
Started by Desertfox, March 01, 2007, 05:19:27 PM

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Using the regular map with some reworking of the Pacific I get this.  Though a larger Pacific might help.  I also fixed the New Zeeland Continent for you Swampy.

I'm not sure if the bridging from one side to the other is accurate.  That's why I was wondering if someone had an accurate Pacific or New World centric map to do this with.


Thanks!! That'll work perfectly...



I think that version of ME makes the Pacific a little cramped...if that route is taken, "we're gonna need a bigger planet".


Well we can get ride of Numanor.  Or reduce it, since it is suppose to have sunk...or call it Hawaii for the New Swiss.  The other two continents aren't really needed, but I think it might give the region some flavor, plus that gives a lot of new space for new players to workd with since most of it is not really covered in any Tolkien novel...and its been 8,205 years since the end of the Third Age.  Lots of stuff can happen in that time.

I find it odd that the two Rohans on the map are roughly the same size.  I'd probably pull the eastern border back a little to the west side of the Sea of Rhun to make a border with the (UKA) in a direct transfer.  Also originally there would have been this wedge in the middle of Rohan due to the shifting mountians, but a straightened it out since I'd rather use the east-west mountains of the north than the Rockys or Misty Mountains, since now I don't think I have to worry about Mirkwood or the Lonely Mountain being in the UKA or Eastern Kingdom.

That is if we decide to go this route.

The Rock Doctor

If nothing else, there's a perfect place to cut the map without cutting through landmass:  between the larger and smaller Brandenburg turf.

Could you color Cuba and Jamaica GC brown, please?


How about a 1.2 times size Earth?  The planet is roughly 30,000 miles in circumferance.  The map is 720 pixels wide.

I left the Aleutian in relative place, but I don't know if they'd be Swiss at this point.  Numenor is placed to be Hawaii, just a little south of normal in relation to Japan.  The Eastern coast of the Middle Earth is a little farther way from North American than Hawaii.  So we might need a 1.1 times Earth, or something like that...but I think a Pacific centric map would help us better see since I think the split is throwing off our math.

I also might have Middle Earth placed too far south, but that can be deturmed by others.

Edit:  Corrected for recent political changes.


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on March 03, 2007, 05:37:44 PM
Could you color Cuba and Jamaica GC brown, please?

Ithekro - I give a wholehearted thumbs-up to that last proposal of yours. Here's my "The New Map" proposal featuring it, along with South African politcs (Zambia = DKB after all, Orange territories inc. Occupied Zululand, and rump Malawi):


(Added CSA, adjusted 'UKA' border - hmm call it an alternate course of the Mississippi perhaps. ;) )

We need to know what the New New Swiss will be like (Australia?)...


Just a short series of concepts I was playing with.  A slighting farther north Middle Earth (to fit the climate that it is suppose to have) and moved it up to the latitide of North American Rohan.  The Aleutians where removed but would run about into Middle Earth here.

Following this was a set of 1.1 times size Earths using these continents (I haven't gotten to the point of cutting up the real ones yet, I'll let Swamphen do that ;) )  In both version the Aleutians got to go because they run right through Middle Earth.

First the same map as above just with a 660 pixel wide map. (27,500 miles) Middle Earth is real close to North America while Numenor stays about Hawaii distance from Japan.

Second try:  Shifted Middle Earth towards Asia, centering it perhaps in the Pacific.

Any thoughts on this, or does the 1.2 times sized Earth fit better?  Swamphen's earlier wide map is a 1.3 times sized Earth (32,500 miles roughly).


size=1.3...that was the 780px one? (I realised too late I should have started a new graphic instead of cutting that one down to the 720px size, unfortunatly.)

Quote(I haven't gotten to the point of cutting up the real ones yet, I'll let Swamphen do that  ;) )
"It slices, it dices..." ;D


Oh and Alikchi, I like it.  We'll just need to see what counties will be in Asia aside from the Middle Kingdom.

And yes P3D...we are crazy.

With the open space in Europe and Italy never really having gone anyplace, why not have the Hapburgs have taken it somehow?  While Battleof thePyramids is not Borys, the fanatical Christian Austria could be really close to the Pope.   Or have part of Italy, and given the Papal States back to the Pope for his favor on the Hapsburg...assuming the Pope isn't still in France.

Another odd option:  Have Middle Earth placed out there, but don't place Rohan there.  The need for an explanation as to how Pacific trade works would need to be cooked up if these lands were all reserved for New Players.

The other way is that Middle Earth, minus Rohan and its protectorates and part of the Americas (or wherever we don't have players in concentration) would be the "new lands".   A few NPCs/semi-set PC nations could be whipped up for the main Middle Earth continent so that Rohan doesn't get the surprise factor like with the Eastern Kingdom or END.  The "new lands" would be semi-explored at best, with rumors generated by the moderators from time to time I suppose.  Sort of a mix of deep darkest Africa of the late-1800s and the New World in the mid-1600s.

After we get the world more settled we can try to figure out were our existing nations are (if they needed to be moved), or where our new nations are if desired.  I'm still trying to figure out New Beleriand with these maps.  Maybe someone could give a suggestion when the time comes.


On the maps, I like this map:

Ive been trowing the idea around of a Holy Roman Empire, it would explain the formation of NS and its hatred towards the Austrians.

Zealandia just looks too weird, and I like the Sahara inland sea and Ottoman Island!

As for Middle Earth why not make it smaller and place it in the South Indian Ocean?
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Well aside from ME and DKB, that's about the same map. Ithekro just hasn't carved up his version yet. ;)

QuoteIve been trowing the idea around of a Holy Roman Empire, it would explain the formation of NS and its hatred towards the Austrians.
Also the Hohenzollerns being given the boot...hmmmm...

QuoteZealandia just looks too weird
That means its perfect.  ;D

QuoteAs for Middle Earth why not make it smaller and place it in the South Indian Ocean?
That would twist too many things out of shape, IMHO...


Quote from: Ithekro on March 03, 2007, 07:02:46 PM
The other way is that Middle Earth, minus Rohan and its protectorates and part of the Americas (or wherever we don't have players in concentration) would be the "new lands".   A few NPCs/semi-set PC nations could be whipped up for the main Middle Earth continent so that Rohan doesn't get the surprise factor like with the Eastern Kingdom or END.  The "new lands" would be semi-explored at best, with rumors generated by the moderators from time to time I suppose.  Sort of a mix of deep darkest Africa of the late-1800s and the New World in the mid-1600s.
The problem is it'd be very hard to justify "unknown naval powers" on anything less than Earth size=Saturn, IMHO.

QuoteAfter we get the world more settled we can try to figure out were our existing nations are (if they needed to be moved), or where our new nations are if desired.  I'm still trying to figure out New Beleriand with these maps.  Maybe someone could give a suggestion when the time comes.
NB...hmm. If not part of the ME Continents, perhaps Hokkiado and Sakhalin? With Nippon filling the role of the Forces of the Eye?