firanji cc's

Started by sgdn, March 07, 2009, 05:19:17 PM

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The position of B mount is novel. The advantage of such an arrangement might be a conning tower mounted in a lower position, but it also means the hoists have to go higher and are therefore more vulnerable. Also the position of that hoist behind the CT is probably going to make for communication issues between necessary parts of the ship, like the CT and navigating bridge or the the CT and flag bridge.

Otherwise, she's a capable cruiser, although I personally would like to have a little more speed from 1916 engines. I don't know how "future proof" 28 knots will be.


Do you mean the lower ship  that is the saladin class which is only there as a refrence
the upper ship is the tell class the follow on to the saladin 

I don't see the point unless I can fit 30knts, as 1knt is not really going to make a lot of difference
Adding 1kt adds about 440t to the displacement
30knts is some thing for the next class possably

I don't know how often a ship would be able to run faster than 30 kts due to sea conditions


Ah, I see. Sorry about that. The arrangement is more sensible to me then :)

Only potential issue I see there is the boat on the quarterdeck might be wet in high seas, depending on how far back it is from the side.

Are you going to keep the dutch style military masts, or go for something else?


the boats on the quater deck is about 1/2 meter in
there are 2 next to each other
not that it matters they would have a tapulin over them when not in use
and its not like they would be used in heavy weather its a boat geting wet is in the discription

as for the masts i dont know any sugestions ?


If the seas are heavy enough, the problem with something relatively light and buoyant like a boat is that it can come loose and present a hazard or be swept away. It's probably not a huge issue for Firanj, unless she'd be operating way south.

Masts: the military masts may be getting anachronistic by this time. For a ship equipped with fire control, some sort of spotting top (open or enclosed) might be a good idea. The most conventional way to support that would be a tripod.


i may look at moveing the boats about then just to be sure may be one each side of the funnels above the torpedos and move the small boats a bit

sonds about right some thing other than a stick a ballon prehaps?