
Started by swamphen, June 13, 2007, 08:23:07 PM

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Chlorine gas (Grün) shells are produced in sizes of 170mm, 240mm, 305mm, 13-inch and 350mm. 200mm and 283mm shells are planned for production.

Warships usually carry 10 rounds per gun or 5% of their ammunition supply, whichever is greater. The exception is the secondary batteries of the Scharnhorst class schlachtkreuzers, which carry a 20% complement. Army fortifications carry a "significant supply", although exact details are not pubically revealed.

Army units in the field are not usually equipped with gas weapons, however tanks of chlorine gas (Grünflaschen) are available for use when requested by officers of the rank of Oberst or higher.


Research into the use of biological agents in warfare is a minor but active subject, however there are no weaponsied biological agents currently available.


Er...whoops, look at the time!


Shells containing a mixture of white phosphorus in carbon disulfide are produced in the sizes of 50mm, 88mm, 105mm and 150mm, and are issued to army fortifications as a matter of course. They are also nominally issued to ships in the proportion of 15 rounds per gun or 10% of the ships' ammunition supply whichever is greater, however they are quite hazardous and many captians refuse to accept the rounds, preferring to substitute them for additional HE.

The Weißenstab has considered the use of magnesium as an additve to HE shells to provide an incendiary effect, however difficulties have proven difficult to overcome and a production shell is not considered to be soon coming.