The Baltic Confederation Jan FY07

Started by khymerion, April 23, 2007, 11:24:44 AM

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The Baltic Confederation – July FY06
Baltic Confederation      48      14      94
Guinea                              2      0         0
Gujarat                            12      0         4

Total Budget: $153

Army Expansion:  $8 + 1 BP - (The raising of the Hauskarl corps)
Special Projects: $1.4 + 1 BP (12" Railway Guns Fehu and Uruz constructed)
Army Maintenance: $24.8 – III, V, and IX Corps Being maintained at full mobilization.
New Naval Construction:  $17.78 – BB-06 BCS Kracken is authorized.
Naval Maintenance - $3.08
Military Infrastructure Expansion - $0
Research - $6
Technology Trade Integration - $1
Total Military Spending - $52.06
Economic Expansion - $100.94

Spending Details

BB/AC Architecture (Cutting Edge)  ($1 – 3 Turns)
Misc Research into the Applications of automatic and quick firing technologies (IE:  I can't figure out what to spend it on... black hole project/placeholder/mad scientist funding - $.25 ($.75 so far))
Development of the 14"/L40 naval rifle. ($.50 - 3 turns)
Project 'Mjolnir' ($1 – 5 turns)
Research into Heavier than Air Crafts (Advanced) ($1 - 3 turns)
Research Oil Fired Boilers ($1 – 2 Turn)
Research Electric Propulsion ($1 – 2 Turn)

Projects that are currently on hold:
Research into Internal Combustion Engines (Advanced) (1 turn into research)

Technology Integration
Naval Propulsion (Cutting Edge) ($.25 - 2 Turn)
Torpedo Technologies (Advanced) ($.25 – 2 Turn)
Destroyer/TB Maingun Layout (Advanced) ($.25 - 2 Turn)
Submarines (Baseline) ($.25 - 2 turn)
Infantry Weapon Technology (Cutting Edge) ($.25 - 1 turn)

Naval Construction
BB 05 BCS Ultor - $0 + 6 BP – Currently being fitted out.
CA 09 BCS Vind - $0 - undergoing final sea trials, due to be accepted in second half.
BB 06 BCS Jormungand - $17.78 + 6 BP (Second ship of the Ultor Class)

Yard Expansion
Hamburg – Upgrading 1 Type 1 Slipway to a Type 3 Dry-dock ($7 - final $2 towards completion - Done)
Hamburg – Upgrading 1 Type 1 Dry-dock to a Type 3 Dry-dock ($9 - final $4 towards completion - Done)

Economic Expansion
$100.94 total
$75 towards an IC in the homelands.
$12.34 added to previous $62.66 for a new IC in the homelands ($75.00 towards total)
$13.6 towards a new BP in the homelands.
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


You must have missed the post with the clarfication that "research" and "technology integration" count towards the total. So only 7 projects in total.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Borys on April 23, 2007, 12:38:19 PM
You must have missed the post with the clarfication that "research" and "technology integration" count towards the total. So only 7 projects in total.


It is not limited to seven projects, it is limited to seven $.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Can't find P3D's post ATM :)
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Borys on April 23, 2007, 12:49:58 PM
Can't find P3D's post ATM :)
It is in the rules! :P
"Researching each technology will cost $1 each half-year.

However, the amount of money a country can invest in research is limited by its industrial capacity, expressed in BP - build points. The maximum half one country's  BP, round up. This includes research from scratch, developing naval guns and mounts, and studying technology acquired by tech trande or industrial espionage.
E.g. A country with 10BP can spend $5 on research. A country with 15BP can spend $8."
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways :
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Yes... the heavy integration of alot of things all at once and developing cheap things (artillary and mounts) makes us look deceptively powerful in our research...
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.

The Rock Doctor

Huh...I had assumed it was projects, not dollars.  Time to do some editing of my report, then...