
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Just something to keep in mind if we keep the Swiss-Chinese War. How can two powerful countries (NS, Japan) be defeated by China? How does NS lose the war? It can work but I still feel that no NS-China war is much simpler to explain.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Well if we put the Japanese as historical, their war was 1894-95.  Your war was around 1901.  No need to have you be allied if it is not needed.  The basic reason you might have lost is that you had to focus on the Spanish and Austrians (and maybe even the Japanese...we don't know on that angle yet) then you couldn't focus on Asia and maybe you had more problems with your Muslim friends in the west, thus you had more important matters to deal with than the Chinese, thus you may not have lost, but it was in your best intrest to withdraw so you could focus on your more important continent.

Does that make more sense.


That could work as it solves the two primary problems. Then there would have been some sort of negotiated peace? A more limited war with less Swiss involvement means it would have been a lot less nasty for both sides.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


That you need to talk to Pheonix about.


I had a talk with Maddox. He recommends I keep the Manchus in power. I only need to rewrite my history as to allow for why females rule. Makes things a lot easier.
The Middle Kingdom as it was is not too big in my opinion, since quite a chunk of it is desert. Other nations are quite substantial as well. Besides, I do not like my country being chopped up without my input on it. That was not the purpose of this moving to another game.
If Japan was not NS then the history must change: there was a dispute over treaty ports and territories and they were kicked off the mainland. NS tried to meddle and got kicked back to sea as well, if Deserfox still wants to be involved.
A complaint that two supposedly technically superior nations could not have been defeated or thrown back by a supposedly inferior one does not take into account that China will win a land-war anyway, but that the battles I won in the old Navalism were also due to sheer good old-fashioned luck.
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


My point is that historiclly Japan won, and here China has 2 countries to deal with. But it can be explained as say a negotiated peace (no victory for anyone) but we have to start a new thread to hammer out the details.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


So we are looking at a Map A (closed Caspian Sea at the south end) with a full China and Japan with the coastal area of ex-Russia listed as Manchu on Map B?

The Rock Doctor

Ithekro, minor map nit-picks:

-the Loreto area of historical Peru doesn't belong to Gran Colombia; though the geography is tempting.

-the historical Brazilian state of Acre belonged to Bolivia until 1903 (historically).  Given that I've acquired the area between Acre and the rest of Brazil, I'd suggest that Acre either still belongs to...whoever owns Bolivia...or that it's just mixed in as part of GC Amazonas. 


Are the borders correct on this map from Borys in South America (reletive to Gran Columbia and Brazil I mean).

Borys what is all that in South America?  Looks like a cluster of either colonies or protectorates along the Andes Mountains and more stuff in Southern Brazil.  Could you enlarge it and explain, or at least just explain so I can either duplicate it correctly, or at least comment on it?


Quote from: Desertfox on March 08, 2007, 11:36:05 PM
One point on the map, transfer Maoria to the new land in the South Pacific

"It's my island, and I'll rule all of it 'cause I want to!"

...seriously though such a move would make some Germans Very Angry! Very Angry Indeed!  ;D

*looks at map in post above* No Rift Valley? No Neue Brandenburg Continent?...that's better be a draft...


I wonder if he means the "other" continent...the one that is closer to South America...the one just south of Easter Island.


This?  (minus Maoria being the new lands for now)


Sorry for the delay in answering. I hasten to explain.
The short - some patches are due to my incapacity of finding a matching colour to that alread used.
The long:
- Between USA and Brazil there is Uruguay (let's give it to Italy or something like that), DKB's Rio Grande do Sul, Habsburg's Parana. I will e-mail you precise frontier between the two over the weekend.
- I expanded Peru, to include the Atacama desert (gives them 2 MBP), Bolivia and some Argentian montains (green blobs)
- North Chile (between Atacama and Conceicon/ Bio-Bio) can be added to NS or DKB or some other Pacific power; or your "Inca" state  (yellow)
- Araucania appeals for Riddermark protectorate against the Evil Incas/Chileans/ whoever  (green)
- Island of Chiloe opts for return to Fatherland, i.e. Spain (orange)

In the Carribean, do the ABC islands belong to whom they should?
On your maps - why do the Netherlands lose Borneo, Celebes and some small fry versus OTL, and Malaya versus N2?

- eliminate the Caspian Stait. Instead, add the Brown thing on my map, the never-was Khazaria, to Persia. This creates a vaiable PC country, of power comparable with the Ottomans, AND with no funny things being done to geography. And Alikchi can build yet another line of fortifications, this time aganst the Red Headed Heretical Persian Dogs.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


To be honest, I don't know why the Netherlands doesn't have those lands, P3D did that...I copied because I'd left the area blank.

Any other opinions on the closing of the more open seas between the Black, Caspian Seas before it goes away?

As for the Caribbean Sea, that depends on if the UK is taking the Bahamas with the Azores, and if they have Bermuda or if the Baltics have that island still.  The rest was divided like so in Navalism:

Bermuda - Baltic Confederation
Bahamas - ACM
Turks and Caicos - ACM
Cuba - Gran Colombia
Isle of Pines - Gran Colombia
Cayman Islands - Gran Columbia
Jamaica - Gran Columbia
Navassa Island - France
Hispanola - France
Puerto Rico - PESN/Spain/Iberia (whatever)
Virgin Islands - Baltic Confederation
Anguilla - Netherlands
St Maarten - Netherlands
Saba - Netherlands
St Eustatius - Netherlands
St Kitts and Nevis - Netherlands
Antigua - Conferderate States of America
Barbuda - Netherlands
Montserrat - Netherlands
Guadeloupe - France
Dominica - France
Martinique - France
St Luica - Gran Colombia
St Vincent and the Grenadines - Gran Colombia
Barbados - Gran Colombia
Grenada - Gran Colombia
Trinidad and Tobago - Gran Colombia
Isla de Margarita - Gran Colombia
Aruba, Bonarie, Curacao - Netherlands
San Andres and Providencia - Gran Colombia
Cayos Miskitos (Mosquito Keys)- Rohan
Islas de la Bahia - Rohan