
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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I think I'm getting lost here.

Does anyone have a clue where the lines should be drawn?  I'm going on suggestion rather than good planning.


Hang on a second - is there a Suez Canal on that map? It looks like there is an actual channel between the Sinai and the Ottoman Middle East. Does France control this channel?


That's part of the Great Rift Valley, actually...

(BTW, is it just me or is "Persia eats it" a good description for a change in Central Asia between the last two maps?)


I've come up with this as an alternative to the above.

Slightly less Persia, Khazaria returns for a player maybe.  Returned the Kingdom of Georgia as an NPC to keep the region a happening place without the need for the Ottomans to face the Russians or Khazarians.

Did the slight Hapsburg move in northern Brazil.

Shifted the Southern Atlantic Islands, plus scattered them slightly, and gave them owners based on who would need them to get to possessions in the Indian Ocean area. (Orange takes what would probably have been a group of Austrian claimed islands, or just ex-ACM islands like all of these were suppose to have been).  UKN takes some for their East African Colony (Don't ask I just work here), Dutch, Baltic, and Spanish coaling stations make sense as well.  France has plenty of colonies and ways to go that it probably doesn't need one here.

Also gave some owners to some of the Indian Ocean Islands based on need or previous need (Egypt to Australia in an earlier time perhaps).  Spanish was their, as was French and Dutch to the south.  Ottoman and Egyptian makes sense to get to Australia and keep tabs on the spice trade by sea.

I don't know about the huge island in that area.  Should that be its own country?

Returned the Filipinos to Spain for now (though I can't vouch for their loyality to any crown from Iberia at present)...threat of war involving most of the local major powers verse the NS seems to be the driving factor in this choice.

Islands in the Pacific are still up to the Swiss and Japanese at this time.

I don't know about the Ottoman colonies at this was suggested that the Ottomans need something to force them out of a purely defensive stance in the Middle East.  The Suez Channel is French controlled because they have the fleet and army assets to keep it...or perhaps they have made a dam/locks system to control the waterways and generate power (is that within the technology of the time?)

Also don't know about the African colonies at this time...not my continent.

Oh and I believe their was a question about southeastern Arabia...that is an Orange protectorate of some sort.

Note: The Bahamas on these last few maps is shown as disputed between the UK and CSA.


I don't think Netherlands really need Uruguay as a colony, keep it independent.
I was a proponent of giving Eastern Siberia to Japan, but changed my mind. Japan still should get the Kuril islands, and Vladivostok, but keep the rest Russian.

Why do we have Ottomans in Ethiopia?
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


I agree with everything, apart from Far East, sent an e-mail.
If in doubt - delete :)

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The scale of the Suez Channel is in the order of a 100 miles.  Even with 21st century tech that is a tall order to bridge.

But with the French N-verse battlefleet I could use it as a strong point.


The line on the map between Akaba and Gaza are the Kara Mustafa Line fortifications, which can been seen from orbit.
The Suez channel is like in OTL.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I reckon to have Scotland and Ireland united is very tenuous, almost impossible, it also reduces the point of the UK having Iceland, so a straight swap Ireland for Iceland is offered.


Iceland for Scotland, and Ireland wild and free?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Sounds good, maybe with Ireland as a Spanish/catholic protectorate


I had an identical idea, but France had a fit :)

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I don't have a suitable fleet to cover all those little bits, a concentrated Empire with a few more distant interests is more fun.

As is, I need to fully revise my entire military to provide enough units to cover that lot.

I'll say it again, I am perfectly happy with the British Isles, Liberia, Azores, Bahamas and that bit of North America, any more becomes very cumbersome.


You all missed a Cruiser Squadron heading for the Bahamas, I even posted in in my News. I also offered the bahamas to the CSA, to no reply, so I decided to keep them, the Bahamas were firmly in UKA hands by the time of the war games,


Wow... Ireland finally being free in its entirity...  odder things could happen...
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.