Ottoman Empire 1914 H1

Started by miketr, January 30, 2009, 07:58:58 PM

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Ottoman Empire, January 1914


War Budget: N

Other Income: $-2 to Hapsburgs for "admin" costs of Albana-Macedonia + $0.8 for scrapping DD's & 0.64 BP, refund of $2.34 for overpaying for GB refits & $3.3 & 0.1875 for scrap of 16 strait citadels and Suez defense line (assumed 7.5% recovery)

Total Budget: 63.798
Army Maintenance: $11.1
Army Construction: $
Navy Maintenance: $3.35
Navy Construction: $8.146 / 7.25 BP

--Project ID spent this half (already spent / needed to finish)
Imbros  need 3.625 $ / BP receive 1.8125 $ / BP
Semadirek  need 3.625 $ / BP receive 1.8125 $ / BP
Kilimli  need 3.625 $ / BP receive 1.8125 $ / BP
Sömbeki  need 3.625 $ / BP receive 1.8125 $ / BP

Overhaul of 8 Yar Hisar class TB's $0.896

Upgrading Izmit type 0 Dry Dock to type 1 need $8 and 1 BP receive $8 and 0.896 BP

Sending to breakers
Large Monitor Lutfi Djelil (but recover weapons)

--Ammo Reserve
----BP 8.89  worth of Ammo (can't be switched)
----$8.89 worth of Ammo (can't be switched)

Research: $3

--Light Cruiser Architecture
----1910 Cutting Edge (+5): twin gun mounts (h2 1913) (half 2)

--Army Mobilization and Reserves:
----1910 Cutting Edge (+3): can bring units from reserve to active status in seven days.  (h2 1913) (half 2)

--Army Mobilization and Reserves:
----1910 Cutting Edge (+3): can keep 3 reserve units for each active (H1 1914) (half 1)

Finished Tech
--Naval Propulsion
----1909: Engine year 1912, Max. Turbine power 20000HP/Shaft (H1 1911) (half 4) (finished 1913)

--Special Units Weapons (Cavalry/Light&Mountain Infantry Weapons - more
----1905 Advanced (+1) (H2 1910) (half 5) (finished 1913 H1)

--CBR warfare:
----1905 Advanced (+1) (H2 1910) (half 5) (finished 1913 H1)

--Torpedo Technologies
----1899 Baseline (0):3000@26, 1500@30, 100kg warhead(+0 dam.), early wet heater 1t, 18" (H1 1906-H1 1908)

--Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
----1900 Advanced (+1): Land and airship engines up to 200HP, 50HP aeroplane engines (H1 1906-H1 1908)

--Special Units Weapons (Cavalry/Light&Mountain Infantry Weapons - more mobile than Line INF, with half the Artillery rating)
----1895 Baseline (0) 4/1 (H1 1906-H2 1908)

----Year 1900 (Dated) w/ foreign aid $0.25 H1 1909 (2nd half)

--Naval Artillery Shells
----1905 Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing  w/ foreign aid $0.25 H1 1909 (2nd half)

--Heavier-than-Air Aircraft
----1902 Advanced: Primitive flying machines: Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc. 1906 historical year w/ foreign aid $0.25 H2 1909 (2 half)

--Naval Propulsion
----1905 Cutting Edge w/ foreign aid $0.25 H2 1909 (2 half)

--Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
----1905 Cutting Edge(+3)(H2 1908) (4 half) (done)

--Torpedo Technologies
----1905 Advanced (+1): 5000@26, 2200@35, 100kg warhead, imp. wet heater, 1t, 18" (H2 1908) (5 half)

Other Expenses: $0

Total Military: $

Rainy Day Fund: $2
--$2 1914 H1
--total $2

Industrial Investment: $28.198
--28.198 towards IC total: 28.198+5.836 = 34.034 / 75

In 1914 H2 Hapsburg build IC in Albania-Macedonia another 1.2 goes to Hapsburgs starting in 1915 H1