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An Exercise

Started by miketr, April 07, 2007, 09:06:54 AM

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Arsenales La Carraca (Cadiz)

Deck of His Imperial Iberian Majesties Ship (H.I.I.M.S.) Henrique o Navegador in fitting out basin. 

"X.O. I understand that you received an update on when the yard dogs are going to start the instillation of the main guns for C turret."  The Captain of the newest armored cruiser for the Iberian Navy asked his second in command.

Holding an official look dispatch and an uncomfortable look on his face, "No time soon it seams Sir and as a matter of fact we are to loose a section of the crew and some of our fire control gear."

"What the hell is the point of this?!?"  A clearly upset Captain asked.

"No idea sir just that our guns and the crew are going off with an army escort.  We are to get our guns back soon or replacements from the sets being run up for Cristóbal Colón."  The XO answered.

Both men glanced across the harbor to Henrique's sister ship still on the slips being prepared for launching. 

"Setup a meeting with the Port Admiral I want to know what the point of all of this is, we need the guns to do our acceptance trials."

"Yes Sir, right away sir."

To be continued...


Naval Rail Yard, Cadiz

Heavy Lift Cranes slowly guided the 50,000 plus pound weight of the 250mm L45 gun barrel back onto the freight car they had just yesterday been unloaded from.  Specially run up mounts from the Madrid Arsenal were sitting in freight cars and flat cars at the rear of train.  A swarm of workmen under the watchful eye of Army troopers and Naval Marines transferred pallets of silken bags and large shells into another train at the other end of the yard. 

Capitán de Navío Juan López y Marcos watched as the workers did their jobs before he continued onto the Port Admirals Office in the heart of the naval base.  As the Commander of the Henrique o Navegador continued his walk he wonder what to make of all the activity.  Juan had been so tied up with the work of getting his cruiser read for her acceptance trials he hadn't been out of the fighting out basin for well over a week.  So he just noticed that the docks and harbor itself were also very busy.  In particular all three of the Lobo class protected cruisers were in port; all should be on the other side of the Atlantic and it looked like there were a great deal more of Torpedo Boats in port also.

As Capitán de Navío Juan López y Marcos journey brought him to the port admirals building he was surprised to see the three started pennant of a full Almirante flying and not the normal two stars for a Vice Almirante.  Which meant a fleet commander was in Cadiz...

To be continued...


Is that a faint "ommminous hummmmm" I hear?


As Capitán de Navío Juan López y Marcos entered the Port Admirals building the thought that came to him was he hadn't scene this much activity since 1902 during the civil war.  Dozens of senior grade officers were moving about on various errands.  After a few minutes Juan was able to make his way to the Port Admirals Office. 

A Capitán de Fragata, the aid of the Almirante, escorted Juan into the plush office.  Behind a large desk sat Almirante Arturo Garcia y Soto, commander designate of the Iberian Atlantic Fleet.  "Ah Captain I am pleased you decided to pay a visit, it saved me the trouble of summoning you myself."

Juan came to parade rest and answered with a, "Yes Sir."

"My aid tells me you're concerned over the loss of your guns and crew, eh Captain?"

Deciding that short answers were the best course of action, captains even full ones don't normally have chats with an almirante and upsetting one would be a sure way to wreck a career, "That's correct sir."

Almirante Arturo chuckled at Juan's reserved responses, "Don't worry Captain I already had someone to yell at this morning I think you're safe for the moment."

"Yes Sir, if the Admiral says so."

"The Admiral does Captain, the reason for your losses is someone in the foreign minister has decided we need to send a message.  Your crew and guns are going to be used to setup a battery on the north shore of the Straits of Gibraltar..." The admiral paused to gauge the response of Captain Juan, who remained quiet so Arturo continued, "... and since the Emperor told me personally he wants this handled right so I am sending a senior officer to over see things.  So pack your bags your leaving on the next train Captain."

Juan's reserve failed for the first time, "But Admiral what about the Henrique... I have worked hard to get her ready... and... I..."

"Don't worry Captain I am not going to deprive you of the newest and best cruiser command in the fleet.  Your XO will handle things till you return."  An amused Admiral interrupted Juan. 

A clearly relieved Captain smiled, "One question sir."

"Yes Captain?"

Juan thought for a moment how to phrase his question and decided to just spit it out, "I noticed a great deal of shipping in the harbor on my way over and was wondering if this has anything to do with this 'lesson'"

"Your order packet will explain everything but for now, yes the ships out there and on the way here are part of the lesson."

Before Juan could think of anything else to say the admiral ended things with, "Dismissed Captain my aid has your written orders."

"Yes Sir."


Admiral Gerande ,enjoying his desert after a fine dinner served in his flag cabine on the battleship Voltaire.

Luitenant, when do we reach the run in for the Strait? And what does Commodore Flargé estimate for his ETA?

Communication with Commodore Flargé does give us 6 hours of leeway, it seems that Patrie developed a boiler problem and they are fixing it. It will delay the exchange.  Brest signaled that we are to cross the strait by daylight, even suggesting delaying the crossing for tomorrow.

Also, as we know, the Spanish are not happy with this excersize, and some in the admirality fear that they could use this to hurt France,and gain international status and power.

I know luitenant, that is my job as admiral. But I don't think we'll see much action. We're gathering a battlefleet the size of what most countries have for a full fleet. It would be suicide for the Spanish to try a fast one.  If it was New Swiss, I would know they would pull off a fast one.
What I do expect is that the Spanish will send an escort. If they do, we will do what we always do. Honor them and invite the commanding officer for a meal. I hope it's for dinner, Chef Français is then at his best.


Sleeper Railcar Traveling East

Capitán de Navío Juan López y Marcos sat on his side of the sleeper, his traveling companion a Teniente Coronel of the imperial army had at least fallen to sleep.  Taking a knife out, Juan then opened the heavy wax seals closing the waterproof folder and releasing the documents within 

Most Secret   

Operation Hercules

Objective demonstration of the ability of the Imperial Navy to close the Straits of Gibraltar at will.


The French Republic in Cooperation with the United Norman Kingdom have declared sovereignty over the Straits of Dover.  After a number of diplomatic requests for clarification on this and in particular a statement of legal justification the Imperial Government has decided to make its own claims over the Strait of Gibraltar.  This claim is more pro-forma than real but it is directed at France and the UNK in response to their actions.  In the course of the Foreign Offices talks with Paris on this issue the French government informed Madrid that the French Navy will be conducting a series of military exercises that will involve a transit of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Mission Overview

In light of the refusal of the French Government to seriously talk on the issue Madrid feels a more forceful message needs to be sent.  As such when French Navy conducts its fall exercises the Imperial Military receive them and conduct our own live fire exercise.  The French have been informed that we will be conducting our own exercise at the same time and that they will be escorted through the area but not exactly what is going on. 

Part 1) A number of 250mm guns will be setup on a battery on the north side of the Strait of Gibraltar.  Material and Crews will be taken from Henrique o Navegador class armored cruisers to setup said battery.  The guns and mounts will have enough range to fire clear across the Strait and reach the Moroccan side without special measures needing to be taken.

Part 2) A task force of the Imperial Navy will assemble at Cadiz under the command of Almirante Arturo Garcia y Soto.  Using a combination of ships of the line and light craft the task force will...

Juan looked up from the documents, somewhat in shock at the audacity of whoever had come up with the plan. 

To be continued...


Bridge of His Imperial Iberian Majesties Ship (H.I.I.M.S.) Tagus Capitán de Fragata Marcos Fernamdez y Lopez looked into the harbor while keeping an eye on the pilot who was guiding his ship into Cadiz. 

"Worry not captain, I have guided many ships into port over the years while not so many in such a short period of time your ship will arrive safely at her berth."

A brief small stole across Marcos captain before it disappeared behind his normal reserved command look, "You have guided a large number of ships lately you say?  Has one of your fellows become ill to increase the load?"

The pilot gave another instruction to the helmsmen before answering, "Once we are in the naval harbor you will understand my Captain."

10 Minutes Later.

Captain Marcos did understand he thought to himself, the military harbor was almost crowded, well over 2/3 of the fleet must be at anchor in this port.

No sooner had the pilot made his good by with the Tagus at anchor then a launch from shore came along side.  "Dispatches!" A young officer called up and shortly the sealed envelope made its way to the bridge. Captain Marcos quickly read them, "XO ready my launch and have my steward turn out my dress uniform; the admiral wants to see me."

Port Admirals Building Cadiz

After reporting to the duty officer Captain Marcos was escorted to the Admirals offices where he was handed off to the Admirals Aid.  A several minutes passed with various naval personal coming in going into the outer office most handed off folders to the aid and only a select few were permitted even a brief moment inside the admirals office itself.  In time the aid called over to Captain Marcos, "Captain the Admiral will see you now."

Once inside the Admirals office Marcos strode forward to he stood before the grand desk, "Capitán de Fragata Marcos Fernamdez y Lopez reporting as ordered, Sir."

Almirante Arturo looked up at the Captain standing before him and then at the captain's side, "No sword captain?"

"The order to report didn't specify full dress but this is my best uniform, the humidity in Brazil plays hell with cloth sir." 

"Yes it does Captain, please be seated." 

Following the request that was anything but Captain Marcos took his seat, "How may I be of service sir?"

"I have read over you record Captain, good people say good things about you."

"Thank you sir."

Almirante Arturo glanced down at the folder in front of him again before handing it to the captain, "This is the official orders.  But in brief you have been assigned a very important roll in Operation Hercules.  You and the Tagus will be meeting the French Navy when it comes through and will be their guide and make sure that our little operation doesn't get out of hand."

Captain Marcos blinked in surprise, "I will do my best Sir"

To be continued...


When this is happening? October-November?
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Quote from: P³D on April 13, 2007, 02:47:51 PM
When this is happening? October-November?

Based upon the PM from Maddox...

QuoteBattle fleets of the Atlantic and the Med Twice during  the last 2 weeks of may 1906

Real life limits how fast I can write this up, I will be done by monday I expect. 
