The time has come

Started by Earl822, April 08, 2007, 11:23:24 AM

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As much as it saddens me to do this at the start of a new sim, I feel that it is time for me to call it a day on my involvement in the N-verse as a player.
My limited ability to write stories has reduced over the last few months, and thus it is getting harder to build new storylines with New ideas.
I have thus decided to throw the United Norman Kingdom open to a new player, who I'll happily provide with many of my concepts for it, and many of my designs.

I will remain here as a normal member, possibly acting with permission as an independant ship designer, maybe even somebody like Beardmore's or Vickers.

I would also like to concentrate on playing Nordmark in Wesworld, where I have been very lapse of late.


I'll be honest... I have absolutely no ideas either, neither for Japan Wesworld nor Japan Navalism. It'll just mean that my nations will lack the additional dimension which makes it more "Alive".


Do the British thing - grin and bear it and slog through - for some time post reports and designs only. And after some time inspiration will struck. Also, having just moved house across the Atlantic is an excellent excuse for the Normans to become introvert.
And there's one more Norman-Habsburg marriage to be consumed :)
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I can't bring myself to write any more reports, that is a big problem. I want to get away from the headache's I've given myself, the biggest of which, is that I keep doing things that just wind the rest of the player nations up.

I may return to play a small nation, but for now I must stop, step back, and let someone else take over, this tired horse needs to rest.

The Rock Doctor

I hope you'll reconsider and just take a bit of time off instead. 

Your frustration about getting us wound up is fair enough, you've managed to do that a few times.  Drop me a PM if you want, and I'd be happy to share some thoughts with you.


Well my advice would be to continue with your regular reports, but have your news be either non-existant, reaction to others news, or just make internal news that in general doesn't effect anyone internationally, or script the stories with someone else that shouldn't effect others generally.  This way we keep the same general reactions  without changing horses and yet give you plenty of breathing room. 


Thanks for your advice, but this will in the end be my decision, which is being heavily affected by my rapidly aproaching exams.
I may have one last story in me, it will rip the Government of the UNK apart at the seams, though it is certainly time for a General Election, whether I write it or not depends on whether I personally feel I can play on, which  will soon be decided.


Good Luck on the exams... every student dreads those!
It's a pity that the CSA is going to loose it's arch-rival so quickly!
Who will I now get into a naval arms race with?
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Hmmm, might be worth keeping an eye on Rohan, they have a few very powerful ships in your backyard.


Well those are there mostly becase the Caribbean was getting a bit hot for Rohan's taste.  Also with the distances involved wih getting those ships to the Caribean from the Pacific, it seems wiser to have the more powerfuls on hand rather than have them come 40 to 60 days later.  If the Carbbean calms down I can pull some of those ship for other duties or refits...or even scrap some of them.

Well don't let the exams keep you down.  Take some tim off, I am sure we an press on without jumping on the UK too much.  Yet another country breaking up would be...destracting, depending on how it was handled.


Sorry to hear about this, so soon after just getting to know and figure out the feel of everything... and while I may not have the pedigree of some of the others who are here... its still a bit sad to see it come to pass.  Well... no matter what you choose... I hope you at least enjoy the stories that are written and...  feel free to stir up the pot every once in awhile...
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


Decision made, I quit

Cloak up:


Quote from: Earl822 on April 10, 2007, 03:33:47 AM
Decision made, I quit

Cloak up:
you know, after that liner thing, i think i support that move.

In fact i am considering it myself.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Here goes:-

I have tried to play on, coping as best I may with the problems I've faced, mainly brought on by a bit of poor health and my stubborn mind; I have failed in this.
Thus, after much thought over the last few days, I have decided to retire permanently as the player of the United Norman Kingdom, in order to allow a fresh player to take over this role. As I don't expect there to be an immediate replacement, I will post the H1/1907 report, and prepare a H2 report ready for use if no one comes forward to play the UNK by the time it is needed.
I don't want to be ask to stay as the UNK player, as I wish to make a break from playing in the N-verse for a while at least. I also feel that I need to concentrate on playing Nordmark over in Wesworld, as my care for that nation has also been very lapse of late.

As I have stated before, I will still be around, and will happily act as an independent ship designer, with the permission of the mods.

Finally I apologise that in the time I've been playing the UNK, I've caused so many problems, and hope that in my retirement from playing a nation, I won't cause so many problems.




The Rock Doctor

Nations cause problems for other nations; that's an expectation I have for a sim like this, and not something you should feel obliged to apologize for.

Have fun with Nordmark,