
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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The CSA would likely have detected any attempt by the UKA to move into the Bahamas, and pre-empted the operation itself...

France should have its historical West Africa colonies (i.e. entire white area in the Sahael ex. Uber Nigeria).

Perhaps Baluchistan (see earlier maps) could be a Norman colony? Suggest same for Uganda (more Afrikan tension, mmm!).

Speaking of High Latitude Warfare...the Reich has staked claim to a sizeable chunk of Penguinstan (i.e. that island Mount Erebus is on and everything that can be seen from the top of said peak on a clear day), what with that Antarctic Expedition having returned home mid-1905.


So, first news is that the beloved cousins up north sign treaty with the misunderstod Agrival, who just go himself elected ACM Chairman of the Board.
Second news, on 15th December - Habsburg Ambassador delivers note on the Strafexpedition. Over the next few days outrage and warlike noises come out of New York.
Third news - cherished northern neighbor declares the taking over of ACM assets.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


In that case, fourth news would be Judah P. Benjamin's agency (I believe that was his name?) assassinating the Bahamian's governor and having the remainder call for CSA "protection"...


Note on events:  Rohan staged a "War Games" just to the east of the Bahamas territorial water on February 26, 1905 with a warning about turning over Mr. Mars...nothing came of it aside from sighting some Swiss merchants (probably on their way to try to buy the Virgin Islands).  If the CSA would like to use that, they may.


Okay, I've managed this at this time.

Who is missing what? 

What should be left more or less undefined/unclaimed?

What should be defined but not occupied by Player Nations (smaller NPCs)?

What shall be pre-made/semi-made PC nations?

Are all the physical details fixed and/or present?

Hawaii is just the Hawaiian Islands and the Aluetians are just the Aluetian Islands.

Foxy:  Why are your Home Islands getting smaller.  You'll need enough space to have people, industry, and be able to weather typhoons.

Also, what are we doing with those South Atlantic Islands?

What are we doing with the Islands of the Indian Ocean?


Just an odd observation...  Ireland and Scotland...  unclaimed?
Hopelessly trapped behind mountains of outdated miniature games.


Independent at present.  Some discussion of Dutch in Scotland or only in the north of  Scotland, or norht of the Isles.


South Atlantic Islands - Fernando de Noronha shrink down to size, Austria trades them to owner of Brasil for evacuation of Sao Luis de Maranhao?
Orkneys and Faroe are Baltic, yes?
Ottoman Uganda would be cool!
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Hey I want Scotland back! :'(

They are good for business them scots, and it is completely unfeasible to say that a once Great Empire would not control its own homeland.

Ireland though can be a very useful thorn in the side.


I was going from the way to Englands was a move back towards the continent from North America (and the French wouldn't let you have Normandy, so you took the next closest thing).  I was taking it from the point that Willian the Conquorer wasn't able to take England back in 1066, and this is a recent invasion rather than a continiual thing.


So the country that occupies most of the Caucasus area.. Kingdom of Georgia? Do we have any ideas about it other than the name? Also, who controls the SE Arabian coast - is it a Middle Kingdom colony?

How about a Scots-Irish Kingdom? Or perhaps a personal union through the monarchy of Scotland and the Netherlands? That could be interesting...


Netherlands is strong enough without Scotland.

Scotland is dominantly protestant.

Ireland is dominantly catholic.

That they speak similar languages only make things worse.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


In our world doesn't mean the same is true here.  Whos to say the Scots are Protestant, or that the Irish are even Christian here.  We could be dealing with druidism and celts, or pikes still.  A Kingdom, or some such level of control yes.  They could worship the Valar in this world for all we know.


Madagascar should - probably - be listed as Independent/NPC (indebited to DKB - and NS?).

Again...Baluchistan might be good as a Norman Colony.

Borys - are you suggesting that the DKB and Ottomans have their Nv2.0 colonial positions reversed? ;) The UNK should probably have Uganda - technically speaking they should also have Kenya seeing as we have Unsplintered Normans here but as I've already surrendered Kuwait the line has to be drawn somewhere. ;)


Quote from: Ithekro on March 12, 2007, 07:56:13 PM
In our world doesn't mean the same is true here.  Whos to say the Scots are Protestant, or that the Irish are even Christian here.  We could be dealing with druidism and celts, or pikes still.  A Kingdom, or some such level of control yes.  They could worship the Valar in this world for all we know.

On second thought, it would probably be best to leave things open as they are, anyways. No need to introduce unncessary additional complexity while we're trying to start the whole game up again.