Bavarian Foreign Relations

Started by Kaiser Kirk, August 28, 2008, 11:10:19 AM

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Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations[/u]

January 1st, 1913

Note : Subject to large revisions as I learn things I did not know

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 6 being neutral, 1 being burning hatred.

Status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

Variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

5 Baltic Confederation

6 Bahrat

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of

6 Confederate States of America

4 Deutcher Kaiserreich : Dispute

5 Egypt

5 Firanji

5 France, Republic of  : Treaty

6 Gran Columbia, Republic of

7 Greece

5 Habsburger Kaiserreich : Treaty

7 Iberia

6 Ireland

4 Italia

6 Japan, Empire of

5 Khazaria

6 Maoria, Kingdom of

5 Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of

6 Mughal Empire

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica

8 Netherlands, Kingdom of

5 New Zion

5 Oman

5 Orange, Republic of

5 Peru

6 Persian Empire

8 Rohan, Kingdom of

7 Romania

6 Rossiiskaya Imperiya

6 Siam, Kingdom of

3 Switzerland, Republic of

6 Ukraine

7 United Normann Kingdom

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

January 1st, 1914

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 6 being neutral, 1 being burning hatred.

Status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

Variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

7 (+2) Baltic Confederation (Quite reasonable at Arnhem)

6 Bahrat

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of (we rather like ourselves we do)

5 (-1) Confederate States of America (Nassau makes us nervous)

4 Deutcher Kaiserreich : Dispute

5 Egypt

5 Firanji

4 (-1) France, Republic of  : Treaty (Nassau makes us nervous)

6 Gran Columbia, Republic of

7 Greece : (Doughty Christians, founders of Western Civ)

5 Habsburger Kaiserreich : Treaty

8 (+1) Iberia : Familial (and trade)

6 Ireland

7 (+4, -1) Italia (New Govt, return of Papacy, talks, -Nassau)

6 Japan, Empire of

5 Khazaria

6 Maoria, Kingdom of

5 Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of

6 Mughal Empire

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica

9(+1) Netherlands, Kingdom of (Continue to be of material aid, overall good relations)

3 (-2) New Zion (Appear to be rabble rousing)

5 Oman

5 Orange, Republic of

5 Peru

6 Persian Empire

8 Rohan, Kingdom of

7 Romania

6 Rossiiskaya Imperiya

6 Siam, Kingdom of

3(+1) Switzerland, Republic of (New Admin may be more reasonable)

4(-2) Ukraine (Unrest on our borders, their discontented Poles making ours unhappy, interfering with eastern trade, 'protests' about Zeppelin overflights)

8(+2,-1) United Normann Kingdom (Trade, -Nassau)

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

[bMarch 1st, 1915[/b]

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 5-6 being neutral, 1 being burning hatred.

Status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

Variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

8 (+1) Baltic Confederation  : Arnhem Treaty

6 Bahrat

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of (we rather like ourselves we do)

5 Confederate States of America (Nassau triggered involvement overseas)

4 Deutcher Kaiserreich : Ongoing dispute

5 Egypt

5 Firanji

6 (+2) France, Republic of  : Treaty (Recent business, now apparent Nassau was not aimed at Bavaria, still makes us nervous)

7 (+1) Gran Columbia, Republic of (business, war mediation)

7 Greece : (Doughty Christians, founders of Western Civ)

5 Habsburger Kaiserreich : Treaty

8 Iberia : Familial and trade

6 Ireland

8 (+1) Italia (Nassau not aimed at Bavaria)

6 Japan, Empire of

5 Khazaria

5 (-1) Maoria, Kingdom of (involvement in New Zion war for no cause)

5 Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of

6 Mughal Empire

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica

9  Netherlands, Kingdom of : Arnhem treaty (Continue to be of material aid, overall good relations)

4 (+1) New Zion (rabble rousing leaders gone)

5 Oman

4 (-1) Orange, Republic of (involvement in New Zion war for no cause)

5 Peru

6 Persian Empire

8 Rohan, Kingdom of

7 Romania

6 Rossiiskaya Imperiya

6 Siam, Kingdom of

3 Switzerland, Republic of (Stayed out of New Zion war)

3 (-1)  Ukraine (Unrest on our borders, interfering with eastern trade, 'protests' about Zeppelin overflights)

8  United Normann Kingdom 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

March 1st, 1915

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 5-6 being neutral, 1 being burning hatred.

varies by status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

and by other variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

3 (-3) Bahrat : Thuggee anti-Christian activity viewed poorly

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of : (we rather like ourselves we do)

5 Confederate States of America : They are over thataway.

4 Deutcher Kaiserreich : Ongoing dispute about our right to exist, but they are far away.

9 East Sea Confederation  : Allied, Leipzig & Arnhem Treaties

5 Egypt : South over the great ocean.

5 Firanji : Who?

5.25 (-1, +0.25) France, Republic of  : Fading concerns over Nassau were reawakened by unilateral canceling of Neuschwanstien in retaliation for extending Arnhem to Ireland, slightly offset by sympathies for Kolkata.

6 (+1) Ghana/Gold Coast/Accra/Ashkanite Kingdom : Pick a name, any name. Treaty of Accra gave boost.

7  Gran Columbia, Republic of :

7 Greece : Doughty Christians, founders of Western Civ

5 (-.5,+.5) Habsburger Kaiserreich : Treaty. Activity in Bahrat balanced by cause.

8.5 (+.5) Iberia : Familial and trade

6 Ireland : Arnhem treaty.

8 Italia : Familial and trade.

6 Japan, Empire of :

5 Khazaria :  Where?

5 Maoria, Kingdom of : Heard of them.

5 Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of : Middle America, Kansas?

6.5 (+.5) Mughal Empire : Continuing to build a relationship.

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica :  Can't even pronounce it.

9  Netherlands, Kingdom of : Arnhem & Leipzig treaty, continue to be of material aid, overall good relations

4 New Zion : Well the leaders are gone.

5 Oman : Orange puppet. Cuter though.

4 Ottomans : Scourge of Europe. Muslim oppressors, hoarder of harem girls. Pick one.

4 Orange, Republic of : Rabble rousers.

5 Peru : So very far away.

6 Persian Empire : Quiet.

5 Reformed Republic of China : Need to talk to them.

8 Rohan, Kingdom of : Mostly reputation.

7 Romania : Still working on improving.

6 Rossiiskaya Imperiya : Need to talk to them.

6 Siam, Kingdom of : Home of green eggs.

3 Switzerland, Republic of : Bad rep.

3  Ukraine : Unrest on our borders, interfering with eastern trade, 'protests' about Zeppelin overflights

7  United Normann Kingdom  : Trade relations. 
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

July 1st, 1917
Looks like 1916 got skipped

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 5-6 being neutral, 1 being burning hatred.

varies by status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

and by other variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

2 (-1) Bahrat : Thuggee anti-Christian activity viewed poorly, as was the conquest of Kolkata followed by covert pressure on the ESC and Mughals.

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of : (we rather like ourselves we do)

5 Confederate States of America : They are still over that away.

3(-1) Deutscher Kaiserreich : Ongoing dispute about our right to exist. -1 for declaring on Dutch despite no treaty with Siam, +0.5 for outreach -0.25 for insulting written erroneous claim to be "rightful ruler of ...Bavaria", -0.25 for unreasonable peace demands.

10 (+1)  East Sea Confederation  : Allied, Leipzig & Arnhem Treaties. +1 for being like minded during the Dutch-Siamese war, and not pressing the Hapsburg matter.

5 Egypt : South over the ocean. Muslim and Coptic Christians.

4.5 Firanji : -0.5 for strange declaration of war

7 (+1.75)  France, Republic of  : Lugwig III's view of the canceling of  Neuschwanstien appears correct +.25. Growing economic relations both in shipbuilding +0.25 and massive French investment in Franco-Bavarian fund to Russia +0.5, and being very restrained and reasonable during the Dutch-Siam mess +.5. Still sympathies regarding Kolkata +.25.

6.5 (+1) Ghana/Gold Coast/Accra/Ashkanite Kingdom : Development continues apace.

7.25 (+0.25)  Gran Columbia, Republic of : A minor matter, but Lugwig III appreciates the new owners of the Kongo taking the scholastic role he was hoping to have the Dutch fill. +0.25

7 Greece : Doughty Christians, founders of Western Civ

4.75 (-0.25)  Habsburger Kaiserreich : The Declaration in support of the ally was a foregone conclusion as a matter of Hapsburg honor. The delay and the and limit in scope were appreciated. The personal discussion appealed to Lugwig III, who remembers days of old. However, the Hapsburgs remain allied to Bavaria's one foe, and did declare war on our ally regarding matters not of their interest. -0.25

8.75  Iberia : Familial and trade, as well as Jaime's olive branch to the Dutch (+.25)

6 Ireland : Arnhem treaty.

8.5 (+0.5) Italia : Familial and trade. +.5

6 Japan, Empire of : Prince Karl knows of this place.

5 Khazaria :  Where?

5 Maoria, Kingdom of : Heard of them.

4 (-1) Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of : Civil war, not good for business.

6.5  Mughal Empire : Continuing to build a relationship.

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica :  Can't even pronounce it. Peru is MUCH easier.

7 (-2)  Netherlands, Kingdom of :
Plunging into war ill prepared, they feebly prosecute it, allowing it to draw on. Clumsy unilateral actions anger many nations and poor diplomatic reation does little to soothe the insulted.  This attracts others to become involved, spreading the war and nearly dragging Bavaria into a land war (-1), 
Failure to utilize out of theater assets to respond to conditions in the DEI (-0.25),
Instability and collapse at home (-0.25),
STARTING a South Asian war months after insisting in treaty negotiations that 1) wanted no bounds on alliance and 2) there was little chance of a South Asian war,
and last but not least insulting reaction to Iberian olive branch (-0.25)

4 New Zion : Well the leaders are gone.

5 Oman : Orange puppet. Cuter though.

4 Ottomans : Scourge of Europe. Muslim oppressors, hoarder of harem girls. Pick one.

4 Orange, Republic of : Rabble rousers.

5 Peru : So very far away.

6 Persian Empire : Quiet.

5.5 (+0.5) Reformed Republic of China : Have talked to them (+.25). Declared on Iberia's client Burma (-0.5), quit before real mess (+.25) Came to aid of ally (+.5), if short lived.  May be beneficial to talk further.

8 Rohan, Kingdom of : Mostly reputation.

2(-5) Romania : Stunning repudiation of the outreach and aid extended by Bavaria since 1913, combined with an inane declaration on a foe nearly 6,000nm away who not only had done no harm to Romania, but was Bavaria's ally and had considerably helped Romania. Marching through the Hapsburgs or Ukraine was considered.

7 (+1) Rossiiskaya Imperiya : Have talked to them. Nice chaps. Do a ton of Baltic trade with our friends and allies. Great opportunity for investments. Most of our trade goes north to the Baltic area, so a potential market. Franco-Bavaria investment fund should help.

5(-1) Siam, Kingdom of : Green Eggs and Siam. A nation that is fit to be Thai'd . Just had a war with out Ally, who may have over reacted.

3 Switzerland, Republic of : Bad rep. Probably deserved.

3  Ukraine : Unrest on our borders, interfering with eastern trade, 'protests' about Zeppelin overflights, crossing the border, causing refugees.  Situation got remarkably better after Bavaria and the ESC mobilized 48 Corps and held the Pomeranian and Silesian exercises on their border. It's been a nice calm border since.

7  United Normann Kingdom  : Trade relations remain good. Very taciturn of late.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

July 1st, 1918

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 8 really good,  5-6 being neutral, 3 near war, 1 being burning hatred.

varies by status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

and by other variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

2 (-1) Bahrat : Thuggee anti-Christian activity viewed poorly, as was the conquest of Kolkata followed by covert pressure on the ESC and Mughals.

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of : (we rather like ourselves we do)

4.5 (-0.5) Confederate States of America : They are still over that away. Seem to have been involved in some messy military stuff in Mesoamerica.

3.5 (+0.5) Deutscher Kaiserreich : Ongoing dispute about our right to exist.+0.5 for charming princess.

10   East Sea Confederation  : Allied, Leipzig & Arnhem Treaties.

5 Egypt : South over the ocean. Muslim and Coptic Christians.

4.5 Firanji : Still over "thataway"

7.75 (+0.75)  France, Republic of  : Massive French investments in Franco-Bavarian efforts have seen funds flowing back to investors years earlier than expected. The excitement of 1914-1916 dims, and commerce flows greater.  Attitudes return to those common during much of the prior 40 years.

6.75 (+0.25) Ghana/Gold Coast/Accra/Ashkanite Kingdom : Development continues apace. Bavaria's heavy investments have produced substantial infrastructure improvements there, and both parties look forward to immanent profit.

7.25   Gran Columbia, Republic of : Their President took a tour, seemed little reason to bother him.

7 Greece : Doughty Christians, founders of Western Civ

4.75    Habsburger Kaiserreich : Well, it's been months since they fought anyone...Despite the 1906 accord, and family ties, a worrisome neighbor allied to our long held foe. This could be described as an 8 mixed with a 3

8.75  Iberia : Familial and trade

6 Ireland : Arnhem treaty.

8.5 Italia : Familial and trade.

6 Japan, Empire of : Prince Karl knows of this place.

5 Khazaria :  Where?

5 Maoria, Kingdom of : Heard of them.

4  Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of : Unstable not good for business.

5.5 (-1) Mughal Empire : Relationship fractured by events

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica :  Can't even pronounce it. Peru is MUCH easier.

7 Netherlands, Kingdom of : The new government has yet to do anything redeeming, or anything particularly silly.

4 New Zion : Quite

5 Oman : Orange puppet. Cuter though.

4 Ottomans : Scourge of Europe. Muslim oppressors, hoarder of harem girls. Pick one.

4 Orange, Republic of : Rabble rousers.

5 Peru : So very far away.

6 Persian Empire : Quiet.

6.0 (+0.5) Reformed Republic of China : Nice business deals, helpful engineers. The Sons of the Dragon are knowledgeable if somewhat worrisome.

8 Rohan, Kingdom of : Mostly reputation.

2.5 (+.5) Romania : Yeah, still wish we had a mutual border. Very rude folks. Time does heal a bit

7.25 (+0.25) Rossiiskaya Imperiya : Have talked to them. Nice chaps. Do a ton of Baltic trade with our friends and allies. Great opportunity for investments. Most of our trade goes north to the Baltic area, so a potential market. Franco-Bavaria investment fund should help.

5  Siam, Kingdom of : Green Eggs and Siam.

3.25 (+0.25)Switzerland, Republic of : Bad rep. Probably deserved. Have kept nose clean for bit, internal unrest is good in this case.

3.25 (+0.25)  Ukraine : Unrest on our borders, interfering with eastern trade, 'protests' about Zeppelin overflights, crossing the border, causing refugees.  Situation got remarkably better after Bavaria and the ESC mobilized 48 Corps and held the Pomeranian and Silesian exercises on their border. It's been a nice calm border since. We likes that we do. Still, the smoke from their burning villages causes unrest among our Poles, and their Ambassador has been making insulting innuendos.

6.75 (-0.25) United Norman Kingdom  : Trade relations remain good. Very taciturn of late. Worry a bit about them.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Bavarian Foreign Relations

August 1st, 1919

Scale :  1- 11 , with 11 being best, 8 really good,  5-6 being neutral, 3 near war, 1 being burning hatred.

varies by status : Allied, Treaty, Non-Aggression, Dispute (many possible reasons), War

and by other variables : Non Monarchy, Non Christian, Disputes in living Memory, Proximity, Reputation

2  Bahrat : No change

11 Bavaria, Kingdom of : (we rather like ourselves we do)

4.5  Confederate States of America : No change

3.75 (+0.25) Deutscher Kaiserreich : Ongoing dispute about our right to exist.+0.25 for enhanced communications

10   East Sea Confederation  : Allied, Leipzig & Arnhem Treaties.

5 Egypt : South over the ocean. Muslim and Coptic Christians.

4.5 Firanji : Still over "thataway"

8(+0.25)  France, Republic of  : Continued trade and contracts continue economic closeness. Mutual exchange of military information eases potential border issues.

7.0 (+0.25) Ghana/Gold Coast/Accra/Ashkanite Kingdom : Development continues apace. Bavaria's heavy investments have produced substantial infrastructure improvements there, and both parties look forward to immanent profit.

7.25   Gran Columbia, Republic of : No change

7 Greece : No change

4.75    Habsburger Kaiserreich : This could be described as an 8 mixed with a 3.  Well, there's a war, and the Hapsburgs are involved....Despite the 1906 accord, and family ties, a worrisome neighbor allied to our long held foe. With their history, no one can be comfortable "next door".

8.75  Iberia : Familial and trade

6 Ireland : Arnhem treaty.

9.0 Italia : Familial and trade. +.5 for improvement over time, Curia dialogue, and sympathy over New Zion.

6.25 Japan, Empire of : Prince Karl knows of this place, +.25 for improved contracts and exchange of information.

5 Khazaria :  Where?

5 Maoria, Kingdom of : Heard of them.

4  Mesoamerica, Democratic Republic of : Unstable not good for business.

5 Middle Kingdom : Ancient and powerful, but little interaction.

5.5  Mughal Empire : No change

5 Naciones Unidas de Suramerica :  No change

7.75 Netherlands, Kingdom of : +0.75 The new government has proven more energetic and decisive, though Queen's role is still insufficient. The failure of the Democratic government during the Siam war continues to be a source of concern.

2 New Zion : -1.5 For failing to comply with the Peace treaty and forcing a war,  -0.5 for assault on the Church.

5 Oman : Orange puppet. Cuter though.

4 Ottomans : Scourge of Europe. Muslim oppressors, hoarder of harem girls. Pick one.

4 Orange, Republic of : Rabble rousers.

5 Peru : So very far away.

6 Persian Empire : Quiet.

6 Reformed Republic of China : Nice business deals, helpful engineers. The Sons of the Dragon are knowledgeable if somewhat worrisome.

8 Rohan, Kingdom of : Mostly reputation.

2.75 (+0.25) Romania : Yeah, still wish we had a mutual border. Very rude folks. Time does heal a bit.

7.5 (+0.25) Rossiiskaya Imperiya : Continued trade

5  Siam, Kingdom of : Green Eggs and Siam.

1.5 (-1.75)Switzerland, Republic of : Creating the war in New Zion with support and assurances, then throwing a force across the ocean to interfere. Warmongering rabblerousers.

4.5 (+1.25)  Ukraine : Suddenly our neighbor looks stable..kinda. Still, if a Wettin ascends the throne, peace is assured.

6.5 (-0.25) United Norman Kingdom  : Trade relations have slacked. Very taciturn of late. Worry a bit about them.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest