It'll be over by Christmas: The Caicos Affair

Started by snip, October 16, 2020, 11:19:36 PM

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IC News & Stories thread for the 1914 Roman-Aztec War. Please keep comments to this thread.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


July 1st, 1914. Tenochtitlan. Roman Consulate.

Carine Amerighi, the Roman Ambassador to the Aztec Sultanate, had far too many late nights within the last few months. This month was off to a similar start as Carine and a small collection of other Roman diplomats watched July first tick over on the clock. On cue, the double doors to the room swung open, one of the Marine guards entered. He nodded to Carine, then took up a station on the interior left side of the doors. Following soon after was Minister Asad and an accompanying deputy. The two Aztecs approached as Carine and the other Romans stood up from their chairs.

[AD] spoke first. "I must confess, our meetings have normally run late, not began so. I do hope there is a good reason for this Mister Ambassador."

Carine nodded and gestured to some of the waiting chairs. "I do apologies for the hour, and I sincerely regret its necessity. Before we begin, I must say something personal. Man to man, as it were. Asad, I have the utmost respect for your skills as a diplomat. At no time during this have I been given reason to doubt your sincerity as an individual, nor your professional integrity."

"I too have valued your professionalism." Asad replied. "But I sense that my value in it is about to go far down."

Carine hung his head. "I am afraid it will. I only ask that you know I fought this with all my power and at the conclusion of the coming events I will be resigning my post in protest." He then took a sip of water. "What I am to inform you of is this, and I insisted I do this man to man, is that there is now an ultimatum regarding the Caicos."

"An ultimatum?" Asad practically spat the question. "Surly you cannot be serious? After all we have discussed?"

"I am." Carine replied, glancing quickly at the clock. "As of ninety seconds ago, a twenty four hour countdown has begun. The Aztec Sultanate has until 2359 today, July 1st, to accept the current deal presented by the Imperial Roman Republic." Carine slid a folder with several sheets of paper inside across the table. "You will find this to be the latest draft of the third-party transfer plan. With some edits of course."

"And what happens should we, rightfully I might add, not accept this strongarming?" Asad requested an answer with his piercing gaze.

"I am to inform you that should no answer be received, or the proposal be declined though sufficient alteration or outright, then the Imperial Roman Republic will move to secure the Caicos by force of arms on July 4th." Carine's heart sank at the words. Months of negotiations, gone in a snap. Why did they not give me more time?

Asad sighed. "So, it has come to this. I do thank you for communicating this directly, for that you are to be commended. I cannot give you an answer now, but I will return the courtesy and provide it to you in person." He then stood, the deputy following. "I do believe the answer you will receive is that of blood."

"That is the answer I fear Asad, but I am merely the messenger, not the author." Carine's voice was heavy with regret. "I will await your reply."

Asad did not bother to offer a parting retort as he stormed though the doors, deputy in lock step half a meter behind. It did not take long for the aggressive footfalls to fade down the hall. The Marine at the doors stepped back into the hall and pulled the doors closed, leaving Carine and the other Roman diplomats in the small room. Silence held thick in the air, each man contemplating what was to occur next. Minuets pasted before the air carried sound again.

"Ensure anything sensitive is destroyed." Carine said to the room at large. "Not a trace is to remain of any diplomatic communications or other private material. Burn them all."

The other men stood and left the room to begin the task, leaving Carine alone with his thoughts for some precious few moments before he departed to finish the killing of months of work, the way in which the conversation had ended telling him he was now doing nothing more than the kindness of putting down a lame horse.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


A short time later,  Inca embassy in the Aztec Fortress city of  Tenochtitlan.

The months have been good for the embassy. The unfinished looks gone, all the modern amenities working.  But Ambassador Puriq shifts uncomfortably in his chair.  The information brought to him by Aztec messenger did beat his loreseeker network by a consideral margin.

Luckely, in this case, the contingeny plan send by Cuzco anticipated something like this.   Officaly, the Inca are neutral in this conflict. Trade should go on undisturbed.   
The notion to ask the Inca to administer some specks in a far away ocean isn't something Sapa Inca was looking for.  Took some diplomatic footwork to dodge that bullet.

On the other hand, accepting that wild plan, would it have been better. It would have, maybe, avoided war between 2 great military powers.  Or was this war inevitable? After all, war is just diplomacy with other means than wits and platitudes.


July 1st, 1914. Rome.

The last day and a half had been a whirlwind for Amelia. At breakfast the day before she was informed that she had been summoned back to Rome at the request of the Emperor. This was quite out of character for her father, who had placed significant value on her education. By lunchtime she was on a special train headed south. This morning, the train had arrived as a nearby church tolled seven bells to signify the hour. There Amelia had been met by a pair of Pretorian Guards who had quickly whisked her away, not to the palace but to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was efficiently ushered inside though a side door, not the main entrance and shown to a small room deep inside the building. There she found her father waiting, the sound of conversation coming from the other side of a large double wood door.

"Good Morning father," Amelia opened the conversation while approaching the Emperor. "I do hope all is well?" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, hoping the nervousness in her voice was well masked.

Trajan VIII embraced his daughter. "I'm afraid not my little waterlily. Difficult decisions have been made and their consequences will soon be made publicly apparent." Trajan paused and stepped back before allowing his body to be wracked by a strong, unproductive cough. "And before you begin to worry, my health is not why you have been summoned. The doctors assure me all is well, but advise more rest which I cannot afford."

"Father you must listen to them." Amelia lightly pleaded. "If not to them then to me."

"When this crisis has been resolved, then I will rest." Trajan's tone came off perhaps a bit too close to a stubborn old man then he intended. "Now I must tell you of what transpires, should you need this information."

"What has happened father?" Amelia became painfully aware of how hungry she was at this moment.
"For the last months, we have been in negotiation with the Aztec Sultanate." Trajan moved to a chair and sat. "As you are aware, the Aztecs hold what is considered to be the southern half of the island chain we call the Bahamas. This has been the case since 1912."

Amelia took a seat. "I am familiar, the Bahamas are the most Europe-facing section of the gateway to Novus Francia."

Trajan smiled thinly, making it apparent just how tired he was. "As sharp as ever." Another cough broke up the end of the thought. "We have been concerned for some time about the Aztec occupation of the Bahamas, but after the Aztec attack on the settlement of San Diego more decisive action was needed. Along with our true and faithful negotiations, we have been making alternative plans."

"So the ship bearing your name and its escorts have gone to the New World then." Amelia recalled the day over a month prior when the two battleships were no longer in harbor, along with other light units.

"Indeed they have." Trajan replied. "This is because while we fully intended to honor any deal that was reached, so far no acceptable terms have materialized. Before the beginning of the negotiation it was felt that a plan needed to be in place to force the hand of the Aztecs, should the need arise. Based on what we know, that need has now arisen."

"What are you saying father?" Amelia asked, mind jumping to one person in particular.

"That about an hour ago, an ultimatum was delivered to the Aztec Sultanate via our consulate in Tenochtitlan. Accept the deal on the table or Rome will move with force to take control of the Southern Bahamas."

"How long do they have to make their decision?" The question floated free of Amelia without much effort.

"Twenty-four hours." The reply was crisp. "However, we do not expect a deal to take place. It was time for one final opportunity to handle this with peace."

Amelia was lost in thought for a moment. For the first time in a long while, Rome was going to war of her own choosing. Lives would be lost, lives she cared about. Some more directly than others.

Trajan pulled his daughter from her mind back into the small room. "If you are ready, you will be given the same briefing that I received before I gave the final permission to issue the ultimatum." He gestured to the double doors while standing. "If you will follow me."

Amelia followed her father to the doors. He knocked, the two short raps betraying the thickness of the carved wood. The conversation on the other side came to a rapid halt as the doors swung open. Inside the room was a large table with a map painted in detail on its top. Placed with care were many markers denoting unit positions, known Roman ones and estimated Aztec. Papers lay about in organized chaos, betraying the immense detail of the plans they held. The men, those in military uniform or civilian suits turned to acknowledge the Emperor and his heir enter the room. Trajan wasted no time.

"Come now, let us begin."

Late that evening

Amelia sat in the luxurious car of the train as it quickly left Rome behind, speeding off north into the blackness of the night. The days events weaved around her thoughts. Some details where sharper than others, where some units were placed, the description of the Aztec diplomats, and estimated casualty numbers. Amelia had processed the information as best she could, but could not shake the shear human cost. All the effort spent, time devoted, and lives that hung in the balance reduced to simple numbers. A line on a page indicating that the planners expected that many who were ordered to undertake this mission would not return. The use of percentages only serving to dehumanize what the number meant more. As the train hurried to return her to Brest and the Naval Academy, Amelia curled up in the plump chair, knees to her forehead and without meaning to, allowed the darkness outside to encroach upon the very fiber of her consciousness as the knowledge of what was coming began to eat away at her. She feared for all involved, but one above the others.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Carine stood in the window, looking down at the Embassy courtyard and the iron gates that had been closed ever since the Foreign Minister departed.  It had started oh, about two hours later, near the end of mid watch.  An imam, easily recognizable in his robes, had led a small group to the gates yelling for the infidels to leave.  Those had been firmly rebuffed by the Marine sentries.  What had transpired over the last two hours, however, had been a stronger reaction than even he had expected on such short notice.  The street in front of the Embassy was a mob.  Chants of 'Death to the Infidels' and 'Better Dead than Roman Slaves' were alternating in a cacophony of anger.  Behind the gates, the young lieutenant stood with two squads of Marines, their fixed bayonets glittering in the wan light.  Off to the side he could see the rest of his Marine guard setting up the one machine gun the embassy had, but he knew that would only delay, not stop, a crowd of that size.  Maybe Roman farmers, but not Aztec ones, his experiences in this humid land had shown Carine that Aztecs were almost suicidally brave, and fanatics when given a cause.  A cause like the Republic had given them with their demands and finally the ultimatum.

clang clang

A small party at the gate had found a makeshift ram and were pounding against the locked gates, the iron shuddering with each impact.  Carine grimaced, eventually they would break the gates, and then his Marines would kill and be killed in as the wave broke through his Embassy.

down at the gate

Lieutenant Deschamps watched the gate creak as the mob hammered at it.  "Steady, steady" he told his men "Hold your fire".  Knowing that ultimately the restraint was in vain, that the mob would eventually get in, and he assumed that there would be death enough for everyone before dawn broke over Tenochtitlan.  Another small party approached the gate, and the man at the head of this party, notable for their uniforms and that they were armed, said but one word in a command voice:  "STOP".  Four men went to ram the gate again, and one was clouted over the head with the hilt of a sword, dropping the makeshift ram.  The other three turned, and then immediately fell to their knees.  "Your Majesty" was said in hushed tones as the shouting mob fell silent, kneeling before the man with the close cropped beard and black uniform with multicolored baldric fringed in gold.

He uttered but two more words, softly, with no steel or threat, as if he was speaking to a small child.  "Go home", and men scrambled to their feet and parted as the sea before Moses as they hastened their way from the Embassy.  He then walked up to the gate, and Lieutenant Deschamps saw that indeed it was Ali, Sultan of all Aztecs, standing before him.  The Sultan, grey just beginning to salt his beard, looked at him solemnly.  "Open the gate" he said matter of factly, not a request, but not a command, more of an expectation that he wished the gate to be open and so it shall be.

"Open the gate" Lieutenant Deschamps said to two of his Marines.  "And lower your weapons".  Sultan Ali the 8th stepped through the gates onto the Embassy, something unheard of, especially at two in the morning.  "Lieutenant, show me to your Ambassador" the Sultan said, and walked through the door, leaving Deschamps scrambling to get ahead of him.  Of the sixteen imposing Eagle Warriors that had at some point come through the gate, two stood watch over the Marines, while two more followed the Sultan, the rest replacing the Marines in the now open gate as a warning to any who might try to give in to their baser instincts.

Ambassador Carine was caught wholly unprepared in just a shirt and trousers as he watched the Sultan come in below him and heard the telltale footfalls of men on the stairs coming to his study.  Without ceremonial fanfare, Sultan Ali walked into the room, his two shadows blocking Lieutenant Deschamps at the door and effectively sealing it with their presence.  "Your majesty, it is an honor....." Carine began only to be interrupted by a hand.  "It is no honor that I come here at this hour.  It is a necessity.  For I believe that you will understand what I shall say, things which your government seems incapable of comprehending." the Sultan says.  "My people were born in war, this city was built by war and reshaped by the great Civil War.  Our last war with the Mayans, which continues today, was started by their invasion of Oaxaca when your grandfather was yet a twinkle in his father's eye."

The Sultan sighs, and then continues.  "I know that Rome believes that they can have a short and victorious war.  That you are stronger than we, and you can gain the land you covet quickly and then force peace.  But I believe you know that this is folly.  Just as my people are not the paragons of effete civilization that a European might aspire to, they are a hardy and tough people, and a proud people.  To be threatened was insulting, but an ultimatum by which your Republic would assail my realm and my people if we do not bow and comply......this is not something that can be washed away with sophistry at some future date.  I tell you this so you may tell your people when you reach them, so that they might understand."

Carine replies.  "Your Majesty, I have told them that they should keep negotiating, that these things take time, but they fear that you would fortify the islands and then refuse to come to terms."  "True, terms might not have been possible.  But it was the Romans who chastised publicly every nation that they felt went to war without coming to a diplomatic agreement.  I have read that Romans consider War to be an alternate move in an endless cycle of diplomacy.  Such things may work with other European powers.  We have progressed beyond cutting the hearts out of our living prisoners, true.  But deep within the heart of every Aztec lies a warrior, and once roused that warrior demands to be sated in blood."

Carine just looked at the Sultan, there were no words left to be said.  Sultan Ali reached out and handed him a golden coin, the size of his palm.  "Take this token, and after what shall be, is, know that you can return to Aztec lands as a private citizen, and no one will deny you entry.  Now, your Marines will lay down their arms, and you and your staff will come with me to the station.  There you will board a train for Veracruz and be escorted by my Life Guards.  You will be placed upon a Norse flagged merchant being held for the purpose, and immediately depart for Europe.  And Rome has, by their choice, revoked their invitation to maintain an Embassy in Tenochtitlan."  Carine opened his mouth, but was again cut off.  "I have spoken" are the only other words of the Sultan as he turned and strode out of the Ambassador's study.

Carine stood there, the heavy coin in his hand, until a clearing throat brought him back to his senses.  He looked at the grizzled Life Guard Sergeant staring at him, and shook himself back to reality.  The next half hour was a flurry of activity as the Marines loaded their weapons into crates on the truck that came, and everyone boarded another two trucks and a touring car with what bags they could quickly pack and carry.  Ambassador Carine still held the coin as he boarded the empty train, Life Guards standing on both platforms of the single car, as it pulled out of the station its whistle mournfully signaled the end of his career, and of the Republic's long efforts to build a diplomatic rapport here......efforts he felt his government had squandered capriciously by their high-handed actions.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


A declaration widely circulated to all embassies in Rome on the morning of July 2nd. Distributed worldwide as communications allow.

On July 4th, 1914 the Imperial Roman Republic intends to begin hostilities against the forces of the Aztec Sultanate occupying the Southern Bahamas, also known as the Caicos. It is Rome's intent to confine the hostilities to the area around the Southern Bahamas, but expects that hostilities will be possible within the Gulf of Azteca and around Tamara Insula[1]. Merchants are advised to use caution when traversing the area.

As of midnight, on the 4th of July local time, Rome will be instituting a war material blockade. Any neutral-flagged shipping will be asked to submit to search and compensated for lost time in the event a search at sea is not possible. These searches will be conducted in Tamara[2]. The extent of the blockade will be across the waters between Tamara Insula and Sforzaterra[3] as well as between Tamara Insula and the territorial waters of the Peoples Republic of Maya. Any nations that plan to conduct Neutrality Patrols over the course of this conflict are asked to provide a clear identification of ships employed in these duties.

Additionally, Rome wishes it known that absent a formal Declaration of Neutrality, warships of the Empire of Japan attempting to transit to the Aztec Sultanate's Caribbean ports are to be considered War Material and will be interned for the duration of the conflict. Resistance to this will be met with force. Rome believes there to be sufficient military ties between the Aztec Sultanate and the Empire of Japan to constitute a defacto military alliance and as such absent a formal Declaration of Neutrality should be considered a party hostile to Rome.

[1] Cuba [2] Havana, Cuba [3] South Florida
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


July 5th, 1912

To:  Rome, Aztec
CC:  Other neutral powers
From:  Empire of Japan

The Empire of Japan notes the outbreak of hostilities between Rome and the Aztec in the western Atlantic region.
Whereas Rome has seen fit to single out Japanese ships, warships of Rome are no longer welcome in the Ports of Japan. Japanese merchants will be instructed to discontinue any shipments of weapons or ammunition to Rome.

Japan expects her merchants will be treated as neutrals, that all blockades will be conducted by the cruiser rules, that ships found in violation of blockade and / or bearing contraband will be subject to internment for blockade, and prize courts for contraband. 

We will work with both belligerents to ensure the blockade rules are satisfactory and enforced, and contraband lists clear and reasonable. Paper blockades have no value.

Failure to abide by the commonly understood rules, unreasonable blockade standards, or rash and wanton destruction of ships bearing the Japanese flag in violation of the rules shall not be tolerated.

Japan does not wish to become actively involved, and if the belligerents abide by the reasonable standards, Japan will not need to become actively involved.

For further information, please consult the Japanese diplomatic mission in your capital.

Japan further proposes that a joint commission be established to investigate and respond to any issues with neutral shipping.

Excerpt from The Tokyo Times, July 7th Evening Issue.

It has become clear that the power of Central Europe, the Imperial Roman Republic, can not be trusted to conduct itself as civilized power on the world stage. The outbreak of hostilities early this month over what amounts to a few small, insignificant islands has greatly harmed commerce around the world. It is a recognized fact that the Roman ultimatum that started this war places the blame for the conflict and the harm it has caused squarely with them. It is time for the civilized nations of the World to come together and show the nation of Rome how to conduct itself on the world stage.

This is not a formal communication from the Imperial Japanese government.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock

The Rock Doctor

July 3, 1914

QuoteThe Vilnius Union acknowledges the Imperial Roman Republic's declaration of July 2, 1914.

Should the warring parties seek third party mediation or other assistance in resolving the conflict, the Union stands ready to assist.

The Union navy will institute neutrality patrols in the Caribbean Sea between Choco and Boriken, the Mona and Windward Passages, and in territorial waters adjacent to Haiti.  The Union is open to cooperation with other neutral parties in these operations. 

Union merchant-marine vessels are advised to avoid the conflict zone and make use of the Mona or Windward Passages when entering or departing the Caribbean. 


Captain Acalan strides into Warmaster Abidi's Office, looking at the young Commodore with some shock.  In stark contrast to his own well worn butternut trousers and blouse, the Warmaster sat behind his desk in a crisp uniform of solid black, his rank stars on the high collar and baldric the only decoration.  On the desk between them sat a macuahuitl.  "Sir, the men continue to prepare.  Rations and ammunition have been distributed as per your orders.  2nd and 3rd positions are being prepared now as fallback shelters and camouflage is being applied as well as obstacles to impede landing on the best beaches."  "Very well, Captain.  I have been apprised that Rome intends to begin their operation some time in the next three days.  Put half the men in their fighting positions or shelters, the other half continue to work but with their weapons immediately accessible."  The Commodore looks at the Captain, still standing at ease.  "And yes, XO.  The Sultan has taken the black.  I will be moving to the bunker shortly, I doubt this house will remain hospitable for command long once the Roman Fleet batters its way past our valiant mosquito flotilla"  Captain Acalan salutes and walks out, pondering.  To take the black is to declare that a war is for the survival of the Aztec people from a superior invader.....such an action would mean no quarter asked for or given, and every Aztec knows their duty is to fight to the death to protect the homeland.  Striding to the Corporal of the guard, he gives the order.  "Corporal, retire the garrison flag."  The Corporal looks at his Captain, stoic but curious until he finishes his order.  "Hoist the Colors"  "Hoist the Colors Aye Sir is the crisp reply from the Seal Warrior"  As Captain Acalan steps into the Communications hut, the brilliant green and gold standard of the Sultanate is replaced with one equally with the Eagle and Crescent emblazoned upon it.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


July 2nd, Hidalgo/New Francia border.

Captain Atlacoya sat in her saddle in the heat as she watched the last of the Roman and Aztec merchants flee across the bridge, warned of a coming storm that would soon break upon the Rio Grande.  Her Troop had been assigned to patrol this series of border crossings and ensure the Roman agents or infiltrators did not attempt to sneak through, while the Jaguar Warriors and national service soldiers dug the last trenches and embrasures for guns and machine guns, finalizing previously laid defensive plans for the frontier.  Looking across, she saw a party of Roman Cavalry, matching her movements from their side of the river, and doing mirrored inspections of wagons as they transited. 

Taking her binoculars, she scanned the Roman troopers, and spotted one in particular that made her heart flutter just a bit.  Looking over her shoulder, she saw the end of the wagon train coming towards her, inexorably announcing the full closure of the frontier.  Atlacoya quickly put pen to paper, and then folding the note she prevailed upon the wagon driver to give it to the tall Sergeant Major on the other side of the river.

The note read:


I do not know why it has come to this, why your people want a war with mine after all we did to prevent one here on the frontier.  But I wish you all the luck that Allah can bestow upon you, and that the sun will keep his face on you and keep you safe until it is over.  I will write you when this is over, and I hope you will do the same. 


His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.

Kaiser Kirk

July 6th, 1914

To:  Rome, Aztec
CC:  Other neutral powers
From:  Parthian Empire

The Parthian Empire notes the outbreak of hostilities between Rome and the Aztec in the Caribbean.

Parthia expects her merchants will be treated as neutrals, that all blockades will be conducted by the cruiser rules, that ships found in violation of blockade and / or bearing contraband will be subject to internment for blockade, and prize courts for contraband.  Failure to abide by the commonly understood rules, unreasonable blockade standards, or rash and wanton destruction of ships bearing the Parthian flag in violation of the rules shall not be tolerated.

We will work with both belligerents to ensure the blockade rules are satisfactory and enforced, and contraband lists clear and reasonable. 
Parthian flagged merchants are hereby placed on notice that deliveries of armaments and munitions to either belligerents shall be halted for the duration of the conflict.

Parthia Ports shall offer shelter to belligerents for no longer than 48hrs, or for the duration of one of the regions perilous storms.

Should the parties be interested, Liguanea (Kingston) can serve as neutral ground for deliberations.
The region is still recovering from the 1907 earthquake, but there is sufficient space to meet the need.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

Officially, the NPCs are not 'open for negotiations', and the mechanism for tracking has not been established.  This is however a very unusual case due to events in HY1, 1914. 

Maya : The Maya, still smarting from the loss of their Colony to the Aztecs some months prior, inform the warring parties -
-Aztec : Any intrusion into our sovereign territory, in land or sea, shall be grounds for bloodshed.
-Rome : We grant your vessels the right of pursuit of Aztec vessels into our waters.

Frankly, if the NPCs were 'awake', then this would be a great time for the Mayans to strike the Aztec in retribution...but the NPCs are not awake.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


July 6th, 1914:

Captain Acalan crouched in the covered trench.  Shellfire hammered the beach, pounding the obvious positions, many of them laid as bait to waste Roman ammunition.  "Good, every shell wasted now is one less that they have later, they cannot maintain station indefinitely."  Looking to his left and right, he observed his brave Seal Warrior brothers, their khaki painted 'steel pot' helmets a new affectation after the brutal fighting on Point Loma almost six months ago and the lists of dead from head wounds from pieces of rock and shrapnel. Six months, now seemed like a lifetime as everything focused here.  Sand and Shrapnel rained down, even on this trench, rattling on the roof of tin and logs, as the great guns of the battleships offshore indiscriminately shelled the island that had been his home for nigh on two years. 

The Roman transports began their run in to the island.  "Yes, closer" Acalan hissed through his teeth, the Romans had obviously not known that the picketing Torpedo boats were there to warn neutral shipping of the hastily laid minefields in the archipelago.  Suddenly water spouted from the bow of one of the transports and then another.  "ALLAHU ACKBAR!" was shouted with each mine detonation, Allah had surely led the infidels into the mines to preserve his faithful defenders.  Some of the transports made for the shore, one appearing to nearly blow in half as it hit more mines in quick succession, but the others managed to beach in the shallows.  Still others of the Roman invaders lay further offshore, where their whaleboats would have to row for an extended time to reach the beach, further tiring crew and man in the surf. 

The transports that had beached in the shallows came under fire from the 10cm batteries, shelling the transports to wreck them and kill the Romans swarming down the scantlings for the water.  Roman shells answered and the gun crews dove for cover in their shelters as shells the size of ox carts roared overhead.

Acalan watched a Roman boat, just reaching the shore, take a hit from a 40mm gun sited to fire between the dunes directly at the beach, splitting the boat open like a banana as the explosive shell explodes amongst the invaders.  Antiquated by artillery standards, the little mountain guns were still terrible to infantry in close quarters, and he expected the quarters to be very close indeed before this battle was over, his hand idly fingering the hilt of his flyssa.  It had drawn blood once, in a duel in Veracruz when he was a lieutenant, it would certainly draw blood again before this day was over.

Another Roman landing craft hits the beach, pouring men onto the shore.  No sooner do they stagger out of the last of the breakers than the invaders are laid low with machine gun bursts from well hidden nests.  Roman Destroyers shell the beach, searching for the source of the gunfire, Allah willing their shells will not find them.....

The piercing sunlight began to fade as the sky darkened.  After all, this was the season of storms in the Caribbean, storms that his people knew by heart, and these European Romans by reputation only.  His native sea was a calm sea, but when the storms brewed up they could devour the ocean and make Allah's most devout faithful believe in the storm gods once more.  Once, his people had made sacrifices to the Sun God to induce his return to shine over their lands, and despite generations of service to Allah that bloodlust still pulsed deep within him whispering "Blood for the Sun God, Skulls for the Skull Throne"......
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


Press Release:

The peaceful Aztec people have been attacked in an unprovoked invasion of our sovereign territory in the Caicos.  This comes after good faith negotiations were summarily terminated by Rome and Rome issued an ultimatum demanding that we give the Caicos over or be invaded.  Even now the Infidel Romans are actively trying to kill the valiant defenders of the Caicos in their bid to dominate the region and force others to bend to their will.  The Sultan has indicated that such naked aggression will be met with stalwart defense, and that if the Romans wish to rule with an iron fist they will find it smashed against Aztec steel.  Neither the Sultan, nor the Aztec people, asked for this war, it is a war by Rome of its own making.  Prayers have been said for all those who will perish because of Roman avarice, and that the Roman people will demand that their rulers not pay for their own greed in the blood of their citizens.

The Aztec Navy would indicate that defensive minefields have been emplaced around Aztec territories to protect them from Roman attacks.  Neutral shipping will be met by patrolling vessels who will provide pilots to bring them safely through any minefields.  It is not the position of the Navy to risk neutral shipping.  Additionally, the Aztec Navy, in response to the Roman Navy's announced blockade, would indicate that neutral powers should consider all Roman ports in the Azteca Gulf to be closed to all shipping until the Romans cease their dastardly offensive war against the Aztec People.  Neutral powers are advised to tell their ships who wish to trade in non-military goods with Rome to use non-Gulf ports for the duration of the conflict. 
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


Byzantium is "neutral" in the conflict.

Damaged ships of the two belligerents will be able to repair in Salvador Harbor in Brazil for the damages linked to navigation.
No dry dock is built in this harbor.
The injured will be treated.

(idem Graf Spee - Montevideo).
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "