It has been a little while.

Started by snip, June 25, 2024, 11:21:15 PM

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Hi everyone. Kinda going to ramble here for a little bit, and I've probly rewrote this enough its coherency is doubtful.

Over the last year and a half, I've been having a rough time in my personal life. Last winter, my wife had a major surgical procedure. It was a necessary, both for current quality of life and heading off some potential future problems. This procedure closed the door on us being able to have children together. Her decision to go through with this procedure is something I fully support and truly believee it was the correct choice.

Having kids is something that I know I've wanted in my future for a long time. We had talked about children before, and with some differences in details thought (at least I did) it was something we would do. Having the main way that could happen being shut off hurt, far more than I realized initially. It made me realize how much I do want to have a family and I pushed, too hard and too soon, for us to explore alternatives. I did not give her time to mentallyy recover and it exacerbated the little existing issues within our relationship. We ended up doing couples therapy for a while, which helped us talk to each other a little better. This led to us realizing that we were now at very opposite ends of wanting to grow our family and what that meant for the course our lives could take. After a lot of discussion, we came to the conclusion that with where we are, being so far apart on this major question about our future would render efforts to fix what is broken, both in our relationship and individually, would only hinder healing. We are currently in the process of amicably separating.

I have a lot of emotions throughout this. Disappointment and anger at myself are common, as is worry about the future. For a time I was really withdrawn, which is why I became inactive. I'm fortunate that my real life friends and family are supportive. That doesn't stop me from feeling like a bad person, a failure. I'm trying to combat this by taking more time to enjoy the outdoors and being involved in communities where I have activities I enjoy, friends, and a sense of belonging. That should include here, the community I've perhaps been involved with the longest, if intermittently.

Right now, only a couple things are fixed. I will be staying in Alaska, she is moving somewhere else. The dog is staying with me. Other than that, lots of moving parts that somehow seem to rely on other moving parts for a puzzle that won't start going together without something becoming fixed. Someday, things will settle out and I can start the process of healing and growing from this. I haven't been my best throughout this, hopefully I can avoid the same mistakes in the future.

What this means for Navalism is I'm going to make an effort to become more active again. Catching up will take time and I want to be conscious of not burning myself out trying to go too fast. If I get Rome back on its feet, I can get myself back on mine. I will try and be a little more open about what's going on, please feel free to tell me to stop if it's too much.

I hope all has been well for you and yours.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Sorry to hear this news. Life sometimes brings challenges that are difficult to overcome. Time helps a lot.
Navalism will allow you to think about something else and go to a "parallel world".

Welcome back on board Roman Imperator.
To catch up, I suggest one report per year with a double budget obviously.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

The Rock Doctor

I'm sorry that you're both going through this challenging time, but am relieved that you are able to do so amicably.

I'm glad to see you back and do hope that designing ridiculously oversized battleships will bring you some joy.

The Rock Doctor

Sixty second recap on Vilnius Union builds from 1926 on:


2 x Gadolin (1926, 1927):  8x400mm/45cal, 27 kts
2 x Ingenhousz (1931, 1932):  8x400mm/50cal, 27 kts


4 x Rajtar (1929, 1929, 1930, 1930):  8x250mm/50, 32 kts


2 x Centaury (1928, 1929):  35 or 30 A/C, 32 kts
1 x Hydry (1932):  48 or 40 A/C, 32 kts


-1 CL (8x150mm, 32 kts) and 4 DD every turn
-1 monitor with 1x450mm/45
-Lots of small patrol, subs, auxiliaries and that sort of thing
-A 500mm/45cal gun has been developed and is available for 1933 builds

In diplo news, the king died, his son took the throne, his second son married a Parthian noble and is pals with the Aztec crown prince.

Kaiser Kirk

Hey Snip, 
Welcome back.

Whoa, life has been really rough for you. That's a heck of a stretch to go through for both of you.  I'm glad the two of you worked through it with a therapist. Those decisions have to be wrenching, but I think it will help on the path forward that you worked through it and had an amicable split.  I hope the next years go much better for you.

We are of course happy to have you back, and take your time getting back up to speed.

Important - As of 1929 HY2, We introduced Enclaves, increasing the strategic value of a limited number of colonial territories...which apparently I have failed to move to RULES, so the thread is here :,8016.msg102742.html#msg102742

Other - We have been discussing 'missing' 1930s techs and over the course of the weekend
between working stuff, and doing chores, I was hoping to post a draft of the proposed 1930s techs. That is very much open for discussion and ideas. While I was hoping to have them 'Live' for 1933.0 (which normally would be July 4th weekend),  there is no reason we can't defer that to 1933.5 (1st weekend in August).

Take your time on 'catch up', enjoy tinkering with your ships, don't make it 'work' to catch up.

But Welcome back !!!!
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Ok, the 1927-1932 summary of completions took MORE than 60 seconds, but gives you an idea what Parthia's been up to.

Diplomatically, the big event is the the recent marriage of the Aztec Crown Prince Ali and the Parthian Princess Shirin (4th in line, sister of Emperor Iskandar and Heir Vasche).  The augmented Parthian Expeditionary fleet
carried the Parthian royals to Azteca, excepting regent Vasche.  How close and how formally this brings the two nations hasn't been made out.

That storyline was co-mingled with the one that Rocky spoke of, where Lady Aspas of the Princely House of Surena got hitched into the Wilno line. House Surena is pretty much the 2nd House in Parthia, and has ruled chunks of India on occasion.

Not shown is Parthia has been extensively refitting/rebuilding older ships.
The fleet has received (mostly) both Fire control and AA upgrades.
The 6 older DNs have been re-armed with the new 333L43 guns the and kept in service.
Currently first 2 Tiamat class DNs are being upgraded.

#   Role   Class Name   Tons   
2   DN   Wirozag   38000t     8 x 390   26kts
2   DN   Kalifern   38000t   16 x 365   20kts
2   AC   Dahae   24500t   8 x 333   29kts
1   CVL   Kam Baz   14500t   44 AC   29kts
3   FDC   Avio Aristabara Flight deck cruiser   14500t   8x230, 20AC   29kts
4   CVL   Bazdari fighter carrier   10500t   25 AC   26kts
1   CVT   Drayahendag training carrier   9000t   33 AC   26kts
2   CF   Pasbanendag Seaplane Cruiser   8000t   8x 180, 6 Seaplane   30kts
8   C    Royal Nisean   8000t   12x 180   30kts
4   GB   Sibari   3000t   6 x 165   23kts
2   GB   Hukar   1500t   3 x 165, 1 x 163   18kts
8   F    Sayidda Maritime Patrol Frigate   3000t   4 x 165   29kts
17   DD   Babr   1500t   5 x 120   32kts
22   DD   Vakharz   1132t   4 x 120   31kts
17   DE   Marban   500t   4 x 90   19kts
8   CPC   Sturgeon Coastal cutter   460t   4 x 90   16kts
4   ML   Sahog Fast Minelayer   1496t   4 x 120   32kts
55   MGB   Motor Gun Boat   60t   1 x 90   10kts
196   MTB   MTB F/G/I   40t      
12   SS   1920-1925 SS   750t      
28   SS   1920-1925 SS   500t      
24   PS   Patrol Sloop v2   600t   aux   
2   FNT   Deniz Sayadar Netlayer   6600t   aux   
2   FAT   Avio Piarika Seaplane Tender   15000t   aux   
4   FSV   Hakma Fleet Supply   15000t   aux   
1   FSV   Hamberkastig Fleet Supply   14800t   aux   
6   FSV   Deniz Ghoorbagheh   2800t   aux   
1   M   Anahita Disaster Response   14500t   aux   
17   PSG   Gnat A Gunboats   280t   aux   
21   PSC   Gnat B Subchaser   280t   aux   
21   PSM   Gnat C Minesweeper   280t   aux   
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Byzantium also rebuilt DDs, CLs, ACs & BBs. all these ships have 40 mm pompom.
102 QF, 120 QF are replaced by 102 DP & 114 DP on CLs, ACs & BBs. 133 DP are available.
All ACs & CLs have 27kts minimum speed.
Old PDNs started to be scrapped.
Colonial BBs have 24kts speed.

Since 1927

Qty ClassetypeTonnageArmamentSpeed
4CakicihdenizCE17900t18 aircrafts27
2BayduCV110000t20 aircrafts29
4KaradenizCV215000t40 aircrafts29
2PusuldenizCV320940t60 aircrafts30
4AzgarSPT5825t8 floatplanes24
4Hospital ship4600t
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


Thanks everyone, appreciate the catchup notes.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon