Unless there are objections, HY1 1931 should start.
No objection. I need to finish up my storyline but I have nothing huge planned for 31 so it's not a rush. I was running an op this week that locked up 16 sex offenders, so a little busy.
That's awesome Tac, WTG.
1931H1 nearly finish.
I've got a few blanks to fill in but will be ready soon enough.
Technically it's beginning of when folks can turn in HY1 1931,
and is supposed to help move storylines and turns along.
I ask to make sure someone's not ensnared by real life and needs a week to catch up.
That matters as a large number of undone turns becomes a bunch of "work"
that needs to be done. Which is less enjoyable.
I worry about that for both Foxy and Snip, both of which have teased returns.