Parthian Ships 1928 +

Started by Kaiser Kirk, August 09, 2023, 09:01:06 AM

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Kaiser Kirk

First Parthian ship post in 3 months !

Looking at HY2, 1929...
I will have completed a whole series of AA guns in 1929.0
I will have started researching primitive DP mounts in 1929.5
I will be finishing an Avio Aristaraba Flight deck cruiser in 1929.5 and a Bazdari flight deck carrier in 1930.0.
I believe that will furnish 3 of the former and 4 of the latter.   That will give 1 of the former to accompany each modern AC duo,
and 1 of the latter for the Atlantic, Pacific and Expeditionary fleets, with 2 for home.

So the rush to meet the minimal carrier needs to provide fighter cover and deny air space control to the foe, will almost be over.

I have many many many needs for BP
...I need a yacht...
...I will need replacement seaplane carriers as my ancient converted torpedo boat carriers are soon to be scrapped.
I have already posted the Seaplane-cruiser meant to take up a Japanese-style reconnasiance role.
...I need to refit the Tiamats for the modern times. That may wait for DP mounts to be available, they won't 'need" it until 1932.

So, I'm thinking the next step from the 'Falconeer' (Bazdari) would be the 'Kestrel',
a larger, faster flight deck carrier, fielding more fighters with a scout-bomber option, able to rapidly launch due to flying off platforms, and heavily armed against light (DD/CL) surface raiders at night.  Knowing DP mounts are being developed, they
will eventually field those.

The step beyond those will be actual strike carriers, as planes in the 1930s make that more attractive.
I rather expect I may field something akin to HMS Glorious - one more flying off deck ship
and then turn to USS Enterprise clones.
Though I have copied Rocky's idea and made a 9000 ton carrier.

Kestrel, Parthian Kestrel  Flight Deck Carrier laid down 1930

   13,750 t light; 14,285 t standard; 15,976 t normal; 17,328 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (590.55 ft / 583.99 ft) x 62.34 ft x (24.93 / 26.69 ft)
   (180.00 m / 178.00 m) x 19.00 m  x (7.60 / 8.13 m)

      16 - 5.12" / 130 mm 50.0 cal guns - 70.55lbs / 32.00kg shells, 200 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      8 hull mounts in lower casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      8 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 400 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      16 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.73lbs / 0.79kg shells, 1,200 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1930 Model
     4 x 4-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      24 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.43lbs / 0.20kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     12 x Twin mounts on sides, forward deck forward
      12 raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 1,361 lbs / 617 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   1.97" / 50 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   8.20 ft / 2.50 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Torpedo Bulkhead - Additional damage containing bulkheads:
      1.50" / 38 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   27.36 ft / 8.34 m
   Beam between torpedo bulkheads 48.56 ft / 14.80 m

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm     0.00 ft / 0.00 m   0.00 ft / 0.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   0.31" / 8 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   2nd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.38" / 35 mm
   Forecastle: 1.38" / 35 mm  Quarter deck: 1.38" / 35 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 2.95" / 75 mm, Aft 2.95" / 75 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 4 shafts, 80,643 shp / 60,160 Kw = 29.00 kts
   Range 8,540nm at 16.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3,042 tons

   709 - 923

   £3.821 million / $15.284 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 305 tons, 1.9 %
      - Guns: 305 tons, 1.9 %
   Armour: 1,631 tons, 10.2 %
      - Belts: 255 tons, 1.6 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 575 tons, 3.6 %
      - Armament: 26 tons, 0.2 %
      - Armour Deck: 695 tons, 4.3 %
      - Conning Towers: 81 tons, 0.5 %
   Machinery: 2,444 tons, 15.3 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 6,020 tons, 37.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2,225 tons, 13.9 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 3,350 tons, 21.0 %
      - Hull below water: 1,650 tons
      - Hull void weights: 80 tons
      - Hull above water: 1,380 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 5 tons
      - Above deck: 235 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     31,302 lbs / 14,198 Kg = 467.0 x 5.1 " / 130 mm shells or 3.7 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.09
   Metacentric height 2.9 ft / 0.9 m
   Roll period: 15.3 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.31
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2.00

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has low forecastle,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.616 / 0.624
   Length to Beam Ratio: 9.37 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.17 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 56 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 35
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 12.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      37.40 ft / 11.40 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 99.0 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 285.8 %
   Waterplane Area: 27,025 Square feet or 2,511 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 149 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 91 lbs/sq ft or 445 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.79
      - Longitudinal: 8.25
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Intended as an evolution of the Bazdari fighter carrier.
Longer and faster with a flying off deck to increase
the ability to surge fighters airborne.

The vessel is 'sized' for 33 planes
allowing 2x 16 to be carried.

This woud be 2x Fighter (at first)
and later  1x Fighter, 1 x Scout/Torpedo, when they realize they can't launch 32 fighters before an incoming strike arrives.

OR 2x Scout/Torpedo (in a strike roll)

Concerns over reliability mean the Parthians expect this to be 2 groups of 12 in practice.

In reality this will likely evolve into 1 x Fighter, 1x Scout/Bomber, allowing the rapid launching of up to 16 fighter, but a constant reconnaisance role. 

A single  "mail plane" is carried, with a removable set of seats allowing either critical cargo or passengers.

Flight Calculations
Single Hanger : wp/65

80 tons / plane

12m FD = 2 hanger

Waterplane needed : 55 x 33 = 1815
Waterplane 2540 / 55 = 45 possible.

Misc Wt
33 * 80 = 2640 needed

HAW = 1320
HBW = 1320

It is expected that the 3m deck heights of carriers is in reality 6m lighter structures. Placing the flying off deck at 12m and flight deck at 18m.

Fuel :
Parthian fleet cruise speed is currently about 14knts for 6-8000nm.
Vessels expected to operate in support of the fleet - movng around the main body- have a cruise speed of 16 knots.
This both allows destroyers to sprint and drift in an ASW role, and carriers to move off, launch into the wind, and then come about and catch up with the formation.


Double Stacked Casements along the hanger sides.

The 23mm are on platforms on the 'H" towers.

         37mm&90mm - deck edge
          [ 130mm - upper hanger
          [ 130mm - lower hanger
   6m- |
3.5m- |
1.0m- | Armor deck
-1.5m | Bottom of Belt

The deck heights place thecrown of the armor deck at a mere 1.0m above the
waterline, with the lower edge at -1.5m
This is meant to defeat HE and SAP rounds from light guns, and preserve the carriers ability to manuever and fight.

The 38mm TDS only 2.1 m inside the hull, which is expected to be insufficient at stopping surface or submarine torpedoes, but should handle lighterweight aerial torpedoes. Even if the bulkhead leaks, it should decouple the shock wave and limit flooding.

Misc Weight
Reserve :

31t-  Fire Control 1918
25t-  Hulesmeyer
25t- Searchlights (NF)
25t-  LR Radio
10t-  SR Radio - Air Command
  0t-  SR Radio

100t- "H" Superstructure

  5t  - Paravanes

1320 - Airgroup
30t - 2x Additional Ventilation
30t - 2x Additional Fire Suppresion.

1320t- Airgroup
15t - Additional Fire Suppression
15t - Additional pumps
60t - additional fuel in doublewall tanks
30t - additional  munitions
180t - Torpedo Nets.
30t - Auxiliary Diesel Generator

Decks :
18m - Upper Flight Deck - 37 &  90mm guns
12m - 2nd Hanger Deck - Flying off deck - 130mm guns
6.00  1st Hanger Deck - 130mm guns
3.50   Battery Deck -
1.00   Armored Main deck, Top of Belt
-1.50  2nd Deck, bottom belt, lower edge of fore/aft PD.
-4.00  1st Deck
-6.50  Engineering
-7.20  Double Bottom
-8.6  Keel

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

So the above vessel is 33 AC and 13750 tons, with two launch platforms and some modest armor and TDS.
The TDS is a little weak, and a good argument could be made for dropping it, and using that tonnage elsewhere,
but otherwise it's a continuance of a theme. With it's speed it can substitute for further Avio Aristarbara and Bazdari vessels.

Comparison is, what about smaller cheaper.
The below vessel is 26 AC and 9000tons - only one launch platform, lesser armanent, similar but very limited armor, and no TDS. Tonnage wise, scaled up to 13750 is 39 aircraft...not much of a gain.

BUT...fully completable in 3 HY.
I may just build one or two to both supplement the Bazdari class and get operational experience with it.

Drayah Aluh 'Osprey', Parthian  Flight Deck Carrier laid down 1930
Armoured Casemate Ship

   9,000 t light; 9,279 t standard; 10,185 t normal; 10,910 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (521.91 ft / 515.09 ft) x 51.38 ft x (25.13 / 26.52 ft)
   (159.08 m / 157.00 m) x 15.66 m  x (7.66 / 8.08 m)

      8 - 4.72" / 120 mm 43.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 214 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      8 - 2.24" / 57.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 6.61lbs / 3.00kg shells, 400 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      36 - 0.59" / 15.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.12lbs / 0.05kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     10 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
     4 x Quad mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      Weight of broadside 498 lbs / 226 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   1.97" / 50 mm   334.81 ft / 102.05 m   9.84 ft / 3.00 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm     0.00 ft / 0.00 m   0.00 ft / 0.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   0.79" / 20 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.38" / 35 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 1.97" / 50 mm, Aft 0.00" / 0 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 4 shafts, 61,808 shp / 46,109 Kw = 29.00 kts
   Range 8,080nm at 14.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 1,630 tons

   506 - 659

   £2.535 million / $10.140 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 97 tons, 1.0 %
      - Guns: 97 tons, 1.0 %
   Armour: 702 tons, 6.9 %
      - Belts: 266 tons, 2.6 %
      - Armament: 35 tons, 0.3 %
      - Armour Deck: 381 tons, 3.7 %
      - Conning Tower: 20 tons, 0.2 %
   Machinery: 1,873 tons, 18.4 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 3,637 tons, 35.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1,186 tons, 11.6 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 2,690 tons, 26.4 %
      - Hull below water: 1,410 tons
      - Hull void weights: 80 tons
      - Hull above water: 1,100 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 5 tons
      - Above deck: 95 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     14,714 lbs / 6,674 Kg = 279.1 x 4.7 " / 120 mm shells or 1.6 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.08
   Metacentric height 2.2 ft / 0.7 m
   Roll period: 14.7 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.19
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2.00

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.536 / 0.544
   Length to Beam Ratio: 10.03 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 22.70 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 56 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 35
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 13.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      29.53 ft / 9.00 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 90.1 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 202.6 %
   Waterplane Area: 18,229 Square feet or 1,694 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 137 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 78 lbs/sq ft or 379 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.81
      - Longitudinal: 6.72
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Warning: Beam between bulkheads too wide

Named "Sea Eagle", this is a common name for "Osprey".

Intended as a lightwieght economical alternative to the problem of providing fighter and scout coverage to the fleet.

At 9,000 tons, it only takes 3 HY to build, and is 3/4 the cost of the Bazdari. However, it is extremely vulnerable to raiders.

It has minimal armor and ability to take damage.
A single torpedo, bomb or cruiser shell may cripple it.

The vessel is 'sized' for 26 planes
allowing 1x 16 to be carried.
with 4 flying spares

Plus 4x Scouts
and and 1 spare

Lastly, a mail plane.

For 26 planes

The single  "mail plane"  carried, with a removable set of seats allowing either critical cargo or passengers.

Flight Calculations
Single Hanger : wp/65
80 tons / plane
9m FD = 1 hanger

26 * 65 = 1690m2 needed
26 * 80 = 2080misc ton needed

HAW = 1040
HBW = 1040

Misc Weight
Reserve :

10t-  Fire Control 1918
25t-  Hulesmeyer
25t- Searchlights (NF)
25t-  LR Radio
10t-  SR Radio - Air Command
  0t-  SR Radio

  5t  - Paravanes

1040 - Airgroup
30t - 2x Additional Ventilation
30t - 2x Additional Fire Suppresion.

1040t - Airgroup
15t - Additional Fire Suppression
15t - Additional pumps
100t - additional fuel in doublewall tanks
30t - additional  munitions
180t - Torpedo Nets.
30t - Auxiliary Diesel Generator

Decks :
9.00   Flight Deck
4.50   Battery Deck / Hanger floor
2.00   Armored Deck
-0.50  2nd Deck, lower edge of fore/aft PD.
          -1.0 Bottom Belt
-3.00  1st Deck
-6.50  Engineering
-7.81  Double Bottom
-8.6  Keel
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

This one is another step up, to 43 Aircraft.
At 16,500 tons it's much larger than the current vessels.
Compared to the prior vessels it's 2.9AC/BP for the Osprey, 2.4AC/BP for the Kestrel, and 2.6AC/BP for this.

Better guns, better armor, effective TDS, flying off deck, more survivable...but more expensive and slower to build.
Very tempting to knock a knot off the speed and free up 400 tons for other things, also adding 0.6m of depth to the TDS, making it 1.5 external and 3.2m internal, for a very respectable 4.7. 
..but then it could not keep up with the Dahae and Avio Aristaraba/i].
I'd like 30-33, but that takes even more tonnage ...argh.

Note : 180m is my floating dock length, I have 190s and some 230s, but 180 allows theoretical repair anywhere, including some bay in the middle of nowhere.

CVF Drayah Robah 'Sea Fox', Parthian Fighter Carrier laid down 1930

   16,500 t light; 17,129 t standard; 18,923 t normal; 20,358 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (590.55 ft / 583.99 ft) x 65.62 ft (Bulges 75.46 ft) x (29.53 / 31.48 ft)
   (180.00 m / 178.00 m) x 20.00 m (Bulges 23.00 m)  x (9.00 / 9.59 m)

      12 - 5.12" / 130 mm 50.0 cal guns - 70.55lbs / 32.00kg shells, 200 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1930 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      16 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 500 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1930 Model
     16 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      24 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.73lbs / 0.78kg shells, 900 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     4 x 4-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
     2 x 4-gun mounts on sides amidships
      24 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.43lbs / 0.20kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     12 x Twin mounts on sides, forward deck forward
      12 raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 1,286 lbs / 584 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   3.54" / 90 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   11.75 ft / 3.58 m
   Ends:   0.98" / 25 mm   204.36 ft / 62.29 m   11.75 ft / 3.58 m
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length
     Main Belt inclined -12.00 degrees (positive = in)

   - Torpedo Bulkhead - Additional damage containing bulkheads:
      1.93" / 49 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   34.71 ft / 10.58 m
   Beam between torpedo bulkheads 48.56 ft / 14.80 m

   - Hull Bulges:
      0.35" / 9 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   26.25 ft / 8.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   1.38" / 35 mm   1.38" / 35 mm      1.38" / 35 mm
   2nd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.57" / 40 mm
   Forecastle: 1.38" / 35 mm  Quarter deck: 1.57" / 40 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 1.38" / 35 mm, Aft 1.38" / 35 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 3 shafts, 87,893 shp / 65,568 Kw = 29.00 kts
   Range 8,240nm at 16.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3,229 tons

   806 - 1,048

   £4.378 million / $17.510 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 315 tons, 1.7 %
      - Guns: 315 tons, 1.7 %
   Armour: 2,676 tons, 14.1 %
      - Belts: 744 tons, 3.9 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 940 tons, 5.0 %
      - Bulges: 131 tons, 0.7 %
      - Armament: 72 tons, 0.4 %
      - Armour Deck: 748 tons, 4.0 %
      - Conning Towers: 42 tons, 0.2 %
   Machinery: 2,663 tons, 14.1 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 6,843 tons, 36.2 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2,424 tons, 12.8 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 4,002 tons, 21.1 %
      - Hull below water: 1,956 tons
      - Bulge void weights: 30 tons
      - Hull above water: 1,774 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 15 tons
      - Above deck: 227 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     36,234 lbs / 16,436 Kg = 540.5 x 5.1 " / 130 mm shells or 5.0 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.24
   Metacentric height 4.0 ft / 1.2 m
   Roll period: 15.9 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.16
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2.00

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has low forecastle,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.509 / 0.514
   Length to Beam Ratio: 7.74 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.17 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 56 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 35
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 12.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      37.40 ft / 11.40 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 99.4 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 239.5 %
   Waterplane Area: 25,742 Square feet or 2,392 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 146 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 104 lbs/sq ft or 506 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.79
      - Longitudinal: 7.96
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Eagle : Aluh, Dalman, Humay
Fox : Robah
Sea : Drayah, zreh

A successor to the Bazdari, meant to accompany the Armored Cruisers if necessary.

Featuring a dual hangers and a flying off deck to allow a better
surge ability against incoming aircraft.

Deck space : 2387/55 = 43 aircraft possible.
43 * 80 = 3440 tons needed

= 1720 & 1720

130mm guns and  cruiser-level armor is meant to allow it to survive a nighttime or bad
weather attack by destroyers or cruisers.

The 37mm quads are at the corners and middle,
with 4 single 90mm between each set.
Against high angle targets, this matters little,
but it means 2 x 37mm quad can fire directly forward or aft.

This makes 11 gun positions on each side, spaced roughly 15m apart.

The 23mm are on the "H" Towers, two twins on sponsons on each of the 3 'exterior' tower faces,

Guns are protected with light shields for strafing.


Belt covers from +2.5 to -1.0.
The shallow depth is felt acceptable
as combat is foreseen as short range.

The belt is outsloped 12 degrees
3.5 / cos(12) = 3.58

A heavy deck is fitted for both
splinter protection (up to 240) and to thwart lucky long range hits.

The upper works, save for the Casement enclosures, are unarmored, as an AoN effort.

The TDS rises to seal to the armor deck
behind the main belt, providing splinter protection.

This adds +24mm to the effective belt thickness.

The TDS is
1.5m bulge from bottom of belt to keel. Void.
Hull Steel
1.5m Liquid
19mm STS Flexible
1.1m Void
30mm STS Holding

Misc Wt :
Reserve : 30t

32t - FC
25t - LR Radio
0t - SR Radio
25t - Night Fighting / Searchlights
25t - Hulesmeyer proximity detector
10t - Dedicated AC channel
10t - Squadron Plot room
100t - 'H" superstructure

5t - Paravanes
10t - 2x hydraulic catapults

1720 Airgroup
16t - CO2 Compressor AC
22t - Forced Fume extraction
16t - Additional Fire Suppression

1320 Airgroup
16t - Additional fire suppression
36 - 30t Avgas in 6t doublewall tanks
10t- Additional fighter/scout munitions
16t - Additional pumps
178t - Torpedo nets

15-15.5, upper flight deck.
9: Flight Deck
           6.5m high hanger
2.5: Armor Deck, Battery Deck (Casements)
0.0  : Waterline
-1.0 : Bottom Armor Belt
-2.5 :
-6.0 : Engineering
-7.00 : Double Bottom
-8.08: keel

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

This is the Bazdari class instead of scaled down to the Osprey, scaled up to 12,000 tons and 29knots, featuring just 1 extra aircraft. 2.8AC/BP   it's faster...but the Parthian battlelines are notoriously slow.
Compared to the 13750 ton version, less side guns, so less future defense vs. torpedo planes,
and with a single deck, lower launch rate of planes- and limited ability to launch and recover at once.

Anyhow, that gives me a couple options to look at my future budget around.

CVF SeaHawk, Parthian Fighter Carrier laid down 1930

   12,000 t light; 12,517 t standard; 13,975 t normal; 15,141 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (590.55 ft / 583.99 ft) x 59.06 ft x (26.25 / 27.96 ft)
   (180.00 m / 178.00 m) x 18.00 m  x (8.00 / 8.52 m)

      12 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 180 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1930 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      8 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 50.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 300 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1930 Model
     4 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      16 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.73lbs / 0.79kg shells, 900 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     6 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
     2 x 2-gun mounts on sides amidships
      16 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.43lbs / 0.20kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on sides, forward deck forward
      2 raised mounts
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on sides, forward deck forward
      2 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 1,948 lbs / 884 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   3.15" / 80 mm   379.59 ft / 115.70 m   11.75 ft / 3.58 m
   Ends:   1.38" / 35 mm   204.36 ft / 62.29 m   11.75 ft / 3.58 m
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length
     Main Belt inclined -12.00 degrees (positive = in)

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm   336.94 ft / 102.70 m   19.29 ft / 5.88 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   1.38" / 35 mm   1.38" / 35 mm      1.38" / 35 mm
   2nd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.57" / 40 mm
   Forecastle: 1.38" / 35 mm  Quarter deck: 1.57" / 40 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 1.38" / 35 mm, Aft 1.38" / 35 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 3 shafts, 71,585 shp / 53,402 Kw = 29.00 kts
   Range 8,004nm at 16.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 2,624 tons

   642 - 835

   £3.433 million / $13.731 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 334 tons, 2.4 %
      - Guns: 334 tons, 2.4 %
   Armour: 1,506 tons, 10.8 %
      - Belts: 700 tons, 5.0 %
      - Armament: 78 tons, 0.6 %
      - Armour Deck: 693 tons, 5.0 %
      - Conning Towers: 34 tons, 0.2 %
   Machinery: 2,169 tons, 15.5 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 4,659 tons, 33.3 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1,975 tons, 14.1 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 3,333 tons, 23.8 %
      - Hull below water: 1,608 tons
      - Hull void weights: 70 tons
      - Hull above water: 1,406 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 15 tons
      - Above deck: 234 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     22,065 lbs / 10,008 Kg = 161.0 x 6.5 " / 165 mm shells or 2.1 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.13
   Metacentric height 2.9 ft / 0.9 m
   Roll period: 14.6 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.35
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2.00

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.540 / 0.550
   Length to Beam Ratio: 9.89 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.17 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 53 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 35
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 12.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      29.53 ft / 9.00 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 82.1 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 209.0 %
   Waterplane Area: 23,852 Square feet or 2,216 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 138 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 91 lbs/sq ft or 443 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.85
      - Longitudinal: 4.22
      - Overall: 1.00
   Excellent machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

The Bazdari (Falconeer)
is intended to be primarily a fighter launch platform to ensure air control over the fleet, preventing and disrupting opposing spotting
and torpedo attacks.

The actual airgroup is limited in design :

1 Flight (16) of Fighters, with 1 flying spare per talon of 4 for a total of 20 fighters.

One talons (1x 4) of scouts, with 1 flying spare per talon, for a total of 5 scouts

Desired 25 planes = 2000t

With aircraft operations still being in development,
designing the minimum required space is problematic,
so a a larger space is planned, allowing operations to
help verify how much is 'necessary'.

Eventually, the ship may carry 2 flights (32) with no reserves.

Deck Space : 2216/ 65 = 34 aircraft possible
31 x 80 =2720
=1360 & 1360

Sufficient speed to keep up with the Stormbringer Class,
with high cruise speed to move around steaming formation as needed.

A heavy battery of 165mm guns and
cruiser-level armor is meant to allow it to survive a nighttime or bad
weather attack by destroyers or cruisers.

Belt covers from +2.5 to -1.0.
The shallow depth is felt acceptable
as combat is foreseen as short range.

The belt is outsloped 12 degrees
3.5 / cos(12) = 3.58

A heavy deck is fitted for both
splinter protection (up to 240) and to thwart lucky long range hits.

The upper works, save for the Casement enclosures, are unarmored, as an AoN effort.

Misc Wt :
Reserve : 50t

34t - FC
25t - LR Radio
0t - SR Radio
25t - Night Fighting / Searchlights
25t - Hulesmeyer proximity detector
10t - Dedicated AC channel
10t - Squadron Plot room
100t - 'H" superstructure

5t - Paravanes
10t - 2x hydraulic catapults

1360 Airgroup
16t - CO2 Compressor AC
22t - Forced Fume extraction
16t - Additional Fire Suppression

1360 Airgroup
12t - Additional fire suppression
36 - 30t Avgas in 6t doublewall tanks
10t- Additional fighter/scout munitions
12t - Additional pumps
178t - Torpedo nets

9: Flight Deck
           6.5m high hanger
2.5: Armor Deck, Battery Deck (Casements)
-1.0 : Bottom Armor Belt
-2.5 :
-6.0 : Engineering
-6.49 : Double bottom
-6.75 : Keel

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I'm not actually sure you'd get a useful hanger on the 9,000 t design if you're integrating casemates into the hull at that level.  Consider how restricted the hanger on HMS Hermes was, with guns integrated into her hull, and she was almost 6 metres wider than your 9,000 tonner.

Larger, wider ships will generally support your design philosophy better than smaller, slimmer ships.


QuoteDrayah Aluh 'Osprey', Parthian  Flight Deck Carrier laid down 1930
Armoured Casemate Ship

   9,000 t light; 9,279 t standard; 10,185 t normal; 10,910 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (521.91 ft / 515.09 ft) x 51.38 ft x (25.13 / 26.52 ft)
  (159.08 m / 157.00 m) x 15.66 m  x (7.66 / 8.08 m)

Reduce draught and increase length and beam to have a longer deck useful for parking security.

"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

Kaiser Kirk

The 9000 tonner just may have to many compromises.
I was thinking more along the lines of the independence class, but it's still narrower than that of that.

Conceptually, casements have a pivot point supported by the exterior hull structure, which is why they are lighter than deck mounts.
They can also blister out of the hull a bit, taking less space 'inside'.  There still should be the breech, and a hoist and conveyer behind.
So the portion inside the hull should only be a couple meters, but say 2.5 x two sides = 5, remove from 15m... and you're at 10m. That could be an issue.
While somewhat offset by the fact most carriers flared out as they went up, and so are wider at hanger than WL,
...Rocky may have a point.

Draft I wasn't worried about, I was looking to have just enough square meters to fit my airgroup, so traded beam for draft.
I can undo that, but it will cost me speed. Which would make it a smaller Bazdari.

Length I'm not so worried about, as in the late 1920s Parthia's concerned about getting fighter and scout biplanes launched,
not torpedo-carrying monoplanes, and 160 fits my 'cruiser' docks. Even when you look at some Escort carriers they could
still operate monoplane fighters at that length.

I fully agree that my carriers will not "age well", but I really don't think the 1940 planes are foreseeable to designers in 1929.

Maybe I'll look to Honsho as a guide, which was still a couple meters wider.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The Genesis of these was I that I had been considering a carrier in 1929.5,
but I'm doing a series of AA refits then, so I started pulling up 1925-1929 designs and updating them
for 1930 with the current suite of AA.  Since 1930 is this coming weekend... figure it's time to dust them off.

Anyhow, this is the "Osprey" rebranded as the "Seabird",
wider and shallower in draft and the same speed as the Bazadari.

Now that I've explored it, the vessel is just too weakly armed/armored for what I want.
I may build one as a dedicated training carrier, just cause. It would work as an escort carrier,

Drayahendag - Seabird, Parthian  Flight Deck Carrier laid down 1930

   9,000 t light; 9,292 t standard; 10,208 t normal; 10,941 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (521.91 ft / 515.09 ft) x 65.62 ft x (19.69 / 20.79 ft)
   (159.08 m / 157.00 m) x 20.00 m  x (6.00 / 6.34 m)

      8 - 4.72" / 120 mm 43.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 214 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      4 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 400 per gun
     Breech loading guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     4 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      8 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.73lbs / 0.79kg shells, 400 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     8 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      36 - 0.59" / 15.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.11lbs / 0.05kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1930 Model
     10 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
     4 x Quad mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      Weight of broadside 556 lbs / 252 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   1.97" / 50 mm   334.81 ft / 102.05 m   9.84 ft / 3.00 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm     0.00 ft / 0.00 m   0.00 ft / 0.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   0.31" / 8 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   2nd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.38" / 35 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 1.97" / 50 mm, Aft 0.00" / 0 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 4 shafts, 41,314 shp / 30,820 Kw = 26.00 kts
   Range 8,170nm at 14.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 1,649 tons

   507 - 660

   £2.166 million / $8.663 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 97 tons, 0.9 %
      - Guns: 97 tons, 0.9 %
   Armour: 815 tons, 8.0 %
      - Belts: 274 tons, 2.7 %
      - Armament: 33 tons, 0.3 %
      - Armour Deck: 488 tons, 4.8 %
      - Conning Tower: 20 tons, 0.2 %
   Machinery: 1,252 tons, 12.3 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 3,746 tons, 36.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1,208 tons, 11.8 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 3,090 tons, 30.3 %
      - Hull below water: 1,610 tons
      - Hull void weights: 80 tons
      - Hull above water: 1,300 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 5 tons
      - Above deck: 95 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     22,873 lbs / 10,375 Kg = 433.8 x 4.7 " / 120 mm shells or 2.5 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.32
   Metacentric height 4.3 ft / 1.3 m
   Roll period: 13.2 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.06
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 2.00

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.537 / 0.545
   Length to Beam Ratio: 7.85 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 22.70 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 53 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 35
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 13.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      29.53 ft / 9.00 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 74.7 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 258.5 %
   Waterplane Area: 23,303 Square feet or 2,165 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 153 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 86 lbs/sq ft or 418 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.85
      - Longitudinal: 4.25
      - Overall: 1.00
   Excellent machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Warning: Beam between bulkheads too wide

A slower, fatter version of the Osprey.
I don't think I'll name this after a bird this time.
'Drayah Xar' is Sea Donkey - a dependable beast of burden.
Drayahendag should be 'Seabird'.

This broader hull theoretically can hold 2162/62= 33 aircraft
taking 2640t = 1320/1320.

But the most misc wt I can spare is 2480 = 1240/1240
for 31 AC.

Still Intnded as a lightwieght economical alternative to the problem of providing fighter and scout coverage to the fleet.

At 9,000 tons, it only takes 3 HY to build, and is 3/4 the cost of the Bazdari. However, it is extremely vulnerable to raiders.

It has minimal armor and ability to take damage.
A single torpedo, bomb or cruiser shell may cripple it.

The vessel is 'sized' for 26 planes
allowing 1x 16 to be carried.
with 4 flying spares

Plus 4x Scouts
and and 1 spare

Lastly, a mail plane.

For 26 planes

The single  "mail plane"  carried, with a removable set of seats allowing either critical cargo or passengers.

Flight Calculations
Single Hanger : wp/65
80 tons / plane
9m FD = 1 hanger

Misc Weight
Reserve :

10t-  Fire Control 1918
25t-  Hulesmeyer
25t- Searchlights (NF)
25t-  LR Radio
10t-  SR Radio - Air Command
  0t-  SR Radio

  5t  - Paravanes

1240 - Airgroup
30t - 2x Additional Ventilation
30t - 2x Additional Fire Suppresion.

1240t - Airgroup
15t - Additional Fire Suppression
15t - Additional pumps
100t - additional fuel in doublewall tanks
30t - additional  munitions
160t - Torpedo Nets.
30t - Auxiliary Diesel Generator

Decks :
9.00   Flight Deck
4.50   Battery Deck / Hanger floor
2.00   Armored Deck
-0.50  2nd Deck, lower edge of fore/aft PD.
          -1.0 Bottom Belt
-3.00  1st Deck
-6.50  Engineering
-7.81  Double Bottom
-8.6  Keel

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

I thought back to a design that when I put it forward in 1926 I was told was too big and advanced. it too soon for the Charmosh now?

I could fit it into the 1929 lineup.

Right now I'm inclined to put two Kestrel in for both the Bazdari and Avia Aristabara classes,
leaving them at 4 and 3 respectively, which was about how many I wanted of them. That seems a logical successor for my mind-canon.

As a strike carrier, the Sea Fox seems a more logical next step right now, then move to the Charmosh in 1932, but there's no functional reason why I could not lay down the Charmosh in 1929.5. 

Use an Osprey as a training carrier.

For them, the difference between 1929 and 1930 is I have to have a skinnier TDS, as the engine is slghtly larger,
and then skimp on the armor slightly. Which is not desirable. So I'll keep those in 1930 consideration.

I also need to start laying down the Pasbanendag class to take the seaplane carrier role from my old TBCs before they rust out completely.

Chamrosh, Parthian Strike Carrier laid down 1929

   22,500 t light; 23,238 t standard; 25,503 t normal; 27,315 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (590.55 ft / 580.71 ft) x 91.86 ft x (27.89 / 29.51 ft)
   (180.00 m / 177.00 m) x 28.00 m  x (8.50 / 9.00 m)

      12 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 180 per gun
     Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1929 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      12 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 50.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 300 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1929 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      24 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 0.11lbs / 0.05kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1929 Model
     4 x 2 row quad mounts on side ends, evenly spread
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on sides amidships
      24 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.00lbs / 0.00kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Breech loading guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     12 x Twin mounts on sides, forward deck forward
      12 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 2,013 lbs / 913 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   4.33" / 110 mm   377.46 ft / 115.05 m   10.07 ft / 3.07 m
   Ends:   1.57" / 40 mm   203.22 ft / 61.94 m   10.07 ft / 3.07 m
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length
     Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces
     Main Belt inclined -12.00 degrees (positive = in)

   - Torpedo Bulkhead - Additional damage containing bulkheads:
      2.24" / 57 mm   377.46 ft / 115.05 m   32.87 ft / 10.02 m
   Beam between torpedo bulkheads 59.06 ft / 18.00 m

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm     0.00 ft / 0.00 m   0.00 ft / 0.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   1.38" / 35 mm   1.38" / 35 mm      1.38" / 35 mm
   2nd:   0.59" / 15 mm   0.31" / 8 mm      0.31" / 8 mm
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Armoured deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 2.36" / 60 mm
   Forecastle: 1.38" / 35 mm  Quarter deck: 2.36" / 60 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 4.72" / 120 mm, Aft 4.72" / 120 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 4 shafts, 132,086 shp / 98,536 Kw = 30.00 kts
   Range 8,400nm at 16.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 4,078 tons

   1,008 - 1,311

   £5.877 million / $23.507 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 345 tons, 1.4 %
      - Guns: 345 tons, 1.4 %
   Armour: 3,818 tons, 15.0 %
      - Belts: 840 tons, 3.3 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 1,030 tons, 4.0 %
      - Armament: 115 tons, 0.5 %
      - Armour Deck: 1,655 tons, 6.5 %
      - Conning Towers: 176 tons, 0.7 %
   Machinery: 4,057 tons, 15.9 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 8,092 tons, 31.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,003 tons, 11.8 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 6,188 tons, 24.3 %
      - Hull below water: 3,130 tons
      - Hull void weights: 100 tons
      - Hull above water: 2,632 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 29 tons
      - Above deck: 297 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     51,678 lbs / 23,441 Kg = 377.0 x 6.5 " / 165 mm shells or 6.6 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.47
   Metacentric height 8.6 ft / 2.6 m
   Roll period: 13.2 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 71 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.10
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.96

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has low forecastle,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.600 / 0.607
   Length to Beam Ratio: 6.32 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.10 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 63 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 36
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 11.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: 3.28 ft / 1.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m,  29.53 ft / 9.00 m
      - Forward deck:   30.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m,  39.37 ft / 12.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      37.40 ft / 11.40 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 126.8 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 290.3 %
   Waterplane Area: 39,016 Square feet or 3,625 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 133 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 123 lbs/sq ft or 599 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.85
      - Longitudinal: 4.36
      - Overall: 1.00
   Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Warning: Shell weight too light3rd Battery

Named for an mythological eagle-winged dog, which fought for good, and would swoop down and carry off the enemies of Persia.

Intended to be a 'strike' carrier,
flying off a squadron or flight  of torpedo planes
after launching a sweep of fighters to clear the path.

Normal operations would be focused on launching Scoutplanes.

With 4 plane 'Lances'
and 16 plane 'Flights'
and an expected 75% availability,
20 planes are needed per Flight.
For 60 planes total.

3625 m2 / 55 (dbl) = 65.9

65*80 = 5200

The last 5 are intended for flyable spares or admin uses...or something.

The "H" shaped two-island + flying bridge superstructure is fitted,
like the Brits planned...until further wind tunnel tests showed just one
was superior.
I think for Parthia they will make that switch in 1932.

A battery of guns is fitted in casements on the lower hanger deck,
while a set of AA guns are fitted along the edges of the landing deck.
Each is provided with it's own armor screens to guard against splinters.


A Armor deck proof against cruiser weapons is fitted,

A TDS is fitted, rising to meet the crown of the armor deck.
This provides splinter protection for the belt.

Misc wt

Reserve : 80t

AD :
100t : 2nd Island
35t : FC
25t : Hulesmeyer
25t : Searchlights  Night fighting
50t : 2x LR Radio
10t : 2x SR Radio
30t : 2x 15t plot rooms
22t : Add Fire Ext

5t   Paravanes
24t  Add Fire Ext

2600t : 1/2 airgroup 64.
24t : CO2 Compressor AC
24t : Enhanced Ventilation
24t : Add Fire Ext

2600t : 1/2 airgroup 64
240t : AvGas in Doublewall tanks
25t : AvGas Fire Ext.
25t : Extra Pumps
240t : Additional AG Weapons

The two 'carrier decks' at 9m and 12m
are expected to represent two 6m hangers at 9m and 15m

+15.00    Landing Deck
+ 9.00     Flying off/ upper Hanger deck
+03.00   Battery/ Lowere Hanger Deck
+0.50m  Crown Protective Deck, Top TDS
-02.00m    Bottom protective deck
-07.00m   Engineering
-08.02m  Double Bottom
-08.50m   Keel

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Before laying down a carrier in the spare space, I need to start the AA refits..and working through that cost,
it does not look like I can afford to lay a keel...unless I want to pause coastal defenses, which I could. I seem to always need more BP...

Anyhow the following are AA refits for the non-Cruiser classes in the Expeditionary fleet, as well as the two Vazrya DNs.

Babr  R29, Parthian Corvette laid down 1924

   1,499 t light; 1,584 t standard; 1,865 t normal; 2,090 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (392.94 ft / 387.14 ft) x 36.75 ft x (10.93 / 11.81 ft)
   (119.77 m / 118.00 m) x 11.20 m  x (3.33 / 3.60 m)

      5 - 4.72" / 120 mm 43.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 220 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck mounts, 1924 Model
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
     1 x Single mount on centreline, aft deck centre
      1 raised mount aft
      1 - 6.42" / 163 mm 20.0 cal gun - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 75 per gun
     Quick firing gun in casemate mount, 1924 Model
     1 x Single mount on centreline, forward deck centre
      1 raised mount
      8 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.73lbs / 0.79kg shells, 700 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on sides forward
      2 raised mounts
      8 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 0.42lbs / 0.19kg shells, 1,500 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 436 lbs / 198 kg

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -
   2nd:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -
   3rd:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 2 shafts, 33,578 shp / 25,049 Kw = 31.85 kts
   Range 6,600nm at 14.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 506 tons

   141 - 184

   £0.616 million / $2.466 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 59 tons, 3.2 %
      - Guns: 59 tons, 3.2 %
   Armour: 3 tons, 0.2 %
      - Armament: 3 tons, 0.2 %
   Machinery: 934 tons, 50.1 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 430 tons, 23.1 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 366 tons, 19.6 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 72 tons, 3.9 %
      - Hull below water: 26 tons
      - Hull void weights: 2 tons
      - Hull above water: 2 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 31 tons
      - Above deck: 12 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     518 lbs / 235 Kg = 9.8 x 4.7 " / 120 mm shells or 0.3 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.41
   Metacentric height 2.0 ft / 0.6 m
   Roll period: 10.8 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 69 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.28
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.01

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has rise forward of midbreak,
     a normal bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.420 / 0.435
   Length to Beam Ratio: 10.54 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 19.68 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 62 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 69
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -3.28 ft / -1.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  21.65 ft / 6.60 m,  19.03 ft / 5.80 m
      - Forward deck:   26.00 %,  19.03 ft / 5.80 m,  16.73 ft / 5.10 m
      - Aft deck:   39.00 %,  8.53 ft / 2.60 m,  8.53 ft / 2.60 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  8.53 ft / 2.60 m,  8.53 ft / 2.60 m
      - Average freeboard:      13.27 ft / 4.05 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 173.3 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 147.0 %
   Waterplane Area: 8,869 Square feet or 824 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 76 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 32 lbs/sq ft or 155 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.50
      - Longitudinal: 0.91
      - Overall: 0.53
   Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room

The 1929 refit of the Babr Class focuses on AA ability but updates the ASW as well.
Unfortunately it slightly changes the trim, loosing slow and steady roll at full speed.

1. The 118mm ASW howitzer is removed, a 163mm is put in it's place. This reduces the ammo to 75rounds.
2. Remove the twin 57s and replace with quad 37s   : 7.4+5.1 tons vs. 6.3 + 5.4
3. Replace the 15mms with 23mms : 1.4+1.3 vs 1.8 + 2.8
4. Add 1t stick bombs for the Howitzer.
5. New FC (5.9t) & NF Gear (5.9)
6. 2nd "Y" thrower 1t
7. torps -> 2TT2 21" 4t
8. Misc Wt Resv down to 2t.  0.5 hull, 50.1% machinery
9. Steadiness drops to 69, but can't adjust trim in Basic Refit, slowing slightly gets the 'slow and steady' rating back.

Cost : 8.1 guns, 8.2 mag, 29.8 Misc : 46.1t  $0.0461, 0.0461 BP

This is an evolution of the Palang (Leopard) design,
boosting gun power while retaining the other elements.
Ultimately this sacrifices the good seakeeping,
but fits in one more 120mm guns, and better provisions for night fighting.

The main battery is aligned in a pair of
two-gun mounts in A and X, with a superimposed "Y"
addressing a perceived deficiency vs. some foriegn designs

In "B" is a howitzer firing blunt nosed shells to allow forward engagement of submarines. For shore bombardment support,additional HE rounds can be stored in the 120mm mag. This mount can easily be replaced by a 120mm gun.

Amidships is an elevated platform between the torpedo tubes, aranged en echelon are the two pairs of 37mm Quad AA. This allows good sky arcs, and good engagement on the opposite broadside

For/aft, Paired twin GAST 23mm - think of a Rifleman battlemech..
are mounted to allow engagement of any plane seeking to strafe the length of the ship. These can also bear on the beam.

All guns are given bulletproof 1/4" (6mm) spray shields.

6T - Construction reserve

5.9t - FC
0t - SR Radio
5.9t - NF Gear

2t - Lt. MS Paravanes
16t - 2TT2 21" Torpedoes 4t
2t  -  DC "Y" thrower x2
1t - ASW Paravanes
0t - 2 stern rails
8t - Depth charges (32x 280kg)

1.5t - CO2 Air Compressor AC

15t - Enhanced Hydrophones
10t - Sonar
1t - 10 x 100kg stick bombs for Howitzer

Range :
Central to this class is very long range.
6580nm + 10% for geared = 7238nm
which is sufficient to accompany the fleet in Pacific operations.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The Leopard class preceeded the Tiger (Babr) class, but forms an important part of the longer range escort flee.

Palang (Leopard), Parthian Corvette laid down 1920

   1,494 t light; 1,563 t standard; 1,852 t normal; 2,082 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (391.97 ft / 387.14 ft) x 36.09 ft x (10.66 / 11.58 ft)
   (119.47 m / 118.00 m) x 11.00 m  x (3.25 / 3.53 m)

      4 - 4.72" / 120 mm 43.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 200 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck mounts, 1920 Model
     4 x Single mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 raised mounts - superfiring
      8 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.72lbs / 0.78kg shells, 600 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1920 Model
     2 x 2 row quad mounts on sides, aft deck centre
      2 raised mounts
      8 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.43lbs / 0.20kg shells, 1,500 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1920 Model
     4 x Twin mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      4 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 238 lbs / 108 kg

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 2 shafts, 30,674 shp / 22,883 Kw = 31.15 kts
   Range 4,750nm at 16.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 519 tons

   140 - 183

   £0.457 million / $1.830 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 42 tons, 2.3 %
      - Guns: 42 tons, 2.3 %
   Armour: 2 tons, 0.1 %
      - Armament: 2 tons, 0.1 %
   Machinery: 926 tons, 50.0 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 445 tons, 24.0 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 357 tons, 19.3 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 79 tons, 4.3 %
      - Hull below water: 15 tons
      - Hull void weights: 18 tons
      - Hull above water: 2 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 36 tons
      - Above deck: 8 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     594 lbs / 269 Kg = 11.3 x 4.7 " / 120 mm shells or 0.3 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.47
   Metacentric height 2.1 ft / 0.6 m
   Roll period: 10.5 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 70 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.19
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.19

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a normal bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.435 / 0.450
   Length to Beam Ratio: 10.73 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 19.68 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 61 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 59
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -3.28 ft / -1.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  18.04 ft / 5.50 m,  15.58 ft / 4.75 m
      - Forward deck:   25.00 %,  15.58 ft / 4.75 m,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m
      - Aft deck:   40.00 %,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m
      - Average freeboard:      14.12 ft / 4.30 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 169.7 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 162.9 %
   Waterplane Area: 8,807 Square feet or 818 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 79 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 30 lbs/sq ft or 149 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.50
      - Longitudinal: 1.06
      - Overall: 0.53
   Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform

Warning: Beam between bulkheads too wide

1929 AA Refit

Guns : 8t
Mags : 7.5

New Misc Wt :
4.2t - FC
4.2t - NF refresh
0t - SR Radio refesh
24t  -  2 TT3  21" 4t

Cost : 47.9t = $ .0479 , 0.0479 BP

Reserve :

4.2t FC
0t    SR Radio
4.2t NF gear

2t  - Lt Paravane
18t - 2TT3 Torp 21" 4t
2t  - 2x Y thrower
0t - DC rails
8t - 24 x DC 280kg

1.5t CO2 Compressor AC

15t Advanced Hydro Sets
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The Asbara class was recently refurbished and the main guns updated, but the semi-automatic 57mm guns lack the reach and capacity for sufficient burst radius of guns 90mm+ and can not sustain the needed ROF for true utility.
The Parthians have developed GAST 23mm for closein high ROF, and 30 and 37mm for longer range punch.
The Wirblewind Quad 37s fit nicely where the two-gun 57mms were.

Asbara BR29, Parthian Armored Cruiser laid down 1908

   14,740 t light; 15,584 t standard; 17,333 t normal; 18,733 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (583.99 ft / 577.43 ft) x 68.90 ft x (26.25 / 27.96 ft)
   (178.00 m / 176.00 m) x 21.00 m  x (8.00 / 8.52 m)

      8 - 10.04" / 255 mm 50.0 cal guns - 535.72lbs / 243.00kg shells, 135 per gun
     Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1904 Model
     4 x Twin mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 raised mounts - superfiring
      8 - 4.72" / 120 mm 45.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 250 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck mounts, 1904 Model
     8 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      4 raised mounts - superfiring
      12 - 4.72" / 120 mm 45.0 cal guns - 55.12lbs / 25.00kg shells, 250 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1904 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      12 - 1.46" / 37.0 mm 70.0 cal guns - 1.72lbs / 0.78kg shells, 1,000 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1928 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
      4 raised mounts
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 double raised mounts
      24 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.44lbs / 0.20kg shells, 2,000 per gun
     Breech loading guns in deck mounts, 1928 Model
     16 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
      16 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 5,419 lbs / 2,458 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   7.68" / 195 mm   340.68 ft / 103.84 m   12.17 ft / 3.71 m
   Ends:   1.97" / 50 mm   236.71 ft / 72.15 m   12.17 ft / 3.71 m
   Upper:   3.94" / 100 mm   307.87 ft / 93.84 m   6.56 ft / 2.00 m
     Main Belt covers 91 % of normal length

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm   345.47 ft / 105.30 m   18.86 ft / 5.75 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   8.46" / 215 mm   3.94" / 100 mm      7.68" / 195 mm
   2nd:   0.98" / 25 mm         -               -
   3rd:   3.94" / 100 mm   0.98" / 25 mm      0.98" / 25 mm
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   5th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Protected deck - multiple decks:
   For and Aft decks: 3.35" / 85 mm
   Forecastle: 0.98" / 25 mm  Quarter deck: 1.57" / 40 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 7.68" / 195 mm, Aft 3.94" / 100 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 4 shafts, 64,013 shp / 47,754 Kw = 27.00 kts
   Range 8,800nm at 12.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3,148 tons

   754 - 981

   £1.469 million / $5.875 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 1,084 tons, 6.3 %
      - Guns: 1,084 tons, 6.3 %
   Armour: 4,652 tons, 26.8 %
      - Belts: 1,917 tons, 11.1 %
      - Armament: 1,041 tons, 6.0 %
      - Armour Deck: 1,526 tons, 8.8 %
      - Conning Towers: 168 tons, 1.0 %
   Machinery: 3,233 tons, 18.7 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 5,235 tons, 30.2 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2,593 tons, 15.0 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 536 tons, 3.1 %
      - Hull below water: 178 tons
      - Hull void weights: 50 tons
      - Hull above water: 55 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 70 tons
      - Above deck: 183 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     18,114 lbs / 8,216 Kg = 35.8 x 10.0 " / 255 mm shells or 2.1 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.08
   Metacentric height 3.3 ft / 1.0 m
   Roll period: 15.9 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 54 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.71
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.09

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has rise forward of midbreak,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.581 / 0.589
   Length to Beam Ratio: 8.38 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.03 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 53 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 12.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   26.00 %,  26.44 ft / 8.06 m,  24.08 ft / 7.34 m
      - Forward deck:   23.00 %,  24.08 ft / 7.34 m,  21.69 ft / 6.61 m
      - Aft deck:   36.00 %,  13.48 ft / 4.11 m,  13.48 ft / 4.11 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  13.48 ft / 4.11 m,  15.12 ft / 4.61 m
      - Average freeboard:      18.77 ft / 5.72 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 89.5 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 123.8 %
   Waterplane Area: 28,584 Square feet or 2,656 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 106 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 129 lbs/sq ft or 631 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.96
      - Longitudinal: 1.38
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room

Basic Refit of Asbara Class

1. Remove 57mm AA, add 37mm AA.
2. Add 23mm AAMG
3. New FC 108.4 = 108
4. Replace windtowers with Compressor AC.
5. Add Paravanes
6. Add second floatplane, expand hanger

Total Changes  : 27 guns, 13 mags, 163 misc wt = 230
Cost (just going 1/1000 for simplicty) : 0.23 $/BP

Misc Weight :  as refitted 19292

Const Resv : 60

108t Fire Control 1918
25t  LR Radio
25t  Searchlight Tower (NF)
25t  Hulesmeyer

5t - Paravanes
50t - Armed Float Plane x 2 (Normally 1x Ftr, 1x Scout)
5t  - Gunpowder Cat
10t  - Hanger structure amidships

15t - CO2 compressor AC
40t - Torpedo flat on stern, above armor deck, 18" , 2 tubes each beam firing through ports.

178t - torpedo nets

Decks : Engineering spaces 4m high, other decks 2.5m
+6.61m Forecastle deck
+4.11m  Weather Deck, Top of upper belt  (covers B to Y), top 25mm upper armored deck
+2.11m        Top of Main belt, protects slopes of deck from diving shells.
+1.61m  3rd, Armor Deck,  Crown of 60mm protective deck
-0.89m   2nd deck. lower edge of protective deck,  bottom of main belt
-1.60m          bottom of main belt
-3.39m  1st Deck
-7.39m  4m high Engineering Deck
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The Vazrya Class will join the Expeditionary fleet as they have flag facilities and will carry Shahanan Iskandar and Shirin to her wedding in Azteca, and so is being updated with new AA. 

This created a problem for me, as I needed to use the various Gun tabs for the AA....but I had used one to model communications tubes and armored FC domes.
So I've moved that weight to Misc Weight, the prior design exercise at least gives a validation for the amount allocated being close.
They still exist its just how they are accounted for gets changed.

Frankly I need a 6th gun spot, but don't have one, or else I'd have some 37mm. I expect it will be rearmed again with DP in a couple years, at which point the 90s will likely become 37s.

Vazrya BR29, Parthian Gilgamesh laid down 1916

   39,211 t light; 42,118 t standard; 43,971 t normal; 45,454 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (620.08 ft / 613.52 ft) x 111.55 ft (Bulges 121.39 ft) x (31.17 / 32.15 ft)
   (189.00 m / 187.00 m) x 34.00 m (Bulges 37.00 m)  x (9.50 / 9.80 m)

      20 - 14.37" / 365 mm 45.0 cal guns - 1,488.12lbs / 675.00kg shells, 105 per gun
     Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1916 Model
     5 x 4-gun mounts on centreline, evenly spread
      2 raised mounts
      8 - 5.12" / 130 mm 50.0 cal guns - 70.55lbs / 32.00kg shells, 300 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1916 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      12 - 5.12" / 130 mm 50.0 cal guns - 70.55lbs / 32.00kg shells, 250 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1916 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, forward evenly spread
      8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
     4 x Single mounts on sides, aft evenly spread
      4 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      12 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 23.92lbs / 10.85kg shells, 400 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1916 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      4 raised mounts
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 double raised mounts
      32 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.44lbs / 0.20kg shells, 2,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1928 Model
     16 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
      16 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 31,475 lbs / 14,277 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   13.8" / 350 mm   398.79 ft / 121.55 m   14.37 ft / 4.38 m
   Ends:   1.18" / 30 mm   214.70 ft / 65.44 m   8.20 ft / 2.50 m
   Upper:   2.56" / 65 mm   333.17 ft / 101.55 m   6.30 ft / 1.92 m
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Torpedo Bulkhead - Additional damage containing bulkheads:
      1.81" / 46 mm   398.79 ft / 121.55 m   34.94 ft / 10.65 m
   Beam between torpedo bulkheads 82.02 ft / 25.00 m

   - Hull Bulges:
      0.51" / 13 mm   398.79 ft / 121.55 m   24.61 ft / 7.50 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   14.2" / 360 mm   7.87" / 200 mm      13.0" / 330 mm
   2nd:   2.56" / 65 mm   1.18" / 30 mm      2.56" / 65 mm
   3rd:   2.56" / 65 mm   1.18" / 30 mm      1.18" / 30 mm
   4th:   0.24" / 6 mm         -               -
   5th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Protected deck - multiple decks:
   For and Aft decks: 4.92" / 125 mm
   Forecastle: 1.18" / 30 mm  Quarter deck: 2.95" / 75 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 13.78" / 350 mm, Aft 3.54" / 90 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Electric motors, 4 shafts, 38,249 shp / 28,534 Kw = 20.00 kts
   Range 7,080nm at 12.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3,336 tons

   1,517 - 1,973

   £7.370 million / $29.482 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 6,602 tons, 15.0 %
      - Guns: 6,602 tons, 15.0 %
   Armour: 14,288 tons, 32.5 %
      - Belts: 3,892 tons, 8.9 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 934 tons, 2.1 %
      - Bulges: 186 tons, 0.4 %
      - Armament: 4,465 tons, 10.2 %
      - Armour Deck: 4,347 tons, 9.9 %
      - Conning Towers: 465 tons, 1.1 %
   Machinery: 1,425 tons, 3.2 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 14,389 tons, 32.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 4,760 tons, 10.8 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 2,507 tons, 5.7 %
      - Hull below water: 594 tons
      - Bulge void weights: 50 tons
      - Hull above water: 39 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 354 tons
      - Above deck: 1,470 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     51,967 lbs / 23,572 Kg = 35.0 x 14.4 " / 365 mm shells or 9.1 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.13
   Metacentric height 7.5 ft / 2.3 m
   Roll period: 18.7 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 71 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.69
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.25

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has rise forward of midbreak,
     a ram bow and a round stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.663 / 0.665
   Length to Beam Ratio: 5.05 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.77 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 44 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 57
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   20.00 %,  23.79 ft / 7.25 m,  23.79 ft / 7.25 m
      - Forward deck:   35.00 %,  23.79 ft / 7.25 m,  21.33 ft / 6.50 m
      - Aft deck:   30.00 %,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  13.12 ft / 4.00 m,  13.94 ft / 4.25 m
      - Average freeboard:      18.62 ft / 5.68 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 99.2 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 121.3 %
   Waterplane Area: 53,053 Square feet or 4,929 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 92 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 248 lbs/sq ft or 1,213 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.95
      - Longitudinal: 1.49
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
   Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

1929 Basic Refit.

1. Changing how the modeling is done for the  armored communication tubes - from guns to misc wt.
2. Moving weight for Admirals bridge and Searchlight tower to 'above deck'
2. adding hulesmeyer, paravanes
3. Changing climate control from 'Windcatcher' to 'CO2 Compressor AC which I acount as a 0.1% tonnage.
4. moving torpedo nets from HAW to HBW where I normally budget them.
5. replaced 90L50AA with twinned 90L54AA.
6. Added 23mm AAMG
7. Repaid for the double FC 6602*.1 = 660.2 x 2 =1320.4 = 1320
8. 2x Floatplanes, Cat and Hanger

A) While modeling these, I wanted 4 armored communication tubes,

So my 5th gun slot is 4 x 100mm / 150 cal guns- no ammo - and 70mm splinter armor.
Basically proof against any non-AP hit.

They weight 284 tons.

They were to  house the FC directors at the top, and offering
a secure stair from the keel to the upper deck. Watertight hatches would segment the tube.
At the time I figured the double fire control and commo tubes would become 'standard'.

B) I need my 5th gun spot.
So I am removing them from guns, and placing them as on-deck miscellaneous weight.

COST : 110 guns & armor, 80t mags, 1320 FC, 75 redone quarters, 39 AC, 65 aircraft stuff
= 1689 = $1.69 . 1.69BP

Misc Weight
Void - 50t Reserve

25t - LR Radio
25t- Hulesmeyer
25t- Searchlight tower
1320t - FC 1918 2 sets (670t each)
75t- Admirals Quarters and Flag Bridge

5t - Paravanes
284t - Four Armored Communication tubes & FC installation (70mm)\
50t - 2x Floatplanes (1 ftr, 1 scout)
5t - Gunpowder CAT
10t - Hanger

39t - CO2 compressor AC

187 - Torpedo Nets
357t- Electric Drive (True range 8194 aka 28 days)
50t - Additional Pumps
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

 I find myself wondering if here- where I lack the gun tabs to add 37mms,
perhaps I should be making the GAST 23mms into single or twin 30mms.

The 30s would actually be much like the USN's 28mm, which was designed with biplanes in mind and had a very sensitive fuse.

Conceptually here, and the Vazrya class, the 90mm battery takes the place of the 37s with bursts at a distance,
Recenty I read that 'barrage' often wasn't so much a curtain all at a set distance, but more a cluster along the future flight path, so the plane would be flying into a string of exploding shells - which makes getting the exact distance and rate of change far less important.

Hmm, maybe I'll add 30s on the cruisers.

Stormbringer, Partha Battleship laid down 1915

   34,047 t light; 36,310 t standard; 38,484 t normal; 40,223 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (620.51 ft / 613.52 ft) x 104.99 ft (Bulges 114.83 ft) x (30.35 / 31.60 ft)
   (189.13 m / 187.00 m) x 32.00 m (Bulges 35.00 m)  x (9.25 / 9.63 m)

      10 - 14.37" / 365 mm 45.0 cal guns - 1,488.12lbs / 675.00kg shells, 120 per gun
     Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1915 Model
     2 x 3-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 raised mounts
      12 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 133.89lbs / 60.73kg shells, 240 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1915 Model
     12 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      8 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 240 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1915 Model
     8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 23.92lbs / 10.85kg shells, 600 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1915 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      4 raised mounts
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 double raised mounts
      32 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.44lbs / 0.20kg shells, 5,000 per gun
     Machine guns in deck mounts, 1915 Model
     16 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
      16 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 17,935 lbs / 8,135 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   13.8" / 350 mm   368.11 ft / 112.20 m   15.19 ft / 4.63 m
   Ends:   2.56" / 65 mm   245.37 ft / 74.79 m   12.80 ft / 3.90 m
   Upper:   3.54" / 90 mm   314.96 ft / 96.00 m   12.63 ft / 3.85 m
     Main Belt covers 92 % of normal length

   - Torpedo Bulkhead - Additional damage containing bulkheads:
      1.81" / 46 mm   368.11 ft / 112.20 m   33.79 ft / 10.30 m
   Beam between torpedo bulkheads 82.02 ft / 25.00 m

   - Hull Bulges:
      0.51" / 13 mm   355.84 ft / 108.46 m   22.15 ft / 6.75 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   14.2" / 360 mm   7.87" / 200 mm      13.8" / 350 mm
   2nd:   3.94" / 100 mm   0.98" / 25 mm      0.98" / 25 mm
   3rd:   2.56" / 65 mm   0.98" / 25 mm      2.56" / 65 mm
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   5th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Protected deck - multiple decks:
   For and Aft decks: 4.92" / 125 mm
   Forecastle: 1.18" / 30 mm  Quarter deck: 3.54" / 90 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 13.98" / 355 mm, Aft 3.54" / 90 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Geared drive, 4 shafts, 96,558 shp / 72,032 Kw = 26.00 kts
   Range 9,000nm at 12.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3,913 tons

   1,373 - 1,785

   £4.782 million / $19.128 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 3,683 tons, 9.6 %
      - Guns: 3,683 tons, 9.6 %
   Armour: 13,668 tons, 35.5 %
      - Belts: 4,454 tons, 11.6 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 834 tons, 2.2 %
      - Bulges: 149 tons, 0.4 %
      - Armament: 3,891 tons, 10.1 %
      - Armour Deck: 3,910 tons, 10.2 %
      - Conning Towers: 430 tons, 1.1 %
   Machinery: 3,657 tons, 9.5 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 12,223 tons, 31.8 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 4,437 tons, 11.5 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 815 tons, 2.1 %
      - Hull below water: 222 tons
      - Bulge void weights: 38 tons
      - Hull above water: 35 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 70 tons
      - Above deck: 450 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     54,554 lbs / 24,745 Kg = 36.8 x 14.4 " / 365 mm shells or 9.1 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.26
   Metacentric height 8.2 ft / 2.5 m
   Roll period: 16.9 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 51 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.43
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.02

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.630 / 0.632
   Length to Beam Ratio: 5.34 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 24.77 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 57 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   25.00 %,  26.08 ft / 7.95 m,  24.44 ft / 7.45 m
      - Forward deck:   28.00 %,  24.44 ft / 7.45 m,  21.16 ft / 6.45 m
      - Aft deck:   32.00 %,  21.16 ft / 6.45 m,  21.16 ft / 6.45 m
      - Quarter deck:   15.00 %,  21.16 ft / 6.45 m,  22.80 ft / 6.95 m
      - Average freeboard:      22.73 ft / 6.93 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 90.4 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 147.4 %
   Waterplane Area: 48,442 Square feet or 4,500 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 104 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 206 lbs/sq ft or 1,006 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.94
      - Longitudinal: 1.72
      - Overall: 1.00
   Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room

1929 Basic Refit of Stormbringer Class.

1. Replace 90L50 with two-gun 90L54AA
2. Replace 11.4mm MG with 23mm AAMG
3. New FC  375.1
4. Add Hulesmeyer, Searchlight tower, Paravanes
5. Replace Compressor AC with new model
6. Add 2 Fighter/Scouts and catapult

Costs : 78 guns * mounts, 135 mags, 374.1 FC, 75 other, 65 for aircraft stuff, 35 AC = 762.1

7.  Noticed an error. I finished 165L43s in 1914, so available 1915 for laydown,
but half the battery is 165L50s, doesn't make sense. Wierdly making the barrels shorter cost me 3 tons...don't get that.

Miscellaneous weight :
Void :
38t : Construction Reserve

Above Deck
375t : FC
25t : LR Radio
25t : Hulesmeyer
25t : Searchlight Tower

On Deck :
5t Paravanes
50t : Floatplane Fighter & Scout
5t : Gunpowder Cat
10t : Hanger structure

35t  - C02 compresser A/C

187t : Torpedo Nets
35t : Extra Pumps
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Continuing the 1929 Basic AA Refits, starting with the classes of the Expeditionary fleet,
we now have the Cruisers-   Royal Nissean IIA, Ranger, Maelstrom, Bakr.  As there are pair of Royal Nissean XV on the ways, a refit of that class is done as well.

Start with the Ranger

SC-14  Ranger, Parthian Cruiser laid down 1915

   4,964 t light; 5,249 t standard; 5,962 t normal; 6,532 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
   (424.87 ft / 419.95 ft) x 41.99 ft x (20.51 / 22.09 ft)
   (129.50 m / 128.00 m) x 12.80 m  x (6.25 / 6.73 m)

      4 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 180 per gun
     Quick firing guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1915 Model
     4 x Single mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 raised mounts - superfiring
      4 - 6.50" / 165 mm 43.0 cal guns - 143.30lbs / 65.00kg shells, 180 per gun
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1915 Model
     4 x Single mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      2 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas
      8 - 3.54" / 90.0 mm 54.0 cal guns - 24.25lbs / 11.00kg shells, 400 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
      12 - 1.18" / 30.0 mm 80.0 cal guns - 0.95lbs / 0.43kg shells, 1,000 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     4 x 2-gun mounts on side ends, evenly spread
      4 raised mounts
     2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 double raised mounts
      16 - 0.91" / 23.0 mm 90.0 cal guns - 0.44lbs / 0.20kg shells, 500 per gun
     Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1929 Model
     8 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
      8 double raised mounts
      Weight of broadside 1,359 lbs / 616 kg

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   4.33" / 110 mm   335.96 ft / 102.40 m   9.84 ft / 3.00 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 123 % of normal length

   - Hull void:
      0.00" / 0 mm     0.00 ft / 0.00 m   0.00 ft / 0.00 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   3.94" / 100 mm   1.57" / 40 mm      3.94" / 100 mm
   2nd:   0.98" / 25 mm   0.98" / 25 mm      0.98" / 25 mm
   3rd:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   4th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -
   5th:   0.31" / 8 mm         -               -

   - Protected deck - single deck:
   For and Aft decks: 1.57" / 40 mm
   Forecastle: 0.79" / 20 mm  Quarter deck: 1.38" / 35 mm

   - Conning towers: Forward 4.33" / 110 mm, Aft 0.00" / 0 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 3 shafts, 49,527 shp / 36,947 Kw = 29.00 kts
   Range 9,500nm at 12.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 1,283 tons

   338 - 440

   £0.761 million / $3.043 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 274 tons, 4.6 %
      - Guns: 274 tons, 4.6 %
   Armour: 1,051 tons, 17.6 %
      - Belts: 571 tons, 9.6 %
      - Armament: 88 tons, 1.5 %
      - Armour Deck: 361 tons, 6.1 %
      - Conning Tower: 31 tons, 0.5 %
   Machinery: 1,876 tons, 31.5 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 1,597 tons, 26.8 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 998 tons, 16.7 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 166 tons, 2.8 %
      - Hull below water: 10 tons
      - Hull void weights: 6 tons
      - Hull above water: 10 tons
      - On freeboard deck: 37 tons
      - Above deck: 103 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     4,326 lbs / 1,962 Kg = 31.6 x 6.5 " / 165 mm shells or 0.8 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.16
   Metacentric height 1.8 ft / 0.5 m
   Roll period: 13.2 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 50 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.86
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.23

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck,
     a ram bow and a cruiser stern
   Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.577 / 0.587
   Length to Beam Ratio: 10.00 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 20.49 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 63 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 41
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 12.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -6.56 ft / -2.00 m
   Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
            Fore end,    Aft end
      - Forecastle:   12.00 %,  20.73 ft / 6.32 m,  19.09 ft / 5.82 m
      - Forward deck:   45.00 %,  19.09 ft / 5.82 m,  17.45 ft / 5.32 m
      - Aft deck:   35.00 %,  17.45 ft / 5.32 m,  17.45 ft / 5.32 m
      - Quarter deck:   8.00 %,  17.45 ft / 5.32 m,  19.09 ft / 5.82 m
      - Average freeboard:      18.16 ft / 5.54 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 117.7 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 127.4 %
   Waterplane Area: 12,624 Square feet or 1,173 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 103 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 69 lbs/sq ft or 338 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.79
      - Longitudinal: 2.63
      - Overall: 0.90
   Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea
   Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space
   Excellent accommodation and workspace room
   Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

1929 Basic AA Refit.
The refit is similar to the Maelstrom class, a near sister.
The Rangers were built with the newer 165 to start, so that is unchanged.
1) upgrade 1g 90L50 to 2g90L54
2) Replace Gardners with GAST 23s
3) Add 2G 30mm
4) remove war tuba
5) Replace TT with 2TT4
6) Add Paravanes
7) Replace FC, Radios, NF

Tons :115+16+36+6+52 = 225
Cost : $ 0.225, 0.225 bp

Misc Wt :
6 - void Construction Reserve

28t- 1918 fire control
25t - Long range radio
25t - Hulsmeyer
25t - Searchlight tower amidships (NF)

5t - Paravanes
32 - 4TT2 21" Torpedoes 4t

10 - C02 compressor A/C

10 BD- extra pumps
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest