Deutscher Kaiserreich Brandenburg, 2/1917

Started by Sachmle, October 14, 2009, 04:56:34 PM

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Area:   Population:          BP:         IC:           Revenue
Neue Brandenburg*41.486 million11.045.0  86.49
Ost Afrika24.599 million  6.024.0  48.12
Nord Indochina  7.356 million  2.0  8.0  15.36
Paderborn-Delbruck  3.152 million  1.0  4.0   7.15
Goa  3.152 million  0.5  4.0   7.15
Ost Inseln  2.000 million  0.0  2.0   4.00
Neue Helgoland  0.063 million  0.0  1.0   1.06
Aden  0.021 million  0.0  1.0   1.02
Total81.830 million20.5 89.0170.35

*Includes Bismarck, Solomon, and Polynesian islands

Additional Income/Expenditures:
    - 3 KM from Romania for GK Prinz Heinrich
    - 14 KM to Italia for construction of SS Ersatz K
    - 10 KM to the Indochinese Infrastructure Program

Status: Peace time, with limited mobilization.  

Total Budget (maximum military budget): 146.35 KM and 20.50 BP (71.175 KM and 20.50 BP as required)

A.  NAVAL OPERATIONS:  30.47 KM, 15.88 BP

Maintenance Requirements:  13.09 KM
Total Construction/Repair Requirements:  16.38 KM, 14.88 BP

Existing Armada Construction Requirements:
    - SS Ersatz L, laid down July 3, 1916 at Neue Brandenburg receives 5.362 KM and 4.3 BP.
    - Öldampfer Lae, laid down January 1, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Payment and materials complete. To shakedown February 1918, to fleet May 1918*
    - KK Frankfort, laid down July 2, 1916 at Neue Brandenburg. Receives 1.65 KM and 1.77 BP
    - KK Vineta, laid down July 5, 1916 at Neue Kiel. Receives 1.65 KM and 1.77 BP

New Construction Requirements (*built to mercantile standards):
    - Öldampfer Rabaul, laid down July 3, 1917 at Neue Brandenburg. Receives 1.12 KM and 0.56 BP.*
    - KK Ersatz Medusa, laid down July 8, 1917 at Neue Brandenburg. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP
    - KK "M", laid down July 2, 1917 at Neue Kiel. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP
    - KK "N", laid down July 5, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP
    - GTB1916 T-178, laid down July 3, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP
    - GTB1916 T-179, laid down July 3, 1917 at Neue Kiel. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP

    - NONE

    - NONE

    - GK Blücher, scrapped beginning July 18, 1917 at Haiphong. Will retain 2 singe 30.5cm turrets and 6 twin 17cm turrets. Will receive 0.68 KM and 0.68 BP in January 1918
    - 6 GTB "D" Class, scrapped beginning July 20, 1917 at various yards. Will receive 0.59 KM and 0.59 BP for all 6 in January 1918

Naval Intelligence:  1.00 KM

B.  LAND OPERATIONS:  18.89 KM, 1.625 BP

Army Maintenance Requirements:  10.84 KM

Coastal Artillery Requirements: 0.05KM

Army Recruitment and Operations Requirements:  6.00 KM, 0.625 BP
    - Recruit and train replacements for war losses.

Artillery Surplus: 1.00 KM and 1 BP, 5000t surplus

Army Intelligence:  1.00 KM


Airship and Aircraft Maintenance Requirements:  0.06 KM
All units mobalized:
    - LZ 14, type 2 airship
    - LZ 15, type 2 airship
    - LZ 16, type 2 airship
    - LZ 17, type 2 airship
    - LZ 18, type 2 airship
    - LZ 19, type 2 airship

Construction and Repair:  2.60 KM
    - 1910/1914 airfield at Dar-es-Salaam
    - 1910/1914 airfield at Sarawak
    - 100 Multi-engine planes 1910/1914
    - 200 Single-engine planes 1910/1914


Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair:
    - Type 1 Port at Sarawak. Receives 6 KM and 1 BP, 9 KM and 1 BP remain.


Maximum Projects:  7.00 KM

Projects total 7.00 KM:
    - 1910 Cutting Edge Reserves: HY3, 1.00 KM
    - 1910 Twin Mounts for CL/DD: HY4, 1.00 KM 20% roll. Roll failed.
    - 1916 ASW: HY1, 1.00 KM
    - 1915 Underway refueling: HY1, 1.00 KM
    - 1910 Advance Intelligence: HY1, 1.00 KM
    - 38cm/L45 naval rifle: HY4, 0.50 KM (Was "Improved Capped Shells research. Lost 0.50 KM do to paperwork screw-up)
    - 12cm/L50 naval rifle: HY3, 0.25 KM
    - 13cm/L45 naval rifle: HY3, 0.25 KM
    - 1912 Fire Control: HY2, 0.25 KM (From Austria)
    - 1912 Sloped External Belts: HY2, 0.25 KM (From *CENSORED*)
    - Twin turret for 38cm/L45 Naval Rifle: HY2, 0.50 KM



Military Funding Remaining:
    - 7.11 KM, transferred to Civilian Infrastructure Budget


Infrastructure Development: 6 KM and 3 BP
    - Wireless towers at: Southwest tip of Neue Brandenburg, Northern tip of Neue Brandenburg, Eastern tip of Neue Brandenburg, Viktoria, Dodoma, Neue Helgoland, Sarawak, Lae, Aden, Dar-es-Salaam, Sint Anzelm, and Haiphong

Economic Development:
    - 61.64 KM towards 1 IC in Brandenburg (#46), 00.00 KM required to finish
    - 14.65 KM towards 1 IC In Brandenburg (#47), 60.35 KM required to finish

    - NONE


    - NONE


Addendum:  Naval Order of Battle, 07/25/17:

A/B + C  = (In Service or Working Up) / (In Reserve/Training) + Under Construction/Repair/Refit

Linienschiffe, LS:  3/0 + 0
Schlachtshiffe, SS:   5/0 + 2
Schlactkreuzer, SK:  5/0 + 0
Panzerkreuzer, PK:  3/0 + 0
Großes Kreuzer, GK:  1/0 + 0
Kleiner Kreuzer, KK:  22/0 + 5
Großes Torpedobooten, GTB:  55/0 + 2
Torpedobooten, TB: 0/0 + 0
Underseebooten, UB:  21/0 + 0

Kanonbooten, KB:  4/0 + 0
Fluss-Kanonbooten:  4/0 + 0
Minensuchen:  13/0 + 0
Minenlengen:  1/0 + 0
Vorpostenbooten:  12/0 + 0
Fischerieschutzbooten:  4/0 + 0
Kustenschutzbooten:  32/0 + 0

Hilfskreuzers:  2/0 + 0
Transportdampfen:  3/0 + 0
Leichters:  4/0 +0
Kohleschiff: 1/0 +0
Öldampfers: 0/0 +2
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim

The Rock Doctor

If there was an old DKB cruiser that might've been worth tinkering with, it was Blucher.  Too bad she got the crap shelled out of her. 


I know. I tried and tried to come up w/ a cost effective way to rebuild her, but just couldn't come up w/ one that covered the costs. Just to repair her to original was $2 and 1 BP. Not HUGE, but w/ 2x12" she was hopelessly outgunned. They just shoot too slow.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim



Quote from: Logi on October 14, 2009, 06:44:19 PM
Can I say I'm sorry? :-X

It's OK Logi, you did what you thought you had to do. No hard feeling OOC. IC is another story, but this isn't the place for that.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim

The Bushranger

Oh well...

At least you can use his* turret-farm status to enhance your coast artillery in various places. :D

* German ships are referred to as "he", not "her", as I recall. :)


Quote from: The Bushranger on October 27, 2009, 06:30:01 AM
Oh well...

At least you can use his* turret-farm status to enhance your coast artillery in various places. :D

* German ships are referred to as "he", not "her", as I recall. :)

He: Correct
Coastal guns: Would change the amount of $/BP from scrap..but could be doable.
Would be $1.5/1.5BP to install the 2 single 12" and the 6 twin 17cm turrets as coastal guns and scrap value would be $0.68/0.68 instead of $0.74/0.74. Seems a decent investment.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


Quote from: The Bushranger on October 27, 2009, 06:30:01 AM
* German ships are referred to as "he", not "her", as I recall. :)
No, ships are female in German. However a few ships were considered male by their crew (Bismarck for example).