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All News from Iberia

Started by miketr, March 28, 2007, 09:49:47 AM

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A series of diplomatic exchanges between Iberia and New Switzerland took place at the end of 1905.  The result of which was a binding peace treaty to end the truce that was in force.  Emperor Carlos I has expressed his hope that this treaty will end tensions between the two countries for all time.

Treaty of Madrid, December 1st, In the Year of Our Lord 1905

The Empire of Iberia and the New Swiss Republic, animated by a desire to move beyond past difficulties and hostilities, with the objective of return to a general peace between their respective peoples, have agreed upon the following treaty and protocols. 

Article I.   There shall henceforth be peace and amity between the Empire of Iberia and the New Swiss Republic.

Article II.   The Empire of Iberia shall pay reparations to the New Swiss Republic for the New Swiss warship, NSS Justice, destroyed in Manila Bay in 1904.  Amount of reparations to be fixed by a joint commission after the signing of this agreement.

Article III.   The New Swiss Republic shall have the right for its Warships and Merchantmen to make port calls at Iberian ports located within the Philippine Islands for the purpose of resupply and refueling. 

Article IV.   The New Swiss Republic shall be granted a 99-year lease over an area on one of the Islands of the Sulu Archipelago.  Said area is to be for the establishment of a Port and to be administered total by the New Swiss Republic. Exact location and boundaries for said port to be fixed by a joint commission to after the signing of this agreement.

Article V.   The Emperor of Iberia grants an amnesty to all suporters of the Cebu Declaration of Independence.  Their actions against the Realms of PESN and Aragaon-Navarra will be forgiven, and confiscated property returned.

Article VI.
The two Agreeing Powers recognize the boundries of their current possessions (Appendix) . This extends to any existing and planned autonomous districts or dependencies.

Article VII.   Diplomatic and consular relations between the contracting parties will be resumed immediately upon the ratification of the treaty of peace. As regards the reciprocal admission of consuls, separate agreements are reserved.

Article VIII.   In the interpretation of this treaty, the English and Spanish texts are authoritative for the relations between Iberia and New Switzerland.

Article IX.   The present treaty of peace will be ratified.  The exchange of the documents of ratification shall take place within a period of three weeks. Unless otherwise provided for in its articles, in its annexes, or in the additional treaties, the treaty of peace enters into force at the moment of its ratification.

Done In double at Madrid


Before the ink was even dry the Empire's diplomats set out again.  This time the diplomatic service went to South America to meet with the Government of the Republic of Gran Columbia.  After several weeks of talks an agreement was hammered out that largely formalizes the Status Quo, many had wanted to push for a return of Cuba.  Scene by some in Madrid as stolen but the Emperor intervened and had a closed door meeting with leaders pressing for action on Cuba.  The result of which was that those pushing for Cuba's return went silent on the matter.

Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, February 15th, In the Year of our Lord 1906

The Empire of Iberia and the Republic of Gran Columbia animated by a desire for peace and understanding between their two peoples have agreed to the following articles.

Article I. The High Contracting Parties mutually promise peace and friendship.

Article II.  The two Agreeing Powers recognize the boundaries of their current possessions (Appendix). This extends to any existing and planned autonomous districts or dependencies.

Article III.  All merchant ships registered to and flying the civilian ensign of the Iberian Empire shall have free use of the Darien Cannel; without being subject to any tariff, user fee's or charge.

Article IV.  All merchant ships registered to and flying the civilian ensign of the Republic of Gran Columbia shall have free use of the Amazon River; without being subject to any tariff, user fee's or charge.

Article V.  The High Contracting Parties mutually pledge reasonable access to each other's military forces of the two above waterways; subject to prior notification of passage, etc.

Article VI. The present treaty shall remain in force for a period of 10 years; but if it had not been denounced one year in advance by one or the other of the contracting High Parties, it will remain in force for the length of five further years.

Article VII. The ratifications of the present Treaty will be exchanged in Rio de Janeiro, within fifteen days or sooner, if it can be done.

Done In double at Rio de Janeiro


Is there a map to show the changes agreed upon by the Iberians and Swiss?


Quote from: Ithekro on March 28, 2007, 02:07:02 PM
Is there a map to show the changes agreed upon by the Iberians and Swiss?

No need really; the treaty is basicly a status quo treaty.  Except for the Sulu islands part and thats not even for an entire Island.

The Rock Doctor

QuoteIn Cartagena, President Rey Alizandro told reporters that the treaty with Iberia was good for both nations.  "It provides Iberian merchant shipping with a strategic advantage no other European nation currently enjoys, and will lead to savings for the common Iberian and profit for Iberian shareholders.  Gran Colombians emigrating to the Southern Frontier Development Zone will be assured of reliable communications via the Amazon with the rest of the nation.

"Meanwhile, the certainty that this provides in regard to our respective territorial boundaries removes the only significant source of potential friction between our two great nations, and should allow a long era of peace between us."


New Constitution for Iberia!

Emperor Carlos I has called a special extra ordinary convention to meet in Madrid.  This Parliament will meet to draft a single constitution for all territories of Iberia.  The Emperor has requested that the Governor-Generals of Brazil, Near and Far Atlantic Islands and the Philippines send delegations of notables from their provinces to attend the convention.

While Carlos I was crowned Emperor of Iberia, made up Spain, Portugal, Aragon- Navarra and the colonial holdings, with Brazil choosing to join the union the administration of the state is anything but smooth.  Four sets of laws with a number of conflicts and incompatibilities hamper administration of the state.  Also currently the colonial holdings have little say in the national administration of the empire.  While no one has spoken about the Cebu Declaration of Independence Movement or the lost territory of Cuba; a desire to end such movements once and for all is clear. 

The work of the convention is expected to take much of the summer to complete. 


(June 1st 1906)

Don Carlos I, by the grace of God, constitutional Emperor of Iberia; to all those present and inhabiting our lands bear witness: In agreement with the parliament, we have degree and sanction the following.

Section I: Empire of Iberia

Article 1. The Empire of Iberia consists of the following territories:

Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of Aragon- Navarra, Kingdom of Brazil, Kingdom of Philippines, Duchy of Puerto Rico, Duchy of Canarias and other over seas territories. 

Article 2. These territories compose the free, independent, indivisible, and constitutional hereditary Empire or Iberia.

Article 3. Madrid is the capital of the Empire and the seat of the Executive power.

Article 4. The autonomy of the respective Crown dominions will be assured to each of them, within such limits as shall be laid down by this constitution.

Article 5. The boundaries of the Empire or of any one of the territories may only be changed by law.

Article 6. The whole Empire is placed on the same footing as regards coinage, duties and commerce. Interior duties can not exist under any pretence.

Article 7. The arms and colors of the Empire and of the territories to be specified by law.

Section II. Of the Emperor

Article 8.  The Emperors person is scarred and inviolable; responsibilities before the law lies with the council of state and other ministers.

Article 9.  The Crown of the Empire and of each separate territory is hereditary in the House of Bourbon, according to the Salic Succession and the domestic laws of Iberia.

Article 10. Domestic Laws of Iberia will fix the age at which the heir to the Crown attains his majority, and the appointment of guardians or regency.

Article 11. The Emperor is crowned as Emperor of Iberia. An express statute will fix the details.

Article 12. At his coronation the Emperor swears to maintain the Constitution, which oath is also to be taken by his successors at their coronation, as well as by the Regent when accepting the Regency.

Article 13.  No law is valid unless both the Emperor and the responsible minister sign the measure; laws are proclaimed in the name of the Emperor.

Article 14.  The Emperor can propose laws for consideration by parliament.

Article 15.  The Emperor has the command over the whole armed force, either in person or through his generals or through his admirals.

Article 16. The Emperor makes war or peace.

Article 17. The Emperor receives and sends Ambassadors, and concludes Treaties with foreign Powers. Clauses in any such Treaties, which impose new burdens on the Empire, require the sanction of Parliament.

Article 18. The Emperor names and dismisses the Ministers, disposes of all official appointments in the State, and confers nobility, orders, and marks of distinction.

Article 19. Throughout the Empire justice is administered in the name of the Emperor.

Article 20. The Emperor has the right of granting full pardon, of mitigating punishment, and of giving amnesties, with the exception of the particular regulations, which refer to the Ministers.

Article 21. The right of coining is carried into execution in the name of the Emperor.

Article 22. The Emperor, before entering into marriage will place the matter before Parliament for approval.  The same applies to the heir to the throne and others in line of succession.  Failure to receive approval of Parliament before marriage results in exclusion from succession.  Neither the Emperor nor his successors can marry a person who by law is excluded from succession.

To be continued...


Section III: Of Iberians and their Rights

Article 23. A person has Iberian Citizenship if they are born within Iberian Territory, the child of an Iberian father or mother even if born outside Iberia and those who have been naturalized according to Iberian Law.  Citizenship is lost if an Iberian accepts citizenship of another nation or serves another government without leave of the Emperor.

Article 24.  All Iberians are subject to service in the armed forces in defense of the mother country, when called to arms by Iberian Law.

Article 25.  Personal freedom is guaranteed; no person shall be arrested or otherwise detained without due cause and process as ordered by a judge according to Iberian Law.

Article 26. The domicile is inviolable; no one may enter the home of an Iberian without their consent, except where ordered by a judge according to Iberian Law.

Article 27.  The secrecy of letters shall not be violated; the seizure of letters, except in case of a legal arrest or search, shall take place only in time of war, or except where ordered by a judge according to Iberian Law.

Article 28. Property is inviolable. Forced expropriation shall take place only in the cases and according to the forms determined by law.

Article 29. Everyone shall have the right, within legal limits, freely to express his thoughts orally, in writing, through the press, or by pictorial representation. The press shall not be placed under censorship, nor restrained by the system of licenses. Administrative prohibitions of the use of the mail are not applicable to matter printed within the country.

Article 30.  The right of petition is free to everyone; except those in the armed services. Petitions under a collective name should emanate only from legally recognized corporations or associations.

Article 31.  All male citizens who have reached 21 years of age shall have the right to vote.

Article 32.  The Roman Catholic Religion is the Religion of the State. The Nation commits itself to maintain the Roman Catholic Church within the territory of Iberia. 

Full freedom of religion and of conscience and to worship is guaranteed to all; in so far as religious services are not illegal or contrary to public morals. The enjoyment of civil and political rights is independent of religious belief; however, religious belief shall in no way interfere with the performance of civil duties. No one shall be forced to perform any religious rite or to participate in any religious ceremony except in so far as he is subject to another who has legal authority in this matter. 

Article 33. Science and its teaching shall be free. Every citizen, whose capacity has been established in conformity with law, shall have the right to establish institutions of instruction and education, and to give instruction therein. Private instruction shall be subject to no such restriction. Religious instruction in the schools shall be left to the church or religious society to which the school is attached. The state shall have the right to superior direction and superintendence over the entire system of education and instruction.

Article 34. Everyone shall be free to choose his occupation and to prepare himself for it in such places and in such manner as he may wish.

Article 35.  The rights expressed in articles 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 can only be suspended on a temporary basis and during an extraordinary emergency with a law.   

To be continued...


Section IV: Legislative Power

Article 36. The Legislative Power is exercised, with reference to the affairs of the State, by the Emperor in conjunction with Parliament.

Article 37. The United Parliament of Iberia is to consist of 2 houses, an Upper and a Lower House, and will be summoned to meet by the Emperor in the spring of every year.

Article 38. The Parliament assembles at Madrid, but may be summoned by the Emperor to meet at any other place.

Section V: Senate

Article 39.  The Upper House of Parliament is to be known as the Senate and its membership will be made up of the following.

1) Senators by Right
2) Senators for Life
3) Senators by Election

The number of seats for Senators by Right and Senators for Life and Senators by Election are to be equal in number.   

Article 40. A person is a Senator by Right if,

1) Children of the Emperor and the Heir to thorn as long as they have reached their majority.
2) Subjects of Iberia, and of no other power, that have annual income of at least 100,000 Peseta a year from fixed property or of other sources as fixed by Iberian Law.
3) The Capitán General's of the Army and the Almirante General's of the Navy.
4) The Patriarch of the West Indies, the Patriarch of Lisbon and Archbishops of the Roman Catholic Church.
5) The President of the Council of State, members of the Supreme Court and President of the Supreme Council of the War.

Article 41.  A person is a Senator for Life if nominated by the Emperor and confirmed by the Senate.  A Senator for Life term ends with their death.  An appointment to a Life Senate seat is to be done in recognition of outstanding service of the empire such as artistic, diplomatic, literary, military, scientific or social field.

Article 42.  Senators by Election are selected by the provincial parliaments of the Empire and their term ends with the dissolution of said parliament.  The number of Senators by Election each provincial parliament is to elect is based upon population and exact number to be fixed by Iberian Law.   

Article 43. In order to be eligible to the Senate for Life or Election must be 30 years old.

To be continued