France, HY 01 1918

Started by maddox, December 06, 2009, 01:40:00 PM

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Country Name:   1918 HY1         
   Population   BP   IC   Revenue
Province Name:            
France   48,96   27   152   $200,96
North Africa   8,64   2   8   $16,64
Quebec   5,1   4   17   $22,10
Ceylon   4,08   1   4   $8,08
Calcutta   18,36   1   11,25   $23,67
West Africa   4,08   1   4   $8,08
Totals:   89,22   36   196,25   $279,53

Other Income: $   Civilian   Military   
Green Cross Aid   5   0   
Moved from Military   0      
From Russian   2   0   
Payment from  Bharat   50      
Total Other Income:   52   

         $   BP
Total Budget         279,53   36
Military Budget         140,28   36
Civilian Budget         196,77   0
Army Ammo Expenditures         0,00   0
Army Maintenance         29,67   0
Navy Maintenance         23,14   0
Air Ship Maintenance         3,03   
Expendible Military Budget         84,44   36

IC Build Locations:         $ This HY   $ Total   $ To Complete   
Russia         65,00   65   10   
North Africa                  
BP Build Locations:                  
Metropolitan France         131,77   131,77   168,23   

   Military Budget Expenditures                              
Name/Location   $   BP/Turn   $ Spent   BP Spent   $ to Comp   BP To Com   Time   Build Time   Notes:      
Montemedy   7,00   6,25   31,73   30   8,27   10   36   49         
Britannie     0,00   0   87,50   70,01   0,00   0   73   72,7   Secret      
Montemedy Repeat   5,00   5   15,00   15   25,00   25   24   49         
To Civilian Budget                                 
Defensive Spies   5,00                              
Upgrade 1 Corp    3,00   0,75               6   6   [Motorized, 1915 Specialists]      
Build 1 Armored Brigade   1,75   1,00               6   6         
15 Type 0 Ports   30,00   4,14         75,00   $7,50   6   24         
15 Type 0 Dry Docks
  •    10,79   0,00   10,94   0   56,56   $0,00   6   24         
    Rebuild NtG   0,00   0   0,00   11,04   16,85   0   18   18         
    Repair/Refit  Magnificent   0,00   0   5,38   5,38   0,00   0   18   21,5         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,4   2,00   2,4   3,85   3,45   12   15         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,4   2,00   2,4   3,85   3,45   12   15         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   12   15         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   12   15         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   12   15         
    PC Demarce III   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   12   15         
    2 x 15" MD Casemate Guns   4,50   4,5   4,50   4,5   9,00   9   6   18   Djbouti Harbor Fortress