
Main Archive => NLogi => Sim Reports => Topic started by: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 11:11:39 AM

Title: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 11:11:39 AM
This is not a draft.  I repeat:  This is not a draft.

Ottoman Empire, H1/1900


RegionCapitalPopulation (M)IC   BP   $ (Pop)   $ (IC)   $ (Total)   R&D Capacity
Mesopotamia  Baghdad2.26810$0.23$2.00$2.23$0.00
AnatoliaConstantinople    10.90022$1.09$4.00$5.09$0.00
--Constantinople    N/A1.00022$0.10$3.00$3.10$1.00

Additional Revenues:

Status:  Peace

Maximum Military Budget:  $14.88

B.  Naval Operations

Naval & Coastal Defence Maintenance:  $3.38 (~50% active; large/medium installations active)

Ongoing Construction:
--BB Abdulmecid, free-floating at Constantinople, receives $2.87 and 2.871 BP, completed 6/00
--BB Abdulaziz, free-floating at Iskendurun, receives $3.00 and 3.000 BP, to complete 12/00

New Construction:
--TB T-57, laid down at Constantinople S0A, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/00
--TB T-58, laid down at Constantinople S0B, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/00
--TB T-59, laid down at Iskendurun S0, receives $0.52 and 0.414 BP, completed 5/00
--RGB R-23, laid down at Belgrad S0, receives $0.43 and 0.431 BP, completed 5/00

C.  Army Operations

Army Maintenance:  $2.40 (Five corps at "Active")

New Activities:
--Nothing of note.

D.  Aeronautical Operations

Nothing to see here.

E.  Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair

Ongoing Activities:
--Nothing of note.

New Activities:
--Nothing of note.

F.  Research and Development

Maximum Budget:  $1.00

--Begin 1900 Mine Warfare:  H1, $1.00:  0%

G.  Intelligence and Black Operations

Budget:  $0.20

--Buying stationary and new desks.

H.  Civlian Economic Development

--Build IC in Anatolia (general electrification):  $10.00 of $10.00 required, done.
--Commence IC at Cairo (University of Cairo):  $3.88 of $10.00 required, ongoing.
--Commence IC at Egypt (Little Aswan & Assuit Barrage):  $1.00 of $10.00 requred, ongoing.

I.  Carry-overs

$ (military):  $0.00
$ (civilian):  $0.00
BP:  1.454

I.  Naval Order of Battle, End of Half

Note:  X(Y) +  Z where X is in service, Y refitting or repairing, and Z is under construction.

Battleships:  5(0) + 1
Coastal Defence Battleships:  6(0) + 0
Armored Cruisers:  4(0) + 0
Protected Cruisers:  17(0) + 0
Torpedo Boats:  59(0) + 0

Gunboats:  10(0) + 0
River Gunboats:  23(0) + 0
Patrol Boats:  46(0) + 0

Transports:  13(0) + 0
Tugs, Harbour:  14(0) + 0
Tugs,  Salvage:   5(0) + 0
Colliers:  6(0) + 0
Survey Ships:  4(0) + 0
Hospital Ships:  1(0) + 0
Yachts:  1(0) + 0
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 11:13:43 AM
Note that future reports will probably include further sub-division of Rumelia - most specifically, Serbia, and probably Bosnia/Croatia.  I just haven't gotten to it yet.
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Walter on July 26, 2014, 11:32:58 AM
Should be noted that because the initial research formula in the spreadsheet misses the '/2' bit, you actually have an R&D Capacity of $0.50 ((2-1)/2 = 0.5) at Constantinople and not $1.00.
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 01:12:37 PM
Oh, hell. 
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Walter on July 26, 2014, 01:18:36 PM
Sounds like that just ruined your evil construction plans...
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Kaiser Kirk on July 26, 2014, 01:19:37 PM
Quote from: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 01:12:37 PM
Oh, hell.

Yeah I wasn't happy to find that error. 
Worse, when I started looking ahead, population growth would eliminate my sole research $.
So I had to shift population around to gain breathing room...which then made some IC less efficient, costing me $.
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: The Rock Doctor on July 26, 2014, 01:36:44 PM
Quote from: Walter on July 26, 2014, 01:18:36 PM
Sounds like that just ruined your evil construction plans...

The secret moonbase is definitely on hold for a bit.
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Walter on July 26, 2014, 01:49:04 PM
QuoteWorse, when I started looking ahead, population growth would eliminate my sole research $.
With my initial IC/pop test run that did not happen since I was using 1 decimal and that meant that no matter how many times I copy/pasted the stuff, nothing was added population-wise at Guangzhou. After that, I changed it to 3 decimals so population slowly increases there as well now. That is indeed also something you will have to keep an eye on: An increase in population that would mean that your research budget drops below what you need for the next HY.
QuoteSo I had to shift population around to gain breathing room...which then made some IC less efficient, costing me $.
Well alternatively you could also just add an IC to the region that is about to lose the research $ instead of shifting the population around. That will give you some research space then for a while...
QuoteThe secret moonbase is definitely on hold for a bit.
... so I guess that here in Navalism, the movie Iron Sky will become Iberian Sky...
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Kaiser Kirk on July 26, 2014, 01:59:59 PM
Quote from: Walter on July 26, 2014, 01:49:04 PM
Well alternatively you could also just add an IC to the region that is about to lose the research $ instead of shifting the population around. That will give you some research space then for a while...

While certainly an option, I want to ameliorate the historic Italian immigration from Southern Italy by dumping IC in it. But rotating where I build IC to try to equalize development levels is financial beneficial, but fails to generate research dollars.
It seemed easiest to deduct 0.06 pop from the middle of the country (1.01->0.95)to buy some time. In a couple years time that gap gets used, but then I should be able to afford to add IC for RD purposes.
Title: Re: Ottoman Empire, H1/1900
Post by: Walter on July 26, 2014, 02:17:44 PM
QuoteIt seemed easiest to deduct 0.06 pop from the middle of the country (1.01->0.95)to buy some time. In a couple years time that gap gets used, but then I should be able to afford to add IC for RD purposes.
Quick test run shows that you should be okay until 1905. Then you need to add an IC for RD as in 1906 the population will get above 1 million.