Costa Rica/Panama maps

Started by Earl822, April 11, 2007, 02:56:06 AM

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Cloak Off:

Right, am trying to work out some more stuff about the Grand Canal, especially the route, and the potential levels, and positions of lakes etc.

Has anybody been able to find any relief maps of this area, as this would help me.

Has anybody got any other maps of the 'canal zone', as these may help with putting a plan together.

The Rock Doctor

I've posted a map of the Darien Canal, which is the historical Panama Canal, in the Maps section of the "Countries of the World" forum.  It doesn't include anything in the Grand Canal zone.

The map itself is from Expedia/Encarta:  It provides some reasonable detail on topography.  I may also have a map at home with Costa Rican topography - will check later - as I've had occasional chats with Maddox about where this canal can be made to work.  There aren't any easy routes like the other canals enjoy.


If another central american canal is to be done I would say that Nicaragua is your best bet.


The Rock Doctor

That's where the Rohan/Swiss/DKB/etc canal is going in.  Those wacky French and friends are, however, determined to push a third, even bigger canal through somewhere between the other two.


I have vague recollection of seeing a map with all three canals on it. The The "Grand Canal" run on top of the OTL Panamian-Costarican border, IIRC.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Looking at this map, the French must be crazy. Worst possible location for a canal, the US looked at about 6 locations and this one was not one of them. Tehuantepec is a much better place for a canal.

Map of the Beleriand Canal zone:

Close ups of the Canal zone:

Canal runs from Brito to Rivas.

From San Carlos to La Chorrea

From La Chorrea to the Orange border near the carribean Sea sign.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Hmm the first map worked right, wonder why the last 3 didnt.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


This is an older map but a rough picture as to the to upper central american canals...the lower one is essentially the Panama Canal...roughly.

New Rhun being Costa Rica.

The Green in the New Beleriand Canal Zone (roughly)
The Purple is the Grand Canal Zone (French) (again roughly)

All lands to the about the Panama border are considered to be owned by Rohan with the Grand Canal Zone being leased to France as part of the peace process towards the end of the Anahuac-Rohan War (December 1898 - January 1901)


I would like to point out that the path, cutting through southern Costa Rician Mountain Range, of the French Canal is not what I would call practical, A climb of 5,000 plus feet?  Even that aside there doesn't appear to be the type of water supply it would need.  An Ocean Level Canal is flat out impossible for the tech of the game.

There are reasons that the Panama Path

or the Nicaragua path make much more sense.

This Costa Rica path, if I understand it, sounds like one of the "Nuclear Digging" options of the 1960's.



If a 3rd canal option is wanted for Central America I would suggest cutting through either the Isthmus of Tehuantepec or if the current Canal by its name, Darien Canal, goes through the Darien Gap then use the Isthmus of Panama.



I think the French dont actually intend to build a canal, they just want to use it as a dumping ground for criminals. Either that or the French are suffering from mass dementia.

Speaking of which how in the world did China transport 1/2 a million people to there?
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Quote from: Desertfox on April 11, 2007, 10:02:05 PM
Speaking of which how in the world did China transport 1/2 a million people to there?
The Chiense have offered 500K coolies, and the French have accepted. Now they are working on the nitty-gritty details, like chartering 250,000 GRT ....

Ithekro's suggestion made me think of Heleraxe ...

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


France, the UK and Russia are really building a useable canal.

France out of pride , the Russians because the French politicians bribed the right bureaucrats, and the UK because they see a beautifull test case for the heavy equipment and the possibility for profit.

On the MK offer on 500 000 coolies. Nothing is sure yet. Minister Capet is totaly Pro. Premier Paixhans is wavering. Minister Dupuytren is opposed. Minister Grenoux is suggesting other options.

On the Great Canal.  15 locks each side will elevate the ships to the central lake. Transfer time will be 2 days.

The Rock Doctor

I see that the canal crosses into Gran Colombia...