A Game Idea...

Started by miketr, April 19, 2007, 02:02:01 PM

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Surprise.  A predread protected cruiser 600 feet long.  Talk about gun decks and crew space.


Nasty surprise... I think such an armorclad junk would instantly turn every European sailing ship obsolete should east meet west.


I have been giving things some thought and the following are some random idea's.

The world will be broken down in provinces and each province will have the following values.

1) Income
2) Manpower
3) Fortification level
4) Trade Value

Players will be able to increase income and fortification levels.
Manpower increase / decrease occur over time as the stituation dictates.
Trade value will be GM decesions based upon roll play choices the players make.

The base land unit will be regiments (about 1,000 man units).  You will be able to recruit musketmen, skirmishers, dragoons, hausers, and even heavy horse.  3 grades of artillery light, heavy and siege.  Some units can be designated as guard (extra cost / upkeep).

Ships will be various grades of SOL and Frigates.

Over time new units will become available.

Also people will have military leaders.



Why not just play a multiplayergame of EU3? :)
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Quote from: Korpen on May 06, 2007, 03:51:05 AM
Why not just play a multiplayergame of EU3? :)

You could... While I like the Paradox line of games they are not to my taste for Multi-Player. 
