Next weekend is the first full weekend in February.
So that is the normal time to go to HY2 1930.
I know Tac is busy right now, but he's alluded to having worked ahead.
Our storyline can drift into HY2.
How about other folks?
Should we move to Hy2 or hold off a week ?
1930H2 nearly finish.
No problemo to post next weekend.
Jef ;)
I can post hy2 whenever.
Also, RL is trying to kill me this first quarter of 2024, but I'll find time. We'll get this wedding done and overall there's not much that's on the docket for me beyond the wedding.
For my part I have the production aspects of HY1 1930 finished with all those refits posted.
I'm still tinkering with devising the updated OOB, but could post and continue with that in HY2.
The weekend's good for me. I'm just a bit distracted at the moment, nothing serious.
1930, HY2 is now live
I really need to get HY1 done...
Nah, just write it off as "everybody gets a new car."
Actually, very little in land stuff for HY1,
pouring funds into the AA refits and refurbishments I posted really put a dent in the budget.
Then the file size grew to large to post - all the calculations each up KBs.