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Acapulco Naval Conference

Started by TacCovert4, February 10, 2021, 08:00:56 AM

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OOC: The Japanese have learned much from their recent and extensive experience and wish to share those lessons with other!  ::)
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


QuoteQuote from: Desertfox on Yesterday at 04:33:50 PM
While some nations might not care about the peace and stability of the world,

OOC : nicely put, gotta say great irony that it's a nation that in 3 years has fought China twice, invaded the Maya, and if not bad for bad luck would have been involved in the Roman-Aztec conflict. Ahh, diplomacy   ;D

The conflicts in which Japan was a party have been in limited areas.
Unlike the Major States where battles will take place on all oceans with much greater losses and consequences...
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

The Rock Doctor

That's not true.  My greater losses and consequences will be confined to the Atlantic.


QuoteThat's not true.  My greater losses and consequences will be confined to the Atlantic.

It also depends on the Players.
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


October 30th, 1915;

Minister Asad had been very busy. His wives were unhappy, and with good reason, for 1915 had seen him go from pursuing potential allies in the struggle against Rome, to vainly attempting to control Governor-General Abidi and his veranda diplomacy in Bermudez, to the Sultan inviting all nations to Acapulco for a conference.  Fortunately the rail journey from Tenochtitlan to Acapulco was far less arduous than the sail on a lively light cruiser to Bermudez at speed. 

With the massive building program underway in all three major Aztec naval dockyards, the Naval Academy was flush with cadets, officer candidates for the torpedo boats, submarines, grosse torpedo boats, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and battlecruisers coming into service and under construction.  This only made his job more arduous, as there was no fall break, but the Academy was in full swing with only Friday reserved for Mosque, study, and rest.  Thus the large residence halls were packed nigh to overflowing, and the conference attendees had been given lodging in estates and suites scattered in the surrounding countryside, meaning that a veritable battalion of drivers, chaffeurs, and messengers had to be managed.

Not to mention the security team.  Fortunately, most attendees were diplomats on diplomatic passports, and it had only taken a single advisement to the local constabulary to ensure that things ran smoothly to prevent problems.  For their part the European delegates were not likely to engage in any of the more 'ancient' customs.  And Asad's request for a security team had been granted with a platoon of Life Guards, the Eagle Warriors and Sultan's Own efficiently clearing up concerns.  One of which being the Japanese delegation, for those worthies did understand Aztec customs of dueling and the concern was ever present of a Japanese Officer dueling with an Aztec counterpart, the whole affair legal if counterproductive to the ends of international peace and arms limitations. 

The sole Roman, however, was an omnipresent cause for an ulcer.  Since he had crossed the border on the 6th, Minister Asad had been concerned.  Passions still ran high, and worries of a reprisal by some angered citizen who lost a loved one in the recent war pressured on his mind.  A full squad of Life Guards had been assigned to 'handle' any issues, but quietly. 

And so, Minister Asad sat, listening to the Life Guard sergeant, one of a handpicked squad of the best close-combat fighters in the Sultanate, detail the movements of the Roman delegate and their efforts.  So far, the 'touch' had been light, a pair of Life Guards merely tailing the Roman's movements in plain clothes to ensure no one molested him, and a pair on duty to watch his suite from across the street.  But if someone moved to challenge the Roman delegate, who did not enjoy the same diplomatic immunity to challenge, a Life Guard stood ever ready to step up and champion him, to prevent an international incident even at the cost of his life.

With most of the delegations that were going to show arriving, the conference was about to begin.  Disappointingly, the Parthians had not chosen to send a delegation, for they were one power he had been hoping could bring more gravitas to the proceedings.  And with the Parthians already making overtures about improving relations with the Sultanate towards their newly shared land borders, it was cause for concern.  Especially in the light of the previous year's diplomacy with another power with whom the Sultanate shared land borders.  Yes, cause for concern indeed, but those talks were being taken on by other men, younger men who should be helping him rather than the minister being overworked for yet another year.
His Most Honorable Majesty,  Ali the 8th, Sultan of All Aztecs,  Eagle of the Sun, Jaguar of the Sun, Snake of the Sun, Seal of the Sun, Whale of the Sun, Defender of the Faith, Keeper of the Teachings of Allah most gracious and merciful.