The Mithlond Conference, July 1908

Started by The Rock Doctor, October 23, 2007, 08:00:11 AM

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QuoteOOC von Bülow? Didn't he "resign"?
Obviously his "Part-time" job. :)
QuoteReply to Japanese coming soon.
Take it easy and keep your eyes open. It took me quite a while to get all that typed and then had to retype stuff as other things popped up.


Pubilus Rutilius Rufus: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Swiss agree to my Proposal of a Cease Fire in place.  Do any of the other delegates have any objections to this Proposal?
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Quote from: Tanthalas on October 29, 2007, 10:57:54 PM
Pubilus Rutilius Rufus: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Swiss agree to my Proposal of a Cease Fire in place.  Do any of the other delegates have any objections to this Proposal?
I think the fact that no one else have bothered to comment on that proposal should give you an idea...
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


The loud words of Pubilus Rutilius Rufus jerked Przewalski from his daydreaming. His mind had wandered when Praeger was explaining the obvious, and he had been envisioning the Swiss delegate barefoot and pregnant, serving him a a plate of steaming horseflesh with a topping of pork cracklings ....

He cleared his throat.
- The ceasefire is an excellent idea. The Italian proposal of Peace with Honour is highly meritous, worthy of that Great Nation. However, due to far flung forces and difficulties in communication, the Alliance does not consider it possible to have a Ceasefire coming into effect earlier than on October the 1st.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The Count's statement interrupted the heated discussion between the Lady in Red and the Swiss Ambassador to Rohan. The Lady once again spoke up.

"So if I understand you correctly, you are saying that is, say we agreed to all your points today, the unHoly Alliance forces would continue to wage war untill October 1st? Two whole months of killings... My, my your communications are pretty bad. (aide furiously writing in background)"
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


- No, lady, you do not understand correctly. 1st October is a a reasonable date for a ceasefire.
He decided to emulate her manner of speech.
- Say you agree to all our points today, no effort will be spared to bring the word to the frontline units the quickest humanely possible. Of course, no guaranty that ALL could be contacted before an earlier date.

His mind wandered a bit - pink apron? white apron?

- As to your previous question - evacuation of the Duchy of Niu Amsterdam and of Tasmania - in return the Alliance could accept Swiss Niu Guini. If the Swiss Confederation considers removal of Alliance troops from those territories by force to be easier and cheaper, than it is free to try that route.

- And why is it beyond the power of the Swiss government to oblige itself NOT to do something in Siam?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I would note to the deligates that are here that while international communications are better now than they where two decades ago, the simple matter of multiple cut telegraph cables in the combat region and the distances and number of islands that are involve with the conflict will make delivery of any resolution in this matter a little time consuming.  For the major areas of conflict, I do not imagine more than a month before orders are processed, while distnt lonely isles may take months to contact successfully.

As it is it takes a day or two to get news from other countries printed.  More if the message needs to be sent by ship to another telegraph station.

So things take time.  That is a given, though for most locations it should not take more than two months.  Unless there is a lack of reliable lines of communication and a lack of mail vessels.

The Rock Doctor

For this reason, I'd recommend the moderators - if they aren't already consciously doing so - avoid posting reports for any battles taking place after the starting date of this conference, until after conference is completed.

...I'm assuming that the conference will not last more than a few days when I say that.  None of this "Six Months in Paris" stuff...


The time lag depends on battle location - for Niu Amsterdam I'd expect a week at most. Saipan - 10 days?
Tasmania - an interesting question - the cables through Australia are a no-no. Is there a cable to French Polynesia? Through Firanj? Brandenburgia-Solomons-Filipinas?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!

The Rock Doctor

The back-and-forth between the anonymous Swiss representative and the Allied representatives intrigued Eduard Torres.  Clearly, something was afoot around Saipan, and he could hope to receive a report from the Armada's observers in the Swiss battleline in a week or two. 

The tone of negotiations was about what he'd expected.  The Swiss still came off as cocky and willing to bait the Alliance.  The Alliance seemed more inclined to actually deal thus far, though the Count seemed distracted.  The Italian suggestion had been useful, but the Alliance seemed to prefer an immediate end to the conflict over an extended cease-fire - perhaps not trusting the Swiss to honor it indefinitely. 

One of his officials leaned forward, muttering into his ear, "Just thinking - the longer it takes to end the war, the more time and effort the Middle Kingdom will have to spend on relief efforts in Hainan and Formosa.  After months of reconstruction and feeding the locals, the Empress may not be quite so inclined to let go of that investment as she was at the last conference."

"You think she'd just annex them after a certain point?", Torres murmered back.

"Or just stop relief operations and let the locals fend for themselves", the official replied. 

"Mmm", Torres grunted.  "That would be ugly."


Shore installations for the Saipan end of the Swiss telegraph line was destroyed by coastal bombardment, the cable is still there but not functioning. Still, Saipan-Swiss home island is 3 days by a destroyer or cruiser, and there's a cable running from there to Rohan.

The Japanese would go back to Japan to let the world new their version. From there, news would travel the other way around. Takes three days longer.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Obliterated! Eliminated! Eradicated! Anihilated! Exterminated! Violated!
... uhm... disregard that last one. :)


Praeger watched as Count Przewalski seemed to turn into a dangerous criminal who was wanted by the Japanese Authorities...

Pinching himself, Praeger realized that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Sighing slightly, he got up and spoke. "If the Swiss think that half of the proposed points are anything but reasonable, I would think that a ceasefire right now is anything but reasonable... considering the desipcable acts of the Swiss... which makes me ashamed to think that I, too, am Swiss." The General paused for a few seconds and then continued. "Japan will accept a cease fire... but only after the surrender of the Swiss and the acceptance of the points proposed by the Allies."


Pubilus Rutilius Rufus: (Red in the Face) so you would Demand what your "allies" have not been able to accomplish by Force of Arms? How long has your nation been involved in this conflict?  What was promised to you to get you to join it?
(OOC: I really don't know how long Japan has been in the war just that they weren't one of the original combatants)
Pubilus Rutilius Rufus: (takes a Deep Breath) Both Sides of this War have approached Italia about joining it, I KNOW as I was at all the meetings.  Tell me cane what would be the effect of an Italian Squadron entering the fray in the Pacific?  Much like you our Victories against exhausted opponents on either side would be virtually assured.  However while we could not bring ourselves to betray our Traditional Austrian Allies, we also could not bring ourselves to help them against an outnumbered Opponent.  As such we maintained HONORABLE Neutrality, neither helping nor hindering either side.

It is obvious to anyone with half a Brain that Brandenburg, Austria, and the Swiss are spent.  It is also obvious that the Chinese want nothing short of the annihilation of the Swiss as a people (Dramatic Pause), otherwise would they not have sent an Emissary to this conference!

Madam of the Swiss Embassy it is also obvious that baring a miracle your nation will loose the battles on Guam and the other pacific islands.  You say that several items are outside your control to agree upon.  Exactly what can you agree upon madam?  Offer a counter proposal, so that we might know what your negotiating points are.  I for one have had ENOUGH of this staring at each other across the table, let us at least start an honest dialogue.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


Intercession, overheard/reported conversation between junior delegates from Orange and other participants.

"...Honestly, I have no idea why the Japanese insist on that they could take Saipan? Last time I heard there was more than 50,000 troops on those islands. Will they throw a few hundred thousand men on those rocks just to get the naval base which they bombarded in the previous months? If the Swiss managed to run some blockade runners then they won't be starved out either for another few months, and get some change from horse meat."

"It is just ridiculous that only the Austrians could show up any results against the Swiss. The DKB cannot even invade a small island hundred miles from their own continent without help, their claim on Tasmania is smiled upon by everyone, even the other alliance members if there are no Brandenburgers in sight."
"The Swiss were unable to throw a corps worth Brandenburger troops off Tasmania either, and that is a concise critique on their land strength. In the place of either commander, honestly, I would have at least considered sending reinforcements, and make sure that the other side could not do the same, not the current on-off blockade that is going on for a while."
"Well, the only rational party in the whole bunch are the Netherlanders. They are apparently taking back their lost territory, sink any Swiss ships thrown at them,  let the others take the blows, then mop up when the Swiss exhausted themselves."
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock