July 1st, 1919
Ad in papers around the world (not in Catholic countries)
The hands of the Papists devils are red with the blood of countless innocents, murdered over countless years. They call themselves Christians but they have forgotten to "Love your Enemy". Today they want to add another victim to their list. They have not been content with the Spanish Inquisition the countless pogroms they have conducted, or their bloody crusades. The streets of Jerusalem, the Holy City, ran red with blood. Crusaders slicing open pregnant women and smashing their children into the walls of the city. The Roman Legions, marching and despoiling the land.
The blood of those they have murdered cries out to God asking to avenge their wrongdoings.
Are you next?
Ad in newspapers around the world:
To our Brothers around the World. Once again we face the murderous hand of the Roman Legions and the Catholic Popes. For two thousand years we have been without a land to call our own, and now we are once again a free nation. The Papist Nations unable to see a free and independent Jewish Nation, are once again on the warpath. We ask for your support and help in this time of trial.
Trusting in the Lord our God we shall triumph.
Contact your nearest Zionite Embassy for further information.
More ads
The Roman Empire. Twenty-five hundred years of enslavement.
Hypocrites! Did not the man they hold in such 'reverence' (but never actually do what he taught) say once, 'Look unto your own house before that of your neighbors?'
For thousands of years many have toiled as slaves under their brutal Roman overlords, and those that have dared to fight for liberty have been brutally murdered, crucified on a Roman cross...
They have blatantly, and without a shred of evidence, invaded a country at peace. But at the first whiff of defeat they see fit to blame the defenders of liberty for their own aggression.
Four times, in the last thirty years, the Roman Empire has seen fit to invade the only independent (for the past two thousand years) African country. Four times they have been defeated. Once again they invade, and once again they shall perish on the mountains of New Zion...
The Frontlines
"Men of Royal Zionite Army! Today, once again we are at war with the forces of the Roman Empire. Do not fear, the Lord God of our fathers has spoken!
'Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'
Arise, O God, plead Your own cause; For behold, Your enemies have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more."
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God!"
Official Government Release
New Zion has begun laying down minefields stretching across the entirety of the Rift. Safe paths across them have been left open for those neutral nations that require the use of the Rift. Detailed charts having said routes marked will be provided to all neutral nations that request them. However, said nations are requested to have their ships clearly identified and lit at all times to prevent any unfortunate accidents.
The Republic of Gran Colombia serves notice to the Government of New Zion that Colombian shipping lines have been instructed not to accept charts showing safe lanes through the Rift Sea.
Should Gran Colombian shipping be damaged or destroyed as a result of striking a Zionite mine in international waters, it will be considered an act of war willfully committed by New Zion against Gran Colombia.
Eh tu Rocky? *grumble* So who's going to mod the war now? BTW The Italians are also laying down minefields in international waters.
The DKB doesn't like anyone laying any mines in any international waters and respectfully requests both New Zion and Italia stick to mining each others waters only.
*gives sachmle the evil eye* New Switzerland does not like people complaining about mines laid in international waters after said people laid mines in SWISS waters when New Switzerland was not at war with said people.
Prior to the DOW Italy has not laid a single mine. In addition the mines I am laying are either clearly inside my 6nm territorial limit and I posted a ban indicating where they were. Off Nacala, Blantrye, Mogadishu and Massawa, these are all my Ports. After the DOW I have indicated a Close Blockade of New ZIon and my intention to lay Offensive minefields but only within your territorial waters.
So NO Italy is not laying minefields in International Waters. Accusing us of doing so will... well Ive already declared war on your Once... ;) :o
I think that the Swiss giving someone else the 'evil eye' at this point might be the equivalent of writing an check they know will come back NSF. The LAST thing that the Swiss and Zionite Navies need ATM is another enemy... especially on that is in their own back yard, and which has a lot of local friends.
Quote from: The Rock Doctor on June 16, 2010, 08:12:31 PM
The Republic of Gran Colombia serves notice to the Government of New Zion that Colombian shipping lines have been instructed not to accept charts showing safe lanes through the Rift Sea.
Should Gran Colombian shipping be damaged or destroyed as a result of striking a Zionite mine in international waters, it will be considered an act of war willfully committed by New Zion against Gran Colombia.
If Gran Columia willfully turns down those charts, they are willfully taking ths risk that they hit a mine and therefore any GC vessel lost due to a NZ mine is their own fault. It is obvious that GC just wants to have an excuse to enter the war. Also, you would have to prove that it was a Zionite mine that sank your ship(s), which I think is pretty much impossible to prove because it could belong to anyone. Even GC!
I'm still modding the war. That doesn't mean Gran Colombia is going to sit back and let the belligerents abuse its rights as a declared neutral. If we get to the point that Gran Colombia
does enter the conflict for some reason, we'll sort out the modding duties accordingly.
QuoteIf Gran Columia willfully turns down those charts, they are willfully taking ths risk that they hit a mine and therefore any GC vessel lost due to a NZ mine is their own fault.
If GC accepts the charts, it would effectively be accepting the mining of international waterways.
QuoteAlso, you would have to prove that it was a Zionite mine that sank your ship(s), which I think is pretty much impossible to prove because it could belong to anyone. Even GC!
*Looks innocent*
QuoteIf GC accepts the charts, it would effectively be accepting the mining of international waterways.
That is only true if you do not do anything else. You should put forward a protest at the nearest Zionite Embassy clearly stating your serious displeasure about these despicable Zionite actions or something like that. That way you'd be accepting that there is a threat in those waters that your ships need to stay clear of with help with those maps while at the same time you condemn the Zionite mining of international waters. To me it looks like GC does not care at all about its ships and the well-being of the crews of those ships. They're just tools. The only thing they care about is to have a good excuse to get involved in this mess.
Quote*Looks innocent*
Others might fall for that trick, but those puppy eyes won't work on me! :)
After the ads trickle down to Vienna - "what a bunch of self-obsessed nutters ... "
Date: three days after the first clash with DKB forces:
By way of the Rohirrim Embassy the Zionist Government is delivered a Declaration of War by the Habsburger Kaiser-und-Koenigreich.
Looks like it's time for New Zion to bring out the old anti hun posters again. :)
Eliat under siege!
August 1st
The murderous bloodthirsty Roman legions have set siege to the city of Eliat. However, the brave defenders have held out against all odds. A single division of our brave soldiers has stood against three mighty Roman legions and they have not cracked. Multiple assaults repulsed with the lands surrounding Eliat red with the blood of countless dead enemies. The commander of the city has spoken, that the city will not fall! The enemies of the Lord will fall upon the mountains of Zion and the birds of the air and the beasts of the field will feast upon their dead bodies!
The Lord God of Israel has already shown his mighty power, as a mighty battleship of the Roman Navy resting in the port of Massawa was wiped from the face of the Earth. May all of our enemies be like her.
The city won't fall?
Time will tell.
October 1st
OUTRAGE!Outrage is evident everywhere in New Zion as the terms for peace presented to the Zionite delegation in Paris have been released. It is now clear that the Allies intend to do no less than turn New Zion into yet another slave colony as they have turned most of Africa into. Her Majesty in a rousing speech, stated that she would not bow down to foreign tyranny, like her father and his father before him. In her own words" I will die standing rather than live on my knees!". She refused an offer by the Swiss to be evacuated and will soon join the armies on the front to personally lead them. The enemy might break the armies but they will never break the spirit of the people of the Kingdom of Ethiopia and New Zion.
QuotePart I. Borders
These are the new borders. If there are issues w/ the borders in the future a commission will be formed and decide the correct border. Their decision will be final and binding. The 2 (or more) nations who argue about the border pay for the commission equally. (insert map here)
Part II. Political Clauses for Africa
Zion agrees to the borders stated in Part I. and gives up any rights or privileges in the parts not hers anymore. Not segregation based on Race or Religion will be allowed. All people are treated the same. Zion agrees not to do anything that could bring it's existence into question (No pissing ppl off or doing anything stupid).
Part III. Political Clauses outside Africa
Zion gives up any rights she had to any land outside Africa, including land of her former allies.
Part IV. Military, Naval, and Air Clauses
Within 3mo Zion will demobilize to Treaty levels. No more conscription (Don't know if they had it anyway). No draft. No motorization. No taking ppls animals (Oxen/horses/etc.) to move troops/artillery (Buying is fine). Zion Army can't leave Zion (No 'expeditions'). No more than 35,000 people in the Army. No Air Force, including blimps. No Navy. No hiring more Park Rangers/Cops/etc just to cover up former Army ppl so they can be available later. If you join the Army it's a career. 40ys for Officers, 20 for non-comms. 1 Military school only, and only enough students to replace retiring Officers me by admitted. No "Clubs" may do military stuff. There's a table of how much artillery per troop, but basically 4/2 Infantry 4/1.5 Light only. No tanks, armored cars. No chemical/gas. No flamethrowers. No artillery bigger than 105mm. No importing arms, no exporting arms. Limited stockpile of ammo. All Zion naval units are surrendered. Any under construction must be broken up immediately and the material (BP/$) from scrapping can't be used for military stuff, civ only. You can keep airports for civil traffic, but have to let us use them for civil if we ask. You're responsible to bring the stuff you can't have anymore to wherever we tell you to bring it. No Zep hangers. No building wireless towers. No using the ones you already have for military stuff w/o telling us first(for 3 months) There will be a commission of Italy/DKB/AH that makes sure you do this stuff. The stuff relating to service time, draft, etc must be made law.
Part V. War graves and POW
Both sides return all POWs and show each other where the war graves are. We can each take back our dead. If anyone is accused of 'war crimes' you have to let us try them and respect the verdict and vice versa.
Part VI. Economic Clauses
No taxes on our stuff any higher than what taxed on anyone else and Favorable nation status for the 3 of us for 5 yrs. You can have a Merchant Marine and we agree to protect it like it was ours. If any of our ppl move to Zion they have to be treated as well as any other Zionist.
Part VII. Ports, waterways, and rail
We can go through Zion w/o any more hassle than anyone else. No unnecessary delays. If you give anyone else a break, we get it too. Zion get free access to Rift Sea.
The following is "accidentally" leaked to newspapers around the world...
The Empire of Italia, the German Empire of Brandenburg, and the Empire of Austria-Hungary
These Powers being described in the present Treaty as the Allied Powers;
AND New Zion,
of the other part;
Whereas on the request of the New Zion Government an Armistice was granted on October 1st, 1919, by the Allied Powers in order that a Treaty of Peace might be concluded, and
Whereas the Allied Powers are equally desirous that the war in which they were involved, directly or indirectly, against New Zion, and should be replaced by a firm, just and durable Peace,
For this purpose the HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES have agreed to this treaty.
The ALLIED POWERS on the one hand and NEW ZION on the other hand, declare, that the state of war between them is ended. The contracting parties are resolved to live henceforth with one another in peace and amity.
Immediately after the ratification of the peace treaty, the diplomatic and consular relations will be resumed between the contracting parties. As regards the admission of consuls of both parties, further agreements are reserved.
After the signature of the peace treaty and on the basis of the provisions contained in Articles IV to VII, the demobilization of the New Zion military will be carried out immediately.
The New Zion Navy will land all munitions and then sail on October 15th, 1919 to Dijbouti and be surrender to the ALLIED POWERS. Any ships of the New Zion Navy not able to sail will be disarmed and surrendered to representatives of the ALLIED POWERS. No sabotage or scuttling of New Zion Naval vessels is to occur. All ships of the New Zion Navy will become the property of the ALLIED POWERS, division or disposal to be carried out by the same.
All aircraft and equipment of the New Zion Airforce are to return to their airfields and bases. All aircraft and equipment of the New Zion Airforce are to be surrendered to representatives of the ALLIED POWERS. No sabotage or destruction of New Zion Airforce or it's equipment to occur. All aircraft and equipment of the New Zion Airforce are to become the property of the ALLIED POWERS, division or disposal to be carried out by the same.
The New Zion Army will return their bases and arsenals where all munitions, arms, artillery, equipment, etc. will be surrendered to representatives of the ALLIED POWERS. No sabotage or destruction of New Zion Army equipment is to occur. All New Zion army equipment will become the property of the ALLIED POWERS, division or disposal to be carried out by the same.
All fortifications, bases or any other military instillation of New Zion will be turned over to the occupation and administration by representatives of the ALLIED POWERS.
In the future the military of New Zion is to be limited to the following.
1) An army with no more than 50,000 personnel and equipment for the same, IE one Corps. No reserves are to be kept. All fortifications are to be razzed and none built in the future.
1a) The army of New Zion shall not be permitted field self loading rifles nor artillery over 4"/105mm, IE 4/1.5 Specialist Infantry.
1b) The army of New Zion shall not be permitted motorized vehicles of any type, IE no motorization, armored cars, or tanks.
2) No airforce is permitted, land based or naval, and all military airfields are to be destroyed. Civilian aerodromes are permitted, but under direct supervision of the Allies.
3) The Navy of New Zion is limited to twelve vessels each no larger than 1,000 tons in size nor mounting any naval rifle larger than 4"/10.5cm. No submarines, torpedoes, or mines are permitted.
4) New Zion will surrender all stocks of Chemical Weapons to the ALLIED POWERS who will then destroy said weapons. New Zion is not permitted any Chemical Weapons.
5) The importation of weapons into New Zion is strictly forbidden.
All of New Zion is subject to occupation by the ALLIED POWERS till the provisions of Articles IV to VIII are fulfilled. Once the provisions of Articles IV to VIII are fulfilled garrisons will be established in principal cities and locations as specified by the ALLIED POWERS. The Allied Powers enjoy unlimited right of movement within New Zion. These garrisons will remain till reparations set in Article XVI are paid in full. New Zion will pay for the upkeep of the occupation forces of the ALLIED POWERS.
The ALLIED POWERS will create inspection and oversight teams that will have unlimited access to the territory of New Zion and its facilities and records. These teams are to assure the military terms of this treaty are kept and the instructions of these teams are to have the force of law within New Zion.
The pre-war borders of New Zion are to be respected with the following exceptions;
The city of Eilat will fall under the control of the Empire of Italia until such time as the reparations discussed in Article XVI are complete, or 10 years, whichever is longer.
The city of Atlit will fall under the control of the German Empire until such time as the reparations discussed in Article XVI are complete, or 10 years, whichever is longer.
New Zion is to lower all tariffs and trade barriers to the ALLIED POWERS.
All shares of New Zion's railroads are to be turned over to the ALLIED POWERS; the value of these shares to be part of the reparations set in Article XVI. The ALLIED POWERS are to have extraterritorial movement rights for people, goods and military personnel along New Zion's railroads current and future. The ALLIED POWERS can distribute or sell these shares as they see fit.
All shares of New Zion's oil industry are to be turned over to the ALLIED POWERS; the value of these shares to be part of the reparations set in Article XVI. In the future the ALLIED POWERS, are to have unlimited right of investment in New Zion's oil industry. The ALLIED POWERS can distribute or sell these shares as they see fit.
The ALLIED POWERS will establish an advisory border for New Zion's government and it will have the following responsibilities.
a) Oversee all elections for New Zion's government
b) Assume control over New Zion's tariffs; this is to assure that the monetary clauses of this treaty are met.
c) Have veto authority over any current and future foreign agreements.
d) The authority to remove any government minister deemed not suitable for any reason
The ALLIED POWERS will calculate the costs of fighting the war between the ALLIED POWERS and New Zion. This calculation is to include but not limited to, lost or damaged ships, lost or damaged aircraft, lost or damaged military equipment, expended munitions and death and disability benefits. Payments for reparations and the occupation as specified in Article IX to begin January 1st, 1920. Division of the payments between the ALLIED POWERS will be set by internal agreement of the same.
WHY do I feel N-verse's version of Scapa Flow coming on?
Peace in our time?
*Shuffles asteroids into temporary orbits*
nudges those astroids back in the pth they were...
*Focuses Astroids toward Romania*
It does reek of Czechoslovakia. Wonder who is Poland...
Oh crud......
If the NZ navy surrenders to the ALLIED powers, why would they be interned in a French port? Aden makes much more sense.
It's the biggest and best defended port in the whole Rift area. Maybe that's why?
Or, is there a more sinister reason?
Quote from: maddox on August 09, 2010, 01:14:57 PM
It's the biggest and best defended port in the whole Rift area. Maybe that's why?
Or, is there a more sinister reason?
Politically that's not a good idea. First, it would negate all the effort spent to maintain the semblance of French neutrality and thus cause problems at home.
The DKB and the Habsburgs are not a member of Nassau, IMHO they would appear to be "weaker" that they'd need to accept such offer, as if they could not act without approval from Paris. OTOH if a neutral port is necessary, Djibouti is not one.
It is fine for Italy I agree. The French magnanimously assuming responsibility for the interned fleet
would anything happen to them.
OOC Hasn't France lost ships in the fighting and had Brandenburg and Italy operating out of that port?
Quote from: miketr on August 09, 2010, 02:35:48 PM
OOC Hasn't France lost ships in the fighting and had Brandenburg and Italy operating out of that port?
Looks at my Battle ship lying on he side in 35 to 40 feet of water off Djibouti Port.... yea I guess we were operating from that port.
Colombian observers attached to the Italian army and the New Swiss Navy will inquire as to whether this treaty is a genuine item or a possible mistake on behalf of the New Zionite media...
Well the Swiss keep muttering something around the lines of Tesla trying out his death ray in some other place other than Tunguska, preferably Rome...
OOC: Don't have time to write, but what is new with that, eh? I felt I needed to let a few things be known. Hopefully this is accurate as to what has been occuring, I have missed alot and in reading everything I am sure I have misinterpreted or missed things.
As the events of the Rift War begin to unfold, many arguments are raging in the Duma. The Battleship deal the Naval Minster approved had little support within the Duma. The large payments in High Tech Engines and treasure going to a known troublemaking nation like New Switzerland had already caused the Naval Minister to resign. His second deal in trading the Swiss ships for Rohanese Vessels made the cancelation of the original deal impossible, as he had well known.
With the blatant movement of substantial portions of the Swiss fleet across a third of the worlds surface to 'defend' a nation who would need no defense if not for Swiss dealings. It has become obvious that the Swiss cannot be trusted to behave as a peaceful nation should and will abuse our peaceful intentions and twist them into supporting their desires. With this conclusion, Russia places a hold on all Military payments, supplies and technological transfers to beligerants of the conflict. They know this mostly affects the Swiss, but it is felt that these wars of Aggression can no longer be tolerated. It is hoped that Italy will understand we do not view this a righteous War, and hold them to blame as well.
As the Rift War appears to be ending, Russia has announced its displeasure in the terms that have been leaked(it seems harsh as hell). And wonders why there is no mention of the swiss in the terms?
OOC: I just realized most people won't have any idea what the 'Deals' I am refering to are.
Russia traded a huge amount of $, tech, and such for the 3 'I Class' Battlecrusiers(1 Damaged, 1 Incomplete). Seeing Rohans interest in the BCs, we concluded a later deal for trading the 3 'I class' for 2 'Aragorn' BBs and 2 'Tol Erresea' Tenders. I am not even sure if Ithekro is aware of this deal.
What happend to Tanthalus anyway? Redeploy?
Sheesh people, should I just sell of NS to the highest bidder and quit? I really can't do anything IC without having half the world jump on me.
Quote from: Blooded on September 19, 2010, 06:34:20 PM
What happend to Tanthalus anyway? Redeploy?
Yep. Uncle Sam's Travel Agency sent him to the Rockpile for a while.
Been there for a bit, though; hopefully he'll be home soon.
Quote from: Desertfox on September 19, 2010, 06:42:21 PM
Sheesh people, should I just sell of NS to the highest bidder and quit? I really can't do anything IC without having half the world jump on me.
*ties napkin around neck*
Just hold still; this'll only hurt for a second.