
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Madagascar should probably be coloured in; with the native kingdom being "backed" by the DKB/French/Orange 'mutual making sure the others don't try to take over' gentlemen's agreement as was mentioned awhile back.  :)


Perhap get a little silly and call it Freedonia...or do you have a territory with that name someplace?

(Perhaps making it sectional in interests with different countries with different names, again, just to by silly)

We'll assume the the Brandenburg region is "Freedonia" for now.
"Sylvania" would probably be the Orange lands.
We can assume the French lands are "Madagascar", unless someone has another name for them.

I used this as a basis of the splits.

Mind you I can make the splits anyway you want, it is just dots.  If we go by the roads Brandenburg should have the Eastern coast and the middle with France along the Northwest to north coasts, and Orange in the south.


New Switzerland might also have a hand in it, even if not much.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


You would.

What do those that might have stuff there say?  Nothing here helps you at all since its more like influenced nation-states/tribes....whatevers, that are keeping each other in check.  There are six provances on the island, one is land locked.  Presently we are dealing with a three way I hear calls for more?


Not three-way split. One kingdom that allows Orange, French and DKB roughly equal opportunities for influence, investment and bribery. Ant they are shrewd enough not to allow geographical division of the aforementioned investments. Those boundaries might give bad ideas to the three powers.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


BTW, it's too small to see on our map, but Bahrain is still independent and under the rule of Sheikh Isa ibn Ali Al Khalifa. It has a small, outdated navy of one 20-year-old PC and a couple of gunboats.


Hmm. Perhaps Bahrain, like Madagascar, struck a deal? ;)


Fixed...Bahrain is too small to play with on this map.


Going back through old news - unless it was affected by the 1905 Madness Liberia should be independent (it was mentioned in the Attack on Agrival at Cape Town).


Liberia is independent. The red dot next to it is the UKN possession Sierra Leone.
I think.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Hmm, it's actually white which means 'watch this space'. ;)


Why do I feel like I'm the only one not actually after anymore land, (at the moment).


Because you're still digesting the conquests of the past. Just an idea.


Probably, certainly the political ramifications are still being felt, and they are causing me the most trouble in wanting to play on.


Those white spots at the map... Can I take some of it? For example southern India...