
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Was working on this from the Wesworld Big Map to see just what we have.  Photobucket makes it rather small however, but on the map I believe we can see the grid lines.

Don't know about the other continent...not my area.  Used on this map because I did it before you posted.

Edit:  I don't like how this comes out from Photobucket.  A) it is way too small as I had to scale up everything almost 1,000 times to get them to fit on the original.  B) you can't see things any better on this one then you can on the others.  As the point was to show the grid.  C)  I need to make everything white next time before I start copy/paste...things might look better.


What about a Central Asia like this?

Kiev and Russia to the North of the "Sea of Chain". Three minor nations that were not conquered by the Turks for some reasons - foreign military support, mountains, etc.

Kazars rule Central Asia. To the South, Mughal/Baluchi territory. Siberia is more or less unclaimed (disputed by Russia and the kazars), while the Western Mongolian deserts are home to nomadic people.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Armenia, Babylon, and Bahrain maybe?

As for the rest I suppose that depends on how must pre-made stuff we want verses open lands for new players with their own idea.

The concepts should work fine however.


Do we want Africa to be loaded with European colonies, or allow space for independents or transplanted/liberated colonial powers (such as the Free Orange Republic was previously)?


There should be colonies somewhere. There are contries that can be protectorates/colonies
- In Africa
-  Burma-Indochina- India (a few of them, like Goa)
- Indonezia - lot of Islands
- Northern Brazil
- the countries next to Turkey
- Yemen, Oman Emirates
- Beluchistan
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


BTW, why Gibraltar is closed in these maps?

If it is due to the so-called tectonic movements, it does not worth it, we already disregarded such when we opened the Caspian Sea to the Arabian Gulf.

Ithreko, what the white South Atlantic continent represents?
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


I think the reason was to totally upset the balance of Naval trade, but I'm happy with it being opened, and I'll just control Gibralter Proper.

I like the Here be Sioux bit, especially, that could cause some interesting border disputes.

On the ACM problem, we could say that their last territories, i.e Azores & Bahamas, have like in our present storyline been absorbed by the UK. That way the ACM would have existed, and solves that problem.

The Rock Doctor

I can't comment on Ithekro's maps until tonight, as I can only view them from my home computer.  This must be where this "North Incan Empire" shows up, as I don't see it in Swampy's maps.  Given the historical extent of the Incan Empire, I see no reason that it should be encroaching on Gran Colombia or be involved in the Brazilian jungle. 

The El Dorado situation can and should still be explained as GC fighting a former Mesoamerican regime transplanted by France. 

Antarctica's only real value is in a bit of fishing, sealing, and whaling.  The continent's resources won't be technologically or economically exploitable within the timeframe of the sim.

I'm largely ambivalent about Asian developments, leaving that those of you who are local.  Ditto Numenor/Hawaii.  I can fit new land masses in the Pacific into my story line by virtue of the fact that I've never paid much attention to events in that direction.


The White South Pacific continent?  I don't know, people suggested putting one of the new lands there because its lonely in that region.  It might give Easter Island's culture a place to have come from and sustain.

It was on the last map because I finished the map before I read your comments on it.

I'm sure we could find something to use it for, if we wish to keep it.

As to why South America is white...well I was using it to place the other continent...that's all.


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on March 05, 2007, 07:05:30 AM
I can't comment on Ithekro's maps until tonight, as I can only view them from my home computer.  This must be where this "North Incan Empire" shows up, as I don't see it in Swampy's maps.  Given the historical extent of the Incan Empire, I see no reason that it should be encroaching on Gran Colombia or be involved in the Brazilian jungle. 
I mentioned an Incan empire earlier because I wasn't sure there would be any Anahuac in Nv3.0; looking at the @ borders for Bolivia, Chile etc. it seemed that would be a way to include the GC annexations/guerilla warfare; since we're likely to have Anahuac then you can just ignore it.

Gibraltar - I thought that, with the eastern entrances being opened up so much, that closing the Pillars of Hercules could make for "interesting times". If it is so desired it can be opened, no problem.

OK, here's my latest proposal, with lists of nations

Current Possible Player Nations:
New Switzerland
Ottoman Empire
Habsburg Empire
Baltic Confederation
Gran Colombia
Middle Kingdom
Kingdom of Siam?
Orange Republic
The German Reich of Brandenburg
United Norman Kingdom
Glorious France

North/Central America
Confederate States of America
D.R. of Mesoamerica

South America:
Union del Sur-America
Branahua (a/k/a Anahuac Brazil)
Federal Republic of Bolivar

Joint Kingdom of the Netherlands
Socialist Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom of Aragon-Navarra
Kingdom of Finland
White Russia
Kingdom of Italy
Kingdom of Rumania (nb. includes Moldova)
Muscovite Empire

Kingdom of Egypt?
Abyssinian Empire (east of Rift Valley)
Kingdom of Madagascar

Greater Siberia (Grand Duchy of Vladivostock?)
Empire of the Khazakhs (in the shadows of Kha'zak'stan...)
New Zion
Mughal Empire
Nipponese Empire
Korean Empire?

Western Australia?


Well, if I understand the map correctly, what I actually have, in real-life terms, is this:
1.  Austria-Hungary, as she was in 1914 in real life, plus:
A. Part of Italy including Trieste (major port for me)
B. Part of Poland up to Warsaw, to include the boundary of the river running through Warsaw (making Warsaw my largest city in that direction?
C. Modern Czech and Slovak Republics? (Or are these part of Brandenberg? Or someone elses?
D. Bavaria?
E. Switzerland?
F. Bosnia?
G. Serbia?
H. Albania?

Just what are my boundaries?  And colonies, if any?  If I am playing a catholic power, maybe I should control the Holy Land?  Or want to? (possible conflict witht he Ottomans, here)  Also, if no one wants Italy, well, an expanded Hapsburg empire controlling the catholic lands would be nice ;D  (It's always some fool thing in the Balkans, isn't it :D)


I wont be playing Siam this time around, I might continue the Kra Canal but thats it. However I might play Western Australia, so I can fight myself! :P

Hawaii would be separate from Numador.

I would give Italy to the Austrians, and replace the caliphate with Carthage.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Ran out of time writing the above post.

On the ACM I think a very small Atantis would look better than an archipelago. Easter Island should be bigger, not alot but big enough for it to replace Hawaii as the main ACM base in the Pacific.

On the Phillipines split them up into two and give me half (doesnt matter which half) the other would remain Spanish/HRE, which gives me a reason to "liberate" it.

Africa and Central Asia should be left somewhat open (not loaded with colonies) to allow new countries.

I was thinking about keeping the EK, not as a country but as a small Japanese colony. Would make the Alaskan Balck Sea really interesting. Ill leave that up to Ithekro.

Antartica, dont bother with it, just leave it open for storyline purposes.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Current Powers:

North and Central America
Rohan (with California Annexed)
UK (overseas territory)
NS(overseas territory)
France (overseas Territory)

South America
Gran Colombia
Brazil - however it would be divided
Incas (Peru+Ecuador?+Bolivia)
Argentina+Chile+Paraguay+Uruguay (whatever)

Europe and Middle East
Iberia - I think with a new Austria we don't need that premature socialist revolution, and let's unite it.
Italy - with holdings in North Africa
Ottoman Empire
Habsburg Empire - to make it interesting I think we can give Austria a Baltic port
Baltic Confederation
Moldova (Romania)
Kiev (Ukraine+Belarus+Lithuania+Part of Poland)
Russia (Moscow)

New Switzerland
Middle Kingdom
Kingdom of Siam?
Orange Republic
The German Reich of Brandenburg
Glorious France
Joint Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kingdom of Georgia - just to give the Ottomans some neighbors not to feel safe
Parthia - same, on the coast of the Caspian-Arab sea connection

Carthage? - no, we need Italian colonies with some pretense of restoring the Roman Empire
Kingdom of Egypt - yes
Nigeria - I think West Africa should be cut up as colonies and protectorates, but not necessarily by the current borders. Just to make something to go to war for.

Abyssinian Empire (east of Rift Valley)
Kingdom of Madagascar - should be a protectorate, or a partially modernized native state like Siam?

First, I think we should throw out current boundaries which has nothing to do with power Balance.
New Zion (all te different 'stans)
Greater Siberia - leave it unclaimed, and give West Coast and Sakhalin to Japan
- several tribal areas
Baluchistan - protectorate or colony?
Mughal Empire - Afghanistan, Pakistan
Nipponese Empire

China - I think we should cut up, giving them post-WWII borders is making it a monster. I'd rather have some input from Phoenix about this.
We can create a Manchu state, NE China, Dailan (Port Arthur), Vladivostok, up on the Siberian coast until the bay North of the Amur estuary

Firanj (W Australia)
Lemurian kingdoms
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas

The Rock Doctor

On the original board, Borys had the Austrians take on a chunk of southern Brazil as a result of the Anahuac mess.  Let's assume the Hapsburgs continue to hang on to that land.