GRAN COLOMBIA: SECOND HALF REPORT, 1918Area: | Population: | BP: | IC: | Revenue |
Heartland | 37.578 million | 21.5 | 89.0 | 126.58 |
Antilia Mayor | 8.829 million | 5.0 | 22.0 | 30.83 |
Antilia Menor* | 0.776 million | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.78 |
Guayana Francesa | 0.315 million | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.32 |
Amazonas del Sur | 1.353 million | 0.5 | 3.0 | 4.35 |
Coquimbo | 0.340 million | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.34 |
Galapagos, Tutuila and Nuku Hiva | 0.030 million | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 |
Zaire** | 5.001 million | 0.0 | 1.5 | 3.70 |
Montana*** | 3.572 million | 0.0 | 1.5 | 3.41 |
Total | 56.636 million | 27.0 | 120.0 | 173.31 |
*Includes ex-French islands
**Includes 3,000 Colombian immigrants
***Includes 2,000 Colombian immigrants Additional Income/Expenditures:+$1.20M and $1.20C - Iberian investments
+$2.40M and $2.40C - Japanese investments
-$3.75M to Peru, but...
+3,000 t of hull plating ($3 and 3 BP) from Peru
+$2.32 and 2.318 BP from scrapping
+$1.03M carry-over
Status: Peace; Limited Mobilization.
Total Budget (maximum military budget): $90.26C and $93.53M, plus 30.000 BP.
A. NAVAL OPERATIONS: Armada Maintenance Requirements: $10.50 (Peace)
-Continue scrapping Egyptian, Indochinese hulks
-BB Irresistible transferred to DKB
-Four Westmoreland class cruisers refitted: New weapons, wireless, general overhaul: $3.24, 0.600 BP
-Eight Tucupita class TB assigned to reserve
Existing Armada Construction Requirements:
-BB-17, Radiante, underway at Cartagena: $2.855, 2.855 BP, completed end of October
-BB-18, Brillante, underway at Cartagena: $2.855, 2.855 BP, completed end of October
-AC-16, Avenger, underway at Cromwell: $2.23, 2.003 BP, completed end of September
-CP-40, Zulia, underway at Colon: $0.80, 0.799 BP, completed end of August
-CP-41, Vaupes, underway at Colon: $2.70, 2.698 BP
-TB-137, Tunapuna, underway at Esmeraldas: $0.60, 0.482 BP, completed end of October
-TB-138, Vielle Case, underway at Cartagena: $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
-TB-139, Villavicencio, underway at Cromwell: $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
-TB-140, Valledupar, underway at La Guaira: $0.77, 0.617 BP, completed end of October
-PA-02, Yubarta, underway at La Guaira: $2.18, 2.180 BP, completed end of November
New Armada Construction:
-TB-141, Yopal, laid down at Cartagena: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-142, Yumare, laid down at Cromwell: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-143, Yaguachi, laid down at La Guaira: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-144, Yarumal, laid down at Colon: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-145, Yaritagua, laid down at Montego Bay: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-146, Yahuma, laid down at San Miguelito: $0.77, 0.617 BP
-TB-147, Tello, laid down at Esmeraldas: $1.25, 1.000 BP
-SS-46, Angelote, laid down at Colon, $1.50, 0.75 BP
-SS-47, Pintarroja, laid down at Montego Bay, $1.50, 0.75 BP
-PB-77 to 81, laid down at various locations: $0.28, 0.259 BP
-PC-33, Pilon, laid down at Manaus: $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
-PC-34, Cubara, laid down at San Miguelito: $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
-PC-35, Carapo, laid down at San Miguelito: $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
-PC-36, Moitaco, laid down at Colon: $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
-PC-37, Borbon, laid down at Ciudad Jorge: $0.09, 0.088 BP, completed end of December*
-PG-04, Mantecal, laid down at Esmeraldas: $0.49, 0.490 BP, completed end of December
-PA-03, Espiritu Santo, laid down at La Guaira: $1.96, 1.961 BP
-APA-09, Senora, laid down at Cartagena: $0.50, 0.500 BP*
-APA-10, Senora, laid down at San Miguelito: $0.50, 0.500 BP*
Naval Intelligence: $0.50
B. LAND OPERATIONS: $19.63, 4.75 BPEjercito Maintenance Requirements: $7.5
Ejercito Recruitment and Operations Requirements:
-I, II, VI, VII Infantry Corps: Upgrade to 6/4 and Motorize: $12.00, 3.00 BP
-III, V Cordilleran and III Jungle Corps: Upgrade to 6/2: $6.00, 0.750 BP
-Recruit and equip I Experimental Car Brigade (1905 tech): $2.00, 1.000 BP
Intelligencio del Ejercito: $0.50
C. AERONAUTICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: $7.40, 1.000 BPMaintenance: $0.80
Construction and Repair:
-Build 1916 airstrips at Camaguey & Moa (Cuba): $3.00, 1.000 BP
-Build 1914 airstrips at Bulungu & Kienge (Africa): $2.00, 0.000 BP
-Build Type 1 airships A-22, 23, 24: $0.60
-Buy 100 x 1916 scout/recce aircraft: $0.60
-Buy 25 x 1916 long-range bombers: $0.40
D. MILITARY INFRASTRUCTURE: $2.00, 0.000 BPMilitary Infrastructure Construction and Repair:
-Type 0 Drydock started at Ciudad Leopold (~OTL Kinshasa) on the Kongo River: $2.00, 0.000 BP
E. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: $8.00 so farMaximum Projects: $9.00
-Continue 1913 Torpedoes: 4th half-year, $1: 20%
-Continue development of 350mm/45 quadruple turret: 3rd half-year, $0.50
-Continue 1917 Naval Engines: 3rd half-year, $1
-Continue 1917/1918 Aircraft: 3rd half-year, $1
-Continue development of M1915 400mm/45 gun: 2nd half-year, $0.50
-Complete digesting 1916 ASW (from NS): 2nd half-year, $0.25: Done
-Commence 1918 Fire Control: 2nd half-year, $1
-Complete digesting 1915 KC Armor (from Iberia): 2nd half-year, $0.25: Done
-Complete digesting 1910 Heavy Armor (from Hapsburgers): 2nd half-year, $0.25: Done
-Continue developing Mk1915 120mm/45 gun: 2nd half-year, $0.25
-Commence 1910 Armored Cars: 1st half-year, $1
-Commence 1918 Aircraft Carriers: 1st half-year, $1
F. BLACK OPERATIONS: $2.00*Looks innocent*
Economic Development:
-Start Half-BP in Heartland: $54.22 for $54.22 total
-Start half-IC in Zaire: $17.50, done
-Start half-IC in Montana: $18.81, done
H. CARRY-OVER TO 1/19:Addendum: Armada Order of Battle, 31/12/18:A/B + C = (In Service or Working Up) / (In Reserve/Training) + Under Construction/Repair/Refit
BB, Battleships: 6/1 + 0
FM, Mobile Batteries: 1/0 + 0
CA, Armored Cruisers: 6/1 + 0
CP, Protected Cruisers: 26/3 + 1
TB, Torpedo Boats: 82/11 + 7
TM, Minelayers: 3/0 + 0
SS, Submarines: 39/4 + 2
AM, Minesweepers: 16/2 + 0
PB, Patrol Boats: 79/0 + 0
PC, Patrol Cutters: 37/0 + 0
PS, Patrol Sloops: 24/0+0
PG, Patrol Gunboat: 4/0 + 0
RF, Riverine Mobile Batteries: 0/3 + 0
RG, River Gunboats: 13/0 + 0
RP, River Transports: 4/0 + 0
AA & PA, Aviation Vessel: 2/0 + 1
AB, Government Service Ships: 5/0 + 0
AC, Colliers: 5/0 + 0
AD, Depot Ships: 9/0 + 0
AE, Ammunition Ship: 3/0 + 0
AGT, Target Ship: 0/1 + 0
AK, Cargo Ship: 3/0 + 0
AO, Oilers: 4/0 + 0
AP, Transports: 2/0 + 0
APA, Attack Transports: 8/0 + 2
AT, Ocean-Going Tugs: 7/0 + 0
AU, Survey Ships: 3/0 + 0
AWT, Water Tankers: 1/0 + 0
AY, Yacht: 1/0 + 0
IX, Unclassified Ships: 3/0 + 0
TD, Dispatch Boat: 4/0 + 0
FT, Fortress Battery: 6/0 + 0
FC, Coastal Battery: 26/0 + 0
Government Subsidized Steamships: 2/0 + 0
Edit: Found my airship numbering was off - I had two sets of A-12 and A-13. I'm not going to go back and edit my sim reports from 2/17 and 1/18, but suffice to say, there are 3 x T0 and 12 x T1 airships in service at the end of the year.
Edit-edit: Mis-read terms of a deal with Peru, so had to find $3M - did so out of intel budgets and the drydock construction.