
Main Archive => News => News (N3) => Topic started by: khymerion on April 05, 2007, 09:30:03 AM

Title: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 05, 2007, 09:30:03 AM
Early July, 1906

Ms. Rayner strode into the room filled with various heads of industry and tossed a rather extensive tome of papers on the desk.  It flaired out across the dark mahogony table and at that point, she slammed both her hands upon it, just to ensure her dominate position over the wholely male room.

"Gentlemen, what you are looking at is a great deal of work on our hands...  please, take a look.  I especially think the representatives from Blom+Voss would like to see the top documents...  pass them around, take a good look because each and every one of you is going to have to do your best to make sure you can do what is needed to be done."

She turned around and walked over to her chair at the head of the table and sat down, the few crimson bangs that were loose bouncing a bit as she did so.  She sat silently as copies of the paperwork passed around the room.  Once the last papers were moved and the mumurs died down, she spoke up once more.

"This information you see here is the by-product of alot of work done by very skilled men who were a bit more visionary than our own shortsightedness...  yes... I use that word because that is what we are.  And I intend, as the cheif advisor and the direct link between you and the central government, to make sure we don't repeat that mistake.  Luckily we were able to barter a good deal for this, thanks to our focused views.  Even if we had to offer insight into Project Mjolnir to secure promised equiment and arms manufacturing to Mauserwerks within the coming 6 months..."

There was a cry of complaints from both the Mauserwerks representative and the liason to Krupp over that last comment and the room began to descend into chaos.  Janine stood up and gave a rather forceful crash of her hand against the desk, worthy of any blowhard elsewhere and the room when quiet.

"QUIET!  We are looking at the long term gentlemen.  The LONG TERM!"  She made sure to emphisise that last part as her emerald eyes looked at each one of them in turn.  "Sacrifices in pride will have to be made and I have no doubt, no doubt at all, that each of you will take this information that was paid for in full with information just as worthy.  You knew when they came to tour the yards in Hamburg what exactly they were there for and you all welcomed them.  Well, guess what...  we are going to welcome our new and most generous friends into our foundries and pray that they think of us in the same light that I, having lead the tours and the initial information gathering, have come to think of them.  Which is rather positive to say the very least."

She stood up at that point and looked at them all again.

"And one last thing I am positive about...  if any of you get the idea of doing anything that might be... remotely negative... I will positively come and make sure that you never do such a thing again.  Too much was given to have any of you ruin the hard work of the Prime Minister, this nation, our soldiers and your own worker.  Am I crystal clear?"

There was a number of nods in agreement and she got a rather cheerful smile back on her face.

"Good!  I love it when everything works out...  now, if you have any further questions... most of them should be in the technical documents you have before you and more extensive copies of them are on their way to the factories and naval yards as we speak.  Get me a list of the resources we need to begin setting up the needed facilities and factories and I will make sure they become available to you... and I will try to be available as much as possible during this period of change...  Thank you again for your time."

She turned and walked out of the room, a pair of guards closing the double doors as she strode past, leaving the many industrial leaders to mull over all that she had provided.  Meeting her on the way out was a rather wirery man and his presence brought about a warm smile.

"Halcyon... a pleasure to see you...  I take it our master is doing well."

"As always, m'lady... and he wanted to pass along congradulations on a job well done and hopes you are having a good time keeping the industrial moguls on track."

"Of course...  they are a pain as always but as always, manageable...  and yourself?  Any reason besides being a messanger for you to be in town?"

"Master Silbertann had a few... errands that needed to be done...  something he couldn't trust to normal mail."

"Then I will leave you to them for I have a good deal on my plate as well... especially since I am no longer stuck on a boat or train... I am going to try and relax a bit with the army of angry leaders knocking on my door..."

"You do that and I will ensure you get at least a nights privacy."

"Just a night?"

"Just one...  any more than that... and you will have to earn it."

"You drive a terrible bargin but if I can get a nights peace and quiet... that will be good enough for now."

"Done and done."

With that, the two parted ways and headed off for their various tasks and jobs.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 05, 2007, 05:38:04 PM
Mid July, 1906
Krupp Testing Range, 15:00, overcast with heavy gusts.

Ms. Rayner stepped out of the motor car and onto the cement tarmac.  Two sets of heavy rails ran past her, looking relatively recent in their instillation.  The papers she carried russled about as she marched across the open field to the edge of the platform where several engineers stood, overlooking the range.  Her usual attendent guards followed right after her.

"Now, gentlemen, explain to me right this minute why several of the heavy rifles for Ultor have gone missing and I...  ohh... my..."

She came to a stop as she looked over the edge of the platform and into the testing range.  She smiled and simply turned around.

"Good work boys.  I'll get with the accounting office and make sure no traces of this come up.  Good work."
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 09, 2007, 10:52:57 AM
Late July
Operation Thor II

Summer was still in full effect and the only thing hotter that the sun beating down on the men in the field was the heat of their gun barrels.  The artillary had been firing rather substantially as technicians poured over them, recording everything they could.  Observers watched the horizon elsewhere men scrambled over the hilly, wooded terrain.  General Steiner watched over them and listened to the radios and the many officers listing off the reports as the prolonged exercise was being carried out.  Three weeks in and the promises made to him by the General Staff were holding true, there was more than enough munitions and supplies to go around.  The general couldn't have been more happy to see just a taste of what the industrial machine of the Confederation could provide for him and the other young leaders.  The only thing he was lacking was enough men to make his training and tests as effective as he would have desired.  While the might of several Corps was impressive... to think of something on larger scale scared Gen. Steiner to no end.

A few technicians scurried off to carry off their reports for their Krupp and Bofors foundry masters.  Representatives from Mauserwerks constantly inspected weapons during down time to make sure that the refinements to their weapons were holding up to their standards, recording what the soldier in the field wanted to hear.  Various regional commanders from the member states of the Confederacy were providing their imput and many of the mistakes of the earlier Thor I operation were still being made but now in a less dramatic fashion.  Though a unified country, too many of them still thought like their ancient individual militaries and economies... too dissimilar for the General Staff's tastes.  No doubt the ministers in charge of the industrial sector were going through the same pains.

Shaking the thoughts of others out of his head, Adrian put his hat back on and walked into the field to clear his head.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 11, 2007, 02:22:03 PM
Early August. 1906

Prime Minister Silbertann sat in his office and stared at the fire with his back to the door, as he was often used to doing.  Politically, he was sound but there had to be a way to get his people to do more... to have some desire and stomach to want more.  He looked over at a statue of Otto von Bismarck Sr., a gift from his son to Silbertann upon his assumption of the title of Prime Minister.  He thought about what had come about since his days and how the designs fell apart.  His hands traced over to the phone but he resisted the urge to call the foreign ministry.

He had to spark his people into a fervor... to rekindle a nationalism that transcended the confederation memberstate borders... that transcended petty religion... but how?  After a moment of watching the flames lick across the wood, he picked up the news paper that sat on his desk and flipped through the pages.  He placed the paper down on the second page and grabbed a pen, circling a single news story and then picked up the phone.

"Halcyon?  Yes, I want you to do some investigations for me... Yes...  report to my office immediately... we have a good deal of work to do."

The article circled simply said this:

"The Story of the Kelly Gang opens across Europe as people clamor to see the new 'feature lengthed' moving picture that is currently sweeping the populace."

I may have gotten my idea... the wily Prime Minister thought to himself.

Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: swamphen on April 11, 2007, 06:09:04 PM
QuoteThe article circled simply said this:

"The Story of the Kelly Gang opens across Europe as people clamor to see the new 'feature lengthed' moving picture that is currently sweeping the populace."

Of course the ending is different, with the hero escaping to Brandenburg.  ;)
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 12, 2007, 08:33:43 AM
(Better than the historical capture and being hanged... but enough on historical movies...  now to the false ones!)

Late September, 1906

It had taken nearly 2 months and cost a good portion of personal wealth but now there were photographers and moving picture makers crawling through the factories, shipyards, naval ports, and army bases of the Confederation.  Jonas talked over the daily pictures that filtered into Central with his new minister, Herr Karl Nyborg, in charge of running the political machine that was growing with every day.  Small reels were to be included before the daily matinees showing news and pictures from around the Confederation that depicted the strength and vitality of the new nation and the great bounds it was attempting to bridge to bring about a better future.  Articles ran in the national papers depicting the creation of new jobs and opertunities within the boundries of the Confederation.   Pictures of new railroads being laid overseas to connect villages in the colonial holdings in India were interspersed with news of good times ahead.

The young prime minister had to reverse to the emigration from the Confederation at all costs, to keep the best and the brightest and the most industrial within the borders and aquire new labor... and this was his key.  It had to be, he was bargining on it.  He was even discussing with his ministers to find more ways of investing into the country, to bring in the educated and those in Europe needing to work.  With guidance from several key psychologists, there was even a plan to improve working conditions and lax imigration policy so workers in Europe would want to come and work with his borders.

And in the background of all this, a great number of factories and machine shops were being moved quietly and expanded in the Hamburg region.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 12, 2007, 08:29:53 PM
Late October, 1906

Jonas Silbertann rubbed his forehead, trying to releive a migrane.  The record player played a recently arrived copy of "Die Wacht am Rhein" that had come as a gift from some supporters in Westphalia.  Books detailing the histories and personalities of so many states lay scattered across his desk.  Studies being submitted and even the occasional visit by his personal assistants with concerns.  So many problems were arrayed out before the young prime minister and they were not something that could be easily wiped out, like it was so easily done during the counter-revolution.  He sat back in his chair and laughed out a bit.

"By the gods I have been so silly... I have gotten everything I wanted and more... and look at me!  Stressed out!"

He continued to laugh for a few seconds before sitting up again.  The propaganda was effective to say the very least and Nyborg was proving his skill.  With a sigh, he picked up the phone to have his tutor sent in.  If he was going to do better at this, he needed to brush up on his German dialects and Polish... Scandinavian and High German just weren't going to make the grade anymore.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 12, 2007, 08:56:11 PM
Early November, 1906

Admiral Randvaror walked through halls of the fleet headquarters and pushed open the doors of the conference room.  Before him was a rather stately man, still dressed in the uniform of the old Baltic League navy and immediately Randvaror stood at attention, which the man returned and the two immediately relaxed.

"Admiral Tirpitz, I was under the assumption you retired..."
"Indeed I did... but like the sea, the winds change and with it, the course one must travel... and thus, I have returned... with a few things I beleive people are ready to hear.  Willing to allow an old commander some of your time?"
"Of course, my old friend... of course..."

With that, the guards closed the doors to the room to allow the two old friends to catch up.  A few days later, Asvaldr Randvaror put a call out to the Admiralty of the Baltic Confederation navy to review new ideas for the future, chief amoung them was the newly restated Von Tirpitz and the commander of the 2nd Squadron, Admiral Garris Stokk.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 14, 2007, 12:57:43 PM
November 21, 1906

A junior staff member came running into the main meeting hall, interupting the rather boring briefing.
"Sirs...  ma'am...  I... I have some terrible news from the wire."
"What is it Captain?"
"The Rohan battleship Fengel has exploded on the pier."
"Any word on the cause?  Survivors? Anything?"
"Unknown at this time sirs..."
"Keep us informed on any developements."
"Yes sir."

Early December, 1906

The admiralty stood together at the pier side of Hamburg, a cool winter wind was blowing through the half finished factories and the half finished hulls of the Ultor and Vind as workers labored through the cold grey days.  The half built slip and drydock that they looked across was larger than any within the Confederation.

"So Alfred, I assume you know what you are doing..." mentioned Asvaldr as he leaned on a support beam.
"Yes indeed.  The plan will stretch our econony to it breaking point but we will make a very important statement..." mentioned the senior member of group, brushing some snow off his uniform.
"The idea that we can't win but can make them bleed white?" said the stoic Garris, "That all this will be for not..."
"Are you sure?" said Alfred with a rather wily smile.
Garris gave Alfred a very confused look.
"Are you sure that we will lose?"
"By the odds..."
"That is assuming that I play fair and by the odds."
"What else are you planning?"
"Silbertann will be unveiling it with the New Year...  but lets enjoy these few weeks and let our workers enjoy them too.  Now, lets go back inside and get something warm to drink."
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 18, 2007, 04:39:22 PM
Late December 1906

Prime Minister Silbertann walked through the halls of the capital, his majordomo at his side.  A pair of very well dressed guards followed after them.

"Halcyon...  are you sure we were right to bring back the Huskarl and that it is best that I am the one they are assigned to?"

"My lord, the huskarl have been hand-picked to my standards, personally.  The revival of some of the older traditions, especially some of the ancient saxon practices, will be best to advance your own agendas for greater unity."

"And how large will this Huskarl be by the point you are done with your hand picking?"

The majordomo merely laughed at that comment and continued to walk along side his master.

"Five divisions sir, a full corps.  One division from each of our member nations.  The command structures have already been gathered.  I merely need you to sign the forms for next year to authorise me to finish forming the corps.  The Huskarl will not be attached to any of the armies currently fielded, independent from your generals.  They will answere only to you and your successors."

Silbertann turned and looked out a window at the blowing white snow fell and covered the capital, locked in the grim grip of winter, feeling the weight of the binding snow through the window.  Behind him, Halcyon merely smirked in silence.

Late December, 1906
Bergen, Norway, II Army headquarters

Robed soldiers shuffled through blowing snow, filing into an older part of the ancient city in the shadow of the University.  Others held the doors open for their bretheren, allowing those who bore a medalion upon their chest entrance and the salute of the warrior lodge.  All were on the look out for guards and unwanted guests.  Each in attendence was eager for a chance to become part of something more, something closer those they fought with.  Visitors from outside II army, bearing the sigils of each of the other armies were in attendence, all bearing symbols of the lodges that were beginning to take root within ranks of the professional army.  Despite the laws against such practices, more of the gatherings were happening with each day.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: Korpen on April 19, 2007, 01:03:23 AM
Quote from: khymerion on April 18, 2007, 04:39:22 PM
Late December 1906

Prime Minister Silbertann walked through the halls of the capital, his majordomo at his side.  A pair of very well dressed guards followed after them.

"Halcyon...  are you sure we were right to bring back the Huskarl and that it is best that I am the one they are assigned to?"

"My lord, the huskarl have been hand-picked to my standards, personally.  The revival of some of the older traditions, especially some of the ancient saxon practices, will be best to advance your own agendas for greater unity."

"And how large will this Huskarl be by the point you are done with your hand picking?"

The majordomo merely laughed at that comment and continued to walk along side his master.

"Five divisions sir, a full corps.  One division from each of our member nations.  The command structures have already been gathered.  I merely need you to sign the forms for next year to authorise me to finish forming the corps.  The Huskarl will not be attached to any of the armies currently fielded, independent from your generals.  They will answere only to you and your successors."
Huskarlar? That was the name for houshold troops in all scandinavian countries.
And "And how large will this Huskarl be" look really funny, as it seems to talk about a single person ;)
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 19, 2007, 01:15:11 AM
Hehe... true... it was originally an all Scandinavian unit to protect old saxon and norse kings, this time being revived as a tie to bring the various nationals from across the Confederation together.  Its original role as protector and elite guard are what is intended by the revival of the ancient unit title.  My appologies for my lack of proper use of grammar, it will be repaired properly at a later date.
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: Korpen on April 19, 2007, 01:20:55 AM
Quote from: khymerion on April 19, 2007, 01:15:11 AM
Hehe... true... it was originally an all Scandinavian unit to protect old saxon and norse kings, this time being revived as a tie to bring the various nationals from across the Confederation together.  Its original role as protector and elite guard are what is intended by the revival of the ancient unit title.  My appologies for my lack of proper use of grammar, it will be repaired properly at a later date.
A bit nit-picking, but not only kings, all nobles had them.
Off topic:
"Karl" is also a name, and one of the few that is translated, in English it becomes "Charles" (and the other way as well, Charles is usually translated to Karl in Swedish).
Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: Borys on April 19, 2007, 02:19:00 AM
Karl ended up as being the term for king in all Slavic languages (akin to Ceaser in German becoming Emperor). And as the starting point is known and attested - Karl - the final form is very useful for liguists in establishing various "consonant shifts" and other academic mumbo-jumbo.
Czech/South Slav - Kral
Polish - Król (pronounced - krool)
East Slavic - Korol (pronounced - karol)

And maybe if there are five divisions of the Huskarl (house karls, i.e. men of the household, retinue, IIRC) - maybe divide them into two corps - 2 Huscarl Foot and half a division of Huscral Horse?

Title: Re: The Baltic News - July 06 through Dec 06
Post by: khymerion on April 19, 2007, 06:50:17 AM
OOC:  Aaaah... so it uses 4 per corps, not 5 like I thought.