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Death of the NSS Launceston

Started by miketr, November 18, 2007, 07:47:21 PM

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Paris, France
French Foreign Ministry
Early July, 1908

Iberian Ambassador to Glorious France, João Salgueiro was in yet another fruitless meeting with a low level member of the French Government, "Minister my government takes this matter seriously and needs to discuss the issue of the proposed sale of the Netherlands East Indies to New Switzerland.  We have received word from Gran Columbia that France is worried about this sale also..."

"Ambassador João... that is a trifling matter, now are you sure you could not see your way clear to suggesting to your government to release the Swiss Cruiser they hold. "

João tries very hard to shake his head, "Minister what is Frances obsession with that cruiser, yes it was a raider and a pain but we have it interned and she is going no place."

"Ambassador João that ship and its crew are nothing more than pirates in uniform and we mean to have them."

"Minister I am sorry it's just not possi...."

"Do you like Opera Ambassador?"

João startled by the rapid chance of topic, "Ah, yes Minister I like it a great deal, but I don't..."

"Excellent Ambassador, most excellent why don't we meet at the Palais Garnier tonight, I have a private box received." The French minister then got up and left.

Palais Garnier
That evening

As the Elektra went through its acts the Iberian Ambassador and the French Minister shared the opulent private box.  During an interlude of the remake of the Greek tragedy the Minister leaned over and whispered,
"What do you think of the Box Ambassador?"

"It's wonderful minister I normally don't have a seat with such a view of the stage..."

"Excellent you should feel free to make use of it if you wish; I have already made the arrangements."

"Minister that is most kind but I can't...."

"By the way why did you come alone Ambassador, I know your wife passed away but surely there must have been someone you could have brought?"
By now confused as to where events had led could only respond with, "Ah, no minister."

"Pity João, I have to leave but why don't you keep my young friend Aimée company and perhaps we can talk tomorrow."

Aimée in her daring dress gave a perfect smile to the ambassador and as soon as the French minister had gotten up moved into his seat next to the ambassador, "Ambassador Salgueiro the Minister has told me so much about Portugal but I would love to learn more from someone who was born there.  Would it be ok if I called you João?"

The next day, in a private room at a very exclusive club

"The Ambassador wins again..."

Aimée who was sitting next to Ambassador Salgueiro clapped and giggles as she helped him rake in the winnings.  João Salgueiro could only shake his head as he collected the large pot to add to his winnings; he had won more tonight then had made in a year.

Later that evening back at the French Foreign Ministry

"So Ambassador let us talk about the NSS Launceston."

"Very well minister I will see what I can do but you must understand that all I can do is make recommendations to Madrid and any decisions will be made there.  Now you have said repeatedly that she is a pirate vessel what can you provide in the way of proof?"

"A great deal actually can be provided João to show that and her crew are nothing but murderous scum."

"In that case minister I can recommend that the ship not be released at the close of hostilities and an investigation be launched into her conduct.  My Naval Attaché suggested an Admiralty court be held in Cadiz to determine if she violated commonly held standards of naval warfare and we go from there.  Just understand even if we get the court held I can hardly assure an out come."

The French Minister paused to consider what he had been told, "I see João we really are looking for a more... permanent solution to the problem."

"I know minister our options are somewhat limited it's not like we can just blow the ship up or something. "

The French Minister sat up in his chair and looked at the Iberian Ambassador.

João felt a cold sweat breakout as he felt those cold eyes bore into him and his heart skipped a beat at what he heard next.

"Actually João I think that's an excellent suggestion, do you think it would be possible to arrange something like that for me?"

At this point it all came together for João, the parties, the gambling, the winnings, Aimée.  This was too much he had to dissuade the Frenchmen quickly or this would get even more out of hand.  Also he couldn't just refuse, the money was enough to hang back home no way he could explain it away as gambling winnings.  Yes he needed to make clear it was impossible to achieve at a reasonable cost, that would work, "Ah minister, I do know some people from my days in the military but there is so little time and it would be very expensive to try it let alone assure success.  If it were found out that I was involved I would be hung and my children ruined."

"Don't worry João we will take care of you and as to funds that is no issue.  Now you know some people you said how could help?"

João thought to himself, 'no! no! This is worse, demand too much that will work.'  Then João said, "Yes I know some people but like I said it would be very expensive, we would need to bri... make payments to a number of people to pull something like this off and despite your kind words I would need something in writing from the French President."

"Yes, Yes, what do you need João?"

"Ah, 20 million Francs in a numbered account, half now and half after it's done.  A signed letter by the President that I will never be extradited to Iberia, imprisoned or expelled.  Help relocating, I have always been found of the south of France.  If this is not found out I will retire when my tour is over and relocate then."

The minister looked somewhat surprised at the amount.  Giving hope to João that he could escape from this mess.  "I will talk to my superiors Ambassador and be back shortly."

As time ticked on by all Ambassador João could think of was a gallows, a noose and a black bag being put over his head.   The ambassador nearly jumped out of his seat when the minister returned, "Agreed Ambassador when can you get started?"

Despite the racing of his heart and the pounding of the blood in his ears João managed to say, "Ah I will need to get the ship held first of all and once I have the letter and payment I need to talk to some people."

Events in Madrid

Two days later at small hotel in a small town near the French Iberian Border

Ambassador João and a long time friend from there days in the Portuguese army were talking.

"For the love of all that is holy what were you thinking João?"

"I know Marcos I know, the fact is I wasn't thinking and before I knew what was going on it was too late."

"You're in a fix that's for sure, is the money real?"

João merely pointed a suit case on the dresser.  Marcos went over and opened it and whistled at the sight and as he was flipping through the stacks of money said, "Well it's mostly Iberian currency, none of it is new and in various sizes; that something at least."

"The French minister suggested I withdraw funds like that."

Marcos shook his head and then said, "What are you going to do then João?  You could run away and hope for the best this is enough to see you for a very long time especially if you are willing to go some place out of the way."

"That wouldn't work Marcos all I can do is try to hold on tight, if I try to get off I will get killed."

Marcos nodded, "Very well, then we had best move fast.  Despite no one wanting to go to the sunny Island of Bom Leite sooner rather than later there going to get enough people together.  I know some people that can rig up something that should do the job.  Wonders of having had the nation in civil war, red revolt and invaded a few years ago.  I will take that." Points at the suit case, "and tell no one else, if you hadn't saved me from that bushman all those years ago I would turn you in.  As it is a debt is a debt, I will do what I can for you João.  So go back to Paris and I will be in touch."   

Morning Two and half Weeks Later
Island of Bom Leite
Harbor of Aguas Calientes
Harbor Masters office across from peer where the NSS Launceston was tied up

Brigadier General Marcos Tavares da Silva stood across from the New Swiss Captain of the Launceston, "Well I have finished my investigation Captain and in my opinion the French Proof is a giant pile of shit.  I am going to recommend to Madrid that no Admiralty Court be held and that you and your ship be released." 

The Swiss Officer beamed at the statement, "I am pleased to hear that General and I am sure my government will be most grateful to hear that."

"Since we have received word that the peace treaty was signed over a week ago and as soon as Madrid gives the all clear your ships internment will be at an end.  You can get your ship ready for sea if you wish
Captain.  I imagine you will have a great deal to do." 

Once again the Swiss Captain smiled at what he had heard, "That's great General, its not that we minded being your nations guests General but my men would like to get home."

"Of course, Captain, of course."
Later that same day

The crews of the NSS Launceston and the HIIMS Baboon had worked for hours to reload the coal bunkers of the Launceston, her magazines and all the supplies need to send her home when the Launceston's claxon started to sound.  There was a fire in the port coal bunkers.  At once the Launceston's crew and the Baboon's went to work to battle the blaze.

Soon an explosion ripped through the port side of the ship in the area of the coal bunker; opening the ships flank up to cold waters of the harbor.  With only one boiler lit to power the pumps and most of the ships hatches and scuttles open for the reloading water spread through the ships interior.  Quickly the boiler room had 3 feet of water and the ships engineer ordered the room abandoned and the pumps soon lost power.

A smoldering Launceston settled to bottom of the harbor.

News Story
August 28th
Cadiz, Iberia

On August 27th the NSS Launceston, a New Swiss Protected Cruiser interned at New Swiss Island of Bom Leite since June 29thhas been sunk.  The Launceston had been at the center of a diplomatic row between France, Iberia and New Switzerland over accusations that the ship had engaged in acts of piracy during her foray into the South Atlantic as a commerce raider.  The Launceston and her crew had been held pending in investigation and possible Admiralty Court on charges of Murder, Looting and Piracy against her Captain and Crew. 

The chief investigator sent had determined the charges were without merit and had recommended the ships release and had giver permission for the Launceston to make preparations to for heading out to sea.   

During the reloading a coal fire broke out on the Launceston and explosion in the bunkers followed soon after.  Despite the efforts of her own crew and the crew of HIIMS Baboon the ship sank to the bottom of the harbor. 

20 New Swiss sailors and 8 Iberian sailors went to the bottom with the Launceston or died from there wounds shortly afterwards.

Coal bunker fires and explosions are serious problem that have claimed several ships over the years.  The Iberian Navy is considering a move to oil fired ships and it is believed that the next generation protected cruisers will have such propulsion.  This tragedy will only add to the drive to make such a move.



There will be hell to pay. No Swiss ship sinks without it being avenged...

SSS agents are at this very moment on the hunt, and they have shoot to kill orders.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock