In 1909, Gran Colombia intends to delete and scrap:
2 x Audaz class battleships
3 x Leopardo class protected cruisers
3 x Darien class protected cruisers
1 x Narino class protected cruiser
Offers to purchase any of the above will, however, be entertained. Contact the Military Attache at your nearest Gran Colombian embassy for further information.
Edit: Oh, and some old Caracas class torpedo boats may be available.
I have no idea how to go about this but UNK is interested (and can offer agreements or techs as bonus)
The soonest I could pay $ would be H2-1909(as I am nearly done with 1H-1909) and a one year (or more)payment plan would work better.
As scrap I get a rough value of $5.6 +BP , My first Offer would be $10 for the lot.
While the ships are old and combat values are not high, they would help offset the loss of 4 of my Glory Class BB's +4xCLs and 10xDD's in early 1908(sold for $27 Total).
Simply submit a bid for the relevant ships via Private Message. Note that I'm more likely to favor a bid that accounts for the BP I'd lose by not scrapping the ships.
Curiously enough - Gran Colombia bought your protected cruisers and destroyers. I was going to get around to scrapping them shortly. If you'd like them back, we can talk about annulling the deal.
Rohan will add vessels for sale for late 1909 with transfere of the vessels in early 1910 unless work is requested on them at the new owner's expense.
Battleships of the Mark:
Brego- 1889 (4 x 12" + 10 x 9" + 12 x 6")
Thengel - 1890 (4 x 12" + 10 x 9" + 12 x 6")
Gram - 1891 (4 x 12" + 10 x 9" + 12 x 6")
Aldor - 1892 (4 x 12" + 10 x 9" + 12 x 6")
Dwarven Battleships of the Mark:
Thorin - 1887 (4 x 12")
Tarondor - 1889 (2 x 11" + 2 x 9" + 10 x 6")
Tarcil - 1889 (2 x 11" + 2 x 9" + 10 x 6")
Araval - 1891 (2 x 11" + 8 x 9" + 12 x 4.5")
Argeleb - 1891 (2 x 11" + 8 x 9" + 12 x 4.5")
Arvedui - 1892 (2 x 11" + 8 x 9" + 12 x 4.5")
Durin - 1892 ( 4 x 12" + 12 x 4.5")
All vessels are used and have not been refitted.
All smaller vessels of age will be scrapped or refitted unless special requests are made to Rohan for these vessels.
If the ships above are not sold they will also be scrapped by Rohan from 1910 to 1912.