
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Steal it you mean. ;D


Just occupy  ;)


Hmmmmm...  did I hear land grab?
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


Yes. We'll be grabbing your lands. :D


I would imagine that the land would be a new acquisition or a land trade, with France maybe.  I think we were trying to leave a few open spaces for new players and or colonies.

If you want that space you will need to explain how you have it, or take it in the present.  But also you'll probably need to figure out how you'll get you ships and troops there, plus deal with the, um...locals (natives, nearby NPCs, and the local player nations).

We will also need to define the borders.


Quote from: olekit on April 07, 2007, 09:25:52 AM
Those white spots at the map... Can I take some of it? For example southern India...

Send diplomatic mission to India and start talking.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I asked about the white blobs before and I thought the white area's were off limits?



The white area are generally undefined for future players or for new player's colonies.  Or the are white because I've run out of ready colors in MSPaint.  Some NPC counties are loosely deined at present for someon to step into, while others are undefined to allow for a little more creativity.  Maoria for example is just the name of the continent.  There is very little know about it save the Maori live there, they make handy warriors for a price, Rohan has had friendly trade relations with them, and they play in international sports as of 1903...Navalism's version of Rugby.  Other places like New Zion are refined to some slightly historical background.

The new players will probably be at disadvantage verses the current powers, but that is pretty much normal.  There are plenty of old powers that have broken up to allow for others to have ships and even naval yards.  But new players may also be a good source to export vessels from the larger powers.  Places like the more traditional ABC powers of South America. 


QuoteNavalism's version of Rugby
... why do I have the feeling that it is being played with the head of a vanquished foe when I read that?


In psychology that is called "projection"  ...
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Since there was no England at the time we had no place for Rugby to came from.  So using information from other games played by various natives to come up with pretty much the same game, just with a different name, Rough Ball Play I think I called it from some translation.  Maori huka verses a Cheyenne wardance.

The Rock Doctor

With apologies to Foxy, whose home islands can't be considered a priority when there's only one owner involved...

Super-Chagos.  The historical Chagos location, including Diego Garcia, corresponds to the lower #5 - though I've embellished the land mass.

Ownership is unclear to me with regard to all numbered land masses...


Muchas gracias!  :)

I blew up the Nverse map* in Photoshop; 1 seems to be Egypt, while 5 is Ottoman. 4 isn't coloured in. 2 and 3 aren't circled (too small to colour); if there's no other claimiants they would probably be part of the Brandenburgian claim. 8)

* - not Filipino-style, fortunatly...  ;D

The Rock Doctor

I'll hold off on modifications until the mods clarify the status of 2 and 3.  Meanwhile, as per the Chuvosa map (which hasn't received enough feedback), owners should provide info on ports/settlements, names, etc., so I can add those to the figures.  Otherwise, ya just got chunks o' rock.


The DKB's island is Neue Heligoland; the port town/capital of Peenemünde is located at the bay on the northern side of the island. The small island to the NW is Düne, while the largest island of the "chain" to the NE is Ratteninsel.