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Started by Kaiser Kirk, August 26, 2023, 12:47:56 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

I was cleaning up and merging files between my desk and laptop computers.
I try to "back up" my Navalism stuff every so often.

I came across this old sheet I made on where historic oil production vs. Navalism territories was.

That doesn't mean it lines up in Navalism.

We all know our home areas produce "Sufficient" oil for the military... groundline rule of N7.
The exact amount and source is a little vague, but Snip didn't want home area invasions, so it did not matter.
So Japan likely gets it's oil from the Sakahalins ....but we'll hand wave in small sources on each island,
so a blockade of Japan will not cut off it's oil.

NPCs however, or non-critical economic systems, are not covered. So there is some export trade.
Storyline wise, it highlights what I've noted- Parthia is probably the world's biggest exporter.
Pre-Game, Parthia and Azteca would be the two largest domestic producers, and then Parthia
has added several oil regions, while Wilno and Rome have also gained large ones.
Now, Venezula and the Persian Gulf fields aren't shown... I was just going by historical production, not N7.
Adding those early bolsters Wilno, and presumably Parthia.

For overseas territories though, they may not produce oil, and so interdiction of oil can become problematic.
It is kinda presumed there's some stocks  on hand, how much is problematic, but basically 6 months for the normal garrison
without resupply.  Start cramming more forces in, and their Deployment Points represent their logistics tail, which also
carry along (for simplicity) 6 months of supplies...or so.

The use of "points" for Land and Air units also means the question how much food & fuel was on that tanker that ran the blockade
or snuck in before the port closed is only half the problem, as how much is needed and how much may be on hand is unresolved.
Ironically that first became an issue when Snip ...who came up with the points and banned early wars...attacked the Aztec.

            Highest value 1914-1919      
OTL       N7      By area      
Appalachain Basin      Wilno/5 Tribes      49 MMB       49.0
Galicia      Wilno      6.6 MMB      6.6
Texas / Ok      Rome      77 MMB       77.0
California – LA/Kern      Parthia      77 MMB      77.0
Russia (Baku)      Parthia      68.5 MMB      68.5
DEI      Parthia      15.5 MMB      15.5
Persia      Parthia      10.1 MMB      10.1
British India      NPCs      2.6 MMB      2.6
Romania      Byzantine      12.8 MMB      12.8
Mexico      Azteca      87.1 MMB      87.1
Venezuela            -      
Middle East            -      406.2
   Note : CA in 1920 produced 77mmb, which was 38% of USA.                
   CA traded back and forth with Oklahoma/Texas as #1               
      Azteca      87.1 MMB      87.1
      Byzantine      12.8 MMB      12.8
      NPCs      2.6 MMB      2.6
      Parthia      77 MMB      171.1
      Rome      77 MMB       77.0
      Wilno      6.6 MMB      6.6
      Wilno / 5 Tribes      49 MMB       49.0

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

I know Nigeria's oil wasn't found till the fifties, but I've assumed and posted that it's producing at least a bit in N7. 

Does the actual nature of the oil fields make exploitation in the teens/twenties viable?  No idea, I haven't found any references to that effect. 

Kaiser Kirk

I did this a while ago out of simple curiosity. 
Shared because I ran across it, and why not.

This was simply working off where they were in 'the real world'..and I believe I was looking just at that first decade.
I remember finding that figuring out the information was difficult and beyond my curiosity level.

I expect that you have some in both Nigeria and Venezuela,
while the Parthians should be producing some in Trinidad as well.
Basically if you've built an IC to exploit a rich resource that happens to represent oil... you're probably pumping some.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest