Diplomatic colour codes

Started by swamphen, April 13, 2007, 01:08:26 PM

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Amber: Nipponese Empire
Azure: Kingom of Bhutan
Beige: Bavaria
Black: Khazaria
Blue: DKB
Bronze: Rumania
Citron: Muscovy
Copper: -
Cream: American Native Indians
Crimson: United States of New Switzerland
Emerald: Austrian Empire
Fuchsia: Egyptian Theocracy
Garnet: Persian Empire
Gold: Middle Kingdom
Grey: Reformist Republic of China
Green: Rohan
Indigo: United Nations of South America
Jade: Ottoman Empire
Lavender: Tibet
Lemon: Kingdom of India
Lime: Haven of the Peoples
Lilac: Nigerian Confederation
Magenta: Peru
Maroon: United Norman Kingdom
Mauve: Liberia
Ochre: Mughal Empire
Olive: Kingdom of Italy
Orange: Iberian Empire
Platinum: Burmese Empire
Purple: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Red: Empire of France
Ruby: Orange Republic
Rufous: Kingdom of Siam
Saffron: Empire of Firanj
Scarlet: New Zion
Tan: D.R. of Mesoamerica
Teal: East Sea Confederation
Vermilion: Maoria
Violet: Eire
White: Confederate States of America
Yellow: Gran Columbia


Note that in addition to the above, which are formal designations, informal diplomatic-speak in the Reich Foreign Ministry often includes the following.

'The Dragons'. The Middle Kingdom (the Greater Dragon), Japan (the Lesser Dragon), and RRC (the Dragonlet).

'The Jaguars'. Gran Colombia, the Confederacy, Mesoamerica.

'The Horsemen'. Rohan, Haven.

'The Jackals'. Orange.

...and, most recently added, 'Those Demons'. New Switzerland, New Zion, Siam.