General Social/Chatter Thread

Started by The Rock Doctor, May 11, 2020, 02:20:43 PM

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The Rock Doctor

I consistently fail to remember how large the 5"/38 gunhouse is when I'm sketching out my own 130mm guns. But I also fail to appreciate that on the Cleveland class cruisers, the centreline mounts are on the same level as the B/X turrets and not double-superfiring.

Kaiser Kirk

Just skimming though the design ramblings in US Cruisers, the preceding USS Helena was 'outdated and topheavy'. For CL55 they wanted to expand the beam by 2 feet, and added the centerline 5" mounts.

Looking at the pictures, the aft 5" mount could fire directly aft at 0 elevation, it looks like the fore mount can not as the muzzle is slightly below the roof of "B". The difference looks to be about 1 foot, so it could fire at shallow elevations - like 5 degrees. For our purposes I'd call that double superfiring.

Additional text "The increase in beam had been just enough to restore the new cruiser to the ranks of acceptably stable warships; it would take very little to push her back out. <discusses additional armor desired>.. Estimated stability was now considered dubious."
It continues with the ordering of CL 55 & 56, but changes being considered for CL 57 & 58 to address additional AA needs and a triple bottom.
It goes on for a couple more pages discussing the options explored to fit more light AA,
they didn't like dropping the 5"/38 to singles, or using 5/25s (which fired faster),
and so chose to go with ballast.

Then the naval contractor suggested changing the belt from sloping inward (why inward) 2 degrees to outward 6 degrees, and widening the beam from 61'5" to 63'2", which removed the need for ballast. They also deleted a crane.

So I suspect the 5" guns were superimposed to the absolute minimum necessary to give decent sky arcs.

There's a lack of 0 degree dead ahead fire from the fore centerline 5", but both wing mounts bear.
Further, 0 degree elevation should only matter at very short ranges. The IZ of these were intended to be 9000-21700yards. According to Navweaps, 6.34 degrees elevation was needed for 8000yards. So that 0-7000 yard lack of coverage I would guess was deemed acceptable.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest