The Quest for Oil...

Started by miketr, August 25, 2007, 12:27:28 PM

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I skimmed about half way through the book and have some info that people may find interesting.

First two are methods of oil finding, US centricTrends in US oil exploration

Random Drilling, 1871
Surface Indications, 1871
Surface Structure, 1906
Sub Surface Structure, 1916
Geophysics, 1926

Table 13-2 Discovery of CA oil, tabl 13-2, pg 673
< 1894, seepage
1894-1906, seepage
1906-1914, exposed anticlines (this is folds in the rock layers that will trap oil and the layers are visable on the surface)
1914-1924, physiography (scientific approach, core samples, detailed maps, etc)
1924-1931, deep drilling (3,000 feet plus looks to count as deep drilling)
1931-1940, geophysics (seismic data manmade and natural)
1940-1953, reappraisal of data

      1900   1910
USA      63,621   209,557
Canada      913   316
Mexico      nil   3,634
S America      274   1,421
Europe sans Russia      4,346   23,500
Russia      75,780   70,337
Burma, India & Japan      1,950   7,967
East Indies      2,253   11,031
USA Break Down, table 6-2 pg 160         
Pennsylvania / NY      14,559   9,849
W Virgina / Kentucky      16,258   12,222
Ohio / Indiana      27,237   12,076
Illinois      nil   33,143
Mid-Continent      83   53,161
Rocky Mountain      323   355
California      4,325   73,011
Texas / Louisiana      836   15,740

I am looking for a better break down of world oil fields over time.  Sorry about the formating of the data, I am trying to be fast about this.



I venture we are at "1894-1906, seepage" stage ....

The European figure more or less fits what I had found, with roughly a 50-50 split between Austria and Rumania.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Borys on August 25, 2007, 12:45:23 PM
I venture we are at "1894-1906, seepage" stage ....

The European figure more or less fits what I had found, with roughly a 50-50 split between Austria and Rumania.


Also fits in nice what I have read about the east indies, around 3% of world production in this period.

Great work digging this up. :)
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


I found a better world wide production table....  Its going to take me a little time to format this for the board.  It covers 1860 to 1914...



Maybe post 1900 will suffice?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!



the best way to post tables is to do it in Word/Excel, cut it and paste it into Paint, then save it as gif or png (not jpg to avoid compression losses).
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Principal Oil Producing Countries, 1860-1914, 1,000's of barrels per year, table 24-1, pg 1562                                 

YearWorld TotalUSACanadaRussiaRumaniaGalaciaEast IndiesBurmaJapanMexicoPersia


Oesterreich-Ungran will not get to 4 (it peaked in 1908). It will stay at 3. I wrote about that in several places.

US production is divided, with most being in the CSA, but sizeable portion in the UNK.

It seems that in N-verse Persia started off 10 years sooner. Maybe we could extend that to all areas, i.e. have Mexico and Maracaibo already producing?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Oil Producing Countries, 1920-1940 1,000's of barrels per year, tble 24-2, pg 1565

Yearworld totalUSAMexicoVenezuelaWestern Hemis, OtherRussiaEuropeMid EastFar East


Did Mexico implode, or was that 23 originaly a 2,3?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I looked up stuff for the Wesworld a while back and found out that Mexico imploded (unless I read it wrong or mix up stuff). I think it had something to do with the 1929 crash... but I could be wrong.


Quote from: Borys on August 25, 2007, 01:38:27 PM
Did Mexico implode, or was that 23 originaly a 2,3?


It imploded in because of the great depression and matters were made worse when the government nationalized the oil fields in 1938.



Also several Mexican fields were lost in the early 20's because of salt water getting into fields...

For the US I cleaned up the break downs by state this should help Rohan and UNK.



I am trying work on an idea I have but I need some data from the moderators.  I am looking for a ball park figure on the economies, IC is what I need of the followig nations.  Basicly I want to figure out the size of the N3 total world economy in terms of IC.

Major Powers
Terra Australis ('Maoria') - unclaimed

Medium Powers
Mughal - unclaimed
India - unclaimed
Peru - unclaimed
Mesoamerica - unclaimed
Argentina - unclaimed

Minor Powers
Firanj - unclaimed
Egypt - unclaimed
Siam - unclaimed
Persia - unclaimed
New Zion - unclaimed
Romania - unclaimed
Malgas - unclaimed

Nation   ,   IC   ,   Current?
Baltic Confederation   ,   93   ,   1906
Bavaria   ,   49   ,   
Confederate States of America   ,   97   ,   
Deutsches Kaiserreich Brandenburg   ,   75   ,   
French Republic   ,   188.5   ,   
Gran Colombia   ,   111.5   ,   
Hapsburg Empire   ,   73   ,   
Iberian Empire   ,   51.5   ,   
Italy   ,   44.5   ,   1906
Japan   ,   45   ,   (H2 1907)
Kiev   ,   42   ,   1906
Middle Kingdom   ,   112   ,   
Russia   ,   67.4   ,   
New Switzerland   ,   88   ,   
Orange Republic   ,   99   ,   
Rohan   ,   113   ,   
The Netherlands   ,   78   ,   
United Norman Kingdom   ,   111   ,   
Ottoman Empire   ,   57   ,   1906
RoC (Taiwan and Hainan)   ,   13   ,   



We have it somewhere for most major nations...
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas