania is interested in a 3RD battleship-battlecruiser....and the CSA has a LOT of extra money.


Quotethe CSA has a LOT of extra money
If you got extra, then you should donate it to the poor nations...like Japan... :D


Or, I can build 400 Falcon's and stick them in the bases France is building for me. Decisions, Decisions!!!  ;D ;D


France building bases fo you? You have a lot of extra money and you can't even build your own bases?!? Now it is mandatory that you donate the extra money to Japan the poor nations! ;D


Not the money part. The BP part. And I am giving him 12 double 9.2'' turrets. Fair is Fair.


Sounds to me like you should have stuck to the deal with Japan instead of cancelling it. :)

The Rock Doctor

Thanks for the feedback.

I hadn't thought about changing the secondaries, but that may be an option.  It'll be singles if I do, though - the Colombians aren't going for the double mount/hoist set-up just yet.

Removing the aft battery for an airship mast doesn't seem like a good deal.  I suppose I could contemplate rebuilding her as an aviation vessel of some kind, but it's not really on my mind at this point.

I'd consider selling her for a good price, to the right people.  I could also consider rebuilding her towards battleship lines - as Guinness says, keep the speed low-ish, bulk up the protection.  It's a thought to explore.


Why not? Wesworld finally needs a Blimp carrier. World War II with blimp dogfights...would be different.