Den Haag conferentie Hague Conference

Started by maddox, April 13, 2007, 12:37:02 AM

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A privateer operated in the means that Rohan has spelled out is more than acceptable... as it seems that they are more apt to attack pirates and other villians of the seas rather than legitimate merchant ships.  Though I hate to sound like I am just repeating what the French delegate has said, we of the Confederation do also support privateers used in this matter.
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


France does not support any privateers since the Great Jean Bart.  After the revolution, France strived to civilisation and advancement.  Privateers are not an advancement.
A left over from days past, but in rare cases, an honorable past, as we give the Rohirrim.

I, minister Capet stand by my declaration that we of Glorious France will not kill any captured pirates or privateers. But if the pirates claim to be privateers and produce a letter of marque, the damages done to France, ANY damages, will be accounted for.


To the Middle Kingdom it matters not what piece of paper you carry, when you attack a merchant vessel with the purpose to seize it and/or its goods you are a pirate and thus subject to punishment.
Or should we arm all of our merchants ?
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


Austria is satisifed with the 3 milie territorial waters limit. This was good for twenty generations of our Forefathers, and it would be insulting to their memory if we changed it. 3 miles, 10 miles, 50 miles - in wartime it does not matter - if somebody will wish to do harm, then his warships will come closer anyway. And in peacetime the 3 miles limit does not lead to the silly controversay like the one witnessed this year over the retired UKN-French scheme for the Pas de Calais.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: maddox on April 17, 2007, 05:51:25 AM
We of France will only accept the Letters of Marque issued by Rohan. As these are the only ones that have the connotation to honor. On other privateers. The only concession we will make is that these, after a suitable time in French custody, will return to the land that issued the illegitimid Letter of Marque.

The Confederate States of America long depended on corsairs to keep their long coastlines safe from the predations of hostile nations. Being unable to construct a proper navy of their own until after their secession from the Norman Kingdom was complete, corsairs were at first the only real viable option for carrying the war to the enemy. Even after the Confederate States christened a fleet of 12 large frigates for work in the Atlantic, corsairs continued to aid the nation by keeping the coasts and Gulf of Mexico safe.

After the trans-continental expansion, corsairs again became important to the Confederacy, as no real warships existed in the Pacific, and it would take several years to build up a real naval presence there. Thus, a new role for corsairs developed in protecting the Pacific coast in a rough and ready way in the absence of the national navy.

The Confederacy continues to employ corsairs, though today they are generally more like contracted private security rather than the 'replacement navy' of earlier times. There are 20 licensed corsairs in Confederate service, employed predominately in the guarding of important civilian ports which have no full-time naval presence. These corsairs are under contract with and are regulated by the Confederate Navy. The  largest of the corsairs in Confederate service at presence is the Margie May (R. K. Gibbons, Master), armed with two 25 pounders and twelve 6 pounders. She is currently stationed in Tampa Bay, Florida. Several smaller vessels mounting no guns bigger than a 6 pounder are stationed at minor ports as well, and some small ships (under 50') are employed along the various larger rivers of the Confederacy.

There are no plans to employ corsairs on a large scale in organized warfare in the future, due to the fact that the Confederate Navy is now large and powerful enough to guard it's obligations, however, some smaller corsairs (similar to the ones now employed) might be hired as additional coastal patrols.

The Confederate States of America asks if Glorious France might offer a similar recognition to our privateers as they do to those of Rohan. Though our Privateers seldom leave home waters any longer, the possibility of them escorting coastal convoys during time of war is there, and we- fearing only for the safety of our citizens- wish that they might be guaranteed their safety by the greatest Navy on Earth.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


If the Confederates States of America uses Armed merchant cruisers flying the CSA flag, to protect the coastal waters , what will be decided here, there is no problem.
But to call those law abiding, hard working men on those civil guard ships privateers, we of Glorious France would call that an insult to those men.
Patriots, yes. .Privateers? No.

There is every reason for a privateer to avoid just those "home" waters for its piratical intentions, especialy if the only prey is purely the merchants of the "enemy".  You won't catch much bass when hunting cod waters.

But France won't go and catch privateers or pirates in other state's coastal waters without permission to do so. In that respect its easy. Even if all ships in the CSA coastal waters have a letter of marque, there is nothing to fear from Glorious France.


One thread should be enough for the Haag discussion, I'll merge the threads.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Quote from: P³D on April 17, 2007, 10:46:09 AM
One thread should be enough for the Haag discussion, I'll merge the threads.
As each convention is separate, and can be signed separatly, it is dumb to mass them toghter, that is just confusing.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


The Admin did not like 5 separate threads, but bows to your argument.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Turning to Pu Lun "I seem to recall an incident not long ago where a Spanish warship attacked a Swiss merchant carrying cattle of all things. Two Chinese Torpedo Boats where in the area and made absolutely no attempt to stop this illegal practice."

mutters just loud enough for everyone to hear "hypocrites"

"New Switzerland will reserve the right to arm all merchants in time of war for their own protection and safety. New Switzerland will also reserve the right to issue Letters of Marque in times of war and will make no attempt to stop pirates preying on the shipping of an enemy state. Pirates preying on neutral shipping will be hunted down to the ends of the Earth and punished, that is all."
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Admiral Geon glares, and gets silence.

Prince Pu-Lun, if you allow me.

Delegate of the New New Swiss monarchy.  If you refer to actions during the bloody periode of the Middle Kingdom and New Swiss war, be glad the Middle Kingdom torpedo boats didn't got involved.  As that would be slaughter. I would say, be glad you have an enemy as honorable as the Middle Kingdom.

If you refer to a more recent incident, as far as I know, Middle Kingdom warships do not leave the 20 miles zone they maintain.  And since early 1905, the year of turmoil, no warship of the Middle Kingdom has even harrased any New Swiss merchant. Even if they ply the Strait of Hainan.

This is common knowledge to all for us on this conference. 
The only thing that changed is that the Spanish King Juan was replaced by King Carlos, who has a more moderated stance concerning the New Swiss, even swallowing the pride of the lost colonial islands in the Pacific, just to get peace for his troubled country.

I would prefer that we stick to the conference, and not getting into insults. As those don't get anything done here.


Quote from: Desertfox on April 22, 2007, 02:16:31 PM
Turning to Pu Lun "I seem to recall an incident not long ago where a Spanish warship attacked a Swiss merchant carrying cattle of all things. Two Chinese Torpedo Boats where in the area and made absolutely no attempt to stop this illegal practice."

mutters just loud enough for everyone to hear "hypocrites"

"New Switzerland will reserve the right to arm all merchants in time of war for their own protection and safety. New Switzerland will also reserve the right to issue Letters of Marque in times of war and will make no attempt to stop pirates preying on the shipping of an enemy state. Pirates preying on neutral shipping will be hunted down to the ends of the Earth and punished, that is all."
One of the chairmen, Hendrik Colijn also intercedes; Gentlemen, the purpose of these proceedings is not to discuss what have happen in the past, and who has committed what acts. The function here is to lay down document regulating future conduct. It is not hypocrisy for a state to be willing to change their conduct to the better, it is a sign of wisdom."
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.



OOC Im refering to the Battle of the Rustbucket, a clear case of sea piracy which lead to of all things a Spanish-Chinese Alliance which China did not honor when Spain was attacked by Austria. And the Chinese did get involved, I lost Launceston to them. If China had been following the policy she just stated she should have captured the Spanish sailors as pirates and executed them.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


OOC, a warship flying the colors is never a pirate.

And, the rustbucket was changing colors , and was shooting....  Launcheton was clearly helping a prirate.