
Main Archive => News => News (N3) => Topic started by: Desertfox on November 14, 2010, 11:42:45 PM

Title: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Desertfox on November 14, 2010, 11:42:45 PM

With news of the great battles in China leaking out and rumors of an impending mass starvation, the New Switzerland government has decided to put the past behind it, and extend an offer of peace and assistance to both embattled countries. If they so choose, NS is willing to sell food and medicines to either country at very reasonable prices, but in exchange NS would require that the ships be given safe passage and protection through the dangerous waters.
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: ctwaterman on November 16, 2010, 08:21:45 PM
Trying to split and move the thread following New Swiss News to the discussion board .... well we split it anyway...

Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Desertfox on November 18, 2010, 08:28:24 AM
Mid December, Seoul Korea

Alessandro Lang looked around the waterfront for a place reputedly called the Flying Chicken. He would have preferred to meet in one of the many upscale restaurants on the other side of town, but he understood the reasoning behind this place. The Swiss and the Middle Kingdom had not spoken in ages, this bar would have to do. Hopefully they served something other than sake...
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: snip on November 18, 2010, 09:39:19 AM
Inside the Flying Chicken.

Lifan Gao sat at a table of to the side of the bar. The mark was out on the table as instructed. He had no idea who was meeting him, but he knew he was Swiss. The orders to meet with this man had come from the Emperor himself, but Lifan was still uneasy. Hearing the bell above the door ring, he looked up to see who the new arrival was.
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: snip on November 21, 2010, 07:31:38 AM
The inside of the Flying Chicken had a musty smell to it. Anyone who had not been there before uselay recoiled at the smell and Alessandro Lang was no acceptation. After taking a second to take in the whole of the dimly-lit room, he began to scan the room for the mark that would indicate the Chinaman he was to meet. After looking around twice, he saw the small jade glass sitting on the table next to a skinny looking man. Alessandro approached the table holding a identical glass to the one on the table. "What are you having stranger?" he asked the man. "Whatever it is you like" Lifan Gao anwered.

Alessandro pulled out the chair on the other side of the table. "So your the Middle Kingdom's man?" "And your the Swiss's?" Lifan returned. "That I am" Alessandro Lang responded. "So our governments want us to hash out terms for peace?" "That seems to be the idea, as Im sure you know we are in need of food, and lots of it. The war has gutted our ability to feed our citizens, and to care for those that are ill due to that." Lifan said nursing his glass. Alessandro responded "And we have heard the rumors of some dreaded diseases starting to appear in the Yangtze river valley. That is truly what has caut the attention of my government." "Well shale we get down to business, I have an open tab so a much alcohol as we require will be provided. Curtsey of Emperor Kaili himself." Lifan said waving down the bartender. "Then let us make something work. For the sake of those who are not here." Alessandro said. "Do they have anything other than saki?" Lifan chuckled "Im afraid not"

The room slowly emptied as the night wore on. The bartender said goodby to his usual customers and started to clean. The two strangers however, continued to sit at the back table and converse in low voices. Occasionally they flagged him down for more saki. When they finally left, the sun was once again beginning to show on the horizon. While sweeping under their table, a metalic ping drew his attention to the floor. He picked up a round object that left a ink stain on his fingers. Pressing it onto a piece of paper showed him what it was. He wondered why these strangers had a stamp with the seal of the Middle Kingdom
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Desertfox on December 21, 2010, 12:27:12 PM
OOC We need some sort of League of Nations/UN so we can yell at each other in a legal setting...

IC New Switzerland is hereby bringing a formal protest against the governments of France and the DKB over the illegal capture of New Switzerland flagged vessels by stated nations. Whereas neither nation placed a formal deceleration of war against New Switzerland, their actions in taking New Switzerland flagged vessels can be considered an act of piracy. However, New Switzerland is willing to grant amnesty to those responsible in exchange for the return of the captured New Switzerland ships.
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Sachmle on December 21, 2010, 04:10:34 PM
About a month after the Swiss complaint

The Deutsche Reich inquires as to what Swiss shipping it is referring to? The only shipping we received was provided to us by our Italian allies as compensation for losses. Where they got it from is of no concern to us.
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Kaiser Kirk on December 21, 2010, 04:54:31 PM
ooc : strangely more formal than the "bite me" I was expecting as a response.
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Sachmle on December 21, 2010, 05:22:39 PM
Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on December 21, 2010, 04:54:31 PM
ooc : strangely more formal than the "bite me" I was expecting as a response.

Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: maddox on December 21, 2010, 05:58:07 PM
Quote from: Desertfox on December 21, 2010, 12:27:12 PM

IC New Switzerland is hereby bringing a formal protest against the governments of France and the DKB over the illegal capture of New Switzerland flagged vessels by stated nations. Whereas neither nation placed a formal deceleration of war against New Switzerland, their actions in taking New Switzerland flagged vessels can be considered an act of piracy. However, New Switzerland is willing to grant amnesty to those responsible in exchange for the return of the captured New Switzerland ships.

The New Swiss ambassador in Paris is recieved in a opulent setting, not in the offices of Premier Galpoux, nor the more public accessable Parimant buildings meeting rooms.

Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: Sachmle on December 21, 2010, 06:02:18 PM
Quote from: maddox on December 21, 2010, 05:58:07 PM
The New Swiss ambassador in Paris is recieved in a opulent setting, not in the offices of Premier Galpoux, nor the more public accessable Parimant buildings meeting rooms.

ooc: And is never seen nor heard from again

Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: TexanCowboy on December 21, 2010, 06:30:25 PM
Quote from: Sachmle on December 21, 2010, 06:02:18 PM
Quote from: maddox on December 21, 2010, 05:58:07 PM
The New Swiss ambassador in Paris is recieved in a opulent setting, not in the offices of Premier Galpoux, nor the more public accessable Parimant buildings meeting rooms.

ooc: And is never seen nor heard from again

Must have ended up as tester bait for the new Romanian secret weapon.

commercial mode on

It looks like a cookie! It tastes like a cookie! But it's an explosive Romanian breakfast cereal!

commercial mode off
Title: Re: New Switzerland Late 1919 news
Post by: ctwaterman on December 21, 2010, 08:00:26 PM
Quote from: Sachmle on December 21, 2010, 05:22:39 PM
Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on December 21, 2010, 04:54:31 PM
ooc : strangely more formal than the "bite me" I was expecting as a response.


Ok I second this ROFLMAO... this made the day a good one..