Peru - 1918H1

Started by Jefgte, November 20, 2009, 08:56:36 AM

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PERU - 1918 H1

Population:  26.790 Million
IC:  43.7
BP: 6
Income:  $68.91
Bonus from Ichu mine: 75$
Affected to Bolivia IC
Military Income in/out: +1.375$
Military Income in/out: +1.375BP
Civilian Income in/out:  $0
Total Budget:  $34.55
Military + $33.55
Civilian + $36.61
Armada Upkeep:
Maintenance : 4.85$
Total Armada: 147.580t

Armada Constructions: 6BP – 10.05$
BB Waskhar ------4000t----1915-1918----4$------Callao DD---------28000t on 28000t   

Armada Refit-Rebuilt :
Rebuilt : BB Antofagasta 12300T to BB Mayta Capac 16000T – 2000T on 6610T- 2BP -4.54$
Total: 6BPs + 10.05$

Armada Scrapped:
AC Furious from GC: 1.283$ & 1.283BPs
Valandil guns: 0.092$ & 0.092BPs
Reported to 1918H2: +1.375BPs &1.375$

Naval Intelligence: $0.50

Total on Armada: 14.91$


-Baseline Corps on Active Status: 5 @ $1.25 = $6.25
-Baseline Corps in Reserve Status: 6 @ $0.25 = $1.5
Ejercito Recruitment and Operations Requirements:
Army Intelligence: $0.50
1 corps: 38400 men with 192x50.8 + 192x12.7 + 160x76.2 + 160x12.7 + 4800 lancers
Because of mountains & jungle, Ejercito use only 2" & 3" guns

Northern Army
II Infantry Corps, Sullana
– Reserve status – Regular Morale
IV Mountain Corps, Chachapoyas
- Reserve status – Regular Morale
VII Infantry Corps, Piura
- Active status – Regular Morale
IX Mountain Corps, Cajamarca
– Reserve status – Regular Morale
Southern Army
III Mountain Corps, Copiapo
- Reserve status – Regular Morale
VIII Infantry Corps, Antofagasta
- Active status – Regular Morale
X Mountain Corps, La Paz (Bolivia)
- Reserve status – Regular Morale
Western Army
V Jungle Corps, Iquitos
- Reserve Status – Regular Morale
VI Jungle Corps, Inapri
- Active status – Regular Morale
XI Jungle Corps, Pucallpa - Reserve
XII Jungle Corps, Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
– Active status – Regular Morale

Techno:1906: historical 1910 aircrafts
Aircraft Infrastructures: 0
Aircraft Constructions: 0
Aircraft Maintenance:
50% active: 0.025$
50% mobilized: 0.05$

Talara Airfield: 24 single-engine aircraft (12 active - 12 mobilized)
Chimbote Airfield: 40 single-engine aircraft (20 active -20 mobilized)
Callao Airfield: 40 single-engine aircraft (20 active -20 mobilized)
Pisco Airfield: 40 single-engine aircraft (20 active -20 mobilized)
Arica Airfield: 30 single-engine aircraft (15 active -15 mobilized)
Antofagasta Airfield: 24 single-engine aircraft (12 active - 12 mobilized)

Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair:


Projects: $3
- Digesting - 1913: Torpedo techno H2/3 – 1$
- Digesting – 1905: Historical Light Armor car & truck – H5/6 – 1$
- Digesting – 1912: Night Fighting, from GC – H1/2 – 0.5$
- Digesting – T3x230 Mlle 1916 – H3/3 – 0.5$
-Digesting - 1908 Cutting Edge: Capped shells – from Orange – H2/2
-Digesting - 1905: Advanced (+1): Early Huelsmeyer-type "radar", listening dishes, War tuba's - from Orange –H2/4

Special Operations: $1
Secret Stuff: $1

Callao upgrade Slipway type 1 to type 2 – H1/2, $1.5 - BP: 0.5

BP spending:
6 for new constructed ships
+ 1.35 report to 1918H2

Spent budget: 33.55$
Total: 34.55$


NOTA: the new 1919 NUS calculation give:

Peru – pop.20.03 – BP 5.5 – IC 35.9 – Rev 55.93
Bolivia – pop.6.76 – BP 0.5 – IC 6.41 – Rev 12.89
Total – pop.26.79 – BP 6 – IC 42.31– Rev 68.91
(IC are dif. because Furious & Valandil guns scrapping are not add.)
Edit : 1905 techno Huelsmeyer - H2/4.
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


Just a small remark ,remember that -
QuoteDigesting - 1905: Advanced (+1): Early Huelsmeyer-type "radar", listening dishes, War tuba's - from Orange –H2/2
is a double tech and takes 4 H.Y. to digest