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Rohirrim Rider: December 1907

Started by Ithekro, July 02, 2007, 06:22:25 PM

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July 2, 1907

Priority work on a contract for five Confederate Destroyers in New Beleraind began today.  The vessels design has been partly incorperated into Rohirrim designs for the future.

July 4, 1907

Work throughout the naval yard of the Mark spread the industrial strength thin to get more projects completed rather than finishing fewer projects in a timely fashion.  With  11 destroyers, 2 battleships, a battlecruiser, two cruisers under construction, and another battlecruiser and a foreign contract cruiser to be laid down soon, the Mark is well on the way to recover losses from the Anahuac War.

July 16, 1907

The second major rail line from the UKA to Rohan has been stalled near the town of Rockridge do the heat stroke and the hot weather that causes it.  Workers have not been able to lay as much track during the days and the nights are still too wild in the Indian Lands.  It is hoped work will continue after the heat wave passes.

August 2, 1907

The keel of a Swiss cruiser was laid down today in Forlond.  What is being called the Constellation will use imported parts to quicken the construction time and cut costs.

August 10, 1907
(Theoden's Day)

Today we remember one king who helped shape our destiny. Theoden King is remembered as a legend, but is considered to have been an actual living person by historians, as the written evidence from the archives of Edoras, Mundburg, and Dol Amroth along with some mention from other coninental sources indicates that he did live and that he was king of Rohan 8,206 years ago. His grave is also still present in Edoras. While most of his reign is lost to history, just that he was considered to have decayed during the last decade of the Third Age until his spirit was rekindled just before the great battles before the Hornburg and Mundburg that pushed the darkness back to Mordor. Theoden died in front of Mundburg at the hieght of the battle, but his spirit remains to remind us to keep our head in the light and charge when the worse seems to be upon you. Some say his tactics imply that the best defense is a good offense. They may be correct, and Rohan has followed this logic for land and naval warfare. While on land the days of the horse are ending, they still are a heavy and quick offensive tool that reminds our potential enemies that we can strike them back fast and hard should they attempt to take our lands or those of our allies. On the sea, this has brought about the practice of arming our ships heavily. They have to come to us, unless they wish to wait for us to come to them, but we will make them pay dearly should they try either option.

Today the King went to the mound of his fathers, his great-grand mothers, and uncles that were King of Rohan. Vistiting the 274 graves of the kings and queens of old, Theocro is reminded that one day he will be grave number 275. The Simbelmyne (Evermind) still bloom on every grave. The traditional reading of the names was done as is done when a new King is put on the throne, but the line breaks at Theoden to drink then continues until Theocro King is named, then the second drink is had. Rememberance of Theoden still takes centerstage on this day.

For Theoden's Day work begins on a second Battlecruiser of the Mark in Harlond as the keel is laid for the Windfola.  The battlecruisers are expected to be the new fast arm of the Navy of the Mark, and with that be able to fight toe to toe with any cruiser in existance and yet be able to escape any battleship in the world today.  Thus the charge of the Rohirrim Navy will be as great as the charge of Theoden's erol in front of Mundburg.

August 19, 1907

California's goverment has asked for more aid form Rohan is rebuilding the scorched San Francisco and get trade moving again.  Westron merchants have begun the task of reconstructing the docks with help from Swiss and Confederate sources.  Rohirrim naval units have taken adminitrative control of the Californian Navy and efforts to rebuild the port and patrol from smugglers.

August 23, 1907

Another delay in the second UKA to Rohan railline has been found...specifically quicksand on the main route though a pass.  The railroad is looking into alternate routes or ealse the project will need to be scrapped.

September 3, 1907

Lawlessness has struck the town of Rockridge as bandits were reported to have "Stampeded women and raped cattle".  This paper finds the news coming from Rockridge's local office to be misquoted and a telegraph err, but from the public record, the entire town is filled with people with the last name of Johnson, so the reader can draw then own conclusions as to the accuracy of the report.

September 10, 1907

Valandil, Combat Cruiser of the Mark was launched today at Vinyamar, where it will join the Central Pacific Fleet.  This new cruiser has been built in competion with the Battlecruiser Snowmane.  And while the cruiser will have entered service long before the battlecruiser, the question remain on how effective the two will be for comparson.

September 15, 1907
The King's Birthday

On this the King's 59th birthday, he again was able to slip away from his guards after the eighth hour of celebration.  His whereabout are unknown, but he has always managed to escape on his own parties.  The core of the Grey Company officers and men are also not to be found.

September 18, 1907

Arcadia, Battleship of the Mark has been sent on a delicate mission to South America.  Her final desination is unclear, but the importance of it seems high to send Lord Harlock on a personal misson under the flag of the King himself.

September 29, 1907

The King returned to Edoras after what he called a nice vacation.  "It is good to get away to finish up loose ends".

October 6, 1907

The Kingdom of Rohan is dismayed over the actions in the Indian Ocean.  The King has said that the Swiss move, while not entirely unwarrented if faced with a criminal the size of the Boag Mars, the evidance of Mars being with the convoy is not strong enough to warrent the sinking of two French cruisers, nor the actions around Keeling by the Dutch.  Rohan hopes the matter would have been able to settle quietly.

October 14, 1907

Due to the questionable legal matters over the beginning of this conflict, Theocro King has issued the following statement:

"The Kingdom of  Rohan will not assist the Swiss nor Dutch during this time of war, and will follow through on denying Swiss and Dutch warships from Rohirrim waters and limiting Swiss and Dutch merchants and nationals to a 72 hour limit within Rohirrim ports and all territories for the course of the war.  This will effect trade slighty, but not critically.  Rohan will also not supply either side with weapons of war during the conflict."

The edict from Edoras will take effect on November 1, 1907 to allow for and Swiss and Dutch nationals to collect their belonging.  Diplomatic personel from both nations are immune to this edict, as are workers and companies under contract with the Kingdom of Rohan until such time as their contracts expire.  Any Swiss or Dutch military personel within Rohirrim territories must leave by November 1, 1907.  Naval and Army patrols will increase within Rohirrim waters and territories for the course of the war.  The people of Rohan wish for this seemingly insane conflict to end quickly so that normalcy can resume in the Pacific.

Swiss or Dutch warships that request use of Rohirrim ports will be denied saving for the request of asylum from the conflict, or dire energencies.  In the case of the former, the vessel will remain in Rohirrim waters under guard until the end of the war or a negotiated settlement specifically related to the vessel in question.  In the later, the vessel will be allowed food and medical aid.  If the vessel cannot leave under her own power within 72 hours or does not have the fuel to reach another safe port, the vessel will remain in Rohirrim waters under guard until the end of the war.  If Swiss or Dutch nationals from any vessel breaks Rohirrim laws while within Rohirrim waters or lands, they will be subject to the laws of Rohan and risk their vessel being siezed, should the crime warrent such an action.

October 29, 1907

Word of the massive displays of mine use around the Dutch East Indies has give Rohan some cause for alarm.  Rohan does not use mines as a rule and with the waters in South East Asia potentially filled with mines makes the waters dangous not only for the combatants but also for regular shipping.  Rohan may propose the outlawing of such weapons at the near international conference.

November 4, 1907

Now the Middle Kingdom is involved along with Brandenburg and Austria.  Will the Swiss every learn not to upset their neighbors?  Investors are working on ways to buy the Swiss stocks in the New Beleraind Canal in and effort to distance the Kingdom of Rohan from the Swiss in case they manage to anger even more and powerful countries.   Work stopped today on the Swiss cruiser Constellation for the duration of the war.

Novmeber 7, 1907

Ships form Switzerland arrive to do business and then leave within three day as if they had been doing it all there lives.  No arms are allowed to leave Rohan, and only coal and fuel is allowed on the vessels if it is not part of a regular business transaction.

November 15, 1907

An offer to purchase the Californian Battleships by the United States of New Switzerland through the California offices was denied today by a Rohirrim Navy Authorities working in San Francisco.  A similar offer from the Kingdom of Siam and New Zion were also turned down, and the Authority is forbidden from selling arms to the Swiss during times of war if Rohan is not actively a part of that war.

November 19, 1907

A fleet excercise for this year was cancelled to allow more ships to patrol the Pacific Ocean.  Smaller level training excercises have been scheduled for all vessels as they rotate in and out of patrol.

November 30, 1907

A reward of 3,000 troy ounces of gold was awarded to Tochiro Oyama for the head of one Agrival Mars when he and the Arcadia under Lord Harlock arrived in Mithlond earlier today.  It seems the Arcadia was sent to backup and retrieve Mr. Oyama from a personal mission for the Theocro King.  Surprisingly Lord Harlock appeared to deliver a shattered sword that looked like the Flame of the West that rests in Edoras.  Few details are given save that Lord Harlock was wearing a patch over his right eye that he was not know to spot previously.

December 1, 1907

Rohan launcheds six new destroyers of the Running Wolf-class today to fulfill the need to rebuild and replace older Rohirrim torpedo units that are showing signs of age and are classified as obsolete in general.

December 3, 1907

After a few too many bar fights, Swiss and Brandenberg ships are assigned to different ports of call with apologies sent to specific businesses.

December 11, 1907

California has found that it will not be able to pay off its debts that it is amassing for their reconstruction efforts.  An appeal to the King of Rohan has suggested that the Republic of California would like to address the issue of annexation to pay off its debt to Rohan and that Rohan would pay off the remainder of California's debts.  In exchange California would be a nearly automonous part of the Kingdom of Rohan, directly linked as an ally and answerable to the King, but able to run their own internal affairs.   Theocro King is considering this offer and would be willing to accept by July of 1908 should the Californians wish to be part of Rohan after 60 years of freedom from any higher authority.

December 12th, 1907

Salish, Cruiser of the Mark, returned to Mithlond today after a patrol of the Pacific sealanes to Hawaii.  They reported encountering a the largest ships the captain had ever seen.  "It must have been 600 feet long," said one of the crewmen.  No nationality was given for the vessel.

December 16, 1907

The Republic of China has requested that Rohan intercede and open negotiations with the Middle Kingdom to put and end to the conflict between the two Chinas. Theocro is reportedly skeptical on the matter, but says the Kingdom of Rohan will make the effort to end at least that part of the conflict, if it can't get the Swiss to back down from upsetting its neighbors.

December 25, 1907
Fellowship Day

Mithlond has been the sight of Brandenburg merchants to Rohan since the edict seperating Swiss and Brandenberg commercial traffic.  While most of their ships head to New Beleriand or South America rather than Rohan itself, sometimes larger ships come to Rohan for business.  Local leaders say that there were a lot of Germans in Mithlond today for Fellowship Day and Christmas.  "Probably wanted one day just to forget they are at war." said a shop keeper.

December 26th, 1907

Just as quickly as they arrived, the large number of Brandenburgian left this morning to beat the tide, and as they said "Swindle those Swiss out of another prize".  Considering the nature of this war, it is expected that there are Swiss cruisers operating out of Anchorage or merchants that are probably looking for any Brandenburg ship to report on its location.

December 31, 1907

Rohan sees the war in the Pacific falling into a stalemate as Swiss and Middle Kingdom troops are locked in combat on Hainan and Taiwan, and Swiss, Dutch, and Brandenburg forces fight for control of the seas of South East Asia and the South Pacific.  Only time will tell if this war will ever burn itself out.  In the meantime, the canal comes closer to being completed, the army will soon be finished with there upgrade, and the Navy of the Mark will be ready if a conflict arises again for Rohan.


Quote from: Ithekro on July 02, 2007, 06:22:25 PM
September 3, 1907

Lawlessness has struck the town of Rockridge as bandits were reported to have "Stampeded women and raped cattle".  This paper finds the news coming from Rockridge's local office to be misquoted and a telegraph err, but from the public record, the entire town is filled with people with the last name of Johnson, so the reader can draw then own conclusions as to the accuracy of the report.

Quote from: Ithekro on July 02, 2007, 06:22:25 PM
November 30, 1907

A reward of 3,000 troy ounces of gold was awarded to Tochiro Oyama for the head of one Agrival Mars when he and the Arcadia under Lord Harlock arrived in Mithlond earlier today.  It seems the Arcadia was sent to backup and retrieve Mr. Oyama from a personal mission for the Theocro King.  Surprisingly Lord Harlock appeared to deliver a shattered sword that looked like the Flame of the West that rests in Edoras.  Few details are given save that Lord Harlock was wearing a patch over his right eye that he was not know to spot previously.
The DKB extends its heartiest congratulations to Herr Oyama on his removal of a threat to all the world, the worst threat perhaps since the days of the War of the Ring. The reward offered by Brandenburg will be given to Herr Oyama upon the conclusion of the current hostilities; we regret that it cannot be given sooner however we hope the need for all available resources for the defense of the Reich will be understood.

Quote from: Ithekro on July 02, 2007, 06:22:25 PM
December 12th, 1907

Salish, Cruiser of the Mark, returned to Mithlond today after a patrol of the Pacific sealanes to Hawaii.  They reported encountering a the largest ships the captain had ever seen.  "It must have been 600 feet long," said one of the crewmen.  No nationality was given for the vessel.
Kongo again?  ;)


Rats! There goes that bounty...

600ft? Cant be Kongo, probably Schanhorts or one of the Swiss Costitutions (550ft).
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


One of my troopships? 542 feet.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Since the largest ship in the Rohirrim Fleet at present is the new Combat Cruiser Valandil
at 520 feet (well actually the Privateer Queen Emeraldas at 530 feet)  Anything larger than that would seem huge.  He could be exaggerating or even underestimating its size.  (Greater Napaloeon is 600 feet long isn't it?)

I'm unsure if I should finish off the Rockridge story in 1907 or wait for 1908 to introduce the rest of the story elements (or just leave it to the imaginations of those that understand what this is from).


The current largest ships are the UKA/French superliners, with the Orange ones coming second.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


I don't think any of the superlines have been to Rohan yet.


Magnificent is running for the Dutch after being " leased".
Mercury, based in New York as far as I know (only Earl822 knows for sure) is running her normal timetable.
But these monsters are 850 foot long.
Greater Napoleon capped the 660 foot.
Napoleon the Great tops at 545 foot.


The death of Agrival Mars is not considered tenative anymore.

A full version will be written up later.  Hopefully his death will be worthy of him.

Given Arcadia's cruising speed and range, I can guess Agrival Mars was killed on November 12th, 1907.

The Rock Doctor

I'll be curious to see what happened to the rest of the Mars family.

Gran Colombia will be curious to see how Peru reacts to the event.


November 17, 1907

Shadowfax is dispatched back to Rohan to aid in Pacific Patrols.

November 19, 1907

Walda is send to join Freawine in the Caribbean Sea to keep the Fleet strong in that region of the world.


November 11, 1907


Arcadia, Battleship of the Mark sat at anchor of the coast, boats moving to and from her long length.  "Shore leave?"  asked the local Peruvian port authority captain. 

"That is correct," said the Lt. Commander.  "My Captain and Lord wishes for us to take some time to rest in this springtime port you have here.  We have been at sea for quite some time."

"I don't know if having so many Rohirrim here is wise, there are rumors that bad things happen while your people are in South America."

"Nonsense, bad things only happen when bad people are already here and they make trouble."  The Commander smiled.  "And since this is Peru, and not Brazil, I don't expect us to have any Followers of the Eye worshipping here, do you?"

"No. no, not at all."

"Then a much deserved rest and an influx of money into your local economy sounds like a nice trade, doesn't it?"

"Yes...yes that will do.  Have your people come ashore in small numbers though."

"Of course, wouldn't want to make a display of all the nobility in our crew at once."

"Your what?"

The Commander only smiled then walked off to signal his ship."


In an office not too far away.  "I don't think the boss is going to like this."

"Well of course he's not going to like this, their those thrice cursed Horse-Lords."

"No, I mean that ship.  That's the Arcadia.  Harlock's ship."


"Don't you remember what the paper said about Harlock being after the Boss?"

"I don't read remember."

"Sigh, We need to let the Boss know quickly, before those Horse-Lords start snooping around."


That evening in a bar near Lima.  Two men sit in a booth sipping wine.  One is wearing a black wide brim hat and fairly indistinct clothes.  The other is short with a hole ridden brown wide brim hat and a brown cloak that covers nearly his entire body save for his spectacles.  A tall blond haired woman enters the bar alone.  She look noticed, but she's been here before, so the other patrons ignore her out of fear.

"Their here." said the tall woman.

"Took them long enough, I expected her here two days ago," the tall man sitting in a booth muttered.

"Just because they are late doesn't mean we are."  said the short man.

"We get in position soon.  Once done we leave."  said the woman.

"Shouldn't be too hard."  said the tall man.

"Oh, like the world can't do it but you can.?"

"Not me, us."

"Right."  said the short man.  "Just as long as we are close.  His ego will demand nothing less."

"What about your ego?"  asked the woman.

"What?  I'm bound as a man to honor my commitments, and this is one of them.  I will not fail."

"Then take this." she said, handing him a short jagged looking dagger.

"I won't kill him with that.  There in no honor in it."

"Who said anything about killing him with it.  Just take it."


November 12, 1907


"Boss they are all over the place.  The local police can't seem to keep an eye on all of them."

Agrival Mars paced around the room then looked at his subordinate, "Well of course they can't, their Rohirrim swine.  They get into everything when their King demands it.  I was so close to getting him once.  To bad, I would have enjoyed thrusting his own national blade through his chest."   Mars looked over as the wall where he had mounted Anduril last year.

"Boss we have to---" Slap! Mars struck his minion down.

"You do not think around here, I think, you listen."

"Yes Boss."

"Now While it would be fine to stay, here, I wish to go to the mountains for a few days until the Rohirrim leave.  Might to good for the lungs."  He looked over at the minion, "Now get my things and move!"



Several carriages had already left with Marisa and the baby, and most of the minions.  Mars, wanted everything finsihed before he left himself.  He took Anduril personally.  He liked the feel of the sword, and the extra intimidation he could get by use of this blade.

This coach was coming in when a call came out form behind the house.  "Agrival Mar!  Your head belongs to the King of Rohan, and I Tochiro Oyama shall collect it!"

"Tochiro Oyama?"  asked Mar.  He looked and saw two men standed near the house.  The short one had a blade out, while the tall one with the scars has a revolver drawn.  "Ah, Mr. Oyama...and Lord Harlock I would guess.  I assumed you would look more noble...but you are as short as a thought"

"Do you accept by challenge, or will you come quietly?"  asked Oyama.

"I will not challenge you, Oyama.  You are not noble enough...I challenge Lord Harlock, to a duel of swords."

"I'd just assume shoot you, Mars."

"Oh you wouldn't do that.  Besides, I still have men here that can easily gun you down."

Harlock narrowed his eyes at Agrival.  "If that is the way it must be."  Harlock drew his Captain's sword and holstered his gun.

One of Agrival's men aimed to shoot Harlock, but was immediately gunned down.  A rifle report sounded immediately after the man fell.

"You didn't think we'd come without help, did you?" asked Harlock.

"No of course not."  Mars drew Anduril from its sheath.  "Kill the short one, Harlock is mine."

The next minion aimed at Tochiro and was also gunned down from a distance.  The third ran off, with Tochiro running after a fourth.

Mars and Harlock crossed swords.  Anduril gave Mars a great reach on Harlock saber.  They dueled for a short while as the rifle in the distance reported every once in a while.

"Your little blade can't hold back the power of your King's blade.  Accept it into yourself.  you will enjoy the feeling for an instant."  Anduril seemed to glow red with the Mar's words as he slashed at Harlock.  Harlock's parries could barely hold again the weight of Agrival's blade.

"You might want to check your history better."  said Harlock.  "No one knows where the sword of the king is."

"You are wrong," slashed Agrival.  "The blade is in my hand, and soon through your neck."

Harlock parried the blade again, and again, but Mars kept pushing.

"You hold a fake, the real blade remains lost."

"Lies."  He slashed again.

"You would know lies wouldn't you Boug Mars."

"Only when it suits my will."  He slashed again beating Harlock's blade to the air, and then Mars came back down on Harlock's head.

The Lord Harlock flinched, but not enough.  The blade slashed across his face and eye. leaving it and the Sword bloody.

"Ha, the mighty Harlock, will die this day."

"I highly doubt that, Boag." came a voice from behind him.

"You say clear, Oyama.  I challenged Harlock, not you."

"True, but I challenge you, oh master of the sword, to duel me and my blade.  Or do you think I the short and spectacled man would win?"

Mars. kicked Harlock in the head, spinning him away from Mars, as he turned to face Oyama.  "You are a pathetic little man, and I will enjoy cutting your head off...if I could stoop low enough to the ground to reach it."  Mars smiled.

"Fine."  Tochiro's shikomizue was raised high to deflect the larger sword.

The men clashed.  The larger Mars and his blade seemed to dominate, but the short and fast Oyama kept getting small cuts on the larger man.  Tochiro was annoyed that even thought he blade was a fake, the craftsmen were of excellent quality.  His blade couldn't just cut right though it like he had so many other blades.

Mars, managed to beat Tochiro off,  "You shall die for your trouble, Oyama.  And then I'll kill your friend, and find your wife and his, and them your king.  They will all die by this blade.  Oh the irony of the fall of Rohan by the Sword of their beloved King of old.  Irony suites the death of such disgustingly noble people who can't leave well enough alone."

Tochiro was on his behind and getting up when Mars charged him.  Tochiro leap at Agrival's legs with his blade high to deflect the blow.  The blades connected, but so did Tochiro with Mars' knees.  The tall man tripped over the short man,and dropped Anduril.

Tochiro was battered, he turned to strike the villain as he reached for Anduril, but the man was quick and leap clear of Tochiro's blade.  However, as he swung Anduril back at Tochiro, Oyama pulled out a dagger and with his shikomizue caught the Sword of the King.

"Irony you say, Mars.  How about this for irony?"  Tochiro locked the Flame of the West in the jagged teeth of the dagger and with the force of his shikomizue, snapped the ancient weapon in two.

Mars was shocked.  "You broke my sword?  You broke a priceless sword with a little dagger!  I'll kill you for that."  Mars thrust the hilt of the Sword at Tochiro, who ducked under the raging man's jab.  Tochiro's blade however impaled the Boug quite effectively.

"It wasn't your sword."  said Tochiro to Mars.  Oyama then beheaded the dying Mars as a mercy.

By now the rifle fire had ended.  "Tochiro!"  the tall blonde woman ran to her husband carrying a rifle.  "Your hurt."

"Thank you for the dagger."

"We have to get out of here.  Peruvian police are not our target and Harlock is hurt."

"Don't worry.  His crew is out their.  We'll get out of here with his."  Tochiro held up Mar's head.

"I think you might want to put that away." she said trying to hold in her breakfast.


Evening, at the docks.

"Why do you think my crew have had anything to do with these disturbances of yours?"  Asked the Arcadia's executive officer.

The port authority captain was not amused, "Because we have reports of a gunfight near Lima and then reports of murder, and one report of some of your men being seen outside this city."

"I was unaware that my men were restricted to this city, nor why your internal problems should point to us being here."

"But the man who was murdered is wanted for some sort of made up crime in Rohan.  You have no jurisdiction here."

"I never said I did, not that any of my men are involved in your own matters.  We are here on shore leave remember?  To have fun, not be accused of murder."

"Now see here."

Excuse me."  said a woman from behind the Port Authority Captain.

"Yes, Milady?"  asked the Captain.

"My husband was beat up rather badly and his friend would like to press charged against a Brazilian man he was fighting in the bar here."

"Why do you come to me for this now?"

"Because i think the man is trying to leave on that boat heading to that freighter that came in two weeks ago.  The one that looks like it is leaving."

"What!  Get me the Navy.  I'll have them...."

"Excuse me."  asked the Arcadia's Commander.  "I think I will cancel leave.  If I get my men back fast enough, our ship can catch that freighter for you."

"You'd do that?"  asked the woman.

"Well it is sort of out called, you know.  Helping people in need."

"I.  Well.  If you think you can.  The navy here, doesn't like being bothered by the port authority for bar room brawls."

"Then its settled.  I'll have the ship recall all my sailors, and we'll try to track down that ship.  If we catch her in your waters, we'll bring her back for you.  If not, we will see if we can prosecute them elsewhere.  If you like, Milady, we'll take you will use as a witness, your husband and friend too."



"Now wait just an minute."  said the port captain.

"We don't have very many minutes if we want to catch that freighter.  It looks Swiss, and you know how fast those things are."

"Well um. "

"I'll be back in twenty minutes.  We don't have many thing, and I can have the hotel mail the rest of our things home later."

"Oh good,"

"I don't"

"Be a good man and help be back up from the docks will you?"  asked the woman to the port captain.

November 13, 1907

Arcadia at see, 20 miles outside of Peruvian national waters.

"I'm sorry, Captain, but I can't do anything for your eye."

"I'll live."  said Captain Harlock.

"Your wife may find it disturbing."

Harlock smiled, "My wife has seem far more disturbing things in her years."

"As you say, sir."

Harlock fitted the patch over his eye.  A pirate family indeed.  He walked carefully onto the deck as Tochiro and Shinunora looked out on the sea.

"That was fun."  said Tochiro.  "Well worth 3,000 ounces of gold."

"You haven't' collected yet."

"I have the Boug's head and yet again broken sword.  This calls for a drink."

"I'll drink after we get to Mithlond.  I've been away from home too long."

"Spoil sport, come on Shinunora."

The Oyama's left as Captain Harlock looked out at the sea with his one eye.  "This will take some getting use too."

The Rock Doctor

An appropriate end for Mr. Mars.  Good work.

Minor quibble:  Marisa Mars had twins, boy and girl, as required under the "Epic Story Regulations".


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on July 06, 2007, 06:18:06 AMMinor quibble:  Marisa Mars had twins, boy and girl, as required under the "Epic Story Regulations".
They will avenge their unjustly slain father.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas