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Tales of the Aztec Sultanate

Started by TacCovert4, June 17, 2020, 11:33:21 AM

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A formal notice delivered to the Aztec consulate in Saint Rochelle roughly three weeks after the conclusion of the invasion of San Diego.

The unprovoked, undeclared, and unprecedented act of aggression against the Mayan colony of San Diego is not in the spirit of how civilized nations conduct themselves. There are expectations to when hostilities will begin between nations and these actions should not come as a surprise to the nations involved. The Aztecs should make reparations with the Maya for this acute, unprovoked, aggression and disavow the use of pre-formal declaration of war offensive actions. Should the Aztec government not talk these steps, they should thoroughly contemplate the precedent these action set for the dealings of other nations with regard to Aztec colonial possessions.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


(Battle of San Diego posts are still forthcoming, giving Foxy time to work on his.....just felt the need to respond to the above)

The Old City, Tenochititlan. 

The Foreign Minister was reached for comment about the statement by the Romans.  The following was his response:

Well, there are two things we can draw from the Roman letter.  The first is that they obviously feel themselves to be the sole arbiter of what is 'civilized' behavior, and seem to hold that only things approved by them are 'civilized'.  The second is that their educational standards for diplomatic staff must certainly be lacking.  The Romans clearly missed any number of points, so I will briefly address them:

First, as any Aztec schoolchild knows, the Mayans have been engaged in warfare against the Sultanate since the reign of Ali the 2nd.  The current conflict began in the reign of Ali the 5th and has continued to this day.  That war began with an unprovoked attack into Oaxaca province, and the carnage that ensued is the reason why the Oaxaca line exists and entire Army Corps of Jaguar and Eagle Warriors are deployed there to prevent such an attack happening again.  Border skirmishes in Oaxaca province continue annually with incursions by Mayan infiltrators and saboteurs. The important takeaway is that while various cease fires have been occasionally in place since the reign of Sultan Ali the 5th, the Mayans have never entertained a lasting armistice with the Sultanate and thus a state of war exists between the Sultanate and the People's Republic and has so existed since before the Romans decided to meddle in Western Hemisphere affairs or indeed before any of the Romans now loudly proclaiming their moral superiority were born.

Second, The People's Republic deliberately sought to colonize territory which would put it on an open flank of the Sultanate.  The Sultans have for a century invested in the defense of the Aztec Peoples from the depredations of the Mayans, moreso since they became godless communists who slay their own people for perceived slights.  Such an existential threat to the Aztec People must be defended against and has been with treasure and blood.  The possibility of the People's Republic having a toehold in territory that would directly threaten the very existence of the Sultanate could not be abided.  One might note that the Sultan has no interest in the other Mayan conquests as these border other nations including Rome and have no bearing upon the security of the Sultanate itself.

Third, The Mayans both provoked combat and shot first.  The Sultan in his wisdom had ordered that a lone cruiser, one of the oldest and smallest in the fleet, be sent into San Diego Bay to deliver the ultimatum that the Mayans repatriate themselves elsewhere and cease trying to threaten the Sultanate with invasion from the North.  The Mayan cruisers both pursued and fired first upon the Scout cruiser and His Majesty's Navy engaged only when the People's Navy had opened hostilities.  Even then, with the Mayans clearly demonstrating their lack of 'civilization' as the Romans call it, His Majesty's Navy gave the ground forces of the People's Republic a day to vacate the port city and to be repatriated back to the People's Republic.  The Mayans took that opportunity to reinforce and dig in further, causing an increased loss of life amongst our brave warriors of the Seal, Jaguar, and Eagle societies and amongst our valiant Japanese Allies.

Indeed, had the Sultanate behaved in the manner described by the Romans, the loss of Aztec life would have been far less as the Mayan forces would have never had the opportunity to deploy or indeed prepare their infernal defensive measures and the battle of San Diego would have been over before it had even began.  We apologize that we did not seek permission from Rome to protect our peoples and lands from the depredations of an enemy long at war with us....and in a part of the world which Rome has no interest.  The appropriate co-equal powers had been advised of our operations and some indeed sent observers or took interest in our operations.

His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


San Diego
January 7th

The first Japanese troops ashore where the 300 strong contingent of Imperial Naval Infantry aboard the Aikoku Maru. These were experienced troops, having seen combat at Jeju Island. They had also had time to study Aztec tactics, since the Aikoku Maru had transported Commodore Abidi back to Acapulco. Both proved vital as the naval infantry managed to pull off the landing under fire without too many issues, hitting the beach as part of the Aztec second wave. The Mayan defenders, proved to be ferocious fighters, even more so than the Chinese, but the weight of the combined Aztec and Japanese forces proved too much for them.

The second wave of Japanese troops was composed of an army brigade commanded by General Iroh, the elder brother of Admiral Ozai. Once upon a time Iroh had been a decorated veteran, in charge of one of the Japanese army groups in Korea. He had commanded the Japanese 3rd Army Division that held the line allowing the rest of the army to escape. However, the war had not come without cost. His only son had died in combat and he had been made a scapegoat for surrendering at the end of the war. As punishment he had been given command of a mere brigade and sent as far away from Japan as possible. As luck would have it he had been given one more chance to regain his honor.

The wily old general surveyed the landing operations with concern in his eyes. The Aztec assault had cleared the defenders and his troops would be able to land unopposed, but that didn't make things easier. Unlike his naval counterpart, he had had no significant contact with the Aztec commanders or the radio codes and talking with the navy was as hard as talking directly with the Aztec. His troops also had no experience conducting an amphibious operation and it showed. The plan had called for his forces to be completely ashore by noon, but it was late in the afternoon and they where still no where near complete.

Once ashore, the general's task did not get any easier, the bulk of his infantry had landed, but half of his artillery had landed on Mission beach on the wrong side of Mission Bay and the rest of his artillery and support weapons and all of his ammo was still on board the ships. Meanwhile Commodore Abidi was pushing for a prompt assault to take Point Loma, since the defenders there could still dominate all of San Diego Bay. Iroh may have been old but he still had a few tricks up his sleeve, and if all he got was unsupported infantry with limited ammunition, he would make it work.

"Commodore, we will launch a bayonet assault at midnight along this line. Tell your men swords and bayonets only, no loaded guns whatsoever, and no packs. If you can get your ships to maintain a slow but steady bombardment until that time, the noise should cover our approach."

At the stroke of midnight, the Japanese army brigade supported by Aztec troops launched their silent assault. Without time to dig in properly, the tired and outnumbered Mayan defenders where overran and as the sun rose, over the mountains to the east, the allied forces could be seen on the north shore of San Diego Bay [San Diego International Airport]. The Mayan Defenders on Point Loma were now cut off and the allied forces had gained a foothold on the hills. Casualties among the Japanese troops reached almost 20% but they had achieved their goals with bayonet steel alone.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


San Diego, Epilogue

After having a much easier time with the mere handful of machine gun nests and skirmishers in foxholes on Imperial Beach, the Eagle and Seal Warriors began moving to invest San Diego itself, with the 2nd Brigade of Seal Warriors reforming and the next morning leading a bay-side landing on Coronado Island, overrunning the positions there without much trouble.  The biggest fiasco in the Bay was when two ships of the fleet train went to anchor close ashore and ran into floating mines left behind by the Mayans.  Minesweepers then came in and cleared the remaining handful of dangerous devices before trying to assist the foundering vessels which wound up beaching themselves before settling on the sands of Coronado.

In keeping with their reputation as the seniormost warrior society, the 1st Brigade of Eagle Warriors thoroughly invested the Southern half of San Diego, advancing at a measured pace while bringing up artillery and machine guns in an inexorable if slow advance.  Snake Warriors, having come ashore on Imperial Beach, rode their horses afield, rounding up Mayan Patrols and advancing on San Diego from the East.  A pair of dug in machine guns held them up for hours as the cavalry did not have artillery and it was only after dark that squads were able to cut off and then assault the bunkers and take them. 

To the North, the Imperial Naval Infantry battalion divested themselves of their copious amounts of ammunition in order to supply the Army Brigade, to the great annoyance of the Army infantry.  Under General Iroh, the largely intact and now modestly supplied Army Brigade advanced on San Diego from the North, completing the encirclement and putting extreme pressure on the remaining Mayan forces.  Combined with the Cavalry managing to crack the Eastern defensive line, the Mayan defenders collapsed back into the city being pursued from all sides.  A short but sharp engagement ensued as Mayan platoons found themselves cut off and surrounded by vastly superior numbers, but under the direction and fear of their Commissars fought valiantly before being overrun. 

Commodore Abidi's force was pretty well spent, having assaulted into the teeth of the best preparations the Mayans could muster.  With his brigade now a battalion, he knew that honor had been satisfied and he should let the 2nd Brigade and the Eagle Warriors, or the Jaguar Brigades just offshore take Point Loma.  But looking on the blasted moonscape, he surmised that the Mayan defenders had to be shell shocked and couldn't have much fight left in them.  Organizing his own Marines and the Japanese into a composite regiment, the Naval Infantry and Seal Warriors advanced on Point Loma even while San Diego was overrun.  The fighting was close, the terrain and the shell craters meaning that troops would suddenly find themselves in contact.  Japanese Naval Infantry, having given up much of their ammunition, found themselves using the pistol-caliber carbines of fallen Seal Warriors as they advanced with their Aztec counterparts.  Just before the final desperate bastions in a few houses within the city fell, Commodore Abidi watched his men raise the Aztec and Japanese flags on Point Loma, accepting the surrender of the remaining wounded or shell shocked Mayans left.

Local doctors, along with ship's surgeons and the fleet train flocked to San Diego bay as the wounded of all nations were treated.  Snake Warriors spent the next two weeks rounding up outlying patrols as the Eagle Warriors took to maintaining the prisoner camp and patrols of the city.  A parade was had through San Diego to signify the success of the operation. 
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.

The Rock Doctor

"I'm still trying to understand why the Japanese are here," Podporucznik Florczyk remarked (in Polish) to Starszy Bosman Lewandowski as they peered through binoculars from the Acupulco. 

"Sorry, sir, my knowledge of Aztec is pretty much limited to things involving food, alcohol, and tobacco," Lewandowski replied. 

"Better than mine," Florczyk noted.  "I assume they've just got a working relationship of some sort."

"Seems a safe assumption, Sir."

"The whole thing makes me wonder if something larger's going to follow, or if the Mayans will avoid escalation."

Lewandowski nodded.  "A regional war would be a pain in the arse for certain, Sir.  We've got a few borders with the Mayans these days.  Be awkward to have fighting there."

"Might slow down that canal we're digging," Florczyk mused.

"Doubt it, Sir.  Think the Mayans, Aztecs, and just about everybody else might find the thing useful, assuming it's actually completed.  Wouldn't surprise me at all if the government's got secret deals with everybody to ensure it stays safe."


"Aye, Sir."

"Huh.  Can't say I find the government competent enough for that sort of skullduggery.  Just between you and me, of course."

Lewandowski nodded.  "Mum's the word, Sir.  Oh, look, that Aztec tub made it ashore.  They might salvage it yet."


Post San Diego Reports and Rumors:

A few things have come out in the post-San Diego environment vis a vis the operation itself.  They are as follows:

-Heavy Machine Guns, rifle caliber water cooled guns, are inadequate to support troops on the attack and smaller weapons must be made available at the Platoon level to enable troops to engage machine guns without incurring horrendous losses.

-The defense is incredibly strong in the age of the Machine Gun

-Cavalry Forces are openly demanding some form of mobility for their own machine guns to bring them into action without necessitating dismounting and assembling them under fire.

-Fire support must be continuous in the attack, whether that is from separate or organic fires is left as an open question
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


Diplomatic Rumors

The Mayan 'representative' as the Sultan does not recognize an ambassador from the People's Republic, was spotted leaving the foreign ministry in a sullen mood.  Sources say that the Mayans demanded the return of their land at San Diego and were firmly rebuffed.  Sources also said that the Foreign Ministry attempted to open talks with the Mayans for a lasting peace and were denied a conference for such outright.  Confirmed Sources showed Mayan prisoners of war being marched past the Oaxaca line to the People's Republic, a gesture which the People's Republic claims that they could not reciprocate as they do not have any Aztec stark contrast to the hundreds of Aztecs which have been reported to have been taken captive over the past 10 years alone in raids by Mayan forces in Oaxaca.

The Roman Ambassador was also spotted at the Foreign Ministry with an entourage.  Confidential Sources say that talks have been initiated over the continued ownership of the South Bahamas, but none of this could be confirmed at press time.  No official announcement has been made by the Foreign Ministry and questions about the nature of the Ambassador's visit were replied to with "an afternoon meeting over tea" and "no comment". 

The Vilnius Union Ambassador was also spotted at the Foreign Ministry, which would not be uncommon considering Vilnius Observers were present to ensure impartial reporting of the operations in San Diego.  No comments were given by either party on any additional talks.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


Quote from: TacCovert4 on September 30, 2020, 08:36:09 AM
The Roman Ambassador was also spotted at the Foreign Ministry with an entourage.  Confidential Sources say that talks have been initiated over the continued ownership of the South Bahamas, but none of this could be confirmed at press time.  No official announcement has been made by the Foreign Ministry and questions about the nature of the Ambassador's visit were replied to with "an afternoon meeting over tea" and "no comment". 

If desired, confirmation of said meetings over tea with no further comments about conversations would be confirmed by the Roman Foreign Ministry.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


June 15th, 1914:

Melbourne Naval Infantry Installation, Australia:

Captain Ohtli stood at attention on the vast training field as numerous Japanese Army and Naval Infantry Officers as well as some Incans took their places in the stands of what was now her 'classroom' writ large.  Barely twenty years old, and already a captain, showed the pace of action and the expansion of Queen Fatima's Light Cavalry.  A select hundred were pulled from Hidalgo province and sent across to Zealand Colony along with some other replacements.  While her own trip had been rather smooth sailing on HMS Sojourner, the first fast fleet replenishment ship to come off the ways in company with a pair of SC-1 class cruisers, a number of her troopers and the large number of horses had a much less enjoyable voyage, having to steam around the rim of the Pacific due to a need to recoal the older transport vessels.  New transports were already being built by civilian yards, powered by oil for smaller crews and designed for the long voyage across the Pacific from Azteca to Zealand. 

"Gentlemen, welcome to the Kiheigakko.  I am Captain Ohtli of Queen Fatima's Light Cavalry.  I am the Commandant of this school and will supervise your training in the cavalry arts as they have been learned by the experience of the Aztec Sultanate in North Erica." 

She notices a number of Army officers, many of them wearing katanas, talking amongst themselves and ignoring her.  Considering her speech to be roughly finished, she marches directly for them in front of everyone present.  "Gentlemen, do you have a question?" she inquires. 

"You're a woman" one of the Army officers replies, stating the obvious.  "And?" is the captain's reply.  "And a woman could not possibly teach a man about warfare", the Army officer continues, several of his counterparts chuckling. 

Knowing that there would be some pushback against her being camp commandant, Captain Ohtli had purposely given her speech in front of the skill at arms course.  "Well Sir, if you bother to read the papers, you would know that Queen Fatima's Light Cavalry have been fighting the nomad tribes of the Ericas for the last 18 months with great success.  And the Comanche are a vicious but equally effective people, and roundly considered to be some of the greatest light cavalry on earth.  But since it is obvious that you do not read Sir, I suppose I will have to show you the final examination for individual skills"

Captain Ohtli mumbles a quick prayer to Allah as she stalks to her mount.  Leaping into the saddle she spurs her rugged desert pony to full speed in only a few lengths.  Drawing her pistol, she fires at the pistol targets as she passes, sending the little iron plates swinging.  Reaching the end of the course, she swings out of the saddle, and without taking the reins from her hand kneels her horse and her and fires twelve rounds from her Lee-Navy rapidly at the two targets two hundred yards distant, including a rapid reload.  Jumping back into the saddle while her horse is standing up, she slings the rifle onto her back and draws her scimitar as she rides through the saber portion of the course, demonstrating cuts through the targets as she dodges through the poles using her knees to control her mount. 

Reaching the end of the course, her scimitar still in her hand, she salutes the Army officers who had been mocking her.  Her chief detractor stands there, mouth somewhat agape.  Captain Ohtli motions to one of her troopers.  "Sir, if you believe that there is nothing about war I can teach you, then take the horse from her and pass your exam.  Otherwise, I believe your Emperor and my Sultan have placed us here to learn from one another and to share experiences to benefit both our armies."  The officer gives a slight bow and steps behind some of his brother officers.

"Gentlemen, training will begin tomorrow at 0500hrs.  My Sergeants and troopers will train you on individual skills and lead you on rides into the Outback to train you on what is needed to be effective at long-range cavalry operations.  Then myself and my officers will train you in how to operate troops and regiments of cavalry.  All of these lessons are important.  I cannot train all of your men, it will be your responsibility to both train and maintain the skills of the men under your command.  Being a skilled cavalry trooper is far more complex than standing watch and occasionally shooting, as many soldiers do.  It requires scouting skills, communications, understanding maps and terrain even at the sergeant level, small unit tactics, initiative, and more individual skills than most soldiers will use in their whole career."

Captain Ohtli then answers some questions.  Yes, this had been a productive day, and at least this time she wasn't being shot at.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


June 16th, 1914
Grand Turk, Caicos

Major Acalan reads the transmission with some confusion.  He had been stationed on the Caicos for nine months now, commanding officer for the two Coast Defense Brigades on the islands.  As was custom, small colonial postings did not have a senior officer, but rather an up and coming field grade officer in command of their forces, as a quiet way to acquaint those on a track for a generalship on the finer points of managing larger forces in a relatively low risk environment.

The Major, barely twenty eight, looks at the message again.


Rereading the four lines did nothing to make him reassured or even cognizant of what could be happening back home.  The Caicos had been a quiet posting.  Machine Guns, indeed most rifles, had been stored in brigade armories beside the 40mm mountain guns and 70mm field guns.  The two Coast Defense Brigades, regiments really with only a single rifle battalion and a machine gun battalion instead of the traditional brigade's three rifle battalions, had formed defensive plans, but nothing had been constructed because no defensive works were needed.  The Mayan threat had fizzled, and aside from the addition of two squadrons of torpedo boats, nothing had changed on the island.  Those torpedo boats lay in Grand Turk harbor even now, though one could hear increased activity in the harbor over the quiet sounds of the morning.

However, orders were orders, and Majors did not question Headquarters.  Major Acalan ordered the field guns to be towed to their preposition sites to cover the beaches on the defensible islands, the 40mm guns for direct fire against the beach while the 70mm guns were sited behind dunes to fire on shipping that strayed too close.  Coast Defense troops, a mix of men on their National Service and Seal, Jaguar, and Eagle warriors who had received permanent injuries that would make them ill suited to maneuver warfare, began digging in machine gun nests to sweep likely landing areas with fire, and the old 1895 machine guns were pulled out of storage and prepped by their sites, ammunition chests laid in under cover and roving armed patrols protecting the decentralized ammunition from sabotage or theft.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


June 26th, 1914:

The Caicos (aka S. Bahamas)

Major Acalan is roused from bed just after dawn, having spent the whole of the previous day and well into the night in a circuit of his command doing a personal inspection of preparations.  Preparations for what he still did not understand, the Romans surrounded the Caicos on all sides and there had never been the first inclination of hostility from his counterparts, indeed he had grown quite fond of Cabernet Sauvignon and always made sure to have a stock of Tequila on hand when he had hosted Roman officers in his home.  Those invitations and replies to his invitations had dried up as of late however, which was curious.  Certainly Rome could not feel threatened by two short brigades and twenty motorboats operating out of islands as small as the Caicos. 

"Sir, ships have arrived off Providenciales and Crooked Cay" Acalan's batman says to the Major as he pulls on a fresh uniform.

"Well, we were due for a supply run, overdue in fact" Acalan replies, "The islands have a robust fishing industry and are good for coconuts and some fruits, but not for grain or more than a few chickens and goats"

The batman's reply shocks the Major "Sir, I was advised to tell you that there are two Colonels of the Eagle who are in need of your orders".  Major Acalan recoils in the middle of pulling on a simple day tunic.  "Colonels of the Eagle?  How many ships did you say are here?"  "Five troopships, Nine transports, four destroyers, five minesweepers, and two cruisers in escort"  Major Acalan quickly switches to his dress uniform, furiously buttoning his tunic up and buckling on his flyssa.  "Have a boat readied corporal" "Already done sir, An MTB is warming up in North Creek ready to take you." "Advise the Colonels that I will meet them at the Sultan's" the Corporal salutes and leaves the room headed for the sole wireless station on Grand Turk.

Major Acalan nervously rides the MTB across to Providenciales, the major 'town' of the Caicos, the Ensign commanding the boat pushing her somewhat aged petrol engines to flank speed for the transit.  Jumping onto the fishing wharf, Major Acalan steels himself to a proper command demeanor as he walks into the Sultan Ali Hotel, the only one on the islands and into the dining room which has been cleared of non-military personnel, in itself unusual as the hotel is a prime lunch spot for the businessmen and magnates of the fishery and coconut plantations.  He spots two senior officers at a table, and salutes them.  "Major Acalan reporting as ordered".

"Sit down Major, our orders are actually to report to you, one of the grey haired officers of the Sultanate's elite light infantry chuckles"  Major Acalan sits, baffled at the morning's events.  "We are directly delivering an explanation for your orders from the 16th of this month.  The Foreign Minister was approached by the Roman Ambassador in Tenochtitlan about Rome acquiring the Caicos from us.  Negotiations have continued for over a month but have not borne fruit.  Rome considers the Caicos to be a threat to their supply lines, why we do not understand as we do not court war with the Republic.  But in the negotiations, the Romans have referenced Operation Typhoon in San Diego, and implied that if the Sultan does not agree to turn the Caicos over to Rome....well, Rome would take direct action.  The Ministers of Defense and War and the Sultan himself, are in agreement that such potential actions must be prepared against if good faith negotiations are to continue.  The Caicos are a strategic position to ensure the safety of our trade as well as a key position in the outer layer of defense of the Sultanate and its fisheries in the Azteca Gulf. Therefore two Brigades of Eagle Warriors and one of Seal Warriors have been dispatched to the Caicos to reinforce both the physical defense and the deterrent against aggression by the Republic against the Sultanate.  We were sent specifically because the deployment of Eagle Warriors would be publicly seen as a personal step by the Sultan to deter any aggression.  Our orders are to follow your defense plan, Major, and improve what defenses can be reasonably improved prior to the Commander arriving."

"And who will be commanding all of this?" Major Acalan says, "Certainly a mere major is not qualified to command such a force.  And should there not be a Colonel of Seal Warriors here as well?"

"The commander will be arriving in a few days, and the Seal Warriors sent did not include a command staff, so evidently our commander will be from your Society, which is reasonable given the island nature of the Caicos"

Major Acalan sits back, still in shock of the Morning's events.  Seal and Eagle Warriors could be reliably transported without information being disseminated, the two Societies were well known for efficiency and secrecy in their movements, unlike the Jaguar Warriors which formed the bulk of the professional army and typically had large artillery trains and other excessive logistical needs.  Obviously the Defense Ministry did not want word going out that even a modest reinforcement of a position was occurring.

"Gentlemen, I would say that currently the best course of action would be to replace my coast defense troops here on Providenciales with one of your brigades.  The other Brigade would be best to deploy onto Inagua, the other largest island in the chain and replace my coast defense troops there.  I could then consolidate my coast defense forces and the Seal Warriors into a single reinforced command to protect Grand Turk, where our MTB squadrons operate from, as well as Crooked Cay and the smaller islands."  Thinking for a moment of his experience with the local Roman commanders, he adds "The local Romans will likely consider the presence of troopships, with their inherent landing capabilities, as a threat to their own province of the Bahamas, or potentially an initial invasion force for Cuba."

"That has been arranged," one of the colonels replies.  "Once our troops, and the MTB squadrons have disembarked, every non-essential ship will be departing to return home.  At all costs we are not to provoke the Romans, but to provide a deterrent sufficient to keep the Romans at the negotiating table, and if negotiations fail to preclude them taking a rash and ill advised action."

Throughout the day and night and into the third day, ships offloaded Eagle Warriors and Seal Warriors, machine guns, 40mm and 70mm artillery, and two additional MTB squadrons as the minesweepers maintained a picket.  The four old Scimitar-class Destroyers and two old Scout-class protected cruisers established themselves at Cockburn Harbor, keeping an anchor watch around a collier but under orders not to sail in patrol unless provoked or given new orders.  Patrolling was done solely by MTBs operating out of North Creek, except near the Bahamas, where a lone minesweeper maintained a patrol between Long island and Crooked Island taking extra care not to stray remotely near Roman waters. 
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


June 30th, 1914

The Caicos

Major Acalan only thought he had been exhausted before.  Over the past four days he had found new heights of perspiration and new depths of exhaustion as he worked to slot the reinforcements into his defense plan.  A defense plan built for two Coast Defense Brigades suddenly found itself required to expand to encompass five brigades across four major and three minor islands within his command area.  The headquarters on Grand Turk found itself forced to rapidly expand, and the support vessels and logistical troops had been busy building encampments which were to be replaced with temporary barracks as soon as possible.  Light timber buildings and even tents had been thrown up on Grand Turk, along with a second wireless station and wireless stations on other islands to allow for even limited communications.  Five brigades, over almost a thousand square miles of islands surrounded by the Atlantic to the East and the Azteca Gulf to the West.  He had slept on whatever MTB he used for transport on a particular day, North Creek suddenly finding itself with two score of the forty ton boats anchored in the shallows or run onto the beach.  In the evenings he had hosted numerous Vilnius officers, reassuring his contacts with Hispanola that the Sultanate was only reinforcing the Caicos defensively and noting to them the ships that were departing daily as they were unloaded.  Of particular difficulty had been unloading the MTBs, as only a single crane capable of unloading a 40t boat was in the entire Caicos and it took an entire day to unload them....that crane also being a necessity to unload the 70mm guns from within the holds of their transports and onto lighter barges for transit to the various islands.  The few draft horses and even oxen had been shifted hither and yon to assist, and it was telling that even the elite Eagle Warriors were looking scruffy and unkempt as they toiled daily on field fortifications, shirtless in the miserable heat that even a hundred generations of living in a tropical climate could scarcely prepare one for.  Major Acalan had signed for what had to be hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition, as well as three field brigades worth of the improved 1910 6mm Machine gun and the water-cooled 1911 Navy 8mm machine gun.  Pallets, once emptied, had been given to the artillery to use in reinforcing the sandy pads of the new gun sites as they were surveyed and prepared.  Nearly every tree not a part of a plantation had been felled to provide additional lumber for fortifications, buildings, gun positions, or temporary spotting towers, and the work had not become easier as logistics troops were shifted off the islands with their ships as ships were unloaded....the numbers of men going from a quarter of the colony's population to nearly doubling the population overnight, with the associated strain on resources as even the logistics sent struggled to keep up.  More ships steamed in and out daily to provide both the resources needed in the immediate, and the stockpiles needed to reduce the strain on the logistics train.

His batman, equally haggard, rushes into Major Acalan's office.  "Sir, a cruiser was spotted, steaming fast for Grand Turk".  Acalan tiredly climbs the steps to the observation porch atop the roof of his two story residence. Grabbing a pair of binoculars, he spies a ship pouring smoke as it steams for Grand Turk.  Looking down at the identification chart he muses.  "looks like SC-1 class, she's probably doing well over twenty knots with that much smoke from oil burners.  Either it's a hand delivered message, or our commanding officer has arrived, either way prepare an MTB so I can meet them."

Half an hour later, Major Acalan climbs the ladder to board His Majesty's Ship SC-2.  Stepping into the wardroom, he slams his feet into parade ground attention.  "Commodore Abidi, Sir" he says.  "Captain Acalan, I see you have been busy" the Commodore says from the wardroom table.  "It's Major Acalan sir" the major replies.  "Captain Acalan, I am rarely incorrect in my presumptions of rank.  Especially when I have been declared warmaster for the Caicos defense and given the right to brevet officers at my will.  I will not have my executive officer be a mere major of the Seal Warriors."  For the second time in a week, Captain Acalan stands in shock.  A double brevet by a warmaster would mean that even when whatever crisis might have cause the appointment of one to abate, Acalan could only be reverted one rank.  In effect he had been promoted out of the zone to Commander regardless of what might transpire between the Sultanate and Rome.

"Well then, Captain, if you would brief me on how you have arrayed my forces to defend this colony and stop standing there dumbstruck, I would appreciate it" the Sultan's first cousin, and the bearer of the Star and Crescent for his actions on Ocean Beach, said.  "Sir, I can't believe you were sent here.  I thought you were in San Diego?".  "I was, but my cousin wanted a combat veteran commanding this deterrent force, and someone whom he had the utmost confidence in both fighting ability and ability to diplomatically handle our Roman neighbors without creating an incident they could use as a flimsy justification for an aggressive war.  So a ship, three trains, and a ship later, I and what's left of my staff are here.  Now, about that briefing if you will..."  "Absolutely sir.  Will you be remaining aboard or should I show you to your headquarters?". Captain Acalan replies, still quavering slightly.  "I will go ashore.  My cousin does not want to station such a fast and long-ranged ship as this in the Caicos, he said that the Romans have been adamant in their fear that the Sultanate would use the Caicos as a base for long-ranged raiders and this ship could easily be used as one.  So we will do this ashore, and the captain will steam for Martinique for oil and to tune the turbines before heading to Angola to advise the General there and the station ships as news of this diplomatic spat between the egg heads in the Foreign Ministries would have reached there but not orders to do nothing to provoke Rome while maintaining vigilant guards on the ports.  I'm sure the General has forces protecting the ports, and the cruisers as well, but my cousin and I agree that he may need to be reminded not to take any actions that could be considered a provocation."

Commodore Abidi, along with a few staff, most favoring arms, limping, or otherwise showing the effects of their all too recent injuries in San Diego not having fully healed, make their way onto the waiting MTB and a launch before heading up North Creek and to Headquarters, Caicos Defense Corps, the somewhat odd name for the collection of permanent structures and tents that made up the headquarters of the unified defense of the islands.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


Meanwhile, in Hidalgo Colony

General Actazuma wished he had just stayed retired.  Coming out of retirement to lead an experimental Brigade of cavalry was one thing.  But now, nearly eighteen months later, he was sick of the endless wastes of Hidalgo.  And he definitely was not thrilled with his new orders, though with them came the prestigious title of "General de Corps".  With the recent tensions building in the region, Hidalgo had been elevated from a highly active backwater colonial endeavor where a division organization had successfully fought the Comanche and were already drawing up preparations to move into Cheyenne territory in the coming months.

Now, he was no longer a general of an ersatz division within a division.  Now he was a Corps Commander within Army Group North, as the expanded command had been named.  The newly laid track had allowed thousands of Jaguar Warriors to come North, and his own Snake Warriors had seen their ranks swell as second and third brigades of Queen Fatima's Light Cavalry had been formed.  It seemed that even with the solution to the previous minor crisis on the border, reprimanding Captain Atlacoya and holding a bright young officer at her rank when she should have by rights commanded a full squadron in one of the new brigades, had not caused all of the multiplicity of crises with Rome to abate.  The current diplomatic kerfuffle, though the ministry had been scrupulous about releasing too much information some had gotten out and caused a mild uproar in the media that even the Sultan's weight to clamp down on the anger at Rome's presumption that they could just 'take' the Caicos couldn't fully squash.  And so, while Hidalgo had been prepared to stage a Corps for movement North into territory ripe for acquiring, it was now hurriedly being upgraded further.  Already Fifty Thousand soldiers and troopers stood in the province, straining logistics as yet more troop trains were scheduled to arrive.  A balancing act, and in more than one way.

For he was under orders to hold a tight leash on his troopers.  As the most forward deployed of all forces save those at customs points on the Rio Grande, his cavalry were under orders to not draw anywhere within ten kilometers of the border so as to not provoke the Romans to any rash actions.  He had ironically placed Captain Atlacoya in charge of the border patrol route, knowing that she would rather die of shame than stray into Roman lands again.  And as he struggled to keep water, fodder, and other supplies moving to his outlying commands he wondered aloud.  "Why would the Romans poke a resting Jaguar and force it to have to make such preparations.  These things never end well if they go too long unabated, for it is easier to form an Army Group than it is to dismantle such a prestigious command, and it's unlikely that once this crisis has abated the Sultan will order Army Group North to dissolve as an organization.  A move made to satiate an angered public quickly becomes a new policy which quickly becomes a traditional policy....."
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


June 30th, 1914

The Old City, Tenochtitlan

Constructor Ueman toiled away in his office, looking over various reports as he prepared a series of construction plans for the Sultan's review.  The Office of the Defense Ministry was very different from the Foreign Ministry or Ministry of War.  He was in charge of the construction and maintenance of fortifications, as well as the planning for defending the Sultanate from any foe that might arise to threaten it.  An important job, but not a glamorous one, and typically forgotten until a crisis occurred.....or worse the Sultanate was attacked.

An aide brought in a sheaf of papers.  "Latest reports from Europe my Lord"

Stopping his planning on replacing outdated guns on the Oaxaca line, the minister dutifully began sifting through the small stack of reports.  While the Sultanate did not have much in the way of a formal clandestine network in Europe, it did debrief its various merchant captains and others whose legitimate interests took them to places where things of interest to the Sultanate might occur.  It was never as up to date as what could be gleaned from actual spies, but one found it difficult to hide a division, or a battleship, for very long in a world with large scale international trade.  Indeed the only way that the Sultanate had been able to hide its own moves against the Mayans earlier was the longstanding war and its requisite lack of trade coupled with the dearth of trade routes and indeed people to report movements around the southern Ericas.  Such debriefs and compilations of information were the responsibility of the Defense Ministry, and while reading the reports generated by these efforts was Ueman's job, it had gained some new importance in the last months with the heated negotiations between the Romans and the Foreign Ministry.

Poring over the reports while sipping a cup of coffee, Ueman saw the usual bits and pieces, an Iberian ship here, a Wilno ship there, a small movement of Parthian ships that appeared to be an exercise.  Looking more intently at the Roman section of the report, he began cross-referencing against a ledger of known Roman ships and locations.  Ships were missing.  And not the odd cruiser or destroyer division.  Constructor Ueman's coffee fell from his hand as he looked at the list of ships that should be there, but a merchant captain on an Aztec tramp freighter delivering bananas and other tropical fruits had definitely not identified any of those that port.....what had been assumed to be their home port.  Either it was a transfer of a notable squadron, something worthy of notice under any circumstances as a mere clerical duty, or it was a prelude to surprise attack.  Ueman knew that negotiations continued only two buildings away from his own, but his charge by the Sultan was to be the paranoid one, a duty that he had undertaken since the current Sultan's father's reign.

Ueman personally walked over to the Ministry of War, which was next door, and met with his counterpart.  "I think the Romans will attack, and sooner rather than later" he said.  War Marshal Tupoc looked at him quizzically "Ueman, we have moved troops and the Navy has even moved some ships.  But we have taken no action to threaten the Romans, or even provoke them.  And from what I hear at the Foreign Ministry, the negotiations have borne fruit.  A draft proposal is to be completed and presented to the Sultan by the end of next month.  There is hope that this can be resolved before this time next year indeed."

Ueman presented his case, and the War Marshal's eyebrows raised as it was shown.  "Hmm, so the Romans negotiate in bad faith, demanding we give up our lands to them or a third party even as they gather a battle fleet to attack us for the flimsy provocation of simply existing and being sovereign and not their mewling subjects?  If this is true, this is a most disturbing turn of events.  Rome, Vilnius, and Parthia have long been considered to be the most stable of neutral powers and none of our plans have ever reached even a minor crisis before Rome decided that the Caicos were their property without justification.  After last year's small incident between our armies in Hidalgo and New Francia, I was able to work out an amicable resolution and even reached an understanding with their colonial governor about how to prevent such mishaps which can happen in the open scrub and deserts.  I will notify who needs to be notified, Ueman" the old Eagle Warrior says.  "Let's keep this quiet and present it to the Sultan, I do not want the Foreign Minister to be worried about Roman duplicity, Inshallah we will have prepared for nothing and laugh about it when this is resolved next year."

"Should we let anyone else know?  Wouldn't the Foreign Minister need to meet with ambassadors?"  Constructor Ueman replied.  The old Eagle Warrior chuckled.  "Ambassadors are not the only way, just the preference of diplomatic niceties.  Between our own contacts and the Grand Admiral, we should be able to get our case heard by enough of the right people as to prepare them in the event that Rome launches an unprovoked war of conquest against the Sultanate."  "Indeed" Constructor Ueman replied.  "It is surprising though, if any of this is true.  Rome has long heralded itself as the arbiter of diplomatic niceties.  I remember how they condemned the Japanese Emperor repeatedly and publicly, and the Sultan just a couple of months ago for seizing San Diego from the Mayans that we've been at war with for generations without seems completely out of character to now demand, negotiate in bad faith, and then prepare a surprise invasion of a neighbor at peace."  Tupoc leaned back in his chair "That is assuming that they are civilized as they claim to be.  Or just that they're capable of whining about others incivilities while perfectly willing to be as duplicitous as a serpent when they see their neighbor has something that they desire.  Greed is a powerful force for evil after all."  Ueman nods.  "We shall see what happens"  "Indeed we shall" is the reply "Inshallah this crisis will not come to pass, but everything is the will of Allah"
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.


February 4th 1915, Hidalgo Province

The new Baja Aeronautics concern aircraft looked sleek.  A small biplane powered by a single 80 horsepower rotary engine, it had been originally designed as a testbed and proof of concept plane.  But wartime needs had seen the concern get a requirement for a variant for a more active role.  While airplanes did not have nearly the endurance or spotting utility of zepplins, they were nimble and could engage in combat.  Z-14 had been shot up in an inconclusive air battle between a Roman flying scout and the airship just a few months previous, and the writing was on the wall that Zepplins would have to fly high, fast, and at night in the future when near aerodromes. 

No solution had yet been found for the problem of firing a machine gun through a propeller.  Instead, two 6.5mm machine guns had been mounted on the lower wing, outboard of the propeller, with a long belt of 300 rounds for each gun attached by ground crew before takeoff.  The 6.5mm gun was not considered ideal, but 8mm guns would be too heavy and too taxing on the airplane's structure given their position well outboard of the central spar. 

The other aircraft type at the aerodrome was a half squadron, more training and testing than operational, of the latest aircraft from the Royal Aircraft Factory.  A two seat 'general purpose' biplane, it could function as a scout, or as an armed scout, with a single 6.5mm MG in the observer's position.  The other role could be that of 'grenadier' or 'bombarding plane' as the Romans had demonstrated by dumping grenades out of their planes in the face of cavalry.  A small rack by the observer on each side could hold a number of these 1 kilogram 'bombs' allowing the observer to drop them where their impact fuses, taken from 40mm shells, would set off their explosive charge when dropped from above 100 feet.

His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.