This is actually in relation to Rocky's carrier musing, but I figured the information would be better here than cluttering up his thread.
Ok, so lets consider the current state of aircraft.
Using UK aircraft as a first choice, as the tech trees seem to be based on RN first.
It's not meant to cover all aircraft categories - that takes longer.
Relevant techs
1926: Up to Historical 1929 aircraft and countermeasures
1930: Up to Historical 1933 aircraft and countermeasures
Presuming started on time, 1926 would be developed in 1926.0-1927/28.
While 1930 would be developed 1930-31/32.
So the specs for '1933' planes would be what's on the horizon when the designers sit down in 1930 to work up the design schematics for the 1931 Carrier.
Land Fighter : Hawker Fury 1931-1939 (
Land Light bomber : Hawker Hart 1930-1936 (
Land Light bomber : Westland Wallace 1933-39 (
Land Torpedo Plane – Hawker Horsley 1927-34 (
Carrier Fighter – Hawker Nimrod 1932-1939 (
Carrier bomber/Torpedo Plane – Blackburn Ripon in service 1930-1935 (
Nimrod's a bigger fellow than I expected, I'll need to sketch that out rather than rely on the existing fighter pic I have.
Haha !
The general performance parameters were supposed to be the information, not the physical size, funny how different folks look at different things.
Actually something I think about. Fortunately with the new carrier tech, dive bombers are a thing. And everything for the Aztecs is a fighter.
The Mayan air attacks against Foxy's littoral raiders were ...interesting. A bunch of very light bombs, delivered by a full air point, from on high against vessels with hand-cranked rotary 57mm guns meant for anti-surface work. They had difficulty hitting each other, but there were so many bombs over the course of months, that several small destroyers were rendered combat ineffective.
Dive bombers against nearly defenseless ships would be far more redoubtable.
Dive bombers entry into naval service don't *quite* line up with the tech brackets.
The Brits, maybe I'm missing it, but don't see it.
The US the first naval Dive Bomber appears to be the Curtis Falcon ,F8C-4 variant, was transferred to the Navy and USMC in 1931. (
The HE50 doesn't seem to have started service until 1935, but the Japanese D1A, which was developed from it, entered Naval Service in 1934. So that's the next generation. (
The Byzantines used British guns, they also used British aircrafts.
| | | 1920 - 1924 techno | |
Class | Dep, | | | |
CE1 | 7900t | 18 aircrafts | | |
| | 6 | Fairey L/S III D | reconnaissance |
| | 12 = 4 flights x 3 | Fairey Flightcatcher | Fighter |
| | | | |
CV1 | 10000t | 20 aircrafts | | |
| | 2 | Fairey L/S III D | reconnaissance |
| | 10 = 5 flights x 2 | Blackburn Dart L/S | Torp - Bomber |
| | 8 = 4 flights x 2 | Fairey Flightcatcher | Fighter |
| | | | |
CV2 | 15000t | 40 aircrafts | | |
| | 4 | Fairey L/S III D | reconnaissance |
| | 20 = 4 flights x 5 | Blackburn Dart L/S | Torp - Bomber |
| | 16 = 4 flights x 4 | Fairey Flightcatcher | Fighter |
For storyline purposes, we can all specify planes, army gear, etc.
It's encouraged.
But, the game design that Snip put together is they are 'points', and so fairly generic in application.
For combat resolution, the technology is what counts.
A plane of that tech level and mission, with the Brits as the first choice, will be chosen.
In the example above, the abilities Curtis Falcon F8C-4 variant would be the abilities naval dive bomber for any nation with 1930 aviation tech.
That will then establish the ranges, payload and other aspects that would effect it's employment.
If a player wants their planes to be a particular model, engine or armament, then they can describe them that way.
And they can describe the combat results that way and build a storyline off it.
Of course, if the player doesn't have dive bombers listed for their ship, then they won't have any. They will have whatever is specified for that ship, with the tech appropriate abilities.